From: Zooko O'Whielacronx <>
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 23:24:23 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: reject old-style (pre-Tahoe-LAFS-v1.3) configuration files

reject old-style (pre-Tahoe-LAFS-v1.3) configuration files
Check for the existence of any of them and if any are found raise exception which will abort the startup of the node.
This is a backwards-incompatible change for anyone who is still using old-style configuration files.
fixes #1385

diff --git a/docs/configuration.rst b/docs/configuration.rst
index eb6fc1bb..4f414f66 100644
--- a/docs/configuration.rst
+++ b/docs/configuration.rst
@@ -178,18 +178,21 @@ set the ``tub.location`` option described below.
     Most users will not need to set ``tub.location``.
-    Note that the old ``advertised_ip_addresses`` file from earlier releases is
-    no longer supported. Tahoe-LAFS v1.3.0 and later will ignore this file.
 ``log_gatherer.furl = (FURL, optional)``
     If provided, this contains a single FURL string that is used to contact
     a "log gatherer", which will be granted access to the logport. This can
-    be used by centralized storage grids to gather operational logs in a
-    single place. Note that when an old-style ``BASEDIR/log_gatherer.furl`` file
-    exists (see `Backwards Compatibility Files`_, below), both are used. (For
-    most other items, the separate config file overrides the entry in
-    ``tahoe.cfg``.)
+    be used to gather operational logs in a single place. Note that in
+    previous releases of Tahoe-LAFS, if an old-style
+    ``BASEDIR/log_gatherer.furl`` file existed it would also be used in
+    addition to this value, allowing multiple log gatherers to be used at
+    once. As of Tahoe-LAFS v1.9.0, an old-style file is ignored and a
+    warning will be emitted if one is detected. This means that as of
+    Tahoe-LAFS v1.9.0 you can have at most one log gatherer per node. See
+    ticket `#1423`_ about lifting this restriction and letting you have
+    multiple log gatherers.
+    .. _`#1423`:
 ``timeout.keepalive = (integer in seconds, optional)``
@@ -565,49 +568,6 @@ Other files
   "which peers am I connected to" list), and the shortened form (the first
   few characters) is recorded in various log messages.
-Backwards Compatibility Files
-Tahoe-LAFS releases before v1.3.0 had no ``tahoe.cfg`` file, and used distinct
-files for each item listed below. For each configuration knob, if the distinct
-file exists, it will take precedence over the corresponding item in ``tahoe.cfg``.
-===============================  ===================================  =================
-Config setting                   File                                 Comment
-===============================  ===================================  =================
-``[node]nickname``               ``BASEDIR/nickname``
-``[node]web.port``               ``BASEDIR/webport``
-``[node]tub.port``               ``BASEDIR/client.port``              (for Clients, not Introducers)
-``[node]tub.port``               ``BASEDIR/introducer.port``          (for Introducers, not Clients) (note that, unlike other keys, ``tahoe.cfg`` overrides this file)
-``[node]tub.location``           ``BASEDIR/advertised_ip_addresses``
-``[node]log_gatherer.furl``      ``BASEDIR/log_gatherer.furl``        (one per line)
-``[node]timeout.keepalive``      ``BASEDIR/keepalive_timeout``
-``[node]timeout.disconnect``     ``BASEDIR/disconnect_timeout``
-``[client]introducer.furl``      ``BASEDIR/introducer.furl``
-``[client]helper.furl``          ``BASEDIR/helper.furl``
-``[client]key_generator.furl``   ``BASEDIR/key_generator.furl``
-``[client]stats_gatherer.furl``  ``BASEDIR/stats_gatherer.furl``
-``[storage]enabled``             ``BASEDIR/no_storage``               (``False`` if ``no_storage`` exists)
-``[storage]readonly``            ``BASEDIR/readonly_storage``         (``True`` if ``readonly_storage`` exists)
-``[storage]sizelimit``           ``BASEDIR/sizelimit``
-``[storage]debug_discard``       ``BASEDIR/debug_discard_storage``
-``[helper]enabled``              ``BASEDIR/run_helper``               (``True`` if ``run_helper`` exists)
-===============================  ===================================  =================
-Note: the functionality of ``[node]ssh.port`` and ``[node]ssh.authorized_keys_file``
-were previously combined, controlled by the presence of a
-``BASEDIR/authorized_keys.SSHPORT`` file, in which the suffix of the filename
-indicated which port the ssh server should listen on, and the contents of the
-file provided the ssh public keys to accept. Support for these files has been
-removed completely. To ``ssh`` into your Tahoe-LAFS node, add ``[node]ssh.port``
-and ``[node].ssh_authorized_keys_file`` statements to your ``tahoe.cfg``.
