From: Brian Warner <>
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2009 21:04:39 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: immutable/checker: wrap comments to 80cols, my laptop does not have a wide screen... 
X-Git-Tag: allmydata-tahoe-1.3.0~67

immutable/checker: wrap comments to 80cols, my laptop does not have a wide screen. No functional changes.

diff --git a/src/allmydata/immutable/ b/src/allmydata/immutable/
index 47ef7d63..13481191 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/immutable/
+++ b/src/allmydata/immutable/
@@ -9,22 +9,25 @@ from allmydata.util import base32, deferredutil, dictutil, log, rrefutil
 from allmydata.immutable import layout
 class Checker(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
-    """ I query all servers to see if M uniquely-numbered shares are available.
-    If the verify flag was passed to my constructor, then for each share I download every data
-    block and all metadata from each server and perform a cryptographic integrity check on all
-    of it.  If not, I just ask each server "Which shares do you have?" and believe its answer.
-    In either case, I wait until I have gotten responses from all servers.  This fact -- that I
-    wait -- means that an ill-behaved server which fails to answer my questions will make me
-    wait indefinitely.  If it is ill-behaved in a way that triggers the underlying foolscap
-    timeouts, then I will wait only as long as those foolscap timeouts, but if it is ill-behaved
-    in a way which placates the foolscap timeouts but still doesn't answer my question then I
-    will wait indefinitely.
-    Before I send any new request to a server, I always ask the "monitor" object that was passed
-    into my constructor whether this task has been cancelled (by invoking its
-    raise_if_cancelled() method).
+    """I query all servers to see if M uniquely-numbered shares are
+    available.
+    If the verify flag was passed to my constructor, then for each share I
+    download every data block and all metadata from each server and perform a
+    cryptographic integrity check on all of it. If not, I just ask each
+    server 'Which shares do you have?' and believe its answer.
+    In either case, I wait until I have gotten responses from all servers.
+    This fact -- that I wait -- means that an ill-behaved server which fails
+    to answer my questions will make me wait indefinitely. If it is
+    ill-behaved in a way that triggers the underlying foolscap timeouts, then
+    I will wait only as long as those foolscap timeouts, but if it is
+    ill-behaved in a way which placates the foolscap timeouts but still
+    doesn't answer my question then I will wait indefinitely.
+    Before I send any new request to a server, I always ask the 'monitor'
+    object that was passed into my constructor whether this task has been
+    cancelled (by invoking its raise_if_cancelled() method).
     def __init__(self, client, verifycap, servers, verify, monitor):
         assert precondition(isinstance(verifycap, CHKFileVerifierURI), verifycap, type(verifycap))
@@ -46,11 +49,13 @@ class Checker(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
         self._share_hash_tree = None
     def _get_buckets(self, server, storageindex, serverid):
-        """ Return a deferred that eventually fires with ({sharenum: bucket}, serverid,
-        success).  In case the server is disconnected or returns a Failure then it fires with
-        ({}, serverid, False) (A server disconnecting or returning a Failure when we ask it for
-        buckets is the same, for our purposes, as a server that says it has none, except that we
-        want to track and report whether or not each server responded.)"""
+        """Return a deferred that eventually fires with ({sharenum: bucket},
+        serverid, success). In case the server is disconnected or returns a
+        Failure then it fires with ({}, serverid, False) (A server
+        disconnecting or returning a Failure when we ask it for buckets is
+        the same, for our purposes, as a server that says it has none, except
+        that we want to track and report whether or not each server
+        responded.)"""
         d = server.callRemote("get_buckets", storageindex)
@@ -70,31 +75,39 @@ class Checker(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
         return d
     def _download_and_verify(self, serverid, sharenum, bucket):
-        """ Start an attempt to download and verify every block in this bucket and return a
-        deferred that will eventually fire once the attempt completes.
-        If you download and verify every block then fire with (True, sharenum, None), else if
-        the share data couldn't be parsed because it was of an unknown version number fire with
-        (False, sharenum, 'incompatible'), else if any of the blocks were invalid, fire with
-        (False, sharenum, 'corrupt'), else if the server disconnected (False, sharenum,
-        'disconnect'), else if the server returned a Failure during the process fire with
-        (False, sharenum, 'failure').
-        If there is an internal error such as an uncaught exception in this code, then the
-        deferred will errback, but if there is a remote error such as the server failing or the
-        returned data being incorrect then it will not errback -- it will fire normally with the
-        indicated results. """
+        """Start an attempt to download and verify every block in this bucket
+        and return a deferred that will eventually fire once the attempt
+        completes.
+        If you download and verify every block then fire with (True,
+        sharenum, None), else if the share data couldn't be parsed because it
+        was of an unknown version number fire with (False, sharenum,
+        'incompatible'), else if any of the blocks were invalid, fire with
+        (False, sharenum, 'corrupt'), else if the server disconnected (False,
+        sharenum, 'disconnect'), else if the server returned a Failure during
+        the process fire with (False, sharenum, 'failure').
+        If there is an internal error such as an uncaught exception in this
+        code, then the deferred will errback, but if there is a remote error
+        such as the server failing or the returned data being incorrect then
+        it will not errback -- it will fire normally with the indicated
+        results."""
         b = layout.ReadBucketProxy(bucket, serverid, self._verifycap.storage_index)
         veup = download.ValidatedExtendedURIProxy(b, self._verifycap)
         d = veup.start()
         def _errb(f):
-            # Okay, we didn't succeed at fetching and verifying all the blocks of this
-            # share.  Now we need to handle different reasons for failure differently.  If
-            # the failure isn't one of the following four classes then it will get
-            # re-raised.
