From: Kevan Carstensen <>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 02:16:13 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: cli: teach CLI how to create MDMF mutable files
X-Git-Tag: trac-5200~20

cli: teach CLI how to create MDMF mutable files

Specifically, 'tahoe mkdir' and 'tahoe put' now take a --mutable-type

diff --git a/src/allmydata/scripts/ b/src/allmydata/scripts/
index c4b0fcf1..2ec67985 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/scripts/
+++ b/src/allmydata/scripts/
@@ -50,9 +50,16 @@ class VDriveOptions(BaseOptions):
 class MakeDirectoryOptions(VDriveOptions):
+    optParameters = [
+        ("mutable-type", None, False, "Create a mutable file in the given format. Valid formats are 'sdmf' for SDMF and 'mdmf' for MDMF"),
+        ]
     def parseArgs(self, where=""):
         self.where = argv_to_unicode(where)
+        if self['mutable-type'] and self['mutable-type'] not in ("sdmf", "mdmf"):
+            raise usage.UsageError("%s is an invalid format" % self['mutable-type'])
     def getSynopsis(self):
         return "Usage:  %s mkdir [options] [REMOTE_DIR]" % (self.command_name,)
@@ -164,6 +171,9 @@ class PutOptions(VDriveOptions):
     optFlags = [
         ("mutable", "m", "Create a mutable file instead of an immutable one."),
+    optParameters = [
+        ("mutable-type", None, False, "Create a mutable file in the given format. Valid formats are 'sdmf' for SDMF and 'mdmf' for MDMF"),
+        ]
     def parseArgs(self, arg1=None, arg2=None):
         # see Examples below
@@ -180,6 +190,10 @@ class PutOptions(VDriveOptions):
         if self.from_file == u"-":
             self.from_file = None
+        if self['mutable-type'] and self['mutable-type'] not in ("sdmf", "mdmf"):
+            raise usage.UsageError("%s is an invalid format" % self['mutable-type'])
     def getSynopsis(self):
         return "Usage:  %s put [options] LOCAL_FILE REMOTE_FILE" % (self.command_name,)
diff --git a/src/allmydata/scripts/ b/src/allmydata/scripts/
index dbcabac6..50ed0672 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/scripts/
+++ b/src/allmydata/scripts/
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ def mkdir(options):
     if not where or not path:
         # create a new unlinked directory
         url = nodeurl + "uri?t=mkdir"
+        if options["mutable-type"]:
+            url += "&mutable-type=%s" % urllib.quote(options['mutable-type'])
         resp = do_http("POST", url)
         rc = check_http_error(resp, stderr)
         if rc:
@@ -37,6 +39,9 @@ def mkdir(options):
     # path must be "/".join([s.encode("utf-8") for s in segments])
     url = nodeurl + "uri/%s/%s?t=mkdir" % (urllib.quote(rootcap),
+    if options['mutable-type']:
+        url += "&mutable-type=%s" % urllib.quote(options['mutable-type'])
     resp = do_http("POST", url)
     check_http_error(resp, stderr)
     new_uri =
diff --git a/src/allmydata/scripts/ b/src/allmydata/scripts/
index eb578bec..3dc13773 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/scripts/
+++ b/src/allmydata/scripts/
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ def put(options):
     from_file = options.from_file
     to_file = options.to_file
     mutable = options['mutable']
+    mutable_type = False
+    if mutable:
+        mutable_type = options['mutable-type']
     if options['quiet']:
         verbosity = 0
@@ -42,8 +46,8 @@ def put(options):
         #  DIRCAP:./subdir/foo : DIRCAP/subdir/foo
         #  MUTABLE-FILE-WRITECAP : filecap
-        # FIXME: this shouldn't rely on a particular prefix.
-        if to_file.startswith("URI:SSK:"):
+        # FIXME: don't hardcode cap format.
+        if to_file.startswith("URI:MDMF:") or to_file.startswith("URI:SSK:"):
             url = nodeurl + "uri/%s" % urllib.quote(to_file)
@@ -64,6 +68,10 @@ def put(options):
         url = nodeurl + "uri"
     if mutable:
         url += "?mutable=true"
+    if mutable_type:
+        assert mutable
+        url += "&mutable-type=%s" % mutable_type
     if from_file:
         infileobj = open(os.path.expanduser(from_file), "rb")
diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/ b/src/allmydata/test/
index 2578658f..93ae213a 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/test/
+++ b/src/allmydata/test/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ from allmydata.scripts import cli, debug, runner, backupdb
 from allmydata.test.common_util import StallMixin, ReallyEqualMixin
 from allmydata.test.no_network import GridTestMixin
 from twisted.internet import threads # CLI tests use deferToThread
+from twisted.internet import defer # List uses a DeferredList in one place.
 from twisted.python import usage
 from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
@@ -1008,6 +1009,146 @@ class Put(GridTestMixin, CLITestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
         d.addCallback(lambda (rc,out,err): self.failUnlessReallyEqual(out, DATA2))
         return d
+    def _check_mdmf_json(self, (rc, json, err)):
+         self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+         self.failUnlessEqual(err, "")
+         self.failUnlessIn('"mutable-type": "mdmf"', json)
+         # We also want a valid MDMF cap to be in the json.
