From: Brian Warner <>
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 02:11:00 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: refactor: s/peer/server/ in immutable/upload,, test_upload

refactor: s/peer/server/ in immutable/upload,, test_upload

No behavioral changes, just updating variable/method names and log messages.
The effects outside these three files should be minimal: some exception
messages changed (to say "server" instead of "peer"), and some internal class
names were changed. A few things still use "peer" to minimize external
changes, like UploadResults.timings["peer_selection"] and
happinessutil.merge_peers, which can be changed later.

diff --git a/src/allmydata/immutable/ b/src/allmydata/immutable/
index 66bf3c4e..2758520b 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/immutable/
+++ b/src/allmydata/immutable/
@@ -68,14 +68,14 @@ EXTENSION_SIZE = 1000
 def pretty_print_shnum_to_servers(s):
     return ', '.join([ "sh%s: %s" % (k, '+'.join([idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(x) for x in v])) for k, v in s.iteritems() ])
-class PeerTracker:
-    def __init__(self, peerid, storage_server,
+class ServerTracker:
+    def __init__(self, serverid, storage_server,
                  sharesize, blocksize, num_segments, num_share_hashes,
                  bucket_renewal_secret, bucket_cancel_secret):
-        precondition(isinstance(peerid, str), peerid)
-        precondition(len(peerid) == 20, peerid)
-        self.peerid = peerid
+        precondition(isinstance(serverid, str), serverid)
+        precondition(len(serverid) == 20, serverid)
+        self.serverid = serverid
         self._storageserver = storage_server # to an RIStorageServer
         self.buckets = {} # k: shareid, v: IRemoteBucketWriter
         self.sharesize = sharesize
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class PeerTracker:
         wbp = layout.make_write_bucket_proxy(None, sharesize,
                                              blocksize, num_segments,
-                                             EXTENSION_SIZE, peerid)
+                                             EXTENSION_SIZE, serverid)
         self.wbp_class = wbp.__class__ # to create more of them
         self.allocated_size = wbp.get_allocated_size()
         self.blocksize = blocksize
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ class PeerTracker:
         self.cancel_secret = bucket_cancel_secret
     def __repr__(self):
-        return ("<PeerTracker for peer %s and SI %s>"
-                % (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(self.peerid),
+        return ("<ServerTracker for server %s and SI %s>"
+                % (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(self.serverid),
     def query(self, sharenums):
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class PeerTracker:
-                                self.peerid)
+                                self.serverid)
             b[sharenum] = bp
         return (alreadygot, set(b.keys()))
@@ -149,58 +149,59 @@ class PeerTracker:
 def str_shareloc(shnum, bucketwriter):
     return "%s: %s" % (shnum, idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(bucketwriter._nodeid),)
-class Tahoe2PeerSelector(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
+class Tahoe2ServerSelector(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
     def __init__(self, upload_id, logparent=None, upload_status=None):
         self.upload_id = upload_id
         self.query_count, self.good_query_count, self.bad_query_count = 0,0,0
-        # Peers that are working normally, but full.
+        # Servers that are working normally, but full.
         self.full_count = 0
         self.error_count = 0
-        self.num_peers_contacted = 0
+        self.num_servers_contacted = 0
         self.last_failure_msg = None
         self._status = IUploadStatus(upload_status)
         log.PrefixingLogMixin.__init__(self, 'tahoe.immutable.upload', logparent, prefix=upload_id)
         self.log("starting", level=log.OPERATIONAL)
     def __repr__(self):
-        return "<Tahoe2PeerSelector for upload %s>" % self.upload_id
+        return "<Tahoe2ServerSelector for upload %s>" % self.upload_id
     def get_shareholders(self, storage_broker, secret_holder,
                          storage_index, share_size, block_size,
                          num_segments, total_shares, needed_shares,
-        @return: (upload_servers, already_peers), where upload_servers is a set of
-                 PeerTracker instances that have agreed to hold some shares
-                 for us (the shareids are stashed inside the PeerTracker),
-                 and already_peers is a dict mapping shnum to a set of peers
-                 which claim to already have the share.
+        @return: (upload_servers, already_servers), where upload_servers is
+                 a set of ServerTracker instances that have agreed to hold
+                 some shares for us (the shareids are stashed inside the
+                 ServerTracker), and already_servers is a dict mapping shnum
+                 to a set of servers which claim to already have the share.
         if self._status:
-            self._status.set_status("Contacting Peers..")
+            self._status.set_status("Contacting Servers..")
         self.total_shares = total_shares
         self.servers_of_happiness = servers_of_happiness
         self.needed_shares = needed_shares
         self.homeless_shares = set(range(total_shares))
-        self.contacted_peers = [] # peers worth asking again
-        self.contacted_peers2 = [] # peers that we have asked again
+        self.contacted_servers = [] # servers worth asking again
+        self.contacted_servers2 = [] # servers that we have asked again
         self._started_second_pass = False
-        self.use_peers = set() # PeerTrackers that have shares assigned to them
-        self.preexisting_shares = {} # shareid => set(peerids) holding shareid
+        self.use_servers = set() # ServerTrackers that have shares assigned
+                                 # to them
+        self.preexisting_shares = {} # shareid => set(serverids) holding shareid