-            failtype = f.trap(DeadReferenceError, rrefutil.ServerFailure, layout.LayoutInvalid, layout.RidiculouslyLargeURIExtensionBlock, download.BadOrMissingHash, download.BadURIExtensionHashValue)
+            # Okay, we didn't succeed at fetching and verifying all the
+            # blocks of this share. Now we need to handle different reasons
+            # for failure differently. If the failure isn't one of the
+            # following four classes then it will get re-raised.
+            failtype = f.trap(DeadReferenceError,
+                              rrefutil.ServerFailure,
+                              layout.LayoutInvalid,
+                              layout.RidiculouslyLargeURIExtensionBlock,
+                              download.BadOrMissingHash,
+                              download.BadURIExtensionHashValue)
             if failtype is DeadReferenceError:
                 return (False, sharenum, 'disconnect')
@@ -122,7 +135,8 @@ class Checker(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
             dl = deferredutil.gatherResults(ds)
-            # dl will fire once every block of this share has been downloaded and verified, or else it will errback.
+            # dl will fire once every block of this share has been downloaded
+            # and verified, or else it will errback.
             def _cb(result):
                 return (True, sharenum, None)
@@ -136,20 +150,27 @@ class Checker(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
         return d
     def _verify_server_shares(self, serverid, ss):
-        """ Return a deferred which eventually fires with a tuple of (set(sharenum), serverid,
-        set(corruptsharenum), set(incompatiblesharenum), success) showing all the shares
-        verified to be served by this server, and all the corrupt shares served by the server,
-        and all the incompatible shares served by the server.  In case the server is
-        disconnected or returns a Failure then it fires with the last element False.  A server
-        disconnecting or returning a failure when we ask it for shares is the same, for our
-        purposes, as a server that says it has none or offers invalid ones, except that we want
-        to track and report the server's behavior.  Similarly, the presence of corrupt shares is
-        mainly of use for diagnostics -- you can typically treat it as just like being no share
-        at all by just observing its absence from the verified shares dict and ignoring its
-        presence in the corrupt shares dict.  The 'success' argument means whether the server
-        responded to *any* queries during this process, so if it responded to some queries and
-        then disconnected and ceased responding, or returned a failure, it is still marked with
-        the True flag for 'success'.
+        """ Return a deferred which eventually fires with a tuple of
+        (set(sharenum), serverid, set(corruptsharenum),
+        set(incompatiblesharenum), success) showing all the shares verified
+        to be served by this server, and all the corrupt shares served by the
+        server, and all the incompatible shares served by the server. In case
+        the server is disconnected or returns a Failure then it fires with
+        the last element False.
+        A server disconnecting or returning a failure when we ask it for
+        shares is the same, for our purposes, as a server that says it has
+        none or offers invalid ones, except that we want to track and report
+        the server's behavior. Similarly, the presence of corrupt shares is
+        mainly of use for diagnostics -- you can typically treat it as just
+        like being no share at all by just observing its absence from the
+        verified shares dict and ignoring its presence in the corrupt shares
+        dict.
+        The 'success' argument means whether the server responded to *any*
+        queries during this process, so if it responded to some queries and
+        then disconnected and ceased responding, or returned a failure, it is
+        still marked with the True flag for 'success'.
         d = self._get_buckets(ss, self._verifycap.storage_index, serverid)
@@ -188,12 +209,13 @@ class Checker(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
         return d
     def _check_server_shares(self, serverid, ss):
-        """ Return a deferred which eventually fires with a tuple of (set(sharenum), serverid,
-        set(), set(), responded) showing all the shares claimed to be served by this server.  In
-        case the server is disconnected then it fires with (set() serverid, set(), set(), False)
-        (a server disconnecting when we ask it for buckets is the same, for our purposes, as a
-        server that says it has none, except that we want to track and report whether or not
-        each server responded.)"""
+        """Return a deferred which eventually fires with a tuple of
+        (set(sharenum), serverid, set(), set(), responded) showing all the
+        shares claimed to be served by this server. In case the server is
+        disconnected then it fires with (set() serverid, set(), set(), False)
+        (a server disconnecting when we ask it for buckets is the same, for
+        our purposes, as a server that says it has none, except that we want
+        to track and report whether or not each server responded.)"""
         def _curry_empty_corrupted(res):
             buckets, serverid, responded = res
             return (set(buckets), serverid, set(), set(), responded)
@@ -245,15 +267,17 @@ class Checker(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
         d['servers-responding'] = list(servers)
         d['sharemap'] = verifiedshares
-        d['count-wrong-shares'] = 0 # no such thing as wrong shares of an immutable file
+        # no such thing as wrong shares of an immutable file
+        d['count-wrong-shares'] = 0
         d['list-corrupt-shares'] = corruptsharelocators
         d['count-corrupt-shares'] = len(corruptsharelocators)
         d['list-incompatible-shares'] = incompatiblesharelocators
         d['count-incompatible-shares'] = len(incompatiblesharelocators)
-        # The file needs rebalancing if the set of servers that have at least one share is less
-        # than the number of uniquely-numbered shares available.
+        # The file needs rebalancing if the set of servers that have at least
+        # one share is less than the number of uniquely-numbered shares
+        # available.
         cr.set_needs_rebalancing(d['count-good-share-hosts'] < d['count-shares-good'])