-Likewise, the functionality of ``[node]tub.location`` is a variant of the
-now-unsupported ``BASEDIR/advertised_ip_addresses`` . The old file was additive
-(the addresses specified in ``advertised_ip_addresses`` were used in addition to
-any that were automatically discovered), whereas the new ``tahoe.cfg`` directive
-is not (``tub.location`` is used verbatim).
@@ -643,3 +603,13 @@ configuration (most of these are not the default values), merely a legal one.
   enabled = True
+Old Configuration Files
+Tahoe-LAFS releases before v1.3.0 had no ``tahoe.cfg`` file, and used
+distinct files for each item. This is no longer supported and if you
+have configuration in the old format you must manually convert it to
+the new format for Tahoe-LAFS to detect it. See
diff --git a/docs/frontends/CLI.rst b/docs/frontends/CLI.rst
index 7215a0bb..7aa27979 100644
--- a/docs/frontends/CLI.rst
+++ b/docs/frontends/CLI.rst
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ Node Management
 creates a new directory and populates it with files that will allow the
 "``tahoe start``" command to use it later on. This command creates nodes that
 have client functionality (upload/download files), web API services
-(controlled by the 'webport' file), and storage services (unless
-``--no-storage`` is specified).
+(controlled by the '[node]web.port' configuration), and storage services
+(unless ``--no-storage`` is specified).
 NODEDIR defaults to ``~/.tahoe/`` , and newly-created nodes default to
 publishing a web server on port 3456 (limited to the loopback interface, at
diff --git a/docs/historical/configuration.rst b/docs/historical/configuration.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca58b59f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/historical/configuration.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Old Configuration Files
+Tahoe-LAFS releases before v1.3.0 had no ``tahoe.cfg`` file, and used
+distinct files for each item listed below. If Tahoe-LAFS v1.9.0 or above
+detects the old configuration files at start up it emits a warning and
+aborts the start up. (This was issue ticket #1385.)
+===============================  ===================================  =================
+Config setting                   File                                 Comment
+===============================  ===================================  =================
+``[node]nickname``               ``BASEDIR/nickname``
+``[node]web.port``               ``BASEDIR/webport``
+``[node]tub.port``               ``BASEDIR/client.port``              (for Clients, not Introducers)
+``[node]tub.port``               ``BASEDIR/introducer.port``          (for Introducers, not Clients) (note that, unlike other keys, ``tahoe.cfg`` overrode this file from Tahoe-LAFS v1.3.0 up to and including Tahoe-LAFS v1.8.2)
+``[node]tub.location``           ``BASEDIR/advertised_ip_addresses``
+``[node]log_gatherer.furl``      ``BASEDIR/log_gatherer.furl``        (one per line)
+``[node]timeout.keepalive``      ``BASEDIR/keepalive_timeout``
+``[node]timeout.disconnect``     ``BASEDIR/disconnect_timeout``
+``[client]introducer.furl``      ``BASEDIR/introducer.furl``
+``[client]helper.furl``          ``BASEDIR/helper.furl``
+``[client]key_generator.furl``   ``BASEDIR/key_generator.furl``
+``[client]stats_gatherer.furl``  ``BASEDIR/stats_gatherer.furl``
+``[storage]enabled``             ``BASEDIR/no_storage``               (``False`` if ``no_storage`` exists)
+``[storage]readonly``            ``BASEDIR/readonly_storage``         (``True`` if ``readonly_storage`` exists)
+``[storage]sizelimit``           ``BASEDIR/sizelimit``
+``[storage]debug_discard``       ``BASEDIR/debug_discard_storage``
+``[helper]enabled``              ``BASEDIR/run_helper``               (``True`` if ``run_helper`` exists)
+===============================  ===================================  =================
+Note: the functionality of ``[node]ssh.port`` and
+``[node]ssh.authorized_keys_file`` were previously (before Tahoe-LAFS
+v1.3.0) combined, controlled by the presence of a
+``BASEDIR/authorized_keys.SSHPORT`` file, in which the suffix of the
+filename indicated which port the ssh server should listen on, and the
+contents of the file provided the ssh public keys to accept. Support
+for these files has been removed completely. To ``ssh`` into your
+Tahoe-LAFS node, add ``[node]ssh.port`` and
+``[node].ssh_authorized_keys_file`` statements to your ``tahoe.cfg``.
