From: Brian Warner <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 22:21:13 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: misc/munin: rename plugins to make munin happy: use underscores rather than hyphens... 

misc/munin: rename plugins to make munin happy: use underscores rather than hyphens, remove .py suffix

diff --git a/misc/munin/ b/misc/munin/
deleted file mode 100644
index c6026de1..00000000
--- a/misc/munin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-# This is a munin plugin to track the number of files that each node's
-# StorageServer is holding on behalf of other nodes. Each file that has been
-# uploaded to the mesh (and has shares present on this node) will be counted
-# here. When there are <= 100 nodes in the mesh, this count will equal the
-# total number of files that are active in the entire mesh. When there are
-# 200 nodes present in the mesh, it will represent about half of the total
-# number.
-# Copy this plugin into /etc/munun/plugins/tahoe-files and then put
-# the following in your /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/foo file to let it know
-# where to find the basedirectory for each node:
-#  [tahoe-files]
-#  env.basedir_NODE1 /path/to/node1
-#  env.basedir_NODE2 /path/to/node2
-#  env.basedir_NODE3 /path/to/node3
-import os, sys
-nodedirs = []
-for k,v in os.environ.items():
-    if k.startswith("basedir_"):
-        nodename = k[len("basedir_"):]
-        nodedirs.append( (nodename, v) )
-configinfo = \
-"""graph_title Allmydata Tahoe Filecount
-graph_vlabel files
-graph_category tahoe
-graph_info This graph shows the number of files hosted by this node's StorageServer
-for nodename, basedir in nodedirs:
-    configinfo += "%s.label %s\n" % (nodename, nodename)
-    configinfo += "%s.draw LINE2\n" % (nodename,)
-if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
-        print configinfo.rstrip()
-        sys.exit(0)
-for nodename, basedir in nodedirs:
-    files = len(os.listdir(os.path.join(basedir, "storage", "shares")))
-    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(basedir, "storage", "shares", "incoming")):
-        files -= 1 # the 'incoming' directory doesn't count
-    print "%s.value %d" % (nodename, files)
diff --git a/misc/munin/ b/misc/munin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 472c8c42..00000000
--- a/misc/munin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-import os, sys
-import urllib
-import simplejson
-configinfo = """\
-graph_title Tahoe Helper Stats - Active Files
-graph_vlabel bytes
-graph_category tahoe
-graph_info This graph shows the number of files being actively processed by the helper
-fetched.label Active Files
-fetched.draw LINE2
-if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
-        print configinfo.rstrip()
-        sys.exit(0)
-url = os.environ["url"]
-data = simplejson.loads(urllib.urlopen(url).read())
-print "fetched.value %d" % data["chk_upload_helper.active_uploads"]
diff --git a/misc/munin/ b/misc/munin/
deleted file mode 100644
index c64101df..00000000
--- a/misc/munin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-import os, sys
-import urllib
-import simplejson
-configinfo = """\
-graph_title Tahoe Helper Stats - Bytes Fetched
-graph_vlabel bytes
-graph_category tahoe
-graph_info This graph shows the amount of data being fetched by the helper
-fetched.label Bytes Fetched
-fetched.type GAUGE
-fetched.draw LINE1
-fetched.min 0
-if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
-        print configinfo.rstrip()
-        sys.exit(0)
-url = os.environ["url"]
-data = simplejson.loads(urllib.urlopen(url).read())
-print "fetched.value %d" % data["chk_upload_helper.fetched_bytes"]
diff --git a/misc/munin/ b/misc/munin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f506eb9..00000000
--- a/misc/munin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-import os, sys
-import urllib
-import simplejson
-configinfo = """\
-graph_title Tahoe Introducer Stats
-graph_vlabel hosts
-graph_category tahoe
-graph_info This graph shows the number of hosts announcing and subscribing to various services
-storage_server.label Storage Servers
-storage_server.draw LINE1
-storage_client.label Clients
-storage_client.draw LINE2
-if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
-        print configinfo.rstrip()
-        sys.exit(0)
-url = os.environ["url"]
-data = simplejson.loads(urllib.urlopen(url).read())
-print "storage_server.value %d" % data["announcement_summary"]["storage"]
-print "storage_client.value %d" % data["subscription_summary"]["storage"]
diff --git a/misc/munin/ b/misc/munin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 670e32e5..00000000
--- a/misc/munin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-# This munin plugin isolates processes by looking for the 'pid' file created
-# by 'allmydata start', then extracts the amount of memory they consume (both
-# VmSize and VmRSS) from /proc
-import os, sys, re
-if 0:
-    # for testing
-    os.environ["nodememory_warner1"] = "run/warner1"
-    os.environ["nodememory_warner2"] = "run/warner2"
-nodedirs = []
-for k,v in os.environ.items():
-    if k.startswith("nodememory_"):
-        nodename = k[len("nodememory_"):]
-        nodedirs.append((nodename, v))
-nodedirs.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a[0],b[0]))
-pids = {}
-for node,nodedir in nodedirs:
-    pidfile = os.path.join(nodedir, "")
-    if os.path.exists(pidfile):
-        pid = int(open(pidfile,"r").read())
-        pids[node] = pid
-fields = ["VmSize", "VmRSS"]
-if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
-        configinfo = \
-        """graph_title Memory Consumed by Nodes
-graph_vlabel bytes
-graph_category Tahoe
-graph_info This graph shows the memory used by specific processes
-        for nodename,nodedir in nodedirs:
-            for f in fields:
-                configinfo += "%s_%s.label %s used by %s\n" % (nodename, f,
-                                                               f, nodename)
-                linetype = "LINE1"
-                if f == "VmSize":
-                    linetype = "LINE2"
-                configinfo += "%s_%s.draw %s\n" % (nodename, f, linetype)
-                if f == "VmData":
-                    configinfo += "%s_%s.graph no\n" % (nodename, f)
-        print configinfo
-        sys.exit(0)
-nodestats = {}
-for node,pid in pids.items():
-    stats = {}
-    statusfile = "/proc/%s/status" % pid
-    if not os.path.exists(statusfile):
-        continue
-    for line in open(statusfile,"r").readlines():
-        for f in fields:
-            if line.startswith(f + ":"):
-                m ='(\d+)', line)
-                stats[f] = int(
-    nodestats[node] = stats
-for node,stats in nodestats.items():
-    for f,value in stats.items():
-        # TODO: not sure if /proc/%d/status means 1000 or 1024 when it says
-        # 'kB'
-        print "%s_%s.value %d" % (node, f, 1024*value)
diff --git a/misc/munin/ b/misc/munin/
deleted file mode 100644
index e3830fe4..00000000
--- a/misc/munin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-import os, sys
-import urllib
-import simplejson
-configinfo = """\
-graph_title Tahoe Root Directory Size
-graph_vlabel bytes
-graph_category tahoe
-graph_info This graph shows the amount of space consumed by all files reachable from a given directory
-space.label Space
-space.draw LINE2
-if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
-        print configinfo.rstrip()
-        sys.exit(0)
-url = os.environ["url"]
-data = int(urllib.urlopen(url).read().strip())
-print "space.value %d" % data
diff --git a/misc/munin/ b/misc/munin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 57d18e78..00000000
--- a/misc/munin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import pickle
-import re
-import sys
-import time
-STAT_VALIDITY = 300 # 5min limit on reporting stats
-    'tahoe_storage_consumed':
-        { 'statid': 'storage_server.consumed',
