From: Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 11:53:36 +0000 (+0530)
Subject: add a readme

add a readme

diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c53bb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+DttSP Project
+DttSP is an open source project started by Dr.Frank Brickle and
+Dr. Robert McGwier of the DTTS Microwave Society to provide code to be
+used in various DSP projects with an emphasis on Software Defined and
+Cognitive Radio.
+You can reach DTTS Microwave to discuss this project via Frank Brickle
+or Bob McGwier or via snail-mail:
+The DTTS Microwave Society 6 Kathleen Place Bridgewater, NJ 08807
+DttSP implements the basic modulation, demodulation, signal
+conditioning, and synchronization processes required to operate a high
+performance transceiver using DSP as the detection and synthesis
+stages.  While the development is done primarily on Linux, the code is
+also available for use as a Visual Studio 6 or Visual Studio 2003
+project for Microsoft Windows®.  It uses FFTW for much of the heavy
+lifting.  On Windows it uses Pthreads-Win32 for rational thread
+synchronization under Win32.  DttSP is written in ANSI-C.  The basic
+architectural decisions include the use of jack as the interface to
+the Linux sound systems (ALSA, OSS, and PortAudio). With the use of
+PortAudio, the code should be portable to Mac OS X® (not done yet, but
+it will be supported immediately in the CVS tree).
+One of the major design goals of DttSP was to provide an SDR core that
+was both efficient and capable of being integrated into a number of
+different application environments. For example, the full SDR
+functionality can be controlled and run either locally, via a
+graphical console, or remotely, over a network, without changes or
+reconfiguration. Since DttSP is directly aimed at being integrated
+into practical applications, a high premium was also placed on
+reliability and security. There are several  innovations in the design
+meant to keep system overhead low. One such instance is the extensive
+use of ringbuffers residing in memory-mapped files, which provide fast
+one-way communication between user processes without handshaking or
+intervention of the operating system.
+DttSP is the digital signal processing powering the SDR-1000: Flex
+Radio and we are contributors active contributors to the open source
+project associated with it.
+Who are the founders?  Well, both are accurately called polymaths, but
+here are some details:
+Dr. Frank Brickle, the lead architect of DttSP, pursues a dual career
+in musical composition and technology. He has a Ph.D. in Music from
+Princeton University. Along with musical work since childhood, he has
+been involved in signal processing and computer science since 1970,
+beginning his love-hate relationship with computers in 1965. His
+compositions have been performed in concerts and broadcasts around the
+world. He was director of the 2003 George Antheil Festival, an
+international event devoted to the music of that great American
+composer, who was also the patented inventor of Spread
+Spectrum. Currently Frank is Secretary of the Composers Guild of New
+Jersey. On the technical front, he has been the developer or
+co-developer of applications and systems in a number of different
+areas in communications. He is the author of many musical and
+technical publications, including “Automatic Signal Classification for
+Software Defined Radios” in the November/December 2003 issue of
+QEX. Frank was first licensed as a radio amateur in 1962 as WB2GRK,
+fell inactive after college, and returned with a vengeance in 2001 as
+an unregenerate brasspounder with a new call, AB2KT. He is a member of
+ARRL and an active participant in ARES/RACES.
+Dr. Robert McGwier has a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Brown
+University and works for the Center for Communications Research as a
+member of the research staff. His thesis, “Regular Perturbations and
+Nonlinear Filtering”, sprang from his interest in phase-locked loops
+and range-rate orbit determination.  Well-known as N4HY, he has been
+an amateur radio operator since 1964. Bob was the cofounder of the
+AMSAT-TAPR DSP project with Tom Clark, W3IWI.  Bob is author of the
+DSP code in the old AEA DSP1232 and DSP2232 multimode
+controllers. Timewave offered these units.  He was a designer and
+builder on the AMSAT Microsat’s and participated in the Amsat-Oscar 13
+and Amsat-Oscar 40 projects.  Bob is the current Vice President for
+Engineering for AMSAT and  is currently working on the AMSAT-NA Eagle
+project on several software-defined radio transponders, the AMSAT-DL
+Phase3 Express project where he is bringing up IPS for the onboard
+computer and will author the software-defined radio for low speed
+telecommand on the AMSAT-DL upcoming projects.  Bob is currently
+chairman of the ARRL Software-Defined Radio Working Group and a member
+of the  High Speed Multimedia working group.  He is Bob is a member of
+ARRL, AMSAT, TAPR, Packrats (V.P.) and the Frankford Radio Club.
+CVS instructions for Linux
+n4hy Last modified: Sun Mar 20 18:58:20 EST 2005
+cvs checkout using:
+cvs checkout
+to build:
+in the pyhw directory simply run
+in the jDttSP directory run
+make mkchan ipc jsdr metermon
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