From: Brian Warner <>
Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 20:49:01 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: docs/helper.txt: explain more about the helper
X-Git-Tag: allmydata-tahoe-1.1.0~161

docs/helper.txt: explain more about the helper

diff --git a/docs/architecture.txt b/docs/architecture.txt
index 0138796d..dac1e212 100644
--- a/docs/architecture.txt
+++ b/docs/architecture.txt
@@ -259,6 +259,8 @@ commercially-run grid for which all of the storage servers are in a colo
 facility with high interconnect bandwidth. In this case, the helper is placed
 in the same facility, so the helper-to-storage-server bandwidth is huge.
+See "helper.txt" for details about the upload helper.
diff --git a/docs/helper.txt b/docs/helper.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e71396a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/helper.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+= The Tahoe Upload Helper =
+As described in the "SWARMING DOWNLOAD, TRICKLING UPLOAD" section of
+architecture.txt, Tahoe uploads require more bandwidth than downloads: you
+must push the redundant shares during upload, but you do not need to retrieve
+them during download. With the default 3-of-10 encoding parameters, this
+means that an upload will require about 3.3x the traffic as a download of the
+same file.
+Unfortunately, this "expansion penalty" occurs in the same upstream direction
+that most consumer DSL lines are slow anyways. Typical ADSL lines get 8 times
+as much download capacity as upload capacity. When the ADSL upstream penalty
+is combined with the expansion penalty, the result is uploads that can take
+up to 32 times longer than downloads.
+The "Helper" is a service that can mitigate the expansion penalty by
+arranging for the client node to send data to a central Helper node instead
+of sending it directly to the storage servers. It sends ciphertext to the
+Helper, so the security properties remain the same as with non-Helper
+uploads. The Helper is responsible for applying the erasure encoding
+algorithm and placing the resulting shares on the storage servers.
+Of course, the helper cannot mitigate the ADSL upstream penalty.
+The second benefit of using an upload helper is that clients who lose their
+network connections while uploading a file (because of a network flap, or
+because they shut down their laptop while an upload was in progress) can
+resume their upload rather than needing to start again from scratch. The
+helper holds the partially-uploaded ciphertext on disk, and when the client
+tries to upload the same file a second time, it discovers that the partial
+ciphertext is already present. The client then only needs to upload the
+remaining ciphertext. This reduces the "interrupted upload penalty" to a
+This also serves to reduce the number of active connections between the
+client and the outside world: most of their traffic flows over a single TCP
+connection to the helper. This can improve TCP fairness, and should allow
+other applications that are sharing the same uplink to compete more evenly
+for the limited bandwidth.
+== Setting Up A Helper ==
+Who should consider running a helper?
+ * Benevolent entities which wish to provide better upload speed for clients
+   that have slow uplinks
+ * Folks which have machines with upload bandwidth to spare.
+ * Server grid operators who want clients to connect to a small number of
+   helpers rather than a large number of storage servers (a "multi-tier"
+   architecture)
+What sorts of machines are good candidates for running a helper?
+ * The Helper needs to have good bandwidth to the storage servers. In
+   particular, it needs to have at least 3.3x better upload bandwidth than
+   the client does, or the client might as well upload directly to the
+   storage servers. In a commercial grid, the helper should be in the same
+   colo (and preferably in the same rack) as the storage servers.
+ * The Helper will take on most of the CPU load involved in uploading a file.
+   So having a dedicated machine will give better results.
+ * The Helper buffers ciphertext on disk, so the host will need at least as
+   much free disk space as there will be simultaneous uploads. When an upload
+   is interrupted, that space will be used for a longer period of time.
+To turn a Tahoe client node into a helper (i.e. to run a helper service in
+addition to whatever else that node is doing), just create a file in your
+node's base directory named "run_helper", and put any non-empty string in it.
+Then restart the node:
+ echo "yes" >$BASEDIR/run_helper
+ tahoe restart $BASEDIR
+Then restart the node. This will signal the node to create a Helper service
+and listen for incoming requests. Once the node has started, there will be a
+file named private/helper.furl which contains the contact information for the
+helper: you will need to give this FURL to any clients that wish to use your
+ cat $BASEDIR/private/helper.furl |mail -s "helper furl"
+You can tell if your node is running a helper by looking at its web status
+page. Assuming that you've set up the 'webport' to use port 8123, point your
+browser at http://localhost:8123/ . The welcome page will say "Helper: 0
+active uploads" or "Not running helper" as appropriate. The
+http://localhost:8123/helper_status page will also provide details on what
+the helper is currently doing.
+The helper will store the ciphertext that is is fetching from clients in
+$BASEDIR/helper/CHK_incoming/ . Once all the ciphertext has been fetched, it
+will be moved to $BASEDIR/helper/CHK_encoding/ and erasure-coding will
+commence. Once the file is fully encoded and the shares are pushed to the
+storage servers, the ciphertext file will be deleted.
+If a client disconnects while the ciphertext is being fetched, the partial
+ciphertext will remain in CHK_incoming/ until they reconnect and finish
+sending it. If a client disconnects while the ciphertext is being encoded,
+the data will remain in CHK_encoding/ until they reconnect and encoding is
+finished. For long-running and busy helpers, it may be a good idea to delete
+files in these directories that have not been modified for a week or two.
+Future versions of tahoe will try to self-manage these files a bit better.
+== Using a Helper ==
+Who should consider using a Helper?
+ * clients with limited upstream bandwidth, such as a consumer ADSL line
+ * clients who believe that the helper will give them faster uploads than
+   they could achieve with a direct upload
+ * clients who experience problems with TCP connection fairness: if other
+   programs or machines in the same home are getting less than their fair
+   share of upload bandwidth. If the connection is being shared fairly, then
+   a Tahoe upload that is happening at the same time as a single FTP upload
+   should get half the bandwidth.
+ * clients who have been given the helper.furl by someone who is running a
+   Helper and is willing to let them use it
+To take advantage of somebody else's Helper, take the helper.furl file that
+they give you, and copy it into your node's base directory, then restart the
+ cat email >$BASEDIR/helper.furl
+ tahoe restart $BASEDIR
+This will signal the client to try and connect to the helper. Subsequent
+uploads will use the helper rather than using direct connections to the
+storage server.
+If the node has been configured to use a helper, that node's HTTP welcome
+page (http://localhost:8123/) will say "Helper: $HELPERFURL" instead of
+"Helper: None". If the helper is actually running and reachable, the next
+line will say "Connected to helper?: yes" instead of "no".
+The helper is optional. If a helper is connected when an upload begins, the
+upload will use the helper. If there is no helper connection present when an
+upload begins, that upload will connect directly to the storage servers. The
+client will automatically attempt to reconnect to the helper if the
+connection is lost, using the same exponential-backoff algorithm as all other
+tahoe/foolscap connections.
+The upload/download status page (http://localhost:8123/status) will announce
+the using-helper-or-not state of each upload, in the "Helper?" column.
+== Other Helper Modes ==
+The Tahoe Helper only currently helps with one kind of operation: uploading
+immutable files. There are three other things it might be able to help with
+in the future:
+ * downloading immutable files
+ * uploading mutable files (such as directories)
+ * downloading mutable files (like directories)
+Since mutable files are currently limited in size, the ADSL upstream penalty
+is not so severe for them. There is no ADSL penalty to downloads, but there
+may still be benefit to extending the helper interface to assist with them:
+fewer connections to the storage servers, and better TCP fairness.
+A future version of the Tahoe helper might provide assistance with these
+other modes. If it were to help with all four modes, then the clients would
+not need direct connections to the storage servers at all: clients would
+connect to helpers, and helpers would connect to servers. For a large grid
+with tens of thousands of clients, this might make the grid more scalable.