         # We don't try to allocate shares to these servers, since they've said
         # that they're incapable of storing shares of the size that we'd want
         # to store. We keep them around because they may have existing shares
         # for this storage index, which we want to know about for accurate
         # servers_of_happiness accounting
         # (this is eventually a list, but it is initialized later)
-        self.readonly_peers = None
-        # These peers have shares -- any shares -- for our SI. We keep
+        self.readonly_servers = None
+        # These servers have shares -- any shares -- for our SI. We keep
         # track of these to write an error message with them later.
-        self.peers_with_shares = set()
+        self.servers_with_shares = set()
         # this needed_hashes computation should mirror
         # Encoder.send_all_share_hash_trees. We use an IncompleteHashTree
@@ -214,22 +215,22 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
                                              num_share_hashes, EXTENSION_SIZE,
         allocated_size = wbp.get_allocated_size()
-        all_peers = [(s.get_serverid(), s.get_rref())
-                     for s in storage_broker.get_servers_for_psi(storage_index)]
-        if not all_peers:
-            raise NoServersError("client gave us zero peers")
+        all_servers = [(s.get_serverid(), s.get_rref())
+                       for s in storage_broker.get_servers_for_psi(storage_index)]
+        if not all_servers:
+            raise NoServersError("client gave us zero servers")
-        # filter the list of peers according to which ones can accomodate
-        # this request. This excludes older peers (which used a 4-byte size
+        # filter the list of servers according to which ones can accomodate
+        # this request. This excludes older servers (which used a 4-byte size
         # field) from getting large shares (for files larger than about
         # 12GiB). See #439 for details.
-        def _get_maxsize(peer):
-            (peerid, conn) = peer
+        def _get_maxsize(server):
+            (serverid, conn) = server
             v1 = conn.version[""]
             return v1["maximum-immutable-share-size"]
-        writable_peers = [peer for peer in all_peers
-                          if _get_maxsize(peer) >= allocated_size]
-        readonly_peers = set(all_peers[:2*total_shares]) - set(writable_peers)
+        writable_servers = [server for server in all_servers
+                            if _get_maxsize(server) >= allocated_size]
+        readonly_servers = set(all_servers[:2*total_shares]) - set(writable_servers)
         # decide upon the renewal/cancel secrets, to include them in the
         # allocate_buckets query.
@@ -240,61 +241,61 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
         file_cancel_secret = file_cancel_secret_hash(client_cancel_secret,
-        def _make_trackers(peers):
-           return [PeerTracker(peerid, conn,
-                               share_size, block_size,
-                               num_segments, num_share_hashes,
-                               storage_index,
-                               bucket_renewal_secret_hash(file_renewal_secret,
-                                                          peerid),
-                               bucket_cancel_secret_hash(file_cancel_secret,
-                                                         peerid))
-                    for (peerid, conn) in peers]
-        self.uncontacted_peers = _make_trackers(writable_peers)
-        self.readonly_peers = _make_trackers(readonly_peers)
-        # We now ask peers that can't hold any new shares about existing
+        def _make_trackers(servers):
+           return [ServerTracker(serverid, conn,
+                                 share_size, block_size,
+                                 num_segments, num_share_hashes,
+                                 storage_index,
+                                 bucket_renewal_secret_hash(file_renewal_secret,
+                                                            serverid),
+                                 bucket_cancel_secret_hash(file_cancel_secret,
+                                                           serverid))
+                   for (serverid, conn) in servers]
+        self.uncontacted_servers = _make_trackers(writable_servers)
+        self.readonly_servers = _make_trackers(readonly_servers)
+        # We now ask servers that can't hold any new shares about existing
         # shares that they might have for our SI. Once this is done, we
         # start placing the shares that we haven't already accounted
         # for.
         ds = []
-        if self._status and self.readonly_peers:
-            self._status.set_status("Contacting readonly peers to find "
+        if self._status and self.readonly_servers:
+            self._status.set_status("Contacting readonly servers to find "
                                     "any existing shares")
-        for peer in self.readonly_peers:
-            assert isinstance(peer, PeerTracker)
-            d = peer.ask_about_existing_shares()
-            d.addBoth(self._handle_existing_response, peer.peerid)
+        for server in self.readonly_servers:
+            assert isinstance(server, ServerTracker)
+            d = server.ask_about_existing_shares()
+            d.addBoth(self._handle_existing_response, server.serverid)
-            self.num_peers_contacted += 1
+            self.num_servers_contacted += 1
             self.query_count += 1
-            self.log("asking peer %s for any existing shares" %
-                     (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peer.peerid),),
+            self.log("asking server %s for any existing shares" %
+                     (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(server.serverid),),
         dl = defer.DeferredList(ds)
         dl.addCallback(lambda ign: self._loop())
         return dl
-    def _handle_existing_response(self, res, peer):
+    def _handle_existing_response(self, res, server):
         I handle responses to the queries sent by
-        Tahoe2PeerSelector._existing_shares.
+        Tahoe2ServerSelector._existing_shares.
         if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
             self.log("%s got error during existing shares check: %s"
-                    % (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peer), res),
+                    % (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(server), res),
             self.error_count += 1
             self.bad_query_count += 1
             buckets = res
             if buckets:
-                self.peers_with_shares.add(peer)
-            self.log("response to get_buckets() from peer %s: alreadygot=%s"
-                    % (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peer), tuple(sorted(buckets))),
+                self.servers_with_shares.add(server)
+            self.log("response to get_buckets() from server %s: alreadygot=%s"
+                    % (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(server), tuple(sorted(buckets))),
             for bucket in buckets:
-                self.preexisting_shares.setdefault(bucket, set()).add(peer)
+                self.preexisting_shares.setdefault(bucket, set()).add(server)
             self.full_count += 1
             self.bad_query_count += 1
@@ -310,36 +311,37 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
         return (msg + "want to place shares on at least %d servers such that "
                       "any %d of them have enough shares to recover the file, "
-                      "sent %d queries to %d peers, "
+                      "sent %d queries to %d servers, "
                       "%d queries placed some shares, %d placed none "
                       "(of which %d placed none due to the server being"
                       " full and %d placed none due to an error)" %
                         (self.servers_of_happiness, self.needed_shares,
-                         self.query_count, self.num_peers_contacted,
+                         self.query_count, self.num_servers_contacted,
                          self.good_query_count, self.bad_query_count,
                          self.full_count, self.error_count))
     def _loop(self):
         if not self.homeless_shares:
-            merged = merge_peers(self.preexisting_shares, self.use_peers)
+            merged = merge_peers(self.preexisting_shares, self.use_servers)
             effective_happiness = servers_of_happiness(merged)
             if self.servers_of_happiness <= effective_happiness:
                 msg = ("server selection successful for %s: %s: pretty_print_merged: %s, "
-                    "self.use_peers: %s, self.preexisting_shares: %s") \
-                        % (self, self._get_progress_message(),
-                        pretty_print_shnum_to_servers(merged),
-                        [', '.join([str_shareloc(k,v) for k,v in p.buckets.iteritems()])
-                            for p in self.use_peers],
-                        pretty_print_shnum_to_servers(self.preexisting_shares))
+                       "self.use_servers: %s, self.preexisting_shares: %s") \
+                       % (self, self._get_progress_message(),
+                          pretty_print_shnum_to_servers(merged),
+                          [', '.join([str_shareloc(k,v)
+                                      for k,v in s.buckets.iteritems()])
+                           for s in self.use_servers],
+                          pretty_print_shnum_to_servers(self.preexisting_shares))
                 self.log(msg, level=log.OPERATIONAL)
-                return (self.use_peers, self.preexisting_shares)
+                return (self.use_servers, self.preexisting_shares)
                 # We're not okay right now, but maybe we can fix it by
                 # redistributing some shares. In cases where one or two
                 # servers has, before the upload, all or most of the
                 # shares for a given SI, this can work by allowing _loop
-                # a chance to spread those out over the other peers,
+                # a chance to spread those out over the other servers,
                 delta = self.servers_of_happiness - effective_happiness
                 shares = shares_by_server(self.preexisting_shares)
