From 2e314ad47f68fce355211151ecffe03e62a9e363 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brian Warner <>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 14:24:11 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] reindent from 2-spaces to 4-spaces. No
 functional changes.

 src/allmydata/ | 588 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 298 insertions(+), 290 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/allmydata/ b/src/allmydata/
index 3e4e09ed..900c5032 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/
+++ b/src/allmydata/
@@ -57,324 +57,332 @@ BLOCK_SIZE     = 65536
 def roundup_pow2(x):
-  """
-  Round integer C{x} up to the nearest power of 2.
-  """
-  ans = 1
-  while ans < x:
-    ans *= 2
-  return ans
+    """
+    Round integer C{x} up to the nearest power of 2.
+    """
+    ans = 1
+    while ans < x:
+        ans *= 2
+    return ans
 class CompleteBinaryTreeMixin:
-  """
-  Adds convenience methods to a complete binary tree.
-  Assumes the total number of elements in the binary tree may be
-  accessed via C{__len__}, and that each element can be retrieved
-  using list subscripting.
+    """
+    Adds convenience methods to a complete binary tree.
-  Tree is indexed like so::
+    Assumes the total number of elements in the binary tree may be
+    accessed via C{__len__}, and that each element can be retrieved
+    using list subscripting.
+    Tree is indexed like so::
-                      0
-                 /        \
-              1               2
-           /    \          /    \
-         3       4       5       6
-        / \     / \     / \     / \
-       7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14
-  """
-  def parent(self, i):
-    """
-    Index of the parent of C{i}.
-    """
-    if i < 1 or (hasattr(self, '__len__') and i >= len(self)):
-      raise IndexError('index out of range: ' + repr(i))
-    return (i - 1) // 2
+                        0
+                   /        \
+                1               2
+             /    \          /    \
+           3       4       5       6
+          / \     / \     / \     / \
+         7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14
-  def lchild(self, i):
-    Index of the left child of C{i}.
-    """
-    ans = 2 * i + 1
-    if i < 0 or (hasattr(self, '__len__') and ans >= len(self)):
-      raise IndexError('index out of range: ' + repr(i))
-    return ans
-  def rchild(self, i):
-    """
-    Index of right child of C{i}.
-    """
-    ans = 2 * i + 2
-    if i < 0 or (hasattr(self, '__len__') and ans >= len(self)):
-      raise IndexError('index out of range: ' + repr(i))
-    return ans
-  def sibling(self, i):
-    """
-    Index of sibling of C{i}.
-    """
-    parent = self.parent(i)
-    if self.lchild(parent) == i:
-      return self.rchild(parent)
-    else:
-      return self.lchild(parent)
-  def needed_for(self, i):
-    """
-    Return a list of node indices that are necessary for the hash chain.
-    """
-    if i < 0 or i >= len(self):
-      raise IndexError('index out of range: ' + repr(i))
-    needed = []
-    here = i
-    while here != 0:
-      needed.append(self.sibling(here))
-      here = self.parent(here)
-    return needed
-  def depth_first(self, i=0):
-    yield i, 0
-    try:
-      for child,childdepth in self.depth_first(self.lchild(i)):
-        yield child, childdepth+1
-    except IndexError:
-      pass
-    try:
-      for child,childdepth in self.depth_first(self.rchild(i)):
-        yield child, childdepth+1
-    except IndexError:
-      pass
-  def dump(self):
-    lines = []
-    for i,depth in self.depth_first():
-      lines.append("%s%3d: %s" % ("  "*depth, i, idlib.b2a_or_none(self[i])))
-    return "\n".join(lines) + "\n"
+    def parent(self, i):
+        """
+        Index of the parent of C{i}.
+        """
+        if i < 1 or (hasattr(self, '__len__') and i >= len(self)):
+            raise IndexError('index out of range: ' + repr(i))
+        return (i - 1) // 2
+    def lchild(self, i):
+        """
+        Index of the left child of C{i}.
+        """
+        ans = 2 * i + 1
+        if i < 0 or (hasattr(self, '__len__') and ans >= len(self)):
+            raise IndexError('index out of range: ' + repr(i))
+        return ans
+    def rchild(self, i):
+        """
+        Index of right child of C{i}.
+        """
+        ans = 2 * i + 2
+        if i < 0 or (hasattr(self, '__len__') and ans >= len(self)):
+            raise IndexError('index out of range: ' + repr(i))
+        return ans
+    def sibling(self, i):
+        """
+        Index of sibling of C{i}.
