From: Kevan Carstensen <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 01:24:05 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: Alter the error message returned when peer selection fails
X-Git-Tag: trac-4400~95

Alter the error message returned when peer selection fails

The Tahoe2PeerSelector returned either NoSharesError or NotEnoughSharesError
for a variety of error conditions that weren't informatively described by them.
This patch creates a new error, UploadHappinessError, replaces uses of
NoSharesError and NotEnoughSharesError with it, and alters the error message
raised with the errors to be more in line with the new servers_of_happiness
behavior. See ticket #834 for more information.

diff --git a/src/allmydata/immutable/ b/src/allmydata/immutable/
index c3ff0d21..064e17f5 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/immutable/
+++ b/src/allmydata/immutable/
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ from allmydata.util import mathutil, hashutil, base32, log
 from allmydata.util.assertutil import _assert, precondition
 from allmydata.codec import CRSEncoder
 from allmydata.interfaces import IEncoder, IStorageBucketWriter, \
-     IEncryptedUploadable, IUploadStatus, NotEnoughSharesError, NoSharesError
+     IEncryptedUploadable, IUploadStatus, UploadHappinessError
 The goal of the encoder is to turn the original file into a series of
@@ -494,10 +495,7 @@ class Encoder(object):
             msg = "lost too many servers during upload (still have %d, want %d): %s" % \
                    self.servers_of_happiness, why)
-            if servers_left:
-                raise NotEnoughSharesError(msg)
-            else:
-                raise NoSharesError(msg)
+            raise UploadHappinessError(msg)
         self.log("but we can still continue with %s shares, we'll be happy "
                  "with at least %s" % (len(servers_left),
@@ -507,12 +505,12 @@ class Encoder(object):
         d = defer.DeferredList(dl, fireOnOneErrback=True)
         def _eatNotEnoughSharesError(f):
             # all exceptions that occur while talking to a peer are handled
-            # in _remove_shareholder. That might raise NotEnoughSharesError,
+            # in _remove_shareholder. That might raise UploadHappinessError,
             # which will cause the DeferredList to errback but which should
-            # otherwise be consumed. Allow non-NotEnoughSharesError exceptions
+            # otherwise be consumed. Allow non-UploadHappinessError exceptions
             # to pass through as an unhandled errback. We use this in lieu of
             # consumeErrors=True to allow coding errors to be logged.
-            f.trap(NotEnoughSharesError, NoSharesError)
+            f.trap(UploadHappinessError)
             return None
         for d0 in dl:
diff --git a/src/allmydata/immutable/ b/src/allmydata/immutable/
index 1e8289ec..32aec3f7 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/immutable/
+++ b/src/allmydata/immutable/
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
 from allmydata.util.rrefutil import add_version_to_remote_reference
 from allmydata.interfaces import IUploadable, IUploader, IUploadResults, \
      IEncryptedUploadable, RIEncryptedUploadable, IUploadStatus, \
-     NotEnoughSharesError, NoSharesError, NoServersError, \
-     InsufficientVersionError
+     NoServersError, InsufficientVersionError, UploadHappinessError
 from allmydata.immutable import layout
 from pycryptopp.cipher.aes import AES
@@ -117,12 +116,8 @@ class PeerTracker:
     def query_allocated(self):
         d = self._storageserver.callRemote("get_buckets",
-        d.addCallback(self._got_allocate_reply)
         return d
-    def _got_allocate_reply(self, buckets):
-        return (self.peerid, buckets)
     def _got_reply(self, (alreadygot, buckets)):
         #log.msg("%s._got_reply(%s)" % (self, (alreadygot, buckets)))
         b = {}
@@ -189,6 +184,8 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector:
     def __init__(self, upload_id, logparent=None, upload_status=None):
         self.upload_id = upload_id
         self.query_count, self.good_query_count, self.bad_query_count = 0,0,0
+        # Peers that are working normally, but full.
+        self.full_count = 0
         self.error_count = 0
         self.num_peers_contacted = 0
         self.last_failure_msg = None
@@ -291,15 +288,37 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector:
             peer = self.readonly_peers.pop()
             assert isinstance(peer, PeerTracker)
             d = peer.query_allocated()
-            d.addCallback(self._handle_existing_response)
+            d.addBoth(self._handle_existing_response, peer.peerid)
+            self.num_peers_contacted += 1
+            self.query_count += 1
+            log.msg("asking peer %s for any existing shares for upload id %s"
+                    % (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peer.peerid), self.upload_id),
+                    level=log.NOISY, parent=self._log_parent)
+            if self._status:
+                self._status.set_status("Contacting Peer %s to find "
+                                        "any existing shares"
+                                        % idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peer.peerid))
             return d