                 # Each server in shares maps to a set of shares stored on it.
@@ -350,7 +352,7 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
                 shares_to_spread = sum([len(list(sharelist)) - 1
                                         for (server, sharelist)
                                         in shares.items()])
-                if delta <= len(self.uncontacted_peers) and \
+                if delta <= len(self.uncontacted_servers) and \
                    shares_to_spread >= delta:
                     items = shares.items()
                     while len(self.homeless_shares) < delta:
@@ -366,16 +368,16 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
                             if not self.preexisting_shares[share]:
                                 del self.preexisting_shares[share]
                             items.append((server, sharelist))
-                        for writer in self.use_peers:
+                        for writer in self.use_servers:
                     return self._loop()
                     # Redistribution won't help us; fail.
-                    peer_count = len(self.peers_with_shares)
-                    failmsg = failure_message(peer_count,
-                                          self.needed_shares,
-                                          self.servers_of_happiness,
-                                          effective_happiness)
+                    server_count = len(self.servers_with_shares)
+                    failmsg = failure_message(server_count,
+                                              self.needed_shares,
+                                              self.servers_of_happiness,
+                                              effective_happiness)
                     servmsgtempl = "server selection unsuccessful for %r: %s (%s), merged=%s"
                     servmsg = servmsgtempl % (
@@ -386,63 +388,62 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
                     self.log(servmsg, level=log.INFREQUENT)
                     return self._failed("%s (%s)" % (failmsg, self._get_progress_message()))
-        if self.uncontacted_peers:
-            peer = self.uncontacted_peers.pop(0)
-            # TODO: don't pre-convert all peerids to PeerTrackers
-            assert isinstance(peer, PeerTracker)
+        if self.uncontacted_servers:
+            server = self.uncontacted_servers.pop(0)
+            # TODO: don't pre-convert all serverids to ServerTrackers
+            assert isinstance(server, ServerTracker)
             shares_to_ask = set(sorted(self.homeless_shares)[:1])
             self.homeless_shares -= shares_to_ask
             self.query_count += 1
-            self.num_peers_contacted += 1
+            self.num_servers_contacted += 1
             if self._status:
-                self._status.set_status("Contacting Peers [%s] (first query),"
+                self._status.set_status("Contacting Servers [%s] (first query),"
                                         " %d shares left.."
-                                        % (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peer.peerid),
+                                        % (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(server.serverid),
-            d = peer.query(shares_to_ask)
-            d.addBoth(self._got_response, peer, shares_to_ask,
-                      self.contacted_peers)
+            d = server.query(shares_to_ask)
+            d.addBoth(self._got_response, server, shares_to_ask,
+                      self.contacted_servers)
             return d
-        elif self.contacted_peers:
-            # ask a peer that we've already asked.
+        elif self.contacted_servers:
+            # ask a server that we've already asked.
             if not self._started_second_pass:
                 self.log("starting second pass",
                 self._started_second_pass = True
             num_shares = mathutil.div_ceil(len(self.homeless_shares),
-                                           len(self.contacted_peers))
-            peer = self.contacted_peers.pop(0)
+                                           len(self.contacted_servers))
+            server = self.contacted_servers.pop(0)
             shares_to_ask = set(sorted(self.homeless_shares)[:num_shares])
             self.homeless_shares -= shares_to_ask
             self.query_count += 1
             if self._status:
-                self._status.set_status("Contacting Peers [%s] (second query),"
+                self._status.set_status("Contacting Servers [%s] (second query),"
                                         " %d shares left.."
-                                        % (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peer.peerid),
+                                        % (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(server.serverid),
-            d = peer.query(shares_to_ask)
-            d.addBoth(self._got_response, peer, shares_to_ask,
-                      self.contacted_peers2)
+            d = server.query(shares_to_ask)
+            d.addBoth(self._got_response, server, shares_to_ask,
+                      self.contacted_servers2)
             return d
-        elif self.contacted_peers2:
+        elif self.contacted_servers2:
             # we've finished the second-or-later pass. Move all the remaining
-            # peers back into self.contacted_peers for the next pass.
-            self.contacted_peers.extend(self.contacted_peers2)
-            self.contacted_peers2[:] = []
+            # servers back into self.contacted_servers for the next pass.
+            self.contacted_servers.extend(self.contacted_servers2)
+            self.contacted_servers2[:] = []
             return self._loop()
-            # no more peers. If we haven't placed enough shares, we fail.
-            merged = merge_peers(self.preexisting_shares, self.use_peers)
+            # no more servers. If we haven't placed enough shares, we fail.