+        """
+        parent = self.parent(i)
+        if self.lchild(parent) == i:
+            return self.rchild(parent)
+        else:
+            return self.lchild(parent)
+    def needed_for(self, i):
+        """
+        Return a list of node indices that are necessary for the hash chain.
+        """
+        if i < 0 or i >= len(self):
+            raise IndexError('index out of range: ' + repr(i))
+        needed = []
+        here = i
+        while here != 0:
+            needed.append(self.sibling(here))
+            here = self.parent(here)
+        return needed
+    def depth_first(self, i=0):
+        yield i, 0
+        try:
+            for child,childdepth in self.depth_first(self.lchild(i)):
+                yield child, childdepth+1
+        except IndexError:
+            pass
+        try:
+            for child,childdepth in self.depth_first(self.rchild(i)):
+                yield child, childdepth+1
+        except IndexError:
+            pass
+    def dump(self):
+        lines = []
+        for i,depth in self.depth_first():
+            lines.append("%s%3d: %s" % ("  "*depth, i,
+                                        idlib.b2a_or_none(self[i])))
+        return "\n".join(lines) + "\n"
 def empty_leaf_hash(i):
-  return tagged_hash('Merkle tree empty leaf', "%d" % i)
+    return tagged_hash('Merkle tree empty leaf', "%d" % i)
 def pair_hash(a, b):
-  return tagged_pair_hash('Merkle tree internal node', a, b)
+    return tagged_pair_hash('Merkle tree internal node', a, b)
 class HashTree(CompleteBinaryTreeMixin, list):
-  """
-  Compute Merkle hashes at any node in a complete binary tree.
+    """
+    Compute Merkle hashes at any node in a complete binary tree.
-  Tree is indexed like so::
+    Tree is indexed like so::
-                      0
-                 /        \
-              1               2
-           /    \          /    \
-         3       4       5       6
-        / \     / \     / \     / \
-       7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14  <- List passed to constructor.
+                        0
+                   /        \
+                1               2
+             /    \          /    \
+           3       4       5       6
+          / \     / \     / \     / \
+         7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14  <- List passed to constructor.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, L):
-    Create complete binary tree from list of hash strings.
-    The list is augmented by hashes so its length is a power of 2, and
-    then this is used as the bottom row of the hash tree.
-    The augmenting is done so that if the augmented element is at
-    index C{i}, then its value is C{hash(tagged_hash('Merkle tree empty leaf', '%d'%i))}.
-    """
-    # Augment the list.
-    start = len(L)
-    end   = roundup_pow2(len(L))
-    L     = L + [None] * (end - start)
-    for i in range(start, end):
-      L[i] = empty_leaf_hash(i)
-    # Form each row of the tree.
-    rows = [L]
-    while len(rows[-1]) != 1:
-      last = rows[-1]
-      rows += [[pair_hash(last[2*i], last[2*i+1])
-                for i in xrange(len(last)//2)]]
-    # Flatten the list of rows into a single list.
-    rows.reverse()
-    self[:] = sum(rows, [])
+    def __init__(self, L):
+        """
+        Create complete binary tree from list of hash strings.
+        The list is augmented by hashes so its length is a power of 2, and
+        then this is used as the bottom row of the hash tree.
+        The augmenting is done so that if the augmented element is at index
+        C{i}, then its value is C{hash(tagged_hash('Merkle tree empty leaf',
+        '%d'%i))}.
+        """
+        # Augment the list.
+        start = len(L)
+        end   = roundup_pow2(len(L))
+        L     = L + [None] * (end - start)
+        for i in range(start, end):
+            L[i] = empty_leaf_hash(i)
+        # Form each row of the tree.
+        rows = [L]
+        while len(rows[-1]) != 1:
+            last = rows[-1]
+            rows += [[pair_hash(last[2*i], last[2*i+1])
+                                for i in xrange(len(last)//2)]]
+        # Flatten the list of rows into a single list.
+        rows.reverse()
+        self[:] = sum(rows, [])
 class NotEnoughHashesError(Exception):
-  pass
+    pass
 class BadHashError(Exception):
-  pass
+    pass
 class IncompleteHashTree(CompleteBinaryTreeMixin, list):
-  """I am a hash tree which may or may not be complete. I can be used to
-  validate inbound data from some untrustworthy provider who has a subset of
-  leaves and a sufficient subset of internal nodes.
-  Initially I am completely unpopulated. Over time, I will become filled with
-  hashes, just enough to validate particular leaf nodes.
