From: Brian Warner <>
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2006 19:39:24 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: checkpointing new filetable work.. tests don't pass yet
X-Git-Tag: tahoe_v0.1.0-0-UNSTABLE~422

checkpointing new filetable work.. tests don't pass yet

diff --git a/src/allmydata/ b/src/allmydata/
index 39462e45..bb96b02a 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/
+++ b/src/allmydata/
@@ -107,34 +107,3 @@ class GlobalVirtualDrive(service.MultiService):
     def get_root(self):
         return self._root
-# interesting feature ideas:
-#  pubsub for MutableDirectoryNode: get rapid notification of changes
-#  caused by someone else
-#  bind a local physical directory to the MutableDirectoryNode contents:
-#  each time the vdrive changes, update the local drive to match, and
-#  vice versa.
-class Node:
-    pass
-class MutableFileNode(Node):
-    """I hold an SSK identifier for a mutable file. My 'contents' are
-    defined to be the most recent version of the SSK's payload that can
-    be found. This SSK identifier must be dereferenced to get the
-    contents."""
-    pass
-class ImmutableFileNode(Node):
-    """I hold a CHK identifier for an immutable file. I may have some
-    metadata as well: ctime, mtime, content-type, and filesize."""
-    pass
-class ImmutableDirectoryNode(Node):
-    """I hold a list of child nodes."""
-    pass
-class MutableDirectoryNode2(Node):
-    """I hold an SSK identifier for a mutable directory. When
-    dereferenced, I will have a list of child nodes."""
-    pass
diff --git a/src/allmydata/ b/src/allmydata/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ab130fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/allmydata/
@@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+from zope.interface import Interface, implements
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from allmydata.util import bencode
+# interesting feature ideas:
+#  pubsub for MutableDirectoryNode: get rapid notification of changes
+#  caused by someone else
+#  bind a local physical directory to the MutableDirectoryNode contents:
+#  each time the vdrive changes, update the local drive to match, and
+#  vice versa.
+class INode(Interface):
+    """This is some sort of retrievable node."""
+    pass
+class IFileNode(Interface):
+    """This is a file which can be retrieved."""
+    pass
+class IDirectoryNode(Interface):
+    """This is a directory which can be listed."""
+    def list():
+        """Return a list of names which are children of this node."""
+class ISubTree(Interface):
+    """A subtree is a collection of Nodes: files, directories, other trees.
+    A subtree represents a set of connected directories and files that all
+    share the same access control: any given person can read or write
+    anything in this tree as a group, and it is not possible to give access
+    to some pieces of this tree and not to others. Read-only access to
+    individual files can be granted independently, of course, but through an
+    unnamed URI, not as a subdirectory.
+    Each internal directory is represented by a separate Node. This might be
+    a DirectoryNode, or it might be a FileNode.
+    """
+    def get(path, opener):
+        """Return a Deferred that fires with the node at the given path, or
+        None if there is no such node. This will traverse and create subtrees
+        as necessary."""
+    def add(path, child, opener, work_queue):
+        """Add 'child' (which must implement INode) to the tree at 'path'
+        (which must be a list of pathname components). This will schedule all
+        the work necessary to cause the child to be added reliably."""
+    def find_lowest_containing_subtree_for_path(path, opener):
+        # not for external use. This is used internally by add().
+        """Find the subtree which contains the target path, opening new
+        subtrees if necessary. Return a Deferred that fires with (subtree,
+        prepath, postpath), where prepath is the list of path components that
+        got to the subtree, and postpath is the list of remaining path
+        components (indicating a subpath within the resulting subtree). This
+        will traverse and even create subtrees as necessary."""
+    def is_mutable():
+        """This returns True if we have the ability to modify this subtree.
+        If this returns True, this reference may be adapted to
+        IMutableSubTree to actually exercise these mutation rights.
+        """
+    def get_node_for_path(path):
+        """Ask this subtree to follow the path through its internal nodes. If
+        the path terminates within this subtree, return (True, node), where
+        'node' implements INode (and also IMutableNode if this subtree
+        is_mutable). If the path takes us beyond this subtree, return (False,
+        next_subtree_spec, subpath), where 'next_subtree_spec' is a string
+        that can be passed to an Opener to create a new subtree, and
+        'subpath' is the subset of 'path' that can be passed to this new
+        subtree. If the path cannot be found within the subtree (and it is
+        not in the domain of some child subtree), return None.
+        """
+    def get_or_create_node_for_path(path):
+        """Like get_node_for_path, but instead of returning None, the subtree
+        will create internal nodes as necessary. Therefore it always returns
+        either (True, node), or (False, next_subtree_spec, prepath, postpath).
+        """
+class IMutableSubTree(Interface):
+    def mutation_affects_parent():
+        """This returns True for CHK nodes where you must inform the parent
+        of the new URI each time you change the child subtree. It returns
+        False for SSK nodes (or other nodes which have a pointer stored in
+        some mutable form).
