From: Brian Warner <>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 02:45:17 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: checker results: add output=JSON to webapi, add tests, clean up APIs

checker results: add output=JSON to webapi, add tests, clean up APIs
to make the internal ones use binary strings (nodeid, storage index) and
the web/JSON ones use base32-encoded strings. The immutable verifier is
still incomplete (it returns imaginary healty results).

diff --git a/docs/webapi.txt b/docs/webapi.txt
index 3a189e5c..97bb5702 100644
--- a/docs/webapi.txt
+++ b/docs/webapi.txt
@@ -664,6 +664,64 @@ POST $URL?t=check
   If a verify=true argument is provided, the node will perform a more
   intensive check, downloading and verifying every single bit of every share.
+  If an output=JSON argument is provided, the response will be
+  machine-readable JSON instead of human-oriented HTML. The data is a
+  dictionary with the following keys:
+   storage-index: a base32-encoded string with the objects's storage index,
+                  or an empty string for LIT files
+   results: a dictionary that describes the state of the file. For LIT files,
+            this dictionary has only the 'healthy' key, which will always be
+            True. For distributed files, this dictionary has the following
+            keys:
+     count-shares-good: the number of good shares that were found
+     count-shares-needed: 'k', the number of shares required for recovery
+     count-shares-expected: 'N', the number of total shares generated
+     count-good-share-hosts: the number of distinct storage servers with
+                             good shares. If this number is less than
+                             count-shares-good, then some shares are doubled
+                             up, increasing the correlation of failures. This
+                             indicates that one or more shares should be
+                             moved to an otherwise unused server, if one is
+                             available.
+     count-wrong-shares: for mutable files, the number of shares for
+                         versions other than the 'best' one (highest
+                         sequence number, highest roothash). These are
+                         either old ...
+     count-recoverable-versions: for mutable files, the number of
+                                 recoverable versions of the file. For
+                                 a healthy file, this will equal 1.
+     count-unrecoverable-versions: for mutable files, the number of
+                                   unrecoverable versions of the file.
+                                   For a healthy file, this will be 0.
+     count-corrupt-shares: the number of shares with integrity failures
+     list-corrupt-shares: a list of "share locators", one for each share
+                          that was found to be corrupt. Each share locator
+                          is a list of (serverid, storage_index, sharenum).
+     needs-rebalancing: (bool) True if there are multiple shares on a single
+                        storage server, indicating a reduction in reliability
+                        that could be resolved by moving shares to new
+                        servers.
+     servers-responding: list of base32-encoded storage server identifiers,
+                         one for each server which responded to the share
+                         query.
+     healthy: (bool) True if the file is completely healthy, False otherwise.
+              Healthy files have at least N good shares. Overlapping shares
+              (indicated by count-good-share-hosts < count-shares-good) do not
+              currently cause a file to be marked unhealthy. If there are at
+              least N good shares, then corrupt shares do not cause the file to
+              be marked unhealthy, although the corrupt shares will be listed
+              in the results (list-corrupt-shares) and should be manually
+              removed to wasting time in subsequent downloads (as the
+              downloader rediscovers the corruption and uses alternate shares).
+     sharemap: dict mapping share identifier to list of serverids
+               (base32-encoded strings). This indicates which servers are
+               holding which shares. For immutable files, the shareid is
+               an integer (the share number, from 0 to N-1). For
+               immutable files, it is a string of the form
+               'seq%d-%s-sh%d', containing the sequence number, the
+               roothash, and the share number.
 POST $URL?t=deep-check
   This triggers a recursive walk of all files and directories reachable from
@@ -678,7 +736,110 @@ POST $URL?t=deep-check
   This accepts the same verify=, when_done=, and return_to= arguments as
-  Be aware that this can take a long time: perhaps a second per object.
+  Be aware that this can take a long time: perhaps a second per object. No
+  progress information is currently provided: the server will be silent until
+  the full tree has been traversed, then will emit the complete response.
+  If an output=JSON argument is provided, the response will be
+  machine-readable JSON instead of human-oriented HTML. The data is a
+  dictionary with the following keys:
+   root-storage-index: a base32-encoded string with the storage index of the
+                       starting point of the deep-check operation
+   count-objects-checked: count of how many objects were checked. Note that
+                          non-distributed objects (i.e. small immutable LIT
+                          files) are not checked, since for these objects,
+                          the data is contained entirely in the URI.