-  If you desire to validate leaf number N, first find out which hashes I need
-  by calling needed_hashes(N). This will return a list of node numbers (which
-  will nominally be the sibling chain between the given leaf and the root,
-  but if I already have some of those nodes, needed_hashes(N) will only
-  return a subset). Obtain these hashes from the data provider, then tell me
-  about them with set_hash(i, HASH). Once I have enough hashes, you can tell
-  me the hash of the leaf with set_leaf_hash(N, HASH), and I will either
-  return None or raise BadHashError.
-  The first hash to be set will probably be 0 (the root hash), since this is
-  the one that will come from someone more trustworthy than the data
-  provider.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, num_leaves):
-    L = [None] * num_leaves
-    start = len(L)
-    end   = roundup_pow2(len(L))
-    self.first_leaf_num = end - 1
-    L     = L + [None] * (end - start)
-    rows = [L]
-    while len(rows[-1]) != 1:
-      last = rows[-1]
-      rows += [[None for i in xrange(len(last)//2)]]
-    # Flatten the list of rows into a single list.
-    rows.reverse()
-    self[:] = sum(rows, [])
-  def needed_hashes(self, hashes=[], leaves=[]):
-    hashnums = set(list(hashes))
-    for leafnum in leaves:
-      hashnums.add(self.first_leaf_num + leafnum)
-    maybe_needed = set()
-    for hashnum in hashnums:
-      maybe_needed.update(self.needed_for(hashnum))
-    maybe_needed.add(0) # need the root too
-    return set([i for i in maybe_needed if self[i] is None])
-  def set_hashes(self, hashes={}, leaves={}, must_validate=False):
-    """Add a bunch of hashes to the tree.
-    I will validate these to the best of my ability. If I already have a copy
-    of any of the new hashes, the new values must equal the existing ones, or
-    I will raise BadHashError. If adding a hash allows me to compute a parent
-    hash, those parent hashes must match or I will raise BadHashError. If I
-    raise BadHashError, I will forget about all the hashes that you tried to
-    add, leaving my state exactly the same as before I was called. If I
-    return successfully, I will remember all those hashes.
-    If every hash that was added was validated, I will return True. If some
-    could not be validated because I did not have enough parent hashes, I
-    will return False. As a result, if I am called with both a leaf hash and
-    the root hash was already set, I will return True if and only if the leaf
-    hash could be validated against the root.
-    If must_validate is True, I will raise NotEnoughHashesError instead of
-    returning False. If I raise NotEnoughHashesError, I will forget about all
-    the hashes that you tried to add. TODO: really?
-    'leaves' is a dictionary uses 'leaf index' values, which range from 0
-    (the left-most leaf) to num_leaves-1 (the right-most leaf), and form the
-    base of the tree. 'hashes' uses 'hash_index' values, which range from 0
-    (the root of the tree) to 2*num_leaves-2 (the right-most leaf). leaf[i]
-    is the same as hash[num_leaves-1+i].
-    The best way to use me is to obtain the root hash from some 'good'
-    channel, then call set_hash(0, root). Then use the 'bad' channel to
-    obtain data block 0 and the corresponding hash chain (a dict with the
-    same hashes that needed_hashes(0) tells you, e.g. {0:h0, 2:h2, 4:h4,
-    8:h8} when len(L)=8). Hash the data block to create leaf0. Then call::
-     good = iht.set_hashes(hashes=hashchain, leaves={0: leaf0})
-    If 'good' is True, the data block was valid. If 'good' is False, the
-    hashchain did not have the right blocks and we don't know whether the
-    data block was good or bad. If set_hashes() raises an exception, either
-    the data was corrupted or one of the received hashes was corrupted.
+    """I am a hash tree which may or may not be complete. I can be used to
+    validate inbound data from some untrustworthy provider who has a subset
+    of leaves and a sufficient subset of internal nodes.
+    Initially I am completely unpopulated. Over time, I will become filled
+    with hashes, just enough to validate particular leaf nodes.
+    If you desire to validate leaf number N, first find out which hashes I
+    need by calling needed_hashes(N). This will return a list of node numbers
+    (which will nominally be the sibling chain between the given leaf and the
+    root, but if I already have some of those nodes, needed_hashes(N) will
+    only return a subset). Obtain these hashes from the data provider, then
+    tell me about them with set_hash(i, HASH). Once I have enough hashes, you
+    can tell me the hash of the leaf with set_leaf_hash(N, HASH), and I will
+    either return None or raise BadHashError.
+    The first hash to be set will probably be 0 (the root hash), since this
+    is the one that will come from someone more trustworthy than the data
+    provider.