-          'category': 'stats',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Storage Server Space Consumed',
-                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_storage_server',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows space consumed',
-                                     'graph_args --base 1024',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_storage_allocated':
-        { 'statid': 'storage_server.allocated',
-          'category': 'stats',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Storage Server Space Allocated',
-                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_storage_server',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows space allocated',
-                                     'graph_args --base 1024',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_runtime_load_avg':
-        { 'statid': 'load_monitor.avg_load',
-          'category': 'stats',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Runtime Load Average',
-                                     'graph_vlabel load',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows average reactor delay',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_runtime_load_peak':
-        { 'statid': 'load_monitor.max_load',
-          'category': 'stats',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Runtime Load Peak',
-                                     'graph_vlabel load',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows peak reactor delay',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_storage_bytes_added':
-        { 'statid': 'storage_server.bytes_added',
-          'category': 'counters',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Storage Server Bytes Added',
-                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_storage_server',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows cummulative bytes added',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_storage_bytes_freed':
-        { 'statid': 'storage_server.bytes_freed',
-          'category': 'counters',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Storage Server Bytes Removed',
-                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_storage_server',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows cummulative bytes removed',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_helper_incoming_files':
-        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.incoming_count',
-          'category': 'stats',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Incoming File Count',
-                                     'graph_vlabel n files',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows number of incoming files',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_helper_incoming_filesize':
-        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.incoming_size',
-          'category': 'stats',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Incoming File Size',
-                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows total size of incoming files',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_helper_incoming_files_old':
-        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.incoming_size_old',
-          'category': 'stats',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Incoming Old Files',
-                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows total size of old incoming files',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_helper_encoding_files':
-        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.encoding_count',
-          'category': 'stats',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Encoding File Count',
-                                     'graph_vlabel n files',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows number of encoding files',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_helper_encoding_filesize':
-        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.encoding_size',
-          'category': 'stats',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Encoding File Size',
-                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows total size of encoding files',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_helper_encoding_files_old':
-        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.encoding_size_old',
-          'category': 'stats',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Encoding Old Files',
-                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows total size of old encoding files',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_helper_active_uploads':
-        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.active_uploads',
-          'category': 'stats',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Active Files',
-                                     'graph_vlabel n files',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows number of files actively being processed by the helper',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_helper_upload_requests':
-        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.upload_requests',
-          'category': 'counters',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Upload Requests',
-                                     'graph_vlabel requests',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of upload requests arriving at the helper',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
-                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_helper_upload_already_present':
-        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.upload_already_present',
-          'category': 'counters',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Uploads Already Present',
-                                     'graph_vlabel requests',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of uploads whose files are already present in the grid',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
-                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_helper_upload_need_upload':
-        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.upload_need_upload',
-          'category': 'counters',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Uploads Needing Upload',
-                                     'graph_vlabel requests',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of uploads whose files are not already present in the grid',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
-                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_helper_encoded_bytes':
-        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.encoded_bytes',
-          'category': 'counters',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Encoded Bytes',
-                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of bytes encoded by the helper',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
-                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_helper_fetched_bytes':
-        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.fetched_bytes',
-          'category': 'counters',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Fetched Bytes',
-                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of bytes fetched by the helper',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
-                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_uploader_bytes_uploaded':
-        { 'statid': 'uploader.bytes_uploaded',
-          'category': 'counters',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Uploader Bytes Uploaded',
-                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_traffic',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of bytes uploaded',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