+   count-objects-healthy: how many of those objects were completely healthy
+   count-objects-unhealthy: how many were damaged in some way
+   count-corrupt-shares: how many shares were found to have corruption,
+                         summed over all objects examined
+   list-corrupt-shares: a list of "share identifiers", one for each share
+                        that was found to be corrupt. Each share identifier
+                        is a list of (serverid, storage_index, sharenum).
+   list-unhealthy-files: a list of (pathname, check-results) tuples, for
+                         each file that was not fully healthy. 'pathname' is
+                         a list of strings (which can be joined by "/"
+                         characters to turn it into a single string),
+                         relative to the directory on which deep-check was
+                         invoked. The 'check-results' field is the same as
+                         that returned by t=check&output=JSON, described
+                         above.
+POST $URL?t=check&repair=true
+  This performs a health check of the given file or directory, and if the
+  checker determines that the object is not healthy (some shares are missing
+  or corrupted), it will perform a "repair". During repair, any missing
+  shares will be regenerated and uploaded to new servers.
+  This accepts the same when_done=URL, return_to=URL, and verify=true
+  arguments as t=check. When an output=JSON argument is provided, the
+  machine-readable JSON response will contain the following keys:
+   storage-index: a base32-encoded string with the objects's storage index,
+                  or an empty string for LIT files
+   repair-attempted: (bool) True if repair was attempted
+   repair-successful: (bool) True if repair was attempted and the file was
+                      fully healthy afterwards. False if no repair was
+                      attempted, or if a repair attempt failed.
+   pre-repair-results: a dictionary that describes the state of the file
+                       before any repair was performed. This contains exactly
+                       the same keys as the 'results' value of the t=check
+                       response, described above.
+   post-repair-results: a dictionary that describes the state of the file
+                        after any repair was performed. If no repair was
+                        performed, post-repair-results and pre-repair-results
+                        will be the same. This contains exactly the same keys
+                        as the 'results' value of the t=check response,
+                        described above.
+POST $URL?t=deep-check&repair=true
+  This triggers a recursive walk of all files and directories, performing a
+  t=check&repair=true on each one.
+  This accepts the same when_done=URL, return_to=URL, and verify=true
+  arguments as t=deep-check. When an output=JSON argument is provided, the
+  response will contain the following keys:
+   root-storage-index: a base32-encoded string with the storage index of the
+                       starting point of the deep-check operation
+   count-objects-checked: count of how many objects were checked
+   count-objects-healthy-pre-repair: how many of those objects were completely
+                                     healthy, before any repair
+   count-objects-unhealthy-pre-repair: how many were damaged in some way
+   count-objects-healthy-post-repair: how many of those objects were completely
+                                       healthy, after any repair
+   count-objects-unhealthy-post-repair: how many were damaged in some way
+   count-repairs-attempted: repairs were attempted on this many objects.
+   count-repairs-successful: how many repairs resulted in healthy objects
+   count-repairs-unsuccessful: how many repairs resulted did not results in
+                               completely healthy objects
+   count-corrupt-shares-pre-repair: how many shares were found to have
+                                    corruption, summed over all objects
+                                    examined, before any repair
+   count-corrupt-shares-post-repair: how many shares were found to have
+                                     corruption, summed over all objects
+                                     examined, after any repair
+   list-corrupt-shares: a list of "share identifiers", one for each share
+                        that was found to be corrupt (before any repair).
+                        Each share identifier is a list of (serverid,
+                        storage_index, sharenum).
+   list-remaining-corrupt-shares: like list-corrupt-shares, but mutable shares
+                                  that were successfully repaired are not
+                                  included. These are shares that need
+                                  manual processing. Since immutable shares
+                                  cannot be modified by clients, all corruption
+                                  in immutable shares will be listed here.
+   list-unhealthy-files: a list of (pathname, check-results) tuples, for
+                         each file that was not fully healthy. 'pathname' is
+                         relative to the directory on which deep-check was
+                         invoked. The 'check-results' field is the same as
+                         that returned by t=check&repair=true&output=JSON,
+                         described above.