-    assert isinstance(hashes, dict)
-    assert isinstance(leaves, dict)
-    new_hashes = hashes.copy()
-    for leafnum,leafhash in leaves.iteritems():
-      hashnum = self.first_leaf_num + leafnum
-      if hashnum in new_hashes:
-        assert new_hashes[hashnum] == leafhash
-      new_hashes[hashnum] = leafhash
-    added = set() # we'll remove these if the check fails
-    try:
-      # first we provisionally add all hashes to the tree, comparing any
-      # duplicates
-      for i in new_hashes:
-        if self[i]:
-          if self[i] != new_hashes[i]:
-            raise BadHashError("new hash does not match existing hash at [%d]"
-                               % i)
-        else:
-          self[i] = new_hashes[i]
-          added.add(i)
-      # then we start from the bottom and compute new parent hashes upwards,
-      # comparing any that already exist. When this phase ends, all nodes
-      # that have a sibling will also have a parent.
-      hashes_to_check = list(new_hashes.keys())
-      # leaf-most first means reverse sorted order
-      while hashes_to_check:
-        hashes_to_check.sort()
-        i = hashes_to_check.pop(-1)
-        if i == 0:
-          # The root has no sibling. How lonely.
-          continue
-        if self[self.sibling(i)] is None:
-          # without a sibling, we can't compute a parent
-          continue
-        parentnum = self.parent(i)
-        # make sure we know right from left
-        leftnum, rightnum = sorted([i, self.sibling(i)])
-        new_parent_hash = pair_hash(self[leftnum], self[rightnum])
-        if self[parentnum]:
-          if self[parentnum] != new_parent_hash:
-            raise BadHashError("h([%d]+[%d]) != h[%d]" % (leftnum, rightnum,
-                                                          parentnum))
-        else:
-          self[parentnum] = new_parent_hash
-          added.add(parentnum)
-          hashes_to_check.insert(0, parentnum)
-      # then we walk downwards from the top (root), and anything that is
-      # reachable is validated. If any of the hashes that we've added are
-      # unreachable, then they are unvalidated.
-      reachable = set()
-      if self[0]:
-        reachable.add(0)
-      # TODO: this could be done more efficiently, by starting from each
-      # element of new_hashes and walking upwards instead, remembering a set
-      # of validated nodes so that the searches for later new_hashes goes
-      # faster. This approach is O(n), whereas O(ln(n)) should be feasible.
-      for i in range(1, len(self)):
-        if self[i] and self.parent(i) in reachable:
-          reachable.add(i)
-      # were we unable to validate any of the new hashes?
-      unvalidated = set(new_hashes.keys()) - reachable
-      if unvalidated:
-        if must_validate:
-          those = ",".join([str(i) for i in sorted(unvalidated)])
-          raise NotEnoughHashesError("unable to validate hashes %s" % those)
-    except (BadHashError, NotEnoughHashesError):
-      for i in added:
-        self[i] = None
-      raise
-    # if there were hashes that could not be validated, we return False
-    return not unvalidated
+    def __init__(self, num_leaves):
+        L = [None] * num_leaves
+        start = len(L)
+        end   = roundup_pow2(len(L))
+        self.first_leaf_num = end - 1
+        L     = L + [None] * (end - start)
+        rows = [L]
+        while len(rows[-1]) != 1:
+            last = rows[-1]
+            rows += [[None for i in xrange(len(last)//2)]]
+        # Flatten the list of rows into a single list.
+        rows.reverse()
+        self[:] = sum(rows, [])
+    def needed_hashes(self, hashes=[], leaves=[]):
+        hashnums = set(list(hashes))
+        for leafnum in leaves:
+            hashnums.add(self.first_leaf_num + leafnum)
+        maybe_needed = set()
+        for hashnum in hashnums:
+            maybe_needed.update(self.needed_for(hashnum))
+        maybe_needed.add(0) # need the root too
+        return set([i for i in maybe_needed if self[i] is None])
+    def set_hashes(self, hashes={}, leaves={}, must_validate=False):
+        """Add a bunch of hashes to the tree.
+        I will validate these to the best of my ability. If I already have a
+        copy of any of the new hashes, the new values must equal the existing
+        ones, or I will raise BadHashError. If adding a hash allows me to
+        compute a parent hash, those parent hashes must match or I will raise
+        BadHashError. If I raise BadHashError, I will forget about all the
+        hashes that you tried to add, leaving my state exactly the same as
+        before I was called. If I return successfully, I will remember all
+        those hashes.