-                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_uploader_files_uploaded':
-        { 'statid': 'uploader.files_uploaded',
-          'category': 'counters',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Uploader Bytes Uploaded',
-                                     'graph_vlabel files',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_traffic',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of files uploaded',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
-                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_mutable_files_published':
-        { 'statid': 'mutable.files_published',
-          'category': 'counters',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Mutable Files Published',
-                                     'graph_vlabel files',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_traffic',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of mutable files published',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
-                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    'tahoe_mutable_files_retrieved':
-        { 'statid': 'mutable.files_retrieved',
-          'category': 'counters',
-          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Mutable Files Retrieved',
-                                     'graph_vlabel files',
-                                     'graph_category tahoe_traffic',
-                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of files retrieved',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
-                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
-                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
-                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
-                                     ]),
-          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
-                                     ]),
-        },
-    }
-def smash_name(name):
-    return re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_', name)
-def open_stats(fname):
-    f = open(fname, 'rb')
-    stats = pickle.load(f)
-    f.close()
-    return stats
-def main(argv):
-    graph_name = os.path.basename(argv[0])
-    if graph_name.endswith('.py'):
-        graph_name = graph_name[:-3]
-    plugin_conf = PLUGINS.get(graph_name)
-    for k,v in os.environ.items():
-        if k.startswith('statsfile'):
-            stats_file = v
-            break
-    else:
-        raise RuntimeError("No 'statsfile' env var found")
-    stats = open_stats(stats_file)
-    now = time.time()
-    def output_nodes(output_section, check_time):
-        for tubid, nodestats in stats.items():
-            if check_time and (now - nodestats.get('timestamp', 0)) > STAT_VALIDITY:
-                continue
-            name = smash_name("%s_%s" % (nodestats['nickname'], tubid[:4]))
-            #value = nodestats['stats'][plugin_conf['category']].get(plugin_conf['statid'])
-            category = plugin_conf['category']
-            statid = plugin_conf['statid']
-            value = nodestats['stats'][category].get(statid)
-            if value is not None:
-                args = { 'name': name, 'value': value }
-                print plugin_conf[output_section] % args
-    if len(argv) > 1:
-        if sys.argv[1] == 'config':
-            print plugin_conf['configheader']
-            output_nodes('graph_config', False)
-            sys.exit(0)
-    output_nodes('graph_render', True)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/misc/munin/ b/misc/munin/
deleted file mode 100644
index ad4375b9..00000000
--- a/misc/munin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-# This is a munin plugin to track the amount of disk space each node's
-# StorageServer is consuming on behalf of other nodes. This is where the
-# shares are kept. If there are N nodes present in the mesh, the total space
-# consumed by the entire mesh will be about N times the space reported by
-# this plugin.
-# Copy this plugin into /etc/munun/plugins/tahoe-storagespace and then put
-# the following in your /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/foo file to let it know
-# where to find the basedirectory for each node:
-#  [tahoe-storagespace]
-#  env.basedir_NODE1 /path/to/node1
-#  env.basedir_NODE2 /path/to/node2
-#  env.basedir_NODE3 /path/to/node3
-# Allmydata-tahoe must be installed on the system where this plugin is used,
-# since it imports a utility module from allmydata.utils .
-import os, sys
-import commands
-nodedirs = []
-for k,v in os.environ.items():
-    if k.startswith("basedir_"):
-        nodename = k[len("basedir_"):]
-        nodedirs.append( (nodename, v) )
-seriesname = "storage"
-configinfo = \
-"""graph_title Allmydata Tahoe Shareholder Space
-graph_vlabel bytes
-graph_category tahoe
-graph_info This graph shows the space consumed by this node's StorageServer
-for nodename, basedir in nodedirs:
-    configinfo += "%s.label %s\n" % (nodename, nodename)
-    configinfo += "%s.draw LINE2\n" % (nodename,)
-if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
-        print configinfo.rstrip()
-        sys.exit(0)
-for nodename, basedir in nodedirs:
-    cmd = "du --bytes --summarize %s" % os.path.join(basedir, "storage")
-    rc,out = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
-    if rc != 0:
-        sys.exit(rc)
-    bytes, extra = out.split()
-    usage = int(bytes)
-    print "%s.value %d" % (nodename, usage)
diff --git a/misc/munin/tahoe_cpu_watcher b/misc/munin/tahoe_cpu_watcher
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b1df335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/munin/tahoe_cpu_watcher
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+import os, sys, re
+import urllib
+import simplejson
+url = os.environ["url"]
+current = simplejson.loads(urllib.urlopen(url).read())
+configinfo = """\
+graph_title Tahoe CPU Usage
+graph_vlabel CPU %
+graph_category tahoe
+graph_info This graph shows the 5min average of CPU usage for each process
+data = ""
+for (name, avg1, avg5, avg15) in current:
+    dataname = re.sub(r'[^\w]', '_', name)
+    configinfo += dataname + ".label " + name + "\n"
+    configinfo += dataname + ".draw LINE2\n"
+    if avg5 is not None:
+        data += dataname + ".value %.2f\n" % (100.0 * avg5)
+if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
+        print configinfo.rstrip()
+        sys.exit(0)
+print data.rstrip()
diff --git a/misc/munin/ b/misc/munin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b1df335..00000000
--- a/misc/munin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-import os, sys, re
-import urllib
-import simplejson
-url = os.environ["url"]
-current = simplejson.loads(urllib.urlopen(url).read())
-configinfo = """\
-graph_title Tahoe CPU Usage
-graph_vlabel CPU %
-graph_category tahoe
-graph_info This graph shows the 5min average of CPU usage for each process
-data = ""
-for (name, avg1, avg5, avg15) in current:
-    dataname = re.sub(r'[^\w]', '_', name)
-    configinfo += dataname + ".label " + name + "\n"
-    configinfo += dataname + ".draw LINE2\n"
-    if avg5 is not None:
-        data += dataname + ".value %.2f\n" % (100.0 * avg5)
-if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
-        print configinfo.rstrip()
-        sys.exit(0)
-print data.rstrip()
diff --git a/misc/munin/tahoe_estimate_files b/misc/munin/tahoe_estimate_files
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4723cdad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/munin/tahoe_estimate_files
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+import sys, os.path
+if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "config":
+    print """\
+graph_title Tahoe File Estimate
+graph_vlabel files
+graph_category tahoe
+graph_info This graph shows the estimated number of files and directories present in the grid
+files.label files
+files.draw LINE2"""
+    sys.exit(0)
+# Edit this to point at some subset of storage directories.