+         self.failUnlessIn("URI:MDMF", json)
+         self.failUnlessIn("URI:MDMF-RO", json)
+         self.failUnlessIn("URI:MDMF-Verifier", json)
+    def _check_sdmf_json(self, (rc, json, err)):
+        self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(err, "")
+        self.failUnlessIn('"mutable-type": "sdmf"', json)
+        # We also want to see the appropriate SDMF caps.
+        self.failUnlessIn("URI:SSK", json)
+        self.failUnlessIn("URI:SSK-RO", json)
+        self.failUnlessIn("URI:SSK-Verifier", json)
+    def test_mutable_type(self):
+        self.basedir = "cli/Put/mutable_type"
+        self.set_up_grid()
+        data = "data" * 100000
+        fn1 = os.path.join(self.basedir, "data")
+        fileutil.write(fn1, data)
+        d = self.do_cli("create-alias", "tahoe")
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("put", "--mutable", "--mutable-type=mdmf",
+                        fn1, "tahoe:uploaded.txt"))
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("ls", "--json", "tahoe:uploaded.txt"))
+        d.addCallback(self._check_mdmf_json)
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("put", "--mutable", "--mutable-type=sdmf",
+                        fn1, "tahoe:uploaded2.txt"))
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("ls", "--json", "tahoe:uploaded2.txt"))
+        d.addCallback(self._check_sdmf_json)
+        return d
+    def test_mutable_type_unlinked(self):
+        self.basedir = "cli/Put/mutable_type_unlinked"
+        self.set_up_grid()
+        data = "data" * 100000
+        fn1 = os.path.join(self.basedir, "data")
+        fileutil.write(fn1, data)
+        d = self.do_cli("put", "--mutable", "--mutable-type=mdmf", fn1)
+        d.addCallback(lambda (rc, cap, err):
+            self.do_cli("ls", "--json", cap))
+        d.addCallback(self._check_mdmf_json)
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("put", "--mutable", "--mutable-type=sdmf", fn1))
+        d.addCallback(lambda (rc, cap, err):
+            self.do_cli("ls", "--json", cap))
+        d.addCallback(self._check_sdmf_json)
+        return d
+    def test_put_to_mdmf_cap(self):
+        self.basedir = "cli/Put/put_to_mdmf_cap"
+        self.set_up_grid()
+        data = "data" * 100000
+        fn1 = os.path.join(self.basedir, "data")
+        fileutil.write(fn1, data)
+        d = self.do_cli("put", "--mutable", "--mutable-type=mdmf", fn1)
+        def _got_cap((rc, out, err)):
+            self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+            self.cap = out
+        d.addCallback(_got_cap)
+        # Now try to write something to the cap using put.
+        data2 = "data2" * 100000
+        fn2 = os.path.join(self.basedir, "data2")
+        fileutil.write(fn2, data2)
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("put", fn2, self.cap))
+        def _got_put((rc, out, err)):
+            self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+            self.failUnlessIn(self.cap, out)
+        d.addCallback(_got_put)
+        # Now get the cap. We should see the data we just put there.
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("get", self.cap))
+        def _got_data((rc, out, err)):
+            self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(out, data2)
+        d.addCallback(_got_data)
+        # Now strip the extension information off of the cap and try
+        # to put something to it.
+        def _make_bare_cap(ignored):
+            cap = self.cap.split(":")
+            cap = ":".join(cap[:len(cap) - 2])
+            self.cap = cap
+        d.addCallback(_make_bare_cap)
+        data3 = "data3" * 100000
+        fn3 = os.path.join(self.basedir, "data3")
+        fileutil.write(fn3, data3)
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("put", fn3, self.cap))
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("get", self.cap))
+        def _got_data3((rc, out, err)):
+            self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(out, data3)
+        d.addCallback(_got_data3)
+        return d
+    def test_put_to_sdmf_cap(self):
+        self.basedir = "cli/Put/put_to_sdmf_cap"
+        self.set_up_grid()
+        data = "data" * 100000
+        fn1 = os.path.join(self.basedir, "data")
+        fileutil.write(fn1, data)
+        d = self.do_cli("put", "--mutable", "--mutable-type=sdmf", fn1)
+        def _got_cap((rc, out, err)):
+            self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+            self.cap = out
+        d.addCallback(_got_cap)
+        # Now try to write something to the cap using put.