+            merged = merge_peers(self.preexisting_shares, self.use_servers)
             effective_happiness = servers_of_happiness(merged)
             if effective_happiness < self.servers_of_happiness:
-                msg = failure_message(len(self.peers_with_shares),
+                msg = failure_message(len(self.servers_with_shares),
-                msg = ("peer selection failed for %s: %s (%s)" % (self,
-                                msg,
-                                self._get_progress_message()))
+                msg = ("server selection failed for %s: %s (%s)" %
+                       (self, msg, self._get_progress_message()))
                 if self.last_failure_msg:
                     msg += " (%s)" % (self.last_failure_msg,)
                 self.log(msg, level=log.UNUSUAL)
@@ -454,53 +455,53 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
                 msg = ("server selection successful (no more servers) for %s: %s: %s" % (self,
                             self._get_progress_message(), pretty_print_shnum_to_servers(merged)))
                 self.log(msg, level=log.OPERATIONAL)
-                return (self.use_peers, self.preexisting_shares)
+                return (self.use_servers, self.preexisting_shares)
-    def _got_response(self, res, peer, shares_to_ask, put_peer_here):
+    def _got_response(self, res, server, shares_to_ask, put_server_here):
         if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
             # This is unusual, and probably indicates a bug or a network
             # problem.
-            self.log("%s got error during peer selection: %s" % (peer, res),
+            self.log("%s got error during server selection: %s" % (server, res),
             self.error_count += 1
             self.bad_query_count += 1
             self.homeless_shares |= shares_to_ask
-            if (self.uncontacted_peers
-                or self.contacted_peers
-                or self.contacted_peers2):
+            if (self.uncontacted_servers
+                or self.contacted_servers
+                or self.contacted_servers2):
                 # there is still hope, so just loop
-                # No more peers, so this upload might fail (it depends upon
+                # No more servers, so this upload might fail (it depends upon
                 # whether we've hit servers_of_happiness or not). Log the last
-                # failure we got: if a coding error causes all peers to fail
+                # failure we got: if a coding error causes all servers to fail
                 # in the same way, this allows the common failure to be seen
                 # by the uploader and should help with debugging
-                msg = ("last failure (from %s) was: %s" % (peer, res))
+                msg = ("last failure (from %s) was: %s" % (server, res))
                 self.last_failure_msg = msg
             (alreadygot, allocated) = res
-            self.log("response to allocate_buckets() from peer %s: alreadygot=%s, allocated=%s"
-                    % (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peer.peerid),
+            self.log("response to allocate_buckets() from server %s: alreadygot=%s, allocated=%s"
+                    % (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(server.serverid),
                        tuple(sorted(alreadygot)), tuple(sorted(allocated))),
             progress = False
             for s in alreadygot:
-                self.preexisting_shares.setdefault(s, set()).add(peer.peerid)
+                self.preexisting_shares.setdefault(s, set()).add(server.serverid)
                 if s in self.homeless_shares:
                     progress = True
                 elif s in shares_to_ask:
                     progress = True
-            # the PeerTracker will remember which shares were allocated on
+            # the ServerTracker will remember which shares were allocated on
             # that peer. We just have to remember to use them.
             if allocated:
-                self.use_peers.add(peer)
+                self.use_servers.add(server)
                 progress = True
             if allocated or alreadygot:
-                self.peers_with_shares.add(peer.peerid)
+                self.servers_with_shares.add(server.serverid)
             not_yet_present = set(shares_to_ask) - set(alreadygot)
             still_homeless = not_yet_present - set(allocated)
@@ -517,11 +518,11 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
             if still_homeless:
                 # In networks with lots of space, this is very unusual and
-                # probably indicates an error. In networks with peers that
+                # probably indicates an error. In networks with servers that
                 # are full, it is merely unusual. In networks that are very
                 # full, it is common, and many uploads will fail. In most
                 # cases, this is obviously not fatal, and we'll just use some
-                # other peers.
+                # other servers.
                 # some shares are still homeless, keep trying to find them a
                 # home. The ones that were rejected get first priority.
@@ -531,7 +532,7 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
                 # if they *were* able to accept everything, they might be
                 # willing to accept even more.
-                put_peer_here.append(peer)
+                put_server_here.append(server)
         # now loop
         return self._loop()
@@ -539,15 +540,15 @@ class Tahoe2PeerSelector(log.PrefixingLogMixin):
     def _failed(self, msg):
-        I am called when peer selection fails. I first abort all of the
+        I am called when server selection fails. I first abort all of the
         remote buckets that I allocated during my unsuccessful attempt to
         place shares for this file. I then raise an
         UploadUnhappinessError with my msg argument.
-        for peer in self.use_peers:
-            assert isinstance(peer, PeerTracker)
+        for server in self.use_servers:
+            assert isinstance(server, ServerTracker)
-            peer.abort()
+            server.abort()
         raise UploadUnhappinessError(msg)
@@ -825,10 +826,10 @@ class UploadStatus:
         self.results = value
 class CHKUploader:
-    peer_selector_class = Tahoe2PeerSelector
+    server_selector_class = Tahoe2ServerSelector
     def __init__(self, storage_broker, secret_holder):
-        # peer_selector needs storage_broker and secret_holder
+        # server_selector needs storage_broker and secret_holder
         self._storage_broker = storage_broker
         self._secret_holder = secret_holder
         self._log_number = self.log("CHKUploader starting", parent=None)
@@ -841,7 +842,7 @@ class CHKUploader:
         # locate_all_shareholders() will create the following attribute:
-        # self._peer_trackers = {} # k: shnum, v: instance of PeerTracker
+        # self._server_trackers = {} # k: shnum, v: instance of ServerTracker
     def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
         if "parent" not in kwargs:
@@ -892,7 +893,7 @@ class CHKUploader:
         return d
     def locate_all_shareholders(self, encoder, started):
-        peer_selection_started = now = time.time()
+        server_selection_started = now = time.time()
         self._storage_index_elapsed = now - started
         storage_broker = self._storage_broker
         secret_holder = self._secret_holder
@@ -900,55 +901,58 @@ class CHKUploader:
         self._storage_index = storage_index
         upload_id = si_b2a(storage_index)[:5]
         self.log("using storage index %s" % upload_id)
-        peer_selector = self.peer_selector_class(upload_id, self._log_number,
-                                                 self._upload_status)
+        server_selector = self.server_selector_class(upload_id,