+node_dirs = [os.path.expanduser("~amduser/prodnet/storage1"),
+             os.path.expanduser("~amduser/prodnet/storage2"),
+             os.path.expanduser("~amduser/prodnet/storage3"),
+             os.path.expanduser("~amduser/prodnet/storage4"),
+             ]
+sections = ["aa", "ab", "ac", "ad", "ae", "af", "ag", "ah", "ai", "aj"]
+# and edit this to reflect your default encoding's "total_shares" value, and
+# the total number of servers.
+N = 10
+num_servers = 20
+index_strings = set()
+for base in node_dirs:
+    for section in sections:
+        sampledir = os.path.join(base, "storage", "shares", section)
+        indices = os.listdir(sampledir)
+        index_strings.update(indices)
+unique_strings = len(index_strings)
+# the chance that any given file appears on any given server
+chance = 1.0 * N / num_servers
+# the chance that the file does *not* appear on the servers that we're
+# examining
+no_chance = (1-chance) ** len(node_dirs)
+# if a file has a 25% chance of not appearing in our sample, then we need to
+# raise our estimate by (1.25/1)
+correction = 1+no_chance
+#print "correction", correction
+files = unique_strings * (32*32/len(sections)) * correction
+print "files.value %d" % int(files)
diff --git a/misc/munin/ b/misc/munin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4723cdad..00000000
--- a/misc/munin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-import sys, os.path
-if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "config":
-    print """\
-graph_title Tahoe File Estimate
-graph_vlabel files
-graph_category tahoe
-graph_info This graph shows the estimated number of files and directories present in the grid
-files.label files
-files.draw LINE2"""
-    sys.exit(0)
-# Edit this to point at some subset of storage directories.
-node_dirs = [os.path.expanduser("~amduser/prodnet/storage1"),
-             os.path.expanduser("~amduser/prodnet/storage2"),
-             os.path.expanduser("~amduser/prodnet/storage3"),
-             os.path.expanduser("~amduser/prodnet/storage4"),
-             ]
-sections = ["aa", "ab", "ac", "ad", "ae", "af", "ag", "ah", "ai", "aj"]
-# and edit this to reflect your default encoding's "total_shares" value, and
-# the total number of servers.
-N = 10
-num_servers = 20
-index_strings = set()
-for base in node_dirs:
-    for section in sections:
-        sampledir = os.path.join(base, "storage", "shares", section)
-        indices = os.listdir(sampledir)
-        index_strings.update(indices)
-unique_strings = len(index_strings)
-# the chance that any given file appears on any given server
-chance = 1.0 * N / num_servers
-# the chance that the file does *not* appear on the servers that we're
-# examining
-no_chance = (1-chance) ** len(node_dirs)
-# if a file has a 25% chance of not appearing in our sample, then we need to
-# raise our estimate by (1.25/1)
-correction = 1+no_chance
-#print "correction", correction
-files = unique_strings * (32*32/len(sections)) * correction
-print "files.value %d" % int(files)
diff --git a/misc/munin/tahoe_files b/misc/munin/tahoe_files
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6026de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/munin/tahoe_files
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+# This is a munin plugin to track the number of files that each node's
+# StorageServer is holding on behalf of other nodes. Each file that has been
+# uploaded to the mesh (and has shares present on this node) will be counted
+# here. When there are <= 100 nodes in the mesh, this count will equal the
+# total number of files that are active in the entire mesh. When there are
+# 200 nodes present in the mesh, it will represent about half of the total
+# number.