+Likewise, the functionality of ``[node]tub.location`` is a variant of
+the now (since Tahoe-LAFS v1.3.0) unsupported
+``BASEDIR/advertised_ip_addresses`` . The old file was additive (the
+addresses specified in ``advertised_ip_addresses`` were used in
+addition to any that were automatically discovered), whereas the new
+``tahoe.cfg`` directive is not (``tub.location`` is used verbatim).
diff --git a/docs/logging.rst b/docs/logging.rst
index f9af0597..d3c126d4 100644
--- a/docs/logging.rst
+++ b/docs/logging.rst
@@ -101,11 +101,13 @@ transferred to a central log-gatherer host. This offloads the (admittedly
 modest) storage requirements to a different host and provides access to
 logfiles from multiple nodes (web-API, storage, or helper) in a single place.
-There are two kinds of gatherers. Both produce a FURL which needs to be
-placed in the ``NODEDIR/log_gatherer.furl`` file (one FURL per line) of
-each node that is to publish its logs to the gatherer. When the Tahoe node
-starts, it will connect to the configured gatherers and offer its logport:
-the gatherer will then use the logport to subscribe to hear about events.
+There are two kinds of gatherers: "log gatherer" and "stats gatherer". Each
+produces a FURL which needs to be placed in the ``NODEDIR/tahoe.cfg `` file
+of each node that is to publish to the gatherer, under the keys
+"log_gatherer.furl" and "stats_gatherer.furl" respectively. When the Tahoe
+node starts, it will connect to the configured gatherers and offer its
+logport: the gatherer will then use the logport to subscribe to hear about
 The gatherer will write to files in its working directory, which can then be
 examined with tools like "``flogtool dump``" as described above.
@@ -168,13 +170,15 @@ contain events from many different sources, making it easier to correlate
 things that happened on multiple machines (such as comparing a client node
 making a request with the storage servers that respond to that request).
-The Log Gatherer is created with the "``flogtool create-gatherer WORKDIR``"
-command, and started with "``tahoe start``". The ``log_gatherer.furl`` it
-creates then needs to be copied into the ``BASEDIR/log_gatherer.furl`` file
-of all nodes that should be sending it log events.
+Create the Log Gatherer with the "``flogtool create-gatherer
+WORKDIR``" command, and start it with "``tahoe start``". Then copy the
+contents of the ``log_gatherer.furl`` file it creates into the
+``BASEDIR/tahoe.cfg`` file (under the key ``log_gatherer.furl`` of the
+section ``[node]``) of all nodes that should be sending it log
+events. (See `<configuration.rst>`_.)
 The "``flogtool filter``" command, described above, is useful to cut down the
-potentially-large flogfiles into more a narrowly-focussed form.
+potentially large flogfiles into a more focussed form.