-    def _handle_existing_response(self, (peer, buckets)):
-        for bucket in buckets:
-            if should_add_server(self.preexisting_shares, peer, bucket):
-                self.preexisting_shares[bucket] = peer
-                if self.homeless_shares and bucket in self.homeless_shares:
-                    self.homeless_shares.remove(bucket)
+    def _handle_existing_response(self, res, peer):
+        if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
+            log.msg("%s got error during existing shares check: %s"
+                    % (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peer), res),
+                    level=log.UNUSUAL, parent=self._log_parent)
+            self.error_count += 1
+            self.bad_query_count += 1
+        else:
+            buckets = res
+            log.msg("response from peer %s: alreadygot=%s"
+                    % (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peer), tuple(sorted(buckets))),
+                    level=log.NOISY, parent=self._log_parent)
+            for bucket in buckets:
+                if should_add_server(self.preexisting_shares, peer, bucket):
+                    self.preexisting_shares[bucket] = peer
+                    if self.homeless_shares and bucket in self.homeless_shares:
+                        self.homeless_shares.remove(bucket)
+            self.full_count += 1
+            self.bad_query_count += 1
         return self._existing_shares()
     def _loop(self):
@@ -343,7 +362,7 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector:
                             items.append((servernum, sharelist))
                     return self._loop()
-                    raise NotEnoughSharesError("shares could only be placed "
+                    raise UploadHappinessError("shares could only be placed "
                                    "on %d servers (%d were requested)" %
@@ -402,22 +421,20 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector:
                 msg = ("placed %d shares out of %d total (%d homeless), "
                        "want to place on %d servers, "
                        "sent %d queries to %d peers, "
-                       "%d queries placed some shares, %d placed none, "
-                       "got %d errors" %
+                       "%d queries placed some shares, %d placed none "
+                       "(of which %d placed none due to the server being"
+                       " full and %d placed none due to an error)" %
                        (self.total_shares - len(self.homeless_shares),
                         self.total_shares, len(self.homeless_shares),
                         self.query_count, self.num_peers_contacted,
                         self.good_query_count, self.bad_query_count,
-                        self.error_count))
+                        self.full_count, self.error_count))
                 msg = "peer selection failed for %s: %s" % (self, msg)
                 if self.last_failure_msg:
                     msg += " (%s)" % (self.last_failure_msg,)
                 log.msg(msg, level=log.UNUSUAL, parent=self._log_parent)
-                if placed_shares:
-                    raise NotEnoughSharesError(msg)
-                else:
-                    raise NoSharesError(msg)
+                raise UploadHappinessError(msg)
                 # we placed enough to be happy, so we're done
                 if self._status:
@@ -431,6 +448,7 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector:
             log.msg("%s got error during peer selection: %s" % (peer, res),
                     level=log.UNUSUAL, parent=self._log_parent)
             self.error_count += 1
+            self.bad_query_count += 1
             self.homeless_shares = list(shares_to_ask) + self.homeless_shares
             if (self.uncontacted_peers
                 or self.contacted_peers
@@ -458,7 +476,6 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector:
                     self.preexisting_shares[s] = peer.peerid
                     if s in self.homeless_shares:
-                        progress = True
             # the PeerTracker will remember which shares were allocated on
             # that peer. We just have to remember to use them.
@@ -475,6 +492,7 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector:
                 self.good_query_count += 1
                 self.bad_query_count += 1
+                self.full_count += 1
             if still_homeless:
                 # In networks with lots of space, this is very unusual and
diff --git a/src/allmydata/ b/src/allmydata/
index 42a188cc..78c712b7 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/
+++ b/src/allmydata/
@@ -805,11 +805,13 @@ class IMutableFileNode(IFileNode):
 class NotEnoughSharesError(Exception):
-    """Download was unable to get enough shares, or upload was unable to
-    place 'servers_of_happiness' shares."""
+    """Download was unable to get enough shares"""
 class NoSharesError(Exception):
-    """Upload or Download was unable to get any shares at all."""
+    """Download was unable to get any shares at all."""
+class UploadHappinessError(Exception):
+    """Upload was unable to satisfy 'servers_of_happiness'"""
 class UnableToFetchCriticalDownloadDataError(Exception):
     """I was unable to fetch some piece of critical data which is supposed to