+# Copy this plugin into /etc/munun/plugins/tahoe-files and then put
+# the following in your /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/foo file to let it know
+# where to find the basedirectory for each node:
+#  [tahoe-files]
+#  env.basedir_NODE1 /path/to/node1
+#  env.basedir_NODE2 /path/to/node2
+#  env.basedir_NODE3 /path/to/node3
+import os, sys
+nodedirs = []
+for k,v in os.environ.items():
+    if k.startswith("basedir_"):
+        nodename = k[len("basedir_"):]
+        nodedirs.append( (nodename, v) )
+configinfo = \
+"""graph_title Allmydata Tahoe Filecount
+graph_vlabel files
+graph_category tahoe
+graph_info This graph shows the number of files hosted by this node's StorageServer
+for nodename, basedir in nodedirs:
+    configinfo += "%s.label %s\n" % (nodename, nodename)
+    configinfo += "%s.draw LINE2\n" % (nodename,)
+if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
+        print configinfo.rstrip()
+        sys.exit(0)
+for nodename, basedir in nodedirs:
+    files = len(os.listdir(os.path.join(basedir, "storage", "shares")))
+    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(basedir, "storage", "shares", "incoming")):
+        files -= 1 # the 'incoming' directory doesn't count
+    print "%s.value %d" % (nodename, files)
diff --git a/misc/munin/tahoe_helperstats_active b/misc/munin/tahoe_helperstats_active
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..472c8c42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/munin/tahoe_helperstats_active
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+import os, sys
+import urllib
+import simplejson
+configinfo = """\
+graph_title Tahoe Helper Stats - Active Files
+graph_vlabel bytes
+graph_category tahoe
+graph_info This graph shows the number of files being actively processed by the helper
+fetched.label Active Files
+fetched.draw LINE2
+if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
+        print configinfo.rstrip()
+        sys.exit(0)
+url = os.environ["url"]
+data = simplejson.loads(urllib.urlopen(url).read())
+print "fetched.value %d" % data["chk_upload_helper.active_uploads"]
diff --git a/misc/munin/tahoe_helperstats_fetched b/misc/munin/tahoe_helperstats_fetched
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c64101df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/munin/tahoe_helperstats_fetched
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+import os, sys
+import urllib
+import simplejson
+configinfo = """\
+graph_title Tahoe Helper Stats - Bytes Fetched
+graph_vlabel bytes
+graph_category tahoe
+graph_info This graph shows the amount of data being fetched by the helper
+fetched.label Bytes Fetched
+fetched.type GAUGE
+fetched.draw LINE1
+fetched.min 0
+if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
+        print configinfo.rstrip()
+        sys.exit(0)
+url = os.environ["url"]
+data = simplejson.loads(urllib.urlopen(url).read())
+print "fetched.value %d" % data["chk_upload_helper.fetched_bytes"]
diff --git a/misc/munin/tahoe_introstats b/misc/munin/tahoe_introstats
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f506eb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/munin/tahoe_introstats
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+import os, sys
+import urllib
+import simplejson
+configinfo = """\
+graph_title Tahoe Introducer Stats
+graph_vlabel hosts
+graph_category tahoe
+graph_info This graph shows the number of hosts announcing and subscribing to various services
+storage_server.label Storage Servers
+storage_server.draw LINE1
+storage_client.label Clients
+storage_client.draw LINE2
+if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
+        print configinfo.rstrip()
+        sys.exit(0)
+url = os.environ["url"]
+data = simplejson.loads(urllib.urlopen(url).read())
+print "storage_server.value %d" % data["announcement_summary"]["storage"]
+print "storage_client.value %d" % data["subscription_summary"]["storage"]
diff --git a/misc/munin/tahoe_nodememory b/misc/munin/tahoe_nodememory
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..670e32e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/munin/tahoe_nodememory
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+# This munin plugin isolates processes by looking for the 'pid' file created
+# by 'allmydata start', then extracts the amount of memory they consume (both
+# VmSize and VmRSS) from /proc
+import os, sys, re
+if 0:
+    # for testing
+    os.environ["nodememory_warner1"] = "run/warner1"
+    os.environ["nodememory_warner2"] = "run/warner2"
+nodedirs = []
+for k,v in os.environ.items():
+    if k.startswith("nodememory_"):
+        nodename = k[len("nodememory_"):]
+        nodedirs.append((nodename, v))
+nodedirs.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a[0],b[0]))
+pids = {}
+for node,nodedir in nodedirs:
+    pidfile = os.path.join(nodedir, "")
+    if os.path.exists(pidfile):
+        pid = int(open(pidfile,"r").read())
+        pids[node] = pid
+fields = ["VmSize", "VmRSS"]
+if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
+        configinfo = \
+        """graph_title Memory Consumed by Nodes
+graph_vlabel bytes
+graph_category Tahoe
+graph_info This graph shows the memory used by specific processes
+        for nodename,nodedir in nodedirs:
+            for f in fields:
+                configinfo += "%s_%s.label %s used by %s\n" % (nodename, f,
+                                                               f, nodename)
+                linetype = "LINE1"
+                if f == "VmSize":
+                    linetype = "LINE2"
+                configinfo += "%s_%s.draw %s\n" % (nodename, f, linetype)
+                if f == "VmData":
+                    configinfo += "%s_%s.graph no\n" % (nodename, f)
+        print configinfo
+        sys.exit(0)
+nodestats = {}
+for node,pid in pids.items():
+    stats = {}
+    statusfile = "/proc/%s/status" % pid
+    if not os.path.exists(statusfile):
+        continue
+    for line in open(statusfile,"r").readlines():
+        for f in fields:
+            if line.startswith(f + ":"):