+                                                     self._log_number,
+                                                     self._upload_status)
         share_size = encoder.get_param("share_size")
         block_size = encoder.get_param("block_size")
         num_segments = encoder.get_param("num_segments")
         k,desired,n = encoder.get_param("share_counts")
-        self._peer_selection_started = time.time()
-        d = peer_selector.get_shareholders(storage_broker, secret_holder,
-                                           storage_index,
-                                           share_size, block_size,
-                                           num_segments, n, k, desired)
+        self._server_selection_started = time.time()
+        d = server_selector.get_shareholders(storage_broker, secret_holder,
+                                             storage_index,
+                                             share_size, block_size,
+                                             num_segments, n, k, desired)
         def _done(res):
-            self._peer_selection_elapsed = time.time() - peer_selection_started
+            self._server_selection_elapsed = time.time() - server_selection_started
             return res
         return d
-    def set_shareholders(self, (upload_servers, already_peers), encoder):
+    def set_shareholders(self, (upload_servers, already_servers), encoder):
-        @param upload_servers: a sequence of PeerTracker objects that have agreed to hold some
-            shares for us (the shareids are stashed inside the PeerTracker)
-        @paran already_peers: a dict mapping sharenum to a set of peerids
-                              that claim to already have this share
+        @param upload_servers: a sequence of ServerTracker objects that
+                               have agreed to hold some shares for us (the
+                               shareids are stashed inside the ServerTracker)
+        @paran already_servers: a dict mapping sharenum to a set of serverids
+                                that claim to already have this share
-        msgtempl = "set_shareholders; upload_servers is %s, already_peers is %s"
-        values = ([', '.join([str_shareloc(k,v) for k,v in p.buckets.iteritems()])
-            for p in upload_servers], already_peers)
+        msgtempl = "set_shareholders; upload_servers is %s, already_servers is %s"
+        values = ([', '.join([str_shareloc(k,v) for k,v in s.buckets.iteritems()])
+            for s in upload_servers], already_servers)
         self.log(msgtempl % values, level=log.OPERATIONAL)
         # record already-present shares in self._results
-        self._results.preexisting_shares = len(already_peers)
+        self._results.preexisting_shares = len(already_servers)
-        self._peer_trackers = {} # k: shnum, v: instance of PeerTracker
-        for peer in upload_servers:
-            assert isinstance(peer, PeerTracker)
+        self._server_trackers = {} # k: shnum, v: instance of ServerTracker
+        for server in upload_servers:
+            assert isinstance(server, ServerTracker)
         buckets = {}
-        servermap = already_peers.copy()
-        for peer in upload_servers:
-            buckets.update(peer.buckets)
-            for shnum in peer.buckets:
-                self._peer_trackers[shnum] = peer
-                servermap.setdefault(shnum, set()).add(peer.peerid)
-        assert len(buckets) == sum([len(peer.buckets) for peer in upload_servers]), \
+        servermap = already_servers.copy()
+        for server in upload_servers:
+            buckets.update(server.buckets)
+            for shnum in server.buckets:
+                self._server_trackers[shnum] = server
+                servermap.setdefault(shnum, set()).add(server.serverid)
+        assert len(buckets) == sum([len(server.buckets)
+                                    for server in upload_servers]), \
             "%s (%s) != %s (%s)" % (
-                sum([len(peer.buckets) for peer in upload_servers]),
-                [(p.buckets, p.peerid) for p in upload_servers]
+                sum([len(server.buckets) for server in upload_servers]),
+                [(s.buckets, s.serverid) for s in upload_servers]
         encoder.set_shareholders(buckets, servermap)
@@ -956,16 +960,16 @@ class CHKUploader:
         """ Returns a Deferred that will fire with the UploadResults instance. """
         r = self._results
         for shnum in self._encoder.get_shares_placed():
-            peer_tracker = self._peer_trackers[shnum]
-            peerid = peer_tracker.peerid
-            r.sharemap.add(shnum, peerid)
-            r.servermap.add(peerid, shnum)
+            server_tracker = self._server_trackers[shnum]
+            serverid = server_tracker.serverid
+            r.sharemap.add(shnum, serverid)
+            r.servermap.add(serverid, shnum)
         r.pushed_shares = len(self._encoder.get_shares_placed())
         now = time.time()
         r.file_size = self._encoder.file_size
         r.timings["total"] = now - self._started
         r.timings["storage_index"] = self._storage_index_elapsed
-        r.timings["peer_selection"] = self._peer_selection_elapsed
+        r.timings["peer_selection"] = self._server_selection_elapsed
         r.uri_extension_data = self._encoder.get_uri_extension_data()
         r.verifycapstr = verifycap.to_string()
diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/ b/src/allmydata/test/
index e7368604..03cb6a1e 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/test/
+++ b/src/allmydata/test/
@@ -193,12 +193,12 @@ class FakeClient:
         self.num_servers = num_servers
         if type(mode) is str:
             mode = dict([i,mode] for i in range(num_servers))
-        peers = [ ("%20d"%fakeid, FakeStorageServer(mode[fakeid]))
-                  for fakeid in range(self.num_servers) ]
+        servers = [ ("%20d"%fakeid, FakeStorageServer(mode[fakeid]))
+                    for fakeid in range(self.num_servers) ]
         self.storage_broker = StorageFarmBroker(None, permute_peers=True)
-        for (serverid, rref) in peers:
+        for (serverid, rref) in servers:
             self.storage_broker.test_add_rref(serverid, rref)
-        self.last_peers = [p[1] for p in peers]
+        self.last_servers = [s[1] for s in servers]
     def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ class ServerErrors(unittest.TestCase, ShouldFailMixin, SetDEPMixin):
     def test_first_error_all(self):
         d = self.shouldFail(UploadUnhappinessError, "first_error_all",
-                            "peer selection failed",
+                            "server selection failed",
                             upload_data, self.u, DATA)
         def _check((f,)):
             self.failUnlessIn("placed 0 shares out of 100 total", str(f.value))
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ class ServerErrors(unittest.TestCase, ShouldFailMixin, SetDEPMixin):
     def test_second_error_all(self):
         d = self.shouldFail(UploadUnhappinessError, "second_error_all",
-                            "peer selection failed",
+                            "server selection failed",
                             upload_data, self.u, DATA)
         def _check((f,)):
             self.failUnlessIn("placed 10 shares out of 100 total", str(f.value))
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ class FullServer(unittest.TestCase):
         return d
-class PeerSelection(unittest.TestCase):
+class ServerSelection(unittest.TestCase):
     def make_client(self, num_servers=50):
         self.node = FakeClient(mode="good", num_servers=num_servers)
@@ -497,8 +497,8 @@ class PeerSelection(unittest.TestCase):
         self.node.DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS = p
     def test_one_each(self):