+        """
+    def add_subpath(subpath, child_spec, work_queue):
+        """Ask this subtree to add the given child to an internal node at the
+        given subpath. The subpath must not exit the subtree through another
+        subtree (specifically get_subtree_for_path(subpath) must either
+        return None or (True,node), and in the latter case, this subtree will
+        create new internal nodes as necessary).
+        The subtree will probably serialize itself to a file and add steps to
+        the work queue to accomplish its goals.
+        This returns a Deferred (the value of which is ignored) when
+        everything has been added to the work queue.
+        """
+    def serialize_to_file():
+        """Write a bencoded data structure to the given filehandle that can
+        be used to reproduce the contents of this subtree."""
+class ISubTreeSpecification(Interface):
+    def serialize():
+        """Return a tuple that describes this subtree. This tuple can be
+        passed to to reconstitute the subtree."""
+class IOpener(Interface):
+    def open(subtree_specification, parent_is_mutable):
+        """I can take an ISubTreeSpecification-providing specification of a
+        subtree and return a Deferred which fires with an instance that
+        provides ISubTree (and maybe even IMutableSubTree). I probably do
+        this by performing network IO: reading a file from the mesh, or from
+        local disk, or asking some central-service node for the current
+        value."""
+class CHKFile(object):
+    implements(INode, IFileNode)
+    def __init__(self, uri):
+        self.uri = uri
+    def get_uri(self):
+        return self.uri
+class MutableSSKFile(object):
+    implements(INode, IFileNode)
+    def __init__(self, read_cap, write_cap):
+        self.read_cap = read_cap
+        self.write_cap = write_cap
+    def get_read_capability(self):
+        return self.read_cap
+    def get_write_capability(self):
+        return self.write_cap
+class ImmutableSSKFile(object):
+    implements(INode, IFileNode)
+    def __init__(self, read_cap):
+        self.read_cap = read_cap
+    def get_read_capability(self):
+        return self.read_cap
+class SubTreeNode:
+    implements(INode, IDirectoryNode)
+    def __init__(self, tree):
+        self.enclosing_tree = tree
+        # node_children maps child name to another SubTreeNode instance. This
+        # is only for internal directory nodes. All Files and external links
+        # are listed in child_specifications instead.
+        self.node_children = {}
+        # child_specifications maps child name to a string which describes
+        # how to obtain the actual child. For example, if "foo.jpg" in this
+        # node represents a FILE with a uri of "fooURI", then
+        # self.child_specifications["foo.jpg"] = "(FILE,fooURI")
+        self.child_specifications = {}
+    def list(self):
+        return sorted(self.node_children.keys() +
+                      self.child_specifications.keys())
+    def serialize(self):
+        # note: this is a one-pass recursive serialization that will result
+        # in the whole file table being held in memory. This is only
+        # appropriate for directories with fewer than, say, 10k nodes. If we
+        # support larger directories, we should turn this into some kind of
+        # generator instead, and write the serialized data directly to a
+        # tempfile.
+        data = ["DIRECTORY"]
+        for name in sorted(self.node_children.keys()):
+            data.append(name)
+            data.append(self.node_children[name].serialize())
+        for name in sorted(self.child_specifications.keys()):
+            data.append(name)
+            data.append(self.child_specifications[name].serialize())
+        return data
+    def unserialize(self, data):
+        assert data[0] == "DIRECTORY"
+        assert len(data) % 2 == 1
+        for i in range(1, len(data), 2):
+            name = data[i]
+            child_data = data[i+1]
+            assert isinstance(child_data, list)
+            child_type = child_data[0]
+            if child_type == "DIRECTORY":
+                child = SubTreeNode(self.enclosing_tree)
+                child.unserialize(child_data)
+                self.node_children[name] = child
+            elif child_type == "LINK":
+                self.child_specifications[name] = child_data[1]
+            else:
+                raise RuntimeError("unknown serialized-node type '%s'" %
+                                   child_type)
+class _SubTreeMixin(object):
+    def get(self, path, opener):
+        """Return a Deferred that fires with the node at the given path, or
+        None if there is no such node. This will traverse and even create
+        subtrees as necessary."""
+        d = self.get_node_for_path(path)
+        def _done(res):
+            if res == None:
+                # traversal done, unable to find the node
+                return None
+            if res[0] == True:
+                # found the node
+                node = res[1]
+                assert INode.providedBy(node)
+                return node
+            # otherwise, we must open and recurse into a new subtree
+            next_subtree_spec = res[1]
+            subpath = res[2]
+            d1 =, self.is_mutable())
+            def _opened(next_subtree):
+                assert ISubTree.providedBy(next_subtree)
+                return next_subtree.get(subpath, opener)
+            d1.addCallback(_opened)
+            return d1
+        d.addCallback(_done)
+        return d
+    def find_lowest_containing_subtree_for_path(self, path, opener):
+        """Find the subtree which contains the target path, opening new
+        subtrees if necessary. Return a Deferred that fires with (subtree,
+        prepath, postpath), where prepath is the list of path components that
+        got to the subtree, and postpath is the list of remaining path
+        components (indicating a subpath within the resulting subtree). This
+        will traverse and even create subtrees as necessary."""