+        data2 = "data2" * 100000
+        fn2 = os.path.join(self.basedir, "data2")
+        fileutil.write(fn2, data2)
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("put", fn2, self.cap))
+        def _got_put((rc, out, err)):
+            self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+            self.failUnlessIn(self.cap, out)
+        d.addCallback(_got_put)
+        # Now get the cap. We should see the data we just put there.
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("get", self.cap))
+        def _got_data((rc, out, err)):
+            self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(out, data2)
+        d.addCallback(_got_data)
+        return d
+    def test_mutable_type_invalid_format(self):
+        o = cli.PutOptions()
+        self.failUnlessRaises(usage.UsageError,
+                              o.parseOptions,
+                              ["--mutable", "--mutable-type=ldmf"])
     def test_put_with_nonexistent_alias(self):
         # when invoked with an alias that doesn't exist, 'tahoe put'
         # should output a useful error message, not a stack trace
@@ -2908,6 +3049,78 @@ class Mkdir(GridTestMixin, CLITestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
         return d
+    def test_mkdir_mutable_type(self):
+        self.basedir = os.path.dirname(self.mktemp())
+        self.set_up_grid()
+        d = self.do_cli("create-alias", "tahoe")
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("mkdir", "--mutable-type=sdmf", "tahoe:foo"))
+        def _check((rc, out, err), st):
+            self.failUnlessReallyEqual(rc, 0)
+            self.failUnlessReallyEqual(err, "")
+            self.failUnlessIn(st, out)
+            return out
+        def _stash_dircap(cap):
+            self._dircap = cap
+            u = uri.from_string(cap)
+            fn_uri = u.get_filenode_cap()
+            self._filecap = fn_uri.to_string()
+        d.addCallback(_check, "URI:DIR2")
+        d.addCallback(_stash_dircap)
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("ls", "--json", "tahoe:foo"))
+        d.addCallback(_check, "URI:DIR2")
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("ls", "--json", self._filecap))
+        d.addCallback(_check, '"mutable-type": "sdmf"')
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("mkdir", "--mutable-type=mdmf", "tahoe:bar"))
+        d.addCallback(_check, "URI:DIR2-MDMF")
+        d.addCallback(_stash_dircap)
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("ls", "--json", "tahoe:bar"))
+        d.addCallback(_check, "URI:DIR2-MDMF")
+        d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+            self.do_cli("ls", "--json", self._filecap))
+        d.addCallback(_check, '"mutable-type": "mdmf"')
+        return d
+    def test_mkdir_mutable_type_unlinked(self):
+        self.basedir = os.path.dirname(self.mktemp())
+        self.set_up_grid()
+        d = self.do_cli("mkdir", "--mutable-type=sdmf")
+        def _check((rc, out, err), st):
+            self.failUnlessReallyEqual(rc, 0)
+            self.failUnlessReallyEqual(err, "")
+            self.failUnlessIn(st, out)
+            return out
+        d.addCallback(_check, "URI:DIR2")
+        def _stash_dircap(cap):
+            self._dircap = cap
+            # Now we're going to feed the cap into uri.from_string...
+            u = uri.from_string(cap)
+            # ...grab the underlying filenode uri.
+            fn_uri = u.get_filenode_cap()
+            # ...and stash that.
+            self._filecap = fn_uri.to_string()
+        d.addCallback(_stash_dircap)
+        d.addCallback(lambda res: self.do_cli("ls", "--json",
+                                              self._filecap))
+        d.addCallback(_check, '"mutable-type": "sdmf"')
+        d.addCallback(lambda res: self.do_cli("mkdir", "--mutable-type=mdmf"))
+        d.addCallback(_check, "URI:DIR2-MDMF")
+        d.addCallback(_stash_dircap)
+        d.addCallback(lambda res: self.do_cli("ls", "--json",
+                                              self._filecap))
+        d.addCallback(_check, '"mutable-type": "mdmf"')
+        return d
+    def test_mkdir_bad_mutable_type(self):
+        o = cli.MakeDirectoryOptions()
+        self.failUnlessRaises(usage.UsageError,
+                              o.parseOptions,
+                              ["--mutable", "--mutable-type=ldmf"])
     def test_mkdir_unicode(self):
         self.basedir = os.path.dirname(self.mktemp())