-        # if we have 50 shares, and there are 50 peers, and they all accept a
-        # share, we should get exactly one share per peer
+        # if we have 50 shares, and there are 50 servers, and they all accept
+        # a share, we should get exactly one share per server
         data = self.get_data(SIZE_LARGE)
@@ -507,35 +507,35 @@ class PeerSelection(unittest.TestCase):
         d.addCallback(self._check_large, SIZE_LARGE)
         def _check(res):
-            for p in self.node.last_peers:
-                allocated = p.allocated
+            for s in self.node.last_servers:
+                allocated = s.allocated
                 self.failUnlessEqual(len(allocated), 1)
-                self.failUnlessEqual(p.queries, 1)
+                self.failUnlessEqual(s.queries, 1)
         return d
     def test_two_each(self):
-        # if we have 100 shares, and there are 50 peers, and they all accept
-        # all shares, we should get exactly two shares per peer
+        # if we have 100 shares, and there are 50 servers, and they all
+        # accept all shares, we should get exactly two shares per server
         data = self.get_data(SIZE_LARGE)
-        # if there are 50 peers, then happy needs to be <= 50
+        # if there are 50 servers, then happy needs to be <= 50
         self.set_encoding_parameters(50, 50, 100)
         d = upload_data(self.u, data)
         d.addCallback(self._check_large, SIZE_LARGE)
         def _check(res):
-            for p in self.node.last_peers:
-                allocated = p.allocated
+            for s in self.node.last_servers:
+                allocated = s.allocated
                 self.failUnlessEqual(len(allocated), 2)
-                self.failUnlessEqual(p.queries, 2)
+                self.failUnlessEqual(s.queries, 2)
         return d
     def test_one_each_plus_one_extra(self):
-        # if we have 51 shares, and there are 50 peers, then one peer gets
-        # two shares and the rest get just one
+        # if we have 51 shares, and there are 50 servers, then one server
+        # gets two shares and the rest get just one
         data = self.get_data(SIZE_LARGE)
@@ -546,38 +546,38 @@ class PeerSelection(unittest.TestCase):
         def _check(res):
             got_one = []
             got_two = []
-            for p in self.node.last_peers:
-                allocated = p.allocated
+            for s in self.node.last_servers:
+                allocated = s.allocated
                 self.failUnless(len(allocated) in (1,2), len(allocated))
                 if len(allocated) == 1:
-                    self.failUnlessEqual(p.queries, 1)
-                    got_one.append(p)
+                    self.failUnlessEqual(s.queries, 1)
+                    got_one.append(s)
-                    self.failUnlessEqual(p.queries, 2)
-                    got_two.append(p)
+                    self.failUnlessEqual(s.queries, 2)
+                    got_two.append(s)
             self.failUnlessEqual(len(got_one), 49)
             self.failUnlessEqual(len(got_two), 1)
         return d
     def test_four_each(self):
-        # if we have 200 shares, and there are 50 peers, then each peer gets
-        # 4 shares. The design goal is to accomplish this with only two
-        # queries per peer.
+        # if we have 200 shares, and there are 50 servers, then each server
+        # gets 4 shares. The design goal is to accomplish this with only two
+        # queries per server.
         data = self.get_data(SIZE_LARGE)
-        # if there are 50 peers, then happy should be no more than 50 if
-        # we want this to work.
+        # if there are 50 servers, then happy should be no more than 50 if we
+        # want this to work.
         self.set_encoding_parameters(100, 50, 200)
         d = upload_data(self.u, data)
         d.addCallback(self._check_large, SIZE_LARGE)
         def _check(res):
-            for p in self.node.last_peers:
-                allocated = p.allocated
+            for s in self.node.last_servers:
+                allocated = s.allocated
                 self.failUnlessEqual(len(allocated), 4)
-                self.failUnlessEqual(p.queries, 2)
+                self.failUnlessEqual(s.queries, 2)
         return d
@@ -593,8 +593,8 @@ class PeerSelection(unittest.TestCase):
         d.addCallback(self._check_large, SIZE_LARGE)
         def _check(res):
             counts = {}
-            for p in self.node.last_peers:
-                allocated = p.allocated
+            for s in self.node.last_servers:
+                allocated = s.allocated
                 counts[len(allocated)] = counts.get(len(allocated), 0) + 1
             histogram = [counts.get(i, 0) for i in range(5)]
             self.failUnlessEqual(histogram, [0,0,0,2,1])
@@ -616,10 +616,10 @@ class PeerSelection(unittest.TestCase):
         d.addCallback(self._check_large, SIZE_LARGE)
         def _check(res):
-            # we should have put one share each on the big peers, and zero
-            # shares on the small peers
+            # we should have put one share each on the big servers, and zero
+            # shares on the small servers
             total_allocated = 0
-            for p in self.node.last_peers:
+            for p in self.node.last_servers:
                 if p.mode == "good":
                     self.failUnlessEqual(len(p.allocated), 1)
                 elif p.mode == "small":
@@ -750,8 +750,9 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
     def _do_upload_with_broken_servers(self, servers_to_break):
         I act like a normal upload, but before I send the results of
-        Tahoe2PeerSelector to the Encoder, I break the first servers_to_break
-        PeerTrackers in the upload_servers part of the return result.
+        Tahoe2ServerSelector to the Encoder, I break the first
+        servers_to_break ServerTrackers in the upload_servers part of the
+        return result.
         assert self.g, "I tried to find a grid at self.g, but failed"
         broker = self.g.clients[0].storage_broker
@@ -764,7 +765,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         encoder = encode.Encoder()
         status = upload.UploadStatus()
-        selector = upload.Tahoe2PeerSelector("dglev", "test", status)
+        selector = upload.Tahoe2ServerSelector("dglev", "test", status)
         storage_index = encoder.get_param("storage_index")
         share_size = encoder.get_param("share_size")
         block_size = encoder.get_param("block_size")
@@ -772,18 +773,18 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         d = selector.get_shareholders(broker, sh, storage_index,
                                       share_size, block_size, num_segments,
                                       10, 3, 4)
-        def _have_shareholders((upload_servers, already_peers)):
+        def _have_shareholders((upload_servers, already_servers)):
             assert servers_to_break <= len(upload_servers)
             for index in xrange(servers_to_break):
                 server = list(upload_servers)[index]
                 for share in server.buckets.keys():
             buckets = {}
-            servermap = already_peers.copy()
-            for peer in upload_servers:
-                buckets.update(peer.buckets)
-                for bucket in peer.buckets:
-                    servermap.setdefault(bucket, set()).add(peer.peerid)
+            servermap = already_servers.copy()
+            for server in upload_servers:
+                buckets.update(server.buckets)
+                for bucket in server.buckets:
+                    servermap.setdefault(bucket, set()).add(server.serverid)
             encoder.set_shareholders(buckets, servermap)
             d = encoder.start()
             return d
@@ -1054,7 +1055,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         # one share from our initial upload to each of these.