+        d = self.get_or_create_node_for_path(path)
+        def _done(res):
+            if res[0] == True:
+                node = res[1]
+                # found the node in our own tree. The whole path we were
+                # given was used internally, and is therefore the postpath
+                return (self, [], path)
+            # otherwise, we must open and recurse into a new subtree
+            ignored, next_subtree_spec, prepath, postpath = res
+            d1 =, self.is_mutable())
+            def _opened(next_subtree):
+                assert ISubTree.providedBy(next_subtree)
+                f = next_subtree.find_lowest_containing_subtree_for_path
+                return f(postpath, opener)
+            d1.addCallback(_opened)
+            def _found(res2):
+                subtree, prepath2, postpath2 = res2
+                return (subtree, prepath + prepath2, postpath2)
+            d1.addCallback(_found)
+            return d1
+        d.addCallback(_done)
+        return d
+class _MutableSubTreeMixin(object):
+    def add(self, path, child, opener, work_queue):
+        d = self.find_lowest_containing_subtree_for_path(path, opener)
+        def _found(res):
+            subtree, prepath, postpath = res
+            assert IMutableSubTree.providedBy(subtree)
+            # this add_path will cause some steps to be added, as well as the
+            # internal node to be modified
+            d1 = subtree.add_subpath(postpath, child, work_queue)
+            if subtree.mutation_affects_parent():
+                def _added(boxname):
+                    work_queue.add_addpath(boxname, prepath)
+                d1.addCallback(_added)
+            return d1
+        d.addCallback(_found)
+        return d
+class _DirectorySubTree(_SubTreeMixin):
+    """I represent a set of connected directories that all share the same
+    access control: any given person can read or write anything in this tree
+    as a group, and it is not possible to give access to some pieces of this
+    tree and not to others. Read-only access to individual files can be
+    granted independently, of course, but through an unnamed URI, not as a
+    subdirectory.
+    Each internal directory is represented by a separate Node.
+    This is an abstract base class. Individual subclasses will implement
+    various forms of serialization, persistence, and mutability.
+    """
+    implements(ISubTree)
+    def new(self):
+        self.root = SubTreeNode(self)
+    def unserialize(self, serialized_data):
+        """Populate all nodes from serialized_data, previously created by
+        calling my serialize() method. 'serialized_data' is a series of
+        nested lists (s-expressions), probably recorded in bencoded form."""
+        self.root = SubTreeNode(self)
+        self.root.unserialize(serialized_data)
+        return self
+    def serialize(self):
+        """Return a series of nested lists which describe my structure
+        in a form that can be bencoded."""
+        return self.root.serialize()
+    def is_mutable(self):
+        return IMutableSubTree.providedBy(self)
+    def get_node_for_path(self, path):
+        # this is restricted to traversing our own subtree.
+        subpath = path
+        node = self.root
+        while subpath:
+            name = subpath.pop(0)
+            if name in node.node_children:
+                node = node.node_children[name]
+                assert isinstance(node, SubTreeNode)
+                continue
+            if name in node.child_specifications:
+                # the path takes us out of this SubTree and into another
+                next_subtree_spec = node.child_specifications[name]
+                result = (False, next_subtree_spec, subpath)
+                return defer.succeed(result)
+            return defer.succeed(None)
+        # we've run out of path components, so we must be at the terminus
+        result = (True, node)
+        return defer.succeed(result)
+    def get_or_create_node_for_path(self, path):
+        # this is restricted to traversing our own subtree, but will create
+        # internal directory nodes as necessary
+        prepath = []
+        postpath = path[:]
+        node = self.root
+        while postpath:
+            name = postpath.pop(0)
+            prepath.append(name)
+            if name in node.node_children:
+                node = node.node_children[name]
+                assert isinstance(node, SubTreeNode)
+                continue
+            if name in node.child_specifications:
+                # the path takes us out of this SubTree and into another
+                next_subtree_spec = node.child_specifications[name]
+                result = (False, next_subtree_spec, prepath, postpath)
+                return defer.succeed(result)
+            # need to create a new node
+            new_node = SubTreeNode(self)
+            node.node_children[name] = new_node
+            node = new_node
+            continue
+        # we've run out of path components, so we must be at the terminus
+        result = (True, node)
+        return defer.succeed(result)
+class ImmutableDirectorySubTree(_DirectorySubTree):
+    pass
+class _MutableDirectorySubTree(_DirectorySubTree, _MutableSubTreeMixin):
+    implements(IMutableSubTree)
+    def add_subpath(self, subpath, child, work_queue):
+        prepath = subpath[:-1]
+        name = subpath[-1]
+        d = self.get_node_for_path(prepath)
+        def _found(results):
+            assert results is not None
+            assert results[0] == True
+            node = results[1]
+            # modify the in-RAM copy
+            node.child_specifications[name] = child
+            # now serialize and upload ourselves
+            boxname = self.upload_my_serialized_form(work_queue)
+            # our caller will perform the addpath, if necessary
+            return boxname
+        d.addCallback(_found)
+        return d
+    def serialize_to_file(self, f):
+        f.write(bencode.bencode(self.serialize()))
+class MutableCHKDirectorySubTree(_MutableDirectorySubTree):
+    def mutation_affects_parent(self):
+        return True
+    def set_uri(self, uri):
+        self.old_uri = uri
+    def upload_my_serialized_form(self, work_queue):
+        # this is the CHK form
+        f, filename = work_queue.create_tempfile()
+        self.serialize_to_file(f)
+        f.close()
+        boxname = work_queue.create_boxname()
+        work_queue.add_upload_chk(filename, boxname)
+        work_queue.add_delete_tempfile(filename)
+        work_queue.add_retain_uri_from_box(boxname)
+        work_queue.add_delete_box(boxname)
+        work_queue.add_unlink_uri(self.old_uri)
+        # TODO: think about how self.old_uri will get updated. I *think* that
+        # this whole instance will get replaced, so it ought to be ok. But
+        # this needs investigation.