 Busy nodes, particularly web-API nodes which are performing recursive
 deep-size/deep-stats/deep-check operations, can produce a lot of log events.
diff --git a/src/allmydata/ b/src/allmydata/
index 99665e5f..fc7933c0 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/
+++ b/src/allmydata/
@@ -41,7 +41,11 @@ class _None: # used as a marker in get_config()
 class MissingConfigEntry(Exception):
-    pass
+    """ A required config entry was not found. """
+class OldConfigError(Exception):
+    """ An obsolete config file was found. See
+    docs/historical/configuration.rst. """
 class Node(service.MultiService):
     # this implements common functionality of both Client nodes and Introducer
@@ -106,36 +110,26 @@ class Node(service.MultiService):
         assert self.config.get(section, option) == value
     def read_config(self):
+        self.warn_about_old_config_files()
         self.config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()[os.path.join(self.basedir, "tahoe.cfg")])
-        self.read_old_config_files()
-    def read_old_config_files(self):
-        # backwards-compatibility: individual files will override the
-        # contents of tahoe.cfg
-        copy = self._copy_config_from_file
-        copy("nickname", "node", "nickname")
-        copy("webport", "node", "web.port")
-        cfg_tubport = self.get_config("node", "tub.port", "")
-        if not cfg_tubport:
-            # For 'tub.port', tahoe.cfg overrides the individual file on
-            # disk. So only read self._portnumfile if tahoe.cfg doesn't
-            # provide a value.
-            try:
-                file_tubport = open(self._portnumfile, "rU").read().strip()
-                self.set_config("node", "tub.port", file_tubport)
-            except EnvironmentError:
-                pass
-        copy("keepalive_timeout", "node", "timeout.keepalive")
-        copy("disconnect_timeout", "node", "timeout.disconnect")
-    def _copy_config_from_file(self, config_filename, section, keyname):
-        s = self.get_config_from_file(config_filename)
-        if s is not None:
-            self.set_config(section, keyname, s)
+    def warn_about_old_config_files(self):
+        """ If any old configuration files are detected, raise OldConfigError. """
+        oldfnames = set()
+        for name in [
+            'nickname', 'webport', 'keepalive_timeout', 'log_gatherer.furl',
+            'disconnect_timeout', 'advertised_ip_addresses', 'introducer.furl',
+            'helper.furl', 'key_generator.furl', 'stats_gatherer.furl',
+            'no_storage', 'readonly_storage', 'sizelimit',
+            'debug_discard_storage', 'run_helper']:
+            fullfname = os.path.join(self.basedir, name)
+            if os.path.exists(fullfname):
+                log.err("Found pre-Tahoe-LAFS-v1.3 configuration file: '%s'. See docs/historical/configuration.rst." % (fullfname,))
+                oldfnames.add(fullfname)
+        if oldfnames:
+            raise OldConfigError(oldfnames)
     def create_tub(self):
         certfile = os.path.join(self.basedir, "private", self.CERTFILE)
@@ -177,19 +171,6 @@ class Node(service.MultiService):
         # TODO: merge this with allmydata.get_package_versions
         return dict(app_versions.versions)
-    def get_config_from_file(self, name, required=False):
-        """Get the (string) contents of a config file, or None if the file
-        did not exist. If required=True, raise an exception rather than
-        returning None. Any leading or trailing whitespace will be stripped
-        from the data."""
-        fn = os.path.join(self.basedir, name)
-        try:
-            return open(fn, "r").read().strip()
-        except EnvironmentError:
-            if not required:
-                return None
-            raise
     def write_private_config(self, name, value):
         """Write the (string) contents of a private config file (which is a
         config file that resides within the subdirectory named 'private'), and
@@ -210,21 +191,16 @@ class Node(service.MultiService):
         use it as a default value. If not, treat it as a 0-argument callable
         which is expected to return a string.
-        privname = os.path.join("private", name)
-        value = self.get_config_from_file(privname)
-        if value is None:
-            if isinstance(default, (str, unicode)):
+        privname = os.path.join(self.basedir, "private", name)
+        try:
+            value =
+        except EnvironmentError:
+            if isinstance(default, basestring):
                 value = default
                 value = default()
-            fn = os.path.join(self.basedir, privname)
-            try:
-                open(fn, "w").write(value)
-            except EnvironmentError, e:
-                self.log("Unable to write config file '%s'" % fn)
-                self.log(e)
-            value = value.strip()
-        return value
+            fileutil.write(privname, value)
+        return value.strip()
     def write_config(self, name, value, mode="w"):
         """Write a string to a config file."""