         # The counterintuitive ordering of the share numbers is to deal with
         # the permuting of these servers -- distributing the shares this
-        # way ensures that the Tahoe2PeerSelector sees them in the order
+        # way ensures that the Tahoe2ServerSelector sees them in the order
         # described below.
         d = self._setup_and_upload()
         d.addCallback(lambda ign:
@@ -1069,7 +1070,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         # server 2: share 0
         # server 3: share 1
         # We change the 'happy' parameter in the client to 4.
-        # The Tahoe2PeerSelector will see the peers permuted as:
+        # The Tahoe2ServerSelector will see the servers permuted as:
         # 2, 3, 1, 0
         # Ideally, a reupload of our original data should work.
         def _reset_encoding_parameters(ign, happy=4):
@@ -1084,17 +1085,17 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         # This scenario is basically comment:53, but changed so that the
-        # Tahoe2PeerSelector sees the server with all of the shares before
+        # Tahoe2ServerSelector sees the server with all of the shares before
         # any of the other servers.
         # The layout is:
         # server 2: shares 0 - 9
         # server 3: share 0
         # server 1: share 1
         # server 4: share 2
-        # The Tahoe2PeerSelector sees the peers permuted as:
+        # The Tahoe2ServerSelector sees the servers permuted as:
         # 2, 3, 1, 4
         # Note that server 0 has been replaced by server 4; this makes it
-        # easier to ensure that the last server seen by Tahoe2PeerSelector
+        # easier to ensure that the last server seen by Tahoe2ServerSelector
         # has only one share.
         d.addCallback(lambda ign:
@@ -1124,7 +1125,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         # Try the same thing, but with empty servers after the first one
-        # We want to make sure that Tahoe2PeerSelector will redistribute
+        # We want to make sure that Tahoe2ServerSelector will redistribute
         # shares as necessary, not simply discover an existing layout.
         # The layout is:
         # server 2: shares 0 - 9
@@ -1184,7 +1185,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         return d
     test_problem_layout_ticket_1124.todo = "Fix this after 1.7.1 release."
-    def test_happiness_with_some_readonly_peers(self):
+    def test_happiness_with_some_readonly_servers(self):
         # Try the following layout
         # server 2: shares 0-9
         # server 4: share 0, read-only
@@ -1223,13 +1224,13 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         return d
-    def test_happiness_with_all_readonly_peers(self):
+    def test_happiness_with_all_readonly_servers(self):
         # server 3: share 1, read-only
         # server 1: share 2, read-only
         # server 2: shares 0-9, read-only
         # server 4: share 0, read-only
         # The idea with this test is to make sure that the survey of
-        # read-only peers doesn't undercount servers of happiness
+        # read-only servers doesn't undercount servers of happiness
         self.basedir = self.mktemp()
         d = self._setup_and_upload()
         d.addCallback(lambda ign:
@@ -1268,7 +1269,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         # the layout presented to it satisfies "servers_of_happiness"
         # until a failure occurs)
-        # This test simulates an upload where servers break after peer
+        # This test simulates an upload where servers break after server
         # selection, but before they are written to.
         def _set_basedir(ign=None):
             self.basedir = self.mktemp()
@@ -1283,7 +1284,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         # remove the original server
-        # (necessary to ensure that the Tahoe2PeerSelector will distribute
+        # (necessary to ensure that the Tahoe2ServerSelector will distribute
         #  all the shares)
         def _remove_server(ign):
             server = self.g.servers_by_number[0]
@@ -1343,7 +1344,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
     def test_merge_peers(self):
         # merge_peers merges a list of upload_servers and a dict of
-        # shareid -> peerid mappings.
+        # shareid -> serverid mappings.
         shares = {
                     1 : set(["server1"]),
                     2 : set(["server2"]),
@@ -1354,12 +1355,12 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         # if not provided with a upload_servers argument, it should just
         # return the first argument unchanged.
         self.failUnlessEqual(shares, merge_peers(shares, set([])))
-        class FakePeerTracker:
+        class FakeServerTracker:
         trackers = []
         for (i, server) in [(i, "server%d" % i) for i in xrange(5, 9)]:
-            t = FakePeerTracker()
-            t.peerid = server
+            t = FakeServerTracker()
+            t.serverid = server
             t.buckets = [i]
         expected = {
@@ -1386,8 +1387,8 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         expected = {}
         for (i, server) in [(i, "server%d" % i) for i in xrange(10)]:
             shares3[i] = set([server])
-            t = FakePeerTracker()
-            t.peerid = server
+            t = FakeServerTracker()
+            t.serverid = server
             t.buckets = [i]
             expected[i] = set([server])
@@ -1403,7 +1404,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         # value for given inputs.
         # servers_of_happiness expects a dict of
-        # shnum => set(peerids) as a preexisting shares argument.
+        # shnum => set(serverids) as a preexisting shares argument.
         test1 = {
                  1 : set(["server1"]),
                  2 : set(["server2"]),
@@ -1417,22 +1418,22 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         # should be 3 instead of 4.
         happy = servers_of_happiness(test1)
         self.failUnlessEqual(3, happy)
-        # The second argument of merge_peers should be a set of
-        # objects with peerid and buckets as attributes. In actual use,
-        # these will be PeerTracker instances, but for testing it is fine
-        # to make a FakePeerTracker whose job is to hold those instance
-        # variables to test that part.