+        return boxname
+class MutableSSKDirectorySubTree(_MutableDirectorySubTree):
+    def new(self):
+        self.version = 0
+    def mutation_affects_parent(self):
+        return False
+    def set_version(self, version):
+        self.version = version
+    def upload_my_serialized_form(self, work_queue):
+        # this is the SSK form
+        f, filename = work_queue.create_tempfile()
+        self.serialize_to_file(f)
+        f.close()
+        work_queue.add_upload_ssk(filename, self.get_write_capability(),
+                                  self.version)
+        self.version = self.version + 1
+        work_queue.add_delete_tempfile(filename)
+        work_queue.add_retain_ssk(self.get_read_capability())
+class CHKFileSpecification(object):
+    implements(ISubTreeSpecification)
+    stype = "CHK-File"
+    def set_uri(self, uri):
+        self.uri = uri
+    def serialize(self):
+        return (self.stype, self.uri)
+    def unserialize(self, data):
+        assert data[0] == self.stype
+        self.uri = data[1]
+class ImmutableSSKFileSpecification(object):
+    implements(ISubTreeSpecification)
+    stype = "SSK-Readonly-File"
+    def set_read_capability(self, read_cap):
+        self.read_cap = read_cap
+    def get_read_capability(self):
+        return self.read_cap
+    def serialize(self):
+        return (self.stype, self.read_cap)
+    def unserialize(self, data):
+        assert data[0] == self.stype
+        self.read_cap = data[1]
+class MutableSSKFileSpecification(ImmutableSSKFileSpecification):
+    implements(ISubTreeSpecification)
+    stype = "SSK-ReadWrite-File"
+    def set_write_capability(self, write_cap):
+        self.write_cap = write_cap
+    def get_write_capability(self):
+        return self.write_cap
+    def serialize(self):
+        return (self.stype, self.read_cap, self.write_cap)
+    def unserialize(self, data):
+        assert data[0] == self.stype
+        self.read_cap = data[1]
+        self.write_cap = data[2]
+class CHKDirectorySpecification(object):
+    implements(ISubTreeSpecification)
+    stype = "CHK-Directory"
+    def set_uri(self, uri):
+        self.uri = uri
+    def serialize(self):
+        return (self.stype, self.uri)
+    def unserialize(self, data):
+        assert data[0] == self.stype
+        self.uri = data[1]
+class ImmutableSSKDirectorySpecification(object):
+    implements(ISubTreeSpecification)
+    stype = "SSK-Readonly-Directory"
+    def set_read_capability(self, read_cap):
+        self.read_cap = read_cap
+    def get_read_capability(self):
+        return self.read_cap
+    def serialize(self):
+        return (self.stype, self.read_cap)
+    def unserialize(self, data):
+        assert data[0] == self.stype
+        self.read_cap = data[1]
+class MutableSSKDirectorySpecification(ImmutableSSKDirectorySpecification):
+    implements(ISubTreeSpecification)
+    stype = "SSK-ReadWrite-Directory"
+    def set_write_capability(self, write_cap):
+        self.write_cap = write_cap
+    def get_write_capability(self):
+        return self.write_cap
+    def serialize(self):
+        return (self.stype, self.read_cap, self.write_cap)
+    def unserialize(self, data):
+        assert data[0] == self.stype
+        self.read_cap = data[1]
+        self.write_cap = data[2]
+class LocalFileRedirection(object):
+    implements(ISubTreeSpecification)
+    stype = "LocalFile"
+    def set_filename(self, filename):
+        self.filename = filename
+    def get_filename(self):
+        return self.filename
+    def serialize(self):
+        return (self.stype, self.filename)
+class QueenRedirection(object):
+    implements(ISubTreeSpecification)
+    stype = "QueenRedirection"
+    def set_handle(self, handle):
+        self.handle = handle
+    def get_handle(self):
+        return self.handle
+    def serialize(self):
+        return (self.stype, self.handle)
+class HTTPRedirection(object):
+    implements(ISubTreeSpecification)
+    stype = "HTTPRedirection"
+    def set_url(self, url):
+        self.url = url
+    def get_url(self):
+        return self.url
+    def serialize(self):
+        return (self.stype, self.url)
+class QueenOrLocalFileRedirection(object):
+    implements(ISubTreeSpecification)
+    stype = "QueenOrLocalFile"
+    def set_filename(self, filename):
+        self.filename = filename
+    def get_filename(self):
+        return self.filename
+    def set_handle(self, handle):
+        self.handle = handle
