From: zooko <>
Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2011 22:28:23 +0000 (+0530)
Subject: bench: take --k= and --m= options on the cmdline and print out more explanation of... 

bench: take --k= and --m= options on the cmdline and print out more explanation of the output

Ignore-this: 52610214e79646140d2d0bef1259808


diff --git a/zfec/bench/ b/zfec/bench/
index c3b25ca..fceaed4 100644
--- a/zfec/bench/
+++ b/zfec/bench/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 from zfec import easyfec, Encoder, filefec
 from pyutil import mathutil
-import os
+import os, sys
 from pyutil import benchutil
@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@ d = ""
 ds = []
 easyfecenc = None
 fecenc = None
-def _make_new_rand_data(size):
+def _make_new_rand_data(size, k, m):
     global d, easyfecenc, fecenc
     d = os.urandom(size)
     del ds[:]
-    ds.extend([None]*K)
-    blocksize = mathutil.div_ceil(size, K)
-    for i in range(K):
+    ds.extend([None]*k)
+    blocksize = mathutil.div_ceil(size, k)
+    for i in range(k):
         ds[i] = d[i*blocksize:(i+1)*blocksize]
     ds[-1] = ds[-1] + "\x00" * (len(ds[-2]) - len(ds[-1]))
-    easyfecenc = easyfec.Encoder(K,M)
-    fecenc = Encoder(K,M)
+    easyfecenc = easyfec.Encoder(k, m)
+    fecenc = Encoder(k, m)
 import sha
 hashers = [ for i in range(M) ]
@@ -69,13 +69,25 @@ def _encode_data_easyfec(N):
 def _encode_data_fec(N):
-def bench():
+def bench(k, m):
     # for f in [_encode_file_stringy_easyfec, _encode_file_stringy, _encode_file, _encode_file_not_really,]:
     # for f in [_encode_file,]:
     # for f in [_encode_file_not_really, _encode_file_not_really_and_hash, _encode_file, _encode_file_and_hash,]:
     # for f in [_encode_data_not_really, _encode_data_easyfec, _encode_data_fec,]:
+    print "measuring encoding of data with K=%d, M=%d, reporting results in nanoseconds per byte after encoding 4 MB..." % (k, m)
     for f in [_encode_data_fec,]:
+        def _init_func(size):
+            return _make_new_rand_data(size, k, m)
         for BSIZE in [2**22]:
-            benchutil.rep_bench(f, n=BSIZE, initfunc=_make_new_rand_data, MAXREPS=64, MAXTIME=None)
+            benchutil.rep_bench(f, n=BSIZE, initfunc=_init_func, MAXREPS=64, MAXTIME=None, UNITS_PER_SECOND=1000000000)
+            benchutil.print_bench_footer(UNITS_PER_SECOND=1000000000)
+k = K
+m = M
+for arg in sys.argv:
+    if arg.startswith('--k='):
+        k = int(arg[len('--k='):])
+    if arg.startswith('--m='):
+        m = int(arg[len('--m='):])
+bench(k, m)