@@ -292,8 +268,9 @@ class Node(service.MultiService):
         return self.stopService()
     def setup_logging(self):
-        # we replace the formatTime() method of the log observer that twistd
-        # set up for us, with a method that uses better timestamps.
+        # we replace the formatTime() method of the log observer that
+        # twistd set up for us, with a method that uses our preferred
+        # timestamp format.
         for o in twlog.theLogPublisher.observers:
             # o might be a FileLogObserver's .emit method
             if type(o) is type(self.setup_logging): # bound method
diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/ b/src/allmydata/test/
index 589d540d..f61e5dde 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/test/
+++ b/src/allmydata/test/
@@ -372,9 +372,9 @@ class SystemTestMixin(pollmixin.PollMixin, testutil.StallMixin):
         iv_dir = self.getdir("introducer")
         if not os.path.isdir(iv_dir):
-            f = open(os.path.join(iv_dir, "webport"), "w")
-            f.write("tcp:0:interface=\n")
-            f.close()
+            fileutil.write(os.path.join(iv_dir, 'tahoe.cfg'), \
+                               "[node]\n" + \
+                               "web.port = tcp:0:interface=\n")
             if SYSTEM_TEST_CERTS:
                 os.mkdir(os.path.join(iv_dir, "private"))
                 f = open(os.path.join(iv_dir, "private", "node.pem"), "w")
@@ -450,24 +450,28 @@ class SystemTestMixin(pollmixin.PollMixin, testutil.StallMixin):
-            def write(name, value):
-                open(os.path.join(basedir, name), "w").write(value+"\n")
+            config = "[client]\n"
+            config += "introducer.furl = %s\n" % self.introducer_furl
+            if self.stats_gatherer_furl:
+                config += "stats_gatherer.furl = %s\n" % self.stats_gatherer_furl
             if i == 0:
                 # clients[0] runs a webserver and a helper, no key_generator
-                write("webport", "tcp:0:interface=")
-                write("run_helper", "yes")
-                write("keepalive_timeout", "600")
+                config += "[node]\n"
+                config += "web.port = tcp:0:interface=\n"
+                config += "timeout.keepalive = 600\n"
+                config += "[helper]\n"
+                config += "enabled = True\n"
             if i == 3:
                 # clients[3] runs a webserver and uses a helper, uses
                 # key_generator
-                write("webport", "tcp:0:interface=")
-                write("disconnect_timeout", "1800")
                 if self.key_generator_furl:
-                    kgf = "%s\n" % (self.key_generator_furl,)
-                    write("key_generator.furl", kgf)
-            write("introducer.furl", self.introducer_furl)
-            if self.stats_gatherer_furl:
-                write("stats_gatherer.furl", self.stats_gatherer_furl)
+                    config += "key_generator.furl = %s\n" % self.key_generator_furl
+                config += "[node]\n"
+                config += "web.port = tcp:0:interface=\n"
+                config += "timeout.disconnect = 1800\n"
+            fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, 'tahoe.cfg'), config)