+    def get_handle(self):
+        return self.handle
+    def serialize(self):
+        return (self.stype, self.handle, self.filename)
+def unserialize_subtree_specification(serialized_spec):
+    assert isinstance(serialized_spec, tuple)
+    for stype in [CHKDirectorySpecification,
+                  ImmutableSSKDirectorySpecification,
+                  MutableSSKDirectorySpecification,
+                  LocalFileRedirection,
+                  QueenRedirection,
+                  HTTPRedirection,
+                  QueenOrLocalFileRedirection,
+                  ]:
+        if tuple[0] == stype:
+            spec = stype()
+            spec.unserialize(serialized_spec)
+            return spec
+    raise RuntimeError("unable to unserialize subtree specification '%s'" %
+                       (serialized_spec,))
+class Opener(object):
+    implements(IOpener)
+    def __init__(self, queen):
+        self._queen = queen
+        self._cache = {}
+    def open(self, subtree_specification, parent_is_mutable):
+        spec = ISubTreeSpecification(subtree_specification)
+        # is it in cache?
+        if spec in self._cache:
+            return defer.succeed(self._cache[spec])
+        # is it a file?
+        if isinstance(spec, CHKFileSpecification):
+            return self._get_chk_file(spec)
+        if isinstance(spec, (MutableSSKFileSpecification,
+                             ImmutableSSKFileSpecification)):
+            return self._get_ssk_file(spec)
+        # is it a directory?
+        if isinstance(spec, CHKDirectorySpecification):
+            return self._get_chk_dir(spec, parent_is_mutable)
+        if isinstance(spec, (ImmutableSSKDirectorySpecification,
+                             MutableSSKDirectorySpecification)):
+            return self._get_ssk_dir(spec)
+        # is it a redirection to a file or directory?
+        if isinstance(spec, LocalFileRedirection):
+            return self._get_local_redir(spec)
+        if isinstance(spec, QueenRedirection):
+            return self._get_queen_redir(spec)
+        if isinstance(spec, HTTPRedirection):
+            return self._get_http_redir(spec)
+        if isinstance(spec, QueenOrLocalFileRedirection):
+            return self._get_queen_or_local_redir(spec)
+        # none of the above
+        raise RuntimeError("I do not know how to open '%s'" % (spec,))
+    def _add_to_cache(self, subtree, spec):
+        self._cache[spec] = subtree
+        # TODO: remove things from the cache eventually
+        return subtree
+    def _get_chk_file(self, spec):
+        subtree = CHKFile(spec.get_uri())
+        return defer.succeed(subtree)
+    def _get_ssk_file(self, spec):
+        if isinstance(spec, MutableSSKFileSpecification):
+            subtree = MutableSSKFile(spec.get_read_capability(),
+                                     spec.get_write_capability())
+        else:
+            assert isinstance(spec, ImmutableSSKFileSpecification)
+            subtree = ImmutableSSKFile(spec.get_read_cap())
+        return defer.succeed(subtree)
+    def _get_chk_dir(self, spec, parent_is_mutable):
+        uri = spec.get_uri()
+        if parent_is_mutable:
+            subtree = MutableCHKDirectorySubTree()
+            subtree.set_uri(uri)
+        else:
+            subtree = ImmutableDirectorySubTree()
+        d = self.downloader.get_chk(uri)
+        d.addCallback(subtree.unserialize)
+        d.addCallback(self._add_to_cache, spec)
+        return d
+    def _get_ssk_dir(self, spec):
+        mutable = isinstance(spec, ImmutableSSKDirectorySpecification)
+        if mutable:
+            subtree = ImmutableDirectorySubTree()
+        else:
+            assert isinstance(spec, MutableSSKDirectorySpecification)
+            subtree = MutableSSKDirectorySubTree()
+            subtree.set_write_capability(spec.get_write_capability())
+        read_cap = spec.get_read_capability()
+        subtree.set_read_capability(read_cap)
+        d = self.downloader.get_ssk_latest(read_cap)
+        def _set_version(res):
+            version, data = res
+            if mutable:
+                subtree.set_version(version)
+            return data
+        d.addCallback(_set_version)
+        d.addCallback(subtree.unserialize)
+        d.addCallback(self._add_to_cache, spec)
+        return d
+    def _get_local_redir(self, spec):
+        # there is a local file which contains a bencoded serialized
+        # subtree specification.