+                m ='(\d+)', line)
+                stats[f] = int(
+    nodestats[node] = stats
+for node,stats in nodestats.items():
+    for f,value in stats.items():
+        # TODO: not sure if /proc/%d/status means 1000 or 1024 when it says
+        # 'kB'
+        print "%s_%s.value %d" % (node, f, 1024*value)
diff --git a/misc/munin/tahoe_rootdir_space b/misc/munin/tahoe_rootdir_space
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3830fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/munin/tahoe_rootdir_space
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+import os, sys
+import urllib
+import simplejson
+configinfo = """\
+graph_title Tahoe Root Directory Size
+graph_vlabel bytes
+graph_category tahoe
+graph_info This graph shows the amount of space consumed by all files reachable from a given directory
+space.label Space
+space.draw LINE2
+if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
+        print configinfo.rstrip()
+        sys.exit(0)
+url = os.environ["url"]
+data = int(urllib.urlopen(url).read().strip())
+print "space.value %d" % data
diff --git a/misc/munin/tahoe_spacetime b/misc/munin/tahoe_spacetime
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75f58786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/munin/tahoe_spacetime
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+# copy .rrd files from a remote munin master host, sum the 'df' stats from a
+# list of hosts, use them to estimate a rate-of-change for the past month,
+# then extrapolate to guess how many weeks/months/years of storage space we
+# have left, and output it to another munin graph
+import sys, os, time
+import rrdtool
+PREFIX = "%s:/var/lib/munin/prodtahoe/" % MUNIN_HOST
+FILES = [ "" % (a,b)
+          for a in (1,2,3,4,5)
+          for b in ("a", "b", "c", "d")
+          ]
+REMOTEFILES = [ PREFIX + f for f in FILES ]
+LOCALFILES = ["/var/lib/munin/prodtahoe/" + f for f in FILES ]
+WEBFILE = "/var/www/tahoe/spacetime.json"
+def rsync_rrd():
+    # copy the RRD files from your munin master host to a local one
+    cmd = "rsync %s rrds/" % (" ".join(REMOTEFILES))
+    rc = os.system(cmd)
+    assert rc == 0, rc
+def format_time(t):
+    return time.strftime("%b %d %H:%M", time.localtime(t))
+def predict_future(past_s):
+    start_df = []
+    end_df = []
+    durations = []
+    for fn in LOCALFILES:
+        d = rrdtool.fetch(fn, "AVERAGE", "-s", "-"+past_s, "-e", "-1hr")
+        # ((start, end, step), (name1, name2, ...), [(data1, data2, ..), ...])
+        (start_time, end_time ,step) = d[0]
+        #print format_time(start_time), " - ", format_time(end_time), step
+        names = d[1]
+        #for points in d[2]:
+        #    point = points[0]
+        #    print point
+        start_space = d[2][0][0]
+        # I don't know why, but the last few points are always bogus. Running
+        # 'rrdtool fetch' on the command line is usually ok.. I blame the python
+        # bindinds.
+        end_space = d[2][-4][0]
+        end_time = end_time - (4*step)
+        start_df.append(start_space)
+        end_df.append(end_space)
+        durations.append(end_time - start_time)
+    avg_start_df = sum(start_df) / len(start_df)
+    avg_end_df = sum(end_df) / len(end_df)
+    avg_duration = sum(durations) / len(durations)
+    #print avg_start_df, avg_end_df, avg_duration
+    rate = (avg_end_df - avg_start_df) / avg_duration
+    #print "Rate", rate, " %/s"
+    #print "measured over", avg_duration / 86400, "days"
+    remaining = 100 - avg_end_df
+    remaining_seconds = remaining / rate
+    #print "remaining seconds", remaining_seconds
+    remaining_days = remaining_seconds / 86400
+    #print "remaining days", remaining_days
+    return remaining_days
+def write_to_file(samples):
+    # write a JSON-formatted dictionary
+    f = open(WEBFILE + ".tmp", "w")
+    f.write("{ ")
+    f.write(", ".join(['"%s": %s' % (k, samples[k])
+                       for k in sorted(samples.keys())]))
+    f.write("}\n")
+    f.close()
+    os.rename(WEBFILE + ".tmp", WEBFILE)
+if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "config":
+    print """\
+graph_title Tahoe Remaining Space Predictor
+graph_vlabel days remaining
+graph_category tahoe
+graph_info This graph shows the estimated number of days left until storage space is exhausted
+days_2wk.label days left (2wk sample)
+days_2wk.draw LINE2
+days_4wk.label days left (4wk sample)
+days_4wk.draw LINE2"""
+    sys.exit(0)
+remaining_4wk = predict_future("4wk")
+remaining_2wk = predict_future("2wk")
+print "days_4wk.value", remaining_4wk
+print "days_2wk.value", remaining_2wk
+write_to_file({"remaining_2wk": remaining_2wk,
+               "remaining_4wk": remaining_4wk})
diff --git a/misc/munin/ b/misc/munin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 75f58786..00000000
--- a/misc/munin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-# copy .rrd files from a remote munin master host, sum the 'df' stats from a
-# list of hosts, use them to estimate a rate-of-change for the past month,
-# then extrapolate to guess how many weeks/months/years of storage space we
-# have left, and output it to another munin graph
-import sys, os, time
-import rrdtool
-PREFIX = "%s:/var/lib/munin/prodtahoe/" % MUNIN_HOST
-FILES = [ "" % (a,b)
-          for a in (1,2,3,4,5)
-          for b in ("a", "b", "c", "d")
-          ]
-REMOTEFILES = [ PREFIX + f for f in FILES ]
-LOCALFILES = ["/var/lib/munin/prodtahoe/" + f for f in FILES ]
-WEBFILE = "/var/www/tahoe/spacetime.json"
-def rsync_rrd():
-    # copy the RRD files from your munin master host to a local one
-    cmd = "rsync %s rrds/" % (" ".join(REMOTEFILES))
-    rc = os.system(cmd)
-    assert rc == 0, rc
-def format_time(t):
-    return time.strftime("%b %d %H:%M", time.localtime(t))
-def predict_future(past_s):
-    start_df = []
-    end_df = []
-    durations = []
-    for fn in LOCALFILES:
-        d = rrdtool.fetch(fn, "AVERAGE", "-s", "-"+past_s, "-e", "-1hr")
-        # ((start, end, step), (name1, name2, ...), [(data1, data2, ..), ...])