         # give subclasses a chance to append lines to the node's tahoe.cfg
         # files before they are launched.
@@ -485,8 +489,10 @@ class SystemTestMixin(pollmixin.PollMixin, testutil.StallMixin):
             self.helper_furl = helper_furl
             if self.numclients >= 4:
-                f = open(os.path.join(basedirs[3],"helper.furl"), "w")
-                f.write(helper_furl)
+                f = open(os.path.join(basedirs[3], 'tahoe.cfg'), 'ab+')
+                f.write(
+                      "[client]\n"
+                      "helper.furl = %s\n" % helper_furl)
             # this starts the rest of the clients
@@ -546,11 +552,11 @@ class SystemTestMixin(pollmixin.PollMixin, testutil.StallMixin):
         basedir = self.getdir("client%d" % client_num)
         if not os.path.isdir(basedir):
-        open(os.path.join(basedir, "introducer.furl"), "w").write(self.introducer_furl)
+        config = "[client]\n"
+        config += "introducer.furl = %s\n" % self.introducer_furl
         if helper_furl:
-            f = open(os.path.join(basedir, "helper.furl") ,"w")
-            f.write(helper_furl+"\n")
-            f.close()
+            config += "helper.furl = %s\n" % helper_furl
+        fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, 'tahoe.cfg'), config)
         c = client.Client(basedir=basedir)
diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/ b/src/allmydata/test/
index 1f96a424..68ed7083 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/test/
+++ b/src/allmydata/test/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 import os
 from twisted.trial import unittest
 from twisted.application import service
-from twisted.python import log
 import allmydata
+from allmydata.node import OldConfigError
 from allmydata import client
 from allmydata.storage_client import StorageFarmBroker
 from allmydata.util import base32, fileutil
@@ -12,46 +12,60 @@ from allmydata.interfaces import IFilesystemNode, IFileNode, \
 from foolscap.api import flushEventualQueue
 import allmydata.test.common_util as testutil
+import mock
 BASECONFIG = ("[client]\n"
               "introducer.furl = \n"
+BASECONFIG_I = ("[client]\n"
+              "introducer.furl = %s\n"
+              )
 class Basic(testutil.ReallyEqualMixin, unittest.TestCase):
     def test_loadable(self):
         basedir = "test_client.Basic.test_loadable"
-        fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "introducer.furl"), "")
+        fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "tahoe.cfg"), \
+                           BASECONFIG)
-    def test_loadable_old_config_bits(self):
-        basedir = "test_client.Basic.test_loadable_old_config_bits"
+    @mock.patch('allmydata.util.log.err')
+    def test_warn_on_old_config_files(self, mocklogerr):
+        basedir = "test_client.Basic.test_warn_on_old_config_files"
+        fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "tahoe.cfg"), \
+                           BASECONFIG + \
+                           "[storage]\n" + \
+                           "enabled = false\n" + \
+                           "reserved_space = bogus\n")
         fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "introducer.furl"), "")
         fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "no_storage"), "")
         fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "readonly_storage"), "")
         fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "debug_discard_storage"), "")
-        c = client.Client(basedir)
-        try:
-            c.getServiceNamed("storage")
-  "that was supposed to fail")
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-    def test_loadable_old_storage_config_bits(self):
-        basedir = "test_client.Basic.test_loadable_old_storage_config_bits"
-        os.mkdir(basedir)
-        fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "introducer.furl"), "")
-        fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "readonly_storage"), "")
-        fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "debug_discard_storage"), "")
-        c = client.Client(basedir)
-        s = c.getServiceNamed("storage")
-        self.failUnless(s.no_storage)
-        self.failUnless(s.readonly_storage)
+        e = self.failUnlessRaises(OldConfigError, client.Client, basedir)
+        self.failUnlessIn(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, u"introducer.furl")), e.args[0])
+        self.failUnlessIn(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, "no_storage")), e.args[0])
+        self.failUnlessIn(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, "readonly_storage")), e.args[0])
+        self.failUnlessIn(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, "debug_discard_storage")), e.args[0])