-        class FakePeerTracker:
+        # The second argument of merge_peers should be a set of objects with
+        # serverid and buckets as attributes. In actual use, these will be
+        # ServerTracker instances, but for testing it is fine to make a
+        # FakeServerTracker whose job is to hold those instance variables to
+        # test that part.
+        class FakeServerTracker:
         trackers = []
         for (i, server) in [(i, "server%d" % i) for i in xrange(5, 9)]:
-            t = FakePeerTracker()
-            t.peerid = server
+            t = FakeServerTracker()
+            t.serverid = server
             t.buckets = [i]
         # Recall that test1 is a server layout with servers_of_happiness
         # = 3.  Since there isn't any overlap between the shnum ->
-        # set([peerid]) correspondences in test1 and those in trackers,
+        # set([serverid]) correspondences in test1 and those in trackers,
         # the result here should be 7.
         test2 = merge_peers(test1, set(trackers))
         happy = servers_of_happiness(test2)
@@ -1440,8 +1441,8 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         # Now add an overlapping server to trackers. This is redundant,
         # so it should not cause the previously reported happiness value
         # to change.
-        t = FakePeerTracker()
-        t.peerid = "server1"
+        t = FakeServerTracker()
+        t.serverid = "server1"
         t.buckets = [1]
         test2 = merge_peers(test1, set(trackers))
@@ -1459,17 +1460,17 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
             4 : set(['server4']),
         trackers = []
-        t = FakePeerTracker()
-        t.peerid = 'server5'
+        t = FakeServerTracker()
+        t.serverid = 'server5'
         t.buckets = [4]
-        t = FakePeerTracker()
-        t.peerid = 'server6'
+        t = FakeServerTracker()
+        t.serverid = 'server6'
         t.buckets = [3, 5]
         # The value returned by servers_of_happiness is the size
         # of a maximum matching in the bipartite graph that
-        # servers_of_happiness() makes between peerids and share
+        # servers_of_happiness() makes between serverids and share
         # numbers. It should find something like this:
         # (server 1, share 1)
         # (server 2, share 2)
@@ -1527,7 +1528,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         sbs = shares_by_server(test1)
         self.failUnlessEqual(set([1, 2, 3]), sbs["server1"])
         self.failUnlessEqual(set([4, 5]), sbs["server2"])
-        # This should fail unless the peerid part of the mapping is a set
+        # This should fail unless the serverid part of the mapping is a set
         test2 = {1: "server1"}
@@ -1543,7 +1544,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         # server 2: empty
         # server 3: empty
         # server 4: empty
-        # The purpose of this test is to make sure that the peer selector
+        # The purpose of this test is to make sure that the server selector
         # knows about the shares on server 1, even though it is read-only.
         # It used to simply filter these out, which would cause the test
         # to fail when servers_of_happiness = 4.
@@ -1574,7 +1575,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
     def test_query_counting(self):
-        # If peer selection fails, Tahoe2PeerSelector prints out a lot
+        # If server selection fails, Tahoe2ServerSelector prints out a lot
         # of helpful diagnostic information, including query stats.
         # This test helps make sure that that information is accurate.
         self.basedir = self.mktemp()
@@ -1597,7 +1598,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
                             c.upload, upload.Data("data" * 10000,
         # Now try with some readonly servers. We want to make sure that
-        # the readonly peer share discovery phase is counted correctly.
+        # the readonly server share discovery phase is counted correctly.
         def _reset(ign):
             self.basedir = self.mktemp()
             self.g = None
@@ -1668,13 +1669,13 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         d.addCallback(lambda client:
-                            "sent 8 queries to 8 peers",
+                            "sent 8 queries to 8 servers",
                             upload.Data('data' * 10000, convergence="")))
         return d
-    def test_exception_messages_during_peer_selection(self):
+    def test_exception_messages_during_server_selection(self):
         # server 1: read-only, no shares
         # server 2: read-only, no shares
         # server 3: read-only, no shares
@@ -1707,7 +1708,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
                             "total (10 homeless), want to place shares on at "
                             "least 4 servers such that any 3 of them have "
                             "enough shares to recover the file, "
-                            "sent 5 queries to 5 peers, 0 queries placed "
+                            "sent 5 queries to 5 servers, 0 queries placed "
                             "some shares, 5 placed none "
                             "(of which 5 placed none due to the server being "
                             "full and 0 placed none due to an error)",
@@ -1748,7 +1749,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
                             "total (10 homeless), want to place shares on at "
                             "least 4 servers such that any 3 of them have "
                             "enough shares to recover the file, "
-                            "sent 5 queries to 5 peers, 0 queries placed "
+                            "sent 5 queries to 5 servers, 0 queries placed "
                             "some shares, 5 placed none "
                             "(of which 4 placed none due to the server being "
                             "full and 1 placed none due to an error)",
@@ -2009,9 +2010,9 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         return d
-    def test_peer_selector_bucket_abort(self):
-        # If peer selection for an upload fails due to an unhappy
-        # layout, the peer selection process should abort the buckets it
+    def test_server_selector_bucket_abort(self):
+        # If server selection for an upload fails due to an unhappy
+        # layout, the server selection process should abort the buckets it
         # allocates before failing, so that the space can be re-used.
         self.basedir = self.mktemp()
@@ -2024,7 +2025,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         d = defer.succeed(None)
         d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
-                            "test_peer_selection_bucket_abort",
+                            "test_server_selection_bucket_abort",
                             client.upload, upload.Data("data" * 10000,
@@ -2079,7 +2080,7 @@ class EncodingParameters(GridTestMixin, unittest.TestCase, SetDEPMixin,
         return None
 # TODO:
-#  upload with exactly 75 peers (shares_of_happiness)
+#  upload with exactly 75 servers (shares_of_happiness)
 #  have a download fail
 #  cancel a download (need to implement more cancel stuff)
diff --git a/src/allmydata/util/ b/src/allmydata/util/
index 8029addd..9a5d74b2 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/util/
+++ b/src/allmydata/util/
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def merge_peers(servermap, upload_servers=None):
     for peer in upload_servers:
         for shnum in peer.buckets:
-            servermap.setdefault(shnum, set()).add(peer.peerid)
+            servermap.setdefault(shnum, set()).add(peer.serverid)
     return servermap
 def servers_of_happiness(sharemap):