-        (start_time, end_time ,step) = d[0]
-        #print format_time(start_time), " - ", format_time(end_time), step
-        names = d[1]
-        #for points in d[2]:
-        #    point = points[0]
-        #    print point
-        start_space = d[2][0][0]
-        # I don't know why, but the last few points are always bogus. Running
-        # 'rrdtool fetch' on the command line is usually ok.. I blame the python
-        # bindinds.
-        end_space = d[2][-4][0]
-        end_time = end_time - (4*step)
-        start_df.append(start_space)
-        end_df.append(end_space)
-        durations.append(end_time - start_time)
-    avg_start_df = sum(start_df) / len(start_df)
-    avg_end_df = sum(end_df) / len(end_df)
-    avg_duration = sum(durations) / len(durations)
-    #print avg_start_df, avg_end_df, avg_duration
-    rate = (avg_end_df - avg_start_df) / avg_duration
-    #print "Rate", rate, " %/s"
-    #print "measured over", avg_duration / 86400, "days"
-    remaining = 100 - avg_end_df
-    remaining_seconds = remaining / rate
-    #print "remaining seconds", remaining_seconds
-    remaining_days = remaining_seconds / 86400
-    #print "remaining days", remaining_days
-    return remaining_days
-def write_to_file(samples):
-    # write a JSON-formatted dictionary
-    f = open(WEBFILE + ".tmp", "w")
-    f.write("{ ")
-    f.write(", ".join(['"%s": %s' % (k, samples[k])
-                       for k in sorted(samples.keys())]))
-    f.write("}\n")
-    f.close()
-    os.rename(WEBFILE + ".tmp", WEBFILE)
-if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "config":
-    print """\
-graph_title Tahoe Remaining Space Predictor
-graph_vlabel days remaining
-graph_category tahoe
-graph_info This graph shows the estimated number of days left until storage space is exhausted
-days_2wk.label days left (2wk sample)
-days_2wk.draw LINE2
-days_4wk.label days left (4wk sample)
-days_4wk.draw LINE2"""
-    sys.exit(0)
-remaining_4wk = predict_future("4wk")
-remaining_2wk = predict_future("2wk")
-print "days_4wk.value", remaining_4wk
-print "days_2wk.value", remaining_2wk
-write_to_file({"remaining_2wk": remaining_2wk,
-               "remaining_4wk": remaining_4wk})
diff --git a/misc/munin/tahoe_stats b/misc/munin/tahoe_stats
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57d18e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/munin/tahoe_stats
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+import os
+import pickle
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+STAT_VALIDITY = 300 # 5min limit on reporting stats
+    'tahoe_storage_consumed':
+        { 'statid': 'storage_server.consumed',
+          'category': 'stats',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Storage Server Space Consumed',
+                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_storage_server',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows space consumed',
+                                     'graph_args --base 1024',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_storage_allocated':
+        { 'statid': 'storage_server.allocated',
+          'category': 'stats',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Storage Server Space Allocated',
+                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_storage_server',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows space allocated',
+                                     'graph_args --base 1024',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_runtime_load_avg':
+        { 'statid': 'load_monitor.avg_load',
+          'category': 'stats',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Runtime Load Average',
+                                     'graph_vlabel load',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows average reactor delay',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_runtime_load_peak':
+        { 'statid': 'load_monitor.max_load',
+          'category': 'stats',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Runtime Load Peak',
+                                     'graph_vlabel load',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows peak reactor delay',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_storage_bytes_added':
+        { 'statid': 'storage_server.bytes_added',
+          'category': 'counters',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Storage Server Bytes Added',
+                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_storage_server',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows cummulative bytes added',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_storage_bytes_freed':
+        { 'statid': 'storage_server.bytes_freed',
+          'category': 'counters',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Storage Server Bytes Removed',
+                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_storage_server',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows cummulative bytes removed',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_helper_incoming_files':
+        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.incoming_count',
+          'category': 'stats',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Incoming File Count',
+                                     'graph_vlabel n files',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows number of incoming files',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_helper_incoming_filesize':
+        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.incoming_size',
+          'category': 'stats',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Incoming File Size',
+                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows total size of incoming files',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_helper_incoming_files_old':
+        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.incoming_size_old',
+          'category': 'stats',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Incoming Old Files',
+                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows total size of old incoming files',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_helper_encoding_files':
+        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.encoding_count',
+          'category': 'stats',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Encoding File Count',
+                                     'graph_vlabel n files',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows number of encoding files',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_helper_encoding_filesize':
+        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.encoding_size',
+          'category': 'stats',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Encoding File Size',
+                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows total size of encoding files',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_helper_encoding_files_old':
+        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.encoding_size_old',
+          'category': 'stats',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Encoding Old Files',
+                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows total size of old encoding files',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_helper_active_uploads':
+        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.active_uploads',
+          'category': 'stats',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Active Files',
+                                     'graph_vlabel n files',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows number of files actively being processed by the helper',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_helper_upload_requests':
+        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.upload_requests',
+          'category': 'counters',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Upload Requests',
+                                     'graph_vlabel requests',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of upload requests arriving at the helper',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