+        If every hash that was added was validated, I will return True. If
+        some could not be validated because I did not have enough parent
+        hashes, I will return False. As a result, if I am called with both a
+        leaf hash and the root hash was already set, I will return True if
+        and only if the leaf hash could be validated against the root.
+        If must_validate is True, I will raise NotEnoughHashesError instead
+        of returning False. If I raise NotEnoughHashesError, I will forget
+        about all the hashes that you tried to add. TODO: really?
+        'leaves' is a dictionary uses 'leaf index' values, which range from 0
+        (the left-most leaf) to num_leaves-1 (the right-most leaf), and form
+        the base of the tree. 'hashes' uses 'hash_index' values, which range
+        from 0 (the root of the tree) to 2*num_leaves-2 (the right-most
+        leaf). leaf[i] is the same as hash[num_leaves-1+i].
+        The best way to use me is to obtain the root hash from some 'good'
+        channel, then call set_hash(0, root). Then use the 'bad' channel to
+        obtain data block 0 and the corresponding hash chain (a dict with the
+        same hashes that needed_hashes(0) tells you, e.g. {0:h0, 2:h2, 4:h4,
+        8:h8} when len(L)=8). Hash the data block to create leaf0. Then
+        call::
+          good = iht.set_hashes(hashes=hashchain, leaves={0: leaf0})
+        If 'good' is True, the data block was valid. If 'good' is False, the
+        hashchain did not have the right blocks and we don't know whether the
+        data block was good or bad. If set_hashes() raises an exception,
+        either the data was corrupted or one of the received hashes was
+        corrupted.
+        """
+        assert isinstance(hashes, dict)
+        assert isinstance(leaves, dict)
+        new_hashes = hashes.copy()
+        for leafnum,leafhash in leaves.iteritems():
+            hashnum = self.first_leaf_num + leafnum
+            if hashnum in new_hashes:
+                assert new_hashes[hashnum] == leafhash
+            new_hashes[hashnum] = leafhash
+        added = set() # we'll remove these if the check fails
+        try:
+            # first we provisionally add all hashes to the tree, comparing
+            # any duplicates
+            for i in new_hashes:
+                if self[i]:
+                    if self[i] != new_hashes[i]:
+                        raise BadHashError("new hash does not match existing hash at [%d]" % i)
+                else:
+                    self[i] = new_hashes[i]
+                    added.add(i)
+            # then we start from the bottom and compute new parent hashes
+            # upwards, comparing any that already exist. When this phase
+            # ends, all nodes that have a sibling will also have a parent.
+            hashes_to_check = list(new_hashes.keys())
+            # leaf-most first means reverse sorted order
+            while hashes_to_check:
+                hashes_to_check.sort()
+                i = hashes_to_check.pop(-1)
+                if i == 0:
+                    # The root has no sibling. How lonely.
+                    continue
+                if self[self.sibling(i)] is None:
+                    # without a sibling, we can't compute a parent
+                    continue
+                parentnum = self.parent(i)
+                # make sure we know right from left
+                leftnum, rightnum = sorted([i, self.sibling(i)])
+                new_parent_hash = pair_hash(self[leftnum], self[rightnum])
+                if self[parentnum]:
+                    if self[parentnum] != new_parent_hash:
+                        raise BadHashError("h([%d]+[%d]) != h[%d]" %
+                                           (leftnum, rightnum, parentnum))
+                else:
+                    self[parentnum] = new_parent_hash
+                    added.add(parentnum)
+                    hashes_to_check.insert(0, parentnum)
+            # then we walk downwards from the top (root), and anything that
+            # is reachable is validated. If any of the hashes that we've
+            # added are unreachable, then they are unvalidated.
+            reachable = set()
+            if self[0]:
+                reachable.add(0)
+            # TODO: this could be done more efficiently, by starting from
+            # each element of new_hashes and walking upwards instead,
+            # remembering a set of validated nodes so that the searches for
+            # later new_hashes goes faster. This approach is O(n), whereas
+            # O(ln(n)) should be feasible.
+            for i in range(1, len(self)):
+                if self[i] and self.parent(i) in reachable:
+                    reachable.add(i)
+            # were we unable to validate any of the new hashes?
+            unvalidated = set(new_hashes.keys()) - reachable
+            if unvalidated:
+                if must_validate:
+                    those = ",".join([str(i) for i in sorted(unvalidated)])
+                    raise NotEnoughHashesError("unable to validate hashes %s" % those)
+        except (BadHashError, NotEnoughHashesError):
+            for i in added:
+                self[i] = None
+            raise
+        # if there were hashes that could not be validated, we return False
+        return not unvalidated