+        filename = spec.get_filename()
+        # TODO: will this enable outsiders to cause us to read from
+        # arbitrary files? Think about this.
+        f = open(filename, "rb")
+        data = bencode.bdecode(
+        f.close()
+        # note: we don't cache the contents of the file. TODO: consider
+        # doing this based upon mtime. It is important that we be able to
+        # notice if the file has been changed.
+        new_spec = unserialize_subtree_specification(data)
+        return, True)
+    def _get_queen_redir(self, spec):
+        # this specifies a handle for which the Queen maintains a
+        # serialized subtree specification.
+        handle = spec.get_handle()
+        d = self._queen.callRemote("lookup_handle", handle)
+        d.addCallback(unserialize_subtree_specification)
+        d.addCallback(, True)
+        return d
+    def _get_http_redir(self, spec):
+        # this specifies a URL at which there is a bencoded serialized
+        # subtree specification.
+        url = spec.get_url()
+        from twisted.web import client
+        d = client.getPage(url)
+        d.addCallback(bencode.bdecode)
+        d.addCallback(unserialize_subtree_specification)
+        d.addCallback(, False)
+        return d
+    def _get_queen_or_local_redir(self, spec):
+        # there is a local file which contains a bencoded serialized
+        # subtree specification. The queen also has a copy. Whomever has
+        # the higher version number wins.
+        filename = spec.get_filename()
+        f = open(filename, "rb")
+        local_version, local_data = bencode.bdecode(
+        f.close()
+        handle = spec.get_handle()
+        # TODO: pubsub so we can cache the queen's results
+        d = self._queen.callRemote("lookup_handle", handle)
+        def _got_queen(response):
+            queen_version, queen_data = response
+            if queen_version > local_version:
+                return queen_data
+            return local_data
+        d.addCallback(_got_queen)
+        d.addCallback(unserialize_subtree_specification)
+        d.addCallback(, True)
+        return d
diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/ b/src/allmydata/test/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9dd230d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/allmydata/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+import os
+from zope.interface import implements
+from twisted.trial import unittest
+from allmydata import filetable_new as ft
+from allmydata import workqueue
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+class FakeOpener(object):
+    implements(ft.IOpener)
+class FakeWorkQueue(object):
+    implements(workqueue.IWorkQueue)
+    def create_tempfile(self):
+        return (StringIO(), "dummy_filename")
+    def create_boxname(self):
+        return "dummy_boxname"
+    def add_upload_chk(self, source_filename, stash_uri_in_boxname):
+        pass
+    def add_upload_ssk(self, source_filename, write_capability,
+                       previous_version):
+        pass
+    def add_retain_ssk(self, read_capability):
+        pass
+    def add_unlink_ssk(self, write_capability):
+        pass
+    def add_retain_uri_from_box(self, boxname):
+        pass
+    def add_addpath(self, boxname, path):
+        pass
+    def add_unlink_uri(self, uri):
+        pass
+    def add_delete_tempfile(self, filename):
+        pass
+    def add_delete_box(self, boxname):
+        pass
+class OneSubTree(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_create_empty_immutable(self):
+        st = ft.ImmutableDirectorySubTree()
+        self.failIf(st.is_mutable())
+        d = st.get([], FakeOpener())
+        def _got_root(root):
+            self.failUnless(ft.IDirectoryNode.providedBy(root))
+            self.failUnlessEqual(root.list(), [])
+        d.addCallback(_got_root)
+        return d
+    def test_immutable_1(self):
+        st = ft.ImmutableDirectorySubTree()
+        # now populate it (by modifying the internal data structures) with
+        # some internal directories
+        one = ft.SubTreeNode(st)
+        two = ft.SubTreeNode(st)
+        three = ft.SubTreeNode(st)
+        st.root.node_children["one"] = one
+        st.root.node_children["two"] = two
+        two.node_children["three"] = three
+        # now examine it
+        self.failIf(st.is_mutable())
+        o = FakeOpener()
+        d = st.get([], o)
+        def _got_root(root):
+            self.failUnless(ft.IDirectoryNode.providedBy(root))
+            self.failUnlessEqual(root.list(), ["one", "two"])
+        d.addCallback(_got_root)
+        d.addCallback(lambda res: st.get(["one"], o))
+        def _got_one(_one):
+            self.failUnlessIdentical(one, _one)
+            self.failUnless(ft.IDirectoryNode.providedBy(_one))
+            self.failUnlessEqual(_one.list(), [])
+        d.addCallback(_got_one)
+        d.addCallback(lambda res: st.get(["two"], o))
+        def _got_two(_two):
+            self.failUnlessIdentical(two, _two)
+            self.failUnless(ft.IDirectoryNode.providedBy(_two))
+            self.failUnlessEqual(_two.list(), ["three"])
+        d.addCallback(_got_two)
+        d.addCallback(lambda res: st.get(["two", "three"], o))
+        def _got_three(_three):
+            self.failUnlessIdentical(three, _three)
+            self.failUnless(ft.IDirectoryNode.providedBy(_three))
+            self.failUnlessEqual(_three.list(), [])
+        d.addCallback(_got_three)
+        d.addCallback(lambda res: st.get(["missing"], o))
+        d.addCallback(self.failUnlessEqual, None)
+        return d
+    def test_mutable_1(self):
+        o = FakeOpener()
+        wq = FakeWorkQueue()
+        st = ft.MutableCHKDirectorySubTree()
+        st.set_uri(None)
+        self.failUnless(st.is_mutable())
+        d = st.get([], o)
+        def _got_root(root):
+            self.failUnless(ft.IDirectoryNode.providedBy(root))
+            self.failUnlessEqual(root.list(), [])
+        d.addCallback(_got_root)
+        file_three = ft.CHKFileSpecification()
+        file_three.set_uri("file_three_uri")
+        d.addCallback(lambda res: st.add(["one", "two", "three"], file_three,
+                                         o, wq))
+        d.addCallback(lambda res: st.get(["one"], o))
+        def _got_one(one):
+            self.failUnless(ft.IDirectoryNode.providedBy(one))
+            self.failUnlessEqual(one.list(), ["two"])
+        d.addCallback(_got_one)
+        d.addCallback(lambda res: st.get(["one", "two"], o))
+        def _got_two(two):
+            self.failUnless(ft.IDirectoryNode.providedBy(two))
+            self.failUnlessEqual(two.list(), ["three"])
+            self.failUnlessIdentical(two.child_specifications["three"],
+                                     file_three)
+        d.addCallback(_got_two)
+        return d
diff --git a/src/allmydata/ b/src/allmydata/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81d9d490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/allmydata/
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+import os, shutil
+from zope.interface import Interface, implements
+from allmydata.util import bencode
+class IWorkQueue(Interface):
+    """Each filetable root is associated a work queue, which is persisted on
+    disk and contains idempotent actions that need to be performed. After
+    each action is completed, it is removed from the queue.
+    The queue is broken up into several sections. First are the 'upload'
+    steps. After this are the 'add_subpath' commands. The last section has
+    the 'unlink' steps. Somewhere in here are the 'retain' steps.. maybe
+    interspersed with 'upload', maybe after 'add_subpath' and before
+    'unlink'.
+    The general idea is that the processing of the work queue could be
+    interrupted at any time, in the middle of a step, and the next time the
+    application is started, the step can be re-started without problems. The
+    placement of the 'retain' commands depends upon how long we might expect
+    the app to be offline.
+    """
+    def create_tempfile():
+        """Return (f, filename)."""
+    def create_boxname():
+        """Return a unique box name (as a string)."""
+    def add_upload_chk(source_filename, stash_uri_in_boxname):
+        """This step uploads a file to the mesh and obtains a content-based
+        URI which can be used to later retrieve the same contents ('CHK'
+        mode). This URI includes unlink rights. It does not mark the file for
+        retention.
+        When the upload is complete, the resulting URI is stashed in a 'box'
+        with the specified name. This is basically a local variable. A later
+        'add_subpath' step will reference this boxname and retrieve the URI.
+        """
+    def add_upload_ssk(source_filename, write_capability, previous_version):
+        """This step uploads a file to the mesh in a way that replaces the
+        previous version and does not require a change to the ID referenced
+        by the parent.
+        """
+    def add_retain_ssk(read_capability):
+        """Arrange for the given SSK to be kept alive."""
+    def add_unlink_ssk(write_capability):
+        """Stop keeping the given SSK alive."""
+    def add_retain_uri_from_box(boxname):
+        """When executed, this step retrieves the URI from the given box and
+        marks it for retention: this adds it to a list of all URIs that this
+        system cares about, which will initiate filechecking/repair for the
+        file."""
+    def add_addpath(boxname, path):
+        """When executed, this step will retrieve the URI from the given box
+        and call root.add(path, URIishthingyTODO, etc).
+        """
+    def add_unlink_uri(uri):
+        """When executed, this step will unlink the data referenced by the
+        given URI: the unlink rights are used to tell any shareholders to
+        unlink the file (possibly deleting it), and the URI is removed from
+        the list that this system cares about, cancelling filechecking/repair
+        for the file.
+        All 'unlink' steps are pushed to the end of the queue.
+        """
+    def add_delete_tempfile(filename):
+        """This step will delete a tempfile created by create_tempfile."""
+    def add_delete_box(boxname):
+        """When executed, this step deletes the given box."""
