favourite search engine and try to understand the problem. Ham radio
is all about experimentation and self education.
+# logging via a program on another computer (via network)
+The idea is that `rigctld` would connect to the radio via network. All
+other programs would connect to `rigctld`.
+0. Launch `rigctld` to connect to the tcp port of pihpsdr:
+rigctld -m 2040 -r $IPADDR:19090
+where `$IPADDR` is the ip address of the computer running pihpsdr.
+1. create a virtual pair of serial port.
+sudo socat pty,link=/dev/vtty0 pty,link=/dev/vtty1
+Here `vtty0` and `vtty1` are regular files and can be created anywhere
+in the filesystem. If it is in a non-privileged location, then `sudo`
+is not needed.
+2. run the ts-2000 rigctl emulation program `rigctlcom` so that it is
+ listening for TS-2000 commands on one end of the above serial port
+ parts and talks to rigctld natively on the other. On the other end,
+ you would connect a logging program or another program that expects
+ a serial/COM port.
+sudo rigctlcom -m 2 -R /dev/vtty0 -S 115200
+3. Now, as a test, open minicom, turn off hardware control off, set
+ the port to `/dev/vtty1` and type in `FA;`. It should display the
+ current frequency used by pihpsdr. Other programs like logging
+ programs can now connect to it.
+This is the basic idea. One can run all of these programs in a single
+computer or in multiple computers connected via network with the right
+configuration. `rigctl` and `rigctlcom` also takes a `-r` switch to
+specify the address of of the "NET rigctl" as the radio, provided a
+`-m 2` parameter is also passed to rigctl. Some knowledge of how the
+programs all work together is helpful when debugging issues.
## Original readme
Raspberry Pi 3/4 standalone code for HPSDR