+        for oldfile in [u'introducer.furl', 'no_storage', 'readonly_storage',
+                        'debug_discard_storage']:
+            warned = [ m for m in mocklogerr.call_args_list if ("Found pre-Tahoe-LAFS-v1.3 configuration file" in m[0][0] and oldfile in m[0][0]) ]
+            self.failUnless(warned, (oldfile, mocklogerr.call_args_list))
+        for oldfile in [
+            'nickname', 'webport', 'keepalive_timeout', 'log_gatherer.furl',
+            'disconnect_timeout', 'advertised_ip_addresses', 'helper.furl',
+            'key_generator.furl', 'stats_gatherer.furl', 'sizelimit',
+            'run_helper']:
+            warned = [ m for m in mocklogerr.call_args_list if ("Found pre-Tahoe-LAFS-v1.3 configuration file" in m[0][0] and oldfile in m[0][0]) ]
+            self.failIf(warned, oldfile)
     def test_secrets(self):
         basedir = "test_client.Basic.test_secrets"
-        fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "introducer.furl"), "")
+        fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "tahoe.cfg"), \
+                           BASECONFIG)
         c = client.Client(basedir)
         secret_fname = os.path.join(basedir, "private", "secret")
         self.failUnless(os.path.exists(secret_fname), secret_fname)
@@ -133,7 +147,10 @@ class Basic(testutil.ReallyEqualMixin, unittest.TestCase):
     def test_versions(self):
         basedir = "test_client.Basic.test_versions"
-        fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "introducer.furl"), "")
+        fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "tahoe.cfg"), \
+                           BASECONFIG + \
+                           "[storage]\n" + \
+                           "enabled = true\n")
         c = client.Client(basedir)
         ss = c.getServiceNamed("storage")
         verdict = ss.remote_get_version()
@@ -144,7 +161,6 @@ class Basic(testutil.ReallyEqualMixin, unittest.TestCase):
                         "non-numeric version in '%s'" % allmydata.__version__)
         all_versions = allmydata.get_package_versions_string()
         self.failUnless(allmydata.__appname__ in all_versions)
-        log.msg("tahoe versions: %s" % all_versions)
         # also test stats
         stats = c.get_stats()
         self.failUnless("node.uptime" in stats)
@@ -171,7 +187,7 @@ class Run(unittest.TestCase, testutil.StallMixin):
         basedir = "test_client.Run.test_loadable"
         dummy = "pb://wl74cyahejagspqgy4x5ukrvfnevlknt@"
-        fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "introducer.furl"), dummy)
+        fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "tahoe.cfg"), BASECONFIG_I % dummy)
         fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "suicide_prevention_hotline"), "")
@@ -179,7 +195,7 @@ class Run(unittest.TestCase, testutil.StallMixin):
         basedir = "test_client.Run.test_reloadable"
         dummy = "pb://wl74cyahejagspqgy4x5ukrvfnevlknt@"
-        fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "introducer.furl"), dummy)
+        fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "tahoe.cfg"), BASECONFIG_I % dummy)
         c1 = client.Client(basedir)
diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/ b/src/allmydata/test/
index d13f6dae..048e19d7 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/test/
+++ b/src/allmydata/test/
@@ -322,6 +322,10 @@ class CreateNode(unittest.TestCase):
+BASECONFIG_I = ("[client]\n"
+                "introducer.furl = %s\n"
+                )
 class RunNode(common_util.SignalMixin, unittest.TestCase, pollmixin.PollMixin,
     # exercise "tahoe start", for both introducer, client node, and
@@ -467,7 +471,7 @@ class RunNode(common_util.SignalMixin, unittest.TestCase, pollmixin.PollMixin,
             # that even if the 'stop' command doesn't work (and the test fails), the client should
             # still terminate.
             open(HOTLINE_FILE, "w").write("")
-            open(os.path.join(c1, "introducer.furl"), "w").write("pb://xrndsskn2zuuian5ltnxrte7lnuqdrkz@\n")
+            fileutil.write(os.path.join(basedir, "tahoe.cfg"), BASECONFIG_I % "pb://xrndsskn2zuuian5ltnxrte7lnuqdrkz@")
             # now it's safe to start the node
@@ -526,7 +530,7 @@ class RunNode(common_util.SignalMixin, unittest.TestCase, pollmixin.PollMixin,
             # that even if the 'stop' command doesn't work (and the test fails), the client should
             # still terminate.
             open(HOTLINE_FILE, "w").write("")
-            open(os.path.join(c1, "introducer.furl"), "w").write("pb://xrndsskn2zuuian5ltnxrte7lnuqdrkz@\n")
+            fileutil.write(os.path.join(c1, "tahoe.cfg"), BASECONFIG_I % "pb://xrndsskn2zuuian5ltnxrte7lnuqdrkz@")
             # now it's safe to start the node