 GET $DIRURL?t=manifest
diff --git a/src/allmydata/ b/src/allmydata/
index b1255941..59297ba4 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/
+++ b/src/allmydata/
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ class CheckAndRepairResults:
     def get_repair_attempted(self):
         return self.repair_attempted
     def get_repair_successful(self):
+        if not self.repair_attempted:
+            return False
         return self.repair_successful
     def get_pre_repair_results(self):
         return self.pre_repair_results
diff --git a/src/allmydata/immutable/ b/src/allmydata/immutable/
index ff0c603a..b0019865 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/immutable/
+++ b/src/allmydata/immutable/
@@ -89,10 +89,9 @@ class SimpleCHKFileChecker:
         sharemap = {}
         for (shnum,nodeids) in self.sharemap.items():
-            sharemap[shnum] = [idlib.nodeid_b2a(nodeid) for nodeid in nodeids]
+            sharemap[shnum] = nodeids
         data["count-good-share-hosts"] = len(hosts)
-        data["servers-responding"] = [base32.b2a(serverid)
-                                      for serverid in self.responded]
+        data["servers-responding"] = list(self.responded)
         data["sharemap"] = sharemap
diff --git a/src/allmydata/ b/src/allmydata/
index 16ce8689..69ac4e09 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/
+++ b/src/allmydata/
@@ -1549,16 +1549,16 @@ class ICheckerResults(Interface):
                               that was found to be corrupt. Each share
                               locator is a list of (serverid, storage_index,
-         servers-responding: list of base32-encoded storage server identifiers,
+         servers-responding: list of (binary) storage server identifiers,
                              one for each server which responded to the share
          sharemap: dict mapping share identifier to list of serverids
-                   (base32-encoded strings). This indicates which servers are
-                   holding which shares. For immutable files, the shareid is
-                   an integer (the share number, from 0 to N-1). For
-                   immutable files, it is a string of the form
-                   'seq%d-%s-sh%d', containing the sequence number, the
-                   roothash, and the share number.
+                   (binary strings). This indicates which servers are holding
+                   which shares. For immutable files, the shareid is an
+                   integer (the share number, from 0 to N-1). For immutable
+                   files, it is a string of the form 'seq%d-%s-sh%d',
+                   containing the sequence number, the roothash, and the
+                   share number.
         The following keys are most relevant for mutable files, but immutable
         files will provide sensible values too::
@@ -1606,7 +1606,8 @@ class ICheckAndRepairResults(Interface):
         """Return a boolean, True if a repair was attempted."""
     def get_repair_successful():
         """Return a boolean, True if repair was attempted and the file/dir
-        was fully healthy afterwards."""
+        was fully healthy afterwards. False if no repair was attempted or if
+        a repair attempt failed."""
     def get_pre_repair_results():
         """Return an ICheckerResults instance that describes the state of the
         file/dir before any repair was attempted."""
diff --git a/src/allmydata/mutable/ b/src/allmydata/mutable/
index c4670083..45404f84 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/mutable/
+++ b/src/allmydata/mutable/
@@ -250,10 +250,9 @@ class MutableChecker:
                 shareid = "%s-sh%d" % (smap.summarize_version(verinfo), shnum)
                 if shareid not in sharemap:
                     sharemap[shareid] = []
-                sharemap[shareid].append(base32.b2a(peerid))
+                sharemap[shareid].append(peerid)
         data["sharemap"] = sharemap
-        data["servers-responding"] = [base32.b2a(serverid)
-                                      for serverid in smap.reachable_peers]
+        data["servers-responding"] = list(smap.reachable_peers)
diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/ b/src/allmydata/test/
index ac6cf2f9..a62e69b1 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/test/
+++ b/src/allmydata/test/
@@ -2043,9 +2043,16 @@ class DeepCheck(SystemTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
         self.failUnlessEqual(d["list-corrupt-shares"], [], where)
         if not incomplete:
-                                 sorted([idlib.nodeid_b2a(c.nodeid)
-                                         for c in self.clients]), where)
+                                 sorted([c.nodeid for c in self.clients]),
+                                 where)
             self.failUnless("sharemap" in d, where)
+            all_serverids = set()
+            for (shareid, serverids) in d["sharemap"].items():
+                all_serverids.update(serverids)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(sorted(all_serverids),
+                                 sorted([c.nodeid for c in self.clients]),
+                                 where)
         self.failUnlessEqual(d["count-wrong-shares"], 0, where)
         self.failUnlessEqual(d["count-recoverable-versions"], 1, where)
         self.failUnlessEqual(d["count-unrecoverable-versions"], 0, where)
@@ -2078,6 +2085,7 @@ class DeepCheck(SystemTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
         d = self.set_up_nodes()
+        d.addCallback(self.do_test_web)
         return d
     def do_test_good(self, ignored):
@@ -2167,3 +2175,119 @@ class DeepCheck(SystemTestMixin, unittest.TestCase):