+                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_helper_upload_already_present':
+        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.upload_already_present',
+          'category': 'counters',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Uploads Already Present',
+                                     'graph_vlabel requests',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of uploads whose files are already present in the grid',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
+                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_helper_upload_need_upload':
+        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.upload_need_upload',
+          'category': 'counters',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Uploads Needing Upload',
+                                     'graph_vlabel requests',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of uploads whose files are not already present in the grid',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
+                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_helper_encoded_bytes':
+        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.encoded_bytes',
+          'category': 'counters',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Encoded Bytes',
+                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of bytes encoded by the helper',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
+                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_helper_fetched_bytes':
+        { 'statid': 'chk_upload_helper.fetched_bytes',
+          'category': 'counters',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Upload Helper Fetched Bytes',
+                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_helper',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of bytes fetched by the helper',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
+                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_uploader_bytes_uploaded':
+        { 'statid': 'uploader.bytes_uploaded',
+          'category': 'counters',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Uploader Bytes Uploaded',
+                                     'graph_vlabel bytes',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_traffic',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of bytes uploaded',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
+                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_uploader_files_uploaded':
+        { 'statid': 'uploader.files_uploaded',
+          'category': 'counters',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Uploader Bytes Uploaded',
+                                     'graph_vlabel files',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_traffic',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of files uploaded',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
+                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_mutable_files_published':
+        { 'statid': 'mutable.files_published',
+          'category': 'counters',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Mutable Files Published',
+                                     'graph_vlabel files',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_traffic',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of mutable files published',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
+                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    'tahoe_mutable_files_retrieved':
+        { 'statid': 'mutable.files_retrieved',
+          'category': 'counters',
+          'configheader': '\n'.join(['graph_title Tahoe Mutable Files Retrieved',
+                                     'graph_vlabel files',
+                                     'graph_category tahoe_traffic',
+                                     'graph_info This graph shows the number of files retrieved',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_config': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.label %(name)s',
+                                     '%(name)s.type DERIVE',
+                                     '%(name)s.min 0',
+                                     '%(name)s.draw LINE1',
+                                     ]),
+          'graph_render': '\n'.join(['%(name)s.value %(value)s',
+                                     ]),
+        },
+    }
+def smash_name(name):
+    return re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_', name)
+def open_stats(fname):
+    f = open(fname, 'rb')
+    stats = pickle.load(f)
+    f.close()
+    return stats
+def main(argv):
+    graph_name = os.path.basename(argv[0])
+    if graph_name.endswith('.py'):
+        graph_name = graph_name[:-3]
+    plugin_conf = PLUGINS.get(graph_name)
+    for k,v in os.environ.items():
+        if k.startswith('statsfile'):
+            stats_file = v
+            break
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError("No 'statsfile' env var found")
+    stats = open_stats(stats_file)
+    now = time.time()
+    def output_nodes(output_section, check_time):
+        for tubid, nodestats in stats.items():
+            if check_time and (now - nodestats.get('timestamp', 0)) > STAT_VALIDITY:
+                continue
+            name = smash_name("%s_%s" % (nodestats['nickname'], tubid[:4]))
+            #value = nodestats['stats'][plugin_conf['category']].get(plugin_conf['statid'])
+            category = plugin_conf['category']
+            statid = plugin_conf['statid']
+            value = nodestats['stats'][category].get(statid)
+            if value is not None:
+                args = { 'name': name, 'value': value }
+                print plugin_conf[output_section] % args
+    if len(argv) > 1:
+        if sys.argv[1] == 'config':
+            print plugin_conf['configheader']
+            output_nodes('graph_config', False)
+            sys.exit(0)
+    output_nodes('graph_render', True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/misc/munin/tahoe_storagespace b/misc/munin/tahoe_storagespace
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad4375b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/munin/tahoe_storagespace
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+# This is a munin plugin to track the amount of disk space each node's
+# StorageServer is consuming on behalf of other nodes. This is where the
+# shares are kept. If there are N nodes present in the mesh, the total space
+# consumed by the entire mesh will be about N times the space reported by
+# this plugin.
+# Copy this plugin into /etc/munun/plugins/tahoe-storagespace and then put
+# the following in your /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/foo file to let it know
+# where to find the basedirectory for each node:
+#  [tahoe-storagespace]
+#  env.basedir_NODE1 /path/to/node1
+#  env.basedir_NODE2 /path/to/node2
+#  env.basedir_NODE3 /path/to/node3
+# Allmydata-tahoe must be installed on the system where this plugin is used,
+# since it imports a utility module from allmydata.utils .
+import os, sys
+import commands
+nodedirs = []
+for k,v in os.environ.items():
+    if k.startswith("basedir_"):
+        nodename = k[len("basedir_"):]
+        nodedirs.append( (nodename, v) )
+seriesname = "storage"
+configinfo = \
+"""graph_title Allmydata Tahoe Shareholder Space
+graph_vlabel bytes
+graph_category tahoe
+graph_info This graph shows the space consumed by this node's StorageServer
+for nodename, basedir in nodedirs:
+    configinfo += "%s.label %s\n" % (nodename, nodename)
+    configinfo += "%s.draw LINE2\n" % (nodename,)
+if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+    if sys.argv[1] == "config":
+        print configinfo.rstrip()
+        sys.exit(0)
+for nodename, basedir in nodedirs:
+    cmd = "du --bytes --summarize %s" % os.path.join(basedir, "storage")
+    rc,out = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
+    if rc != 0:
+        sys.exit(rc)
+    bytes, extra = out.split()
+    usage = int(bytes)
+    print "%s.value %d" % (nodename, usage)