+class Step(object):
+    def setup(self, stepname, basedir):
+        self.basedir = basedir
+        self.stepname = stepname
+        self.stepbase = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.stepname)
+    def remove(self, _ignored=None):
+        trashdir = os.path.join(self.basedir, "trash", self.stepname)
+        os.rename(self.stepbase, trashdir)
+        shutil.rmtree(trashdir)
+class UploadSSKStep(Step):
+    def start(self):
+        f = open(os.path.join(self.stepbase, "source_filename"), "r")
+        source_filename =
+        f.close()
+        f = open(os.path.join(self.stepbase, "write_capability"), "r")
+        write_cap = bencode.bdecode(
+        f.close()
+        f = open(os.path.join(self.stepbase, "previous_version"), "r")
+        previous_version = bencode.bdecode(
+        f.close()
+        n = SSKNode()
+        n.set_version(previous_version)
+        n.set_write_capability(write_cap)
+        f = open(source_filename, "rb")
+        data =
+        f.close()
+        published_data = n.write_new_version(data)
+        d = self.push_ssk(n.ssk_index, n.vresion, published_data)
+        d.addCallback(self.remove)
+        return d
+class WorkQueue(object):
+    implements(IWorkQueue)
+    def __init__(self, basedir):
+        self.basedir = basedir
+    # methods to add entries to the queue
+    # methods to perform work
+    def get_next_step(self):
+        stepname = self._find_first_step()
+        stepbase = os.path.join(self.basedir, stepname)
+        f = open(os.path.join(stepbase, "type"), "r")
+        stype =
+        f.close()
+        if stype == "upload_ssk":
+            s = UploadSSKStep()
+        # ...
+        else:
+            raise RuntimeError("unknown step type '%s'" % stype)
+        s.setup(stepname, self.basedir)
+        d = s.start()
+        return d
+def make_aes_key():
+    return os.urandom(16)
+def make_rsa_key():
+    raise NotImplementedError
+class MutableSSKTracker(object):
+    """I represent a mutable file, indexed by an SSK.
+    """
+    def create(self):
+        # if you create the node this way, you will have both read and write
+        # capabilities
+        self.priv_key, self.pub_key = make_rsa_key()
+        self.ssk_index = sha(self.pub_key.serialized())
+        self.write_key = make_aes_key()
+        self.read_key = sha(self.write_key)[:AES_KEY_LENGTH]
+        self.version = 0
+    def set_version(self, version):
+        self.version = version
+    def set_read_capability(self, read_cap):
+        (self.ssk_index, self.read_key) = read_cap
+    def set_write_capability(self, write_cap):
+        # TODO: add some assertions here, if someone calls both
+        # set_read_capability and set_write_capability, make sure the keys
+        # match
+        (self.ssk_index, self.write_key) = write_cap
+        self.read_key = sha(self.write_key)[:AES_KEY_LENGTH]
+    def extract_readwrite_from_published(self, published_data, write_key):
+        self.write_key = write_key
+        self.read_key = sha(self.write_key)[:AES_KEY_LENGTH]
+        self._extract(published_data)
+        self.priv_key = aes_decrypt(write_key, self.encrypted_privkey)
+        assert self.priv_key.is_this_your_pub_key(self.pub_key)
+    def extract_readonly_from_published(self, published_data, read_key):
+        self.write_key = None
+        self.read_key = read_key
+        self._extract(published_data)
+        self.priv_key = None
+    def _extract(self, published_data):
+        (signed_data, serialized_pub_key, sig) = unserialize(published_data)
+        self.pub_key = unserialize(serialized_pub_key)
+        self.pub_key.check_signature(sig, signed_data)
+        (encrypted_privkey, encrypted_data, version) = unserialize(signed_data)
+ = aes_decrypt(self.read_key, encrypted_data)
+        self.encrypted_privkey = encrypted_privkey
+    def get_read_capability(self):
+        return (self.ssk_index, self.read_key)
+    def get_write_capability(self):
+        if not self.write_key:
+            raise NotCapableError("This SSKNode is read-only")
+        return (self.ssk_index, self.write_key)
+    def write_new_version(self, data):
+        if not self.write_key:
+            raise NotCapableError("This SSKNode is read-only")
+        encrypted_privkey = aes_encrypt(self.write_key,
+                                        self.priv_key.serialized())
+        encrypted_data = aes_encrypt(self.read_key, data)
+        self.version += 1
+        signed_data = serialize((encrypted_privkey,
+                                 encrypted_data,
+                                 self.version))
+        sig = self.priv_key.sign(signed_data)
+        serialized_pub_key = self.pub_key.serialized()
+        published_data = serialize((signed_data, serialized_pub_key, sig))
+        return published_data
+def make_new_SSK_node():
+    n = SSKNode()
+    n.create()
+    return n
+def extract_readwrite_SSK_node(published_data, write_key):
+    n = SSKNode()
+    n.extract_readwrite_SSK_node(published_data, write_key)
+    return n
+def extract_readonly_SSK_node(published_data, read_key):
+    n = SSKNode()
+    n.extract_readonly_from_published(published_data, read_key)
+    return n