         d.addCallback(self.deep_check_and_repair_is_healthy, 0, "small")
         return d
+    def web_json(self, n, **kwargs):
+        kwargs["output"] = "json"
+        url = (self.webish_url + "uri/%s" % urllib.quote(n.get_uri())
+               + "?" + "&".join(["%s=%s" % (k,v) for (k,v) in kwargs.items()]))
+        d = getPage(url, method="POST")
+        def _decode(s):
+            try:
+                data = simplejson.loads(s)
+            except ValueError:
+      "%s (%s): not JSON: '%s'" % (where, url, s))
+            return data
+        d.addCallback(_decode)
+        return d
+    def json_check_is_healthy(self, data, n, where, incomplete=False):
+        self.failUnlessEqual(data["storage-index"],
+                             base32.b2a(n.get_storage_index()), where)
+        r = data["results"]
+        self.failUnlessEqual(r["healthy"], True, where)
+        needs_rebalancing = bool( len(self.clients) < 10 )
+        if not incomplete:
+            self.failUnlessEqual(r["needs-rebalancing"], needs_rebalancing, where)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(r["count-shares-good"], 10, where)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(r["count-shares-needed"], 3, where)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(r["count-shares-expected"], 10, where)
+        if not incomplete:
+            self.failUnlessEqual(r["count-good-share-hosts"], len(self.clients), where)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(r["count-corrupt-shares"], 0, where)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(r["list-corrupt-shares"], [], where)
+        if not incomplete:
+            self.failUnlessEqual(sorted(r["servers-responding"]),
+                                 sorted([idlib.nodeid_b2a(c.nodeid)
+                                         for c in self.clients]), where)
+            self.failUnless("sharemap" in r, where)
+            all_serverids = set()
+            for (shareid, serverids_s) in r["sharemap"].items():
+                all_serverids.update(serverids_s)
+            self.failUnlessEqual(sorted(all_serverids),
+                                 sorted([idlib.nodeid_b2a(c.nodeid)
+                                         for c in self.clients]), where)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(r["count-wrong-shares"], 0, where)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(r["count-recoverable-versions"], 1, where)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(r["count-unrecoverable-versions"], 0, where)
+    def json_check_and_repair_is_healthy(self, data, n, where, incomplete=False):
+        self.failUnlessEqual(data["storage-index"],
+                             base32.b2a(n.get_storage_index()), where)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(data["repair-attempted"], False, where)
+        self.json_check_is_healthy(data["pre-repair-results"],
+                                   n, where, incomplete)
+        self.json_check_is_healthy(data["post-repair-results"],
+                                   n, where, incomplete)
+    def json_check_lit(self, data, n, where):
+        self.failUnlessEqual(data["storage-index"], "", where)
+        self.failUnlessEqual(data["results"]["healthy"], True, where)
+    def do_test_web(self, ignored):
+        d = defer.succeed(None)
+        # check, no verify
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.web_json(self.root, t="check"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_is_healthy, self.root, "root")
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.web_json(self.mutable, t="check"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_is_healthy, self.mutable, "mutable")
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.web_json(self.large, t="check"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_is_healthy, self.large, "large")
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign: self.web_json(self.small, t="check"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_lit, self.small, "small")
+        # check and verify
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.web_json(self.root, t="check", verify="true"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_is_healthy, self.root, "root")
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.web_json(self.mutable, t="check", verify="true"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_is_healthy, self.mutable, "mutable")
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.web_json(self.large, t="check", verify="true"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_is_healthy, self.large, "large", incomplete=True)
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.web_json(self.small, t="check", verify="true"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_lit, self.small, "small")
+        # check and repair, no verify
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.web_json(self.root, t="check", repair="true"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_and_repair_is_healthy, self.root, "root")
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.web_json(self.mutable, t="check", repair="true"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_and_repair_is_healthy, self.mutable, "mutable")
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.web_json(self.large, t="check", repair="true"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_and_repair_is_healthy, self.large, "large")
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.web_json(self.small, t="check", repair="true"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_lit, self.small, "small")
+        # check+verify+repair
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.web_json(self.root, t="check", repair="true", verify="true"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_and_repair_is_healthy, self.root, "root")
+        return d
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.web_json(self.mutable, t="check", repair="true", verify="true"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_and_repair_is_healthy, self.mutable, "mutable")
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.web_json(self.large, t="check", repair="true", verify="true"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_and_repair_is_healthy, self.large, "large", incomplete=True)
+        d.addCallback(lambda ign:
+                      self.web_json(self.small, t="check", repair="true", verify="true"))
+        d.addCallback(self.json_check_lit, self.small, "small")
+        return d
diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/ b/src/allmydata/test/
index 3c4d0cc6..1f14b0f0 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/test/
+++ b/src/allmydata/test/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from twisted.python import failure, log
 from allmydata import interfaces, provisioning, uri, webish
 from allmydata.immutable import upload, download
 from allmydata.web import status, common
-from allmydata.util import fileutil
+from allmydata.util import fileutil, idlib
 from allmydata.test.common import FakeDirectoryNode, FakeCHKFileNode, \
      FakeMutableFileNode, create_chk_filenode
 from allmydata.interfaces import IURI, INewDirectoryURI, \
diff --git a/src/allmydata/web/ b/src/allmydata/web/
index 30c25ad7..a43e075c 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/web/
+++ b/src/allmydata/web/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import time
+import simplejson
 from nevow import rend, inevow, tags as T
 from twisted.web import html
 from allmydata.web.common import getxmlfile, get_arg, IClient
@@ -11,18 +12,89 @@ class ResultsBase:
     def _render_results(self, cr):
         assert ICheckerResults(cr)
         return T.pre["\n".join(self._html(cr.get_report()))] # TODO: more
+    def _json_check_and_repair_results(self, r):
+        data = {}
+        data["storage-index"] = r.get_storage_index_string()
+        data["repair-attempted"] = r.get_repair_attempted()
+        data["repair-successful"] = r.get_repair_successful()
+        pre = r.get_pre_repair_results()
+        data["pre-repair-results"] = self._json_check_results(pre)
+        post = r.get_post_repair_results()
+        data["post-repair-results"] = self._json_check_results(post)
+        return data
+    def _json_check_results(self, r):
+        data = {}
+        data["storage-index"] = r.get_storage_index_string()
+        data["results"] = self._json_check_counts(r.get_data())
+        data["results"]["needs-rebalancing"] = r.needs_rebalancing()
+        data["results"]["healthy"] = r.is_healthy()
+        return data
+    def _json_check_counts(self, d):
+        r = {}
+        r["count-shares-good"] = d["count-shares-good"]
+        r["count-shares-needed"] = d["count-shares-needed"]
+        r["count-shares-expected"] = d["count-shares-expected"]
+        r["count-good-share-hosts"] = d["count-good-share-hosts"]
+        r["count-corrupt-shares"] = d["count-corrupt-shares"]
+        r["list-corrupt-shares"] = [ (idlib.nodeid_b2a(serverid),
+                                      base32.b2a(si), shnum)
+                                     for (serverid, si, shnum)
+                                     in d["list-corrupt-shares"] ]
+        r["servers-responding"] = [idlib.nodeid_b2a(serverid)
+                                   for serverid in d["servers-responding"]]
+        sharemap = {}
+        for (shareid, serverids) in d["sharemap"].items():
+            sharemap[shareid] = [base32.b2a(serverid) for serverid in serverids]
+        r["sharemap"] = sharemap
+        r["count-wrong-shares"] = d["count-wrong-shares"]
+        r["count-recoverable-versions"] = d["count-recoverable-versions"]
+        r["count-unrecoverable-versions"] = d["count-unrecoverable-versions"]
+        return r
     def _html(self, s):
         if isinstance(s, (str, unicode)):
             return html.escape(s)
         assert isinstance(s, (list, tuple))
         return [html.escape(w) for w in s]
+class LiteralCheckerResults(rend.Page):
+    docFactory = getxmlfile("literal-checker-results.xhtml")
+    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
+        t = get_arg(inevow.IRequest(ctx), "output", "")
+        if t.lower() == "json":
+            return self.json(ctx)
+        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)
+    def json(self, ctx):
+        inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
+        data = {"storage-index": "",
+                "results": {"healthy": True},
+                }
+        return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1)
 class CheckerResults(rend.Page, ResultsBase):
     docFactory = getxmlfile("checker-results.xhtml")
     def __init__(self, results):
         self.r = ICheckerResults(results)
+    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
+        t = get_arg(inevow.IRequest(ctx), "output", "")
+        if t.lower() == "json":
+            return self.json(ctx)
+        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)
+    def json(self, ctx):
+        inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
+        data = self._json_check_results(self.r)
+        return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1)
     def render_storage_index(self, ctx, data):
         return self.r.get_storage_index_string()
@@ -48,6 +120,17 @@ class CheckAndRepairResults(rend.Page, ResultsBase):
     def __init__(self, results):
         self.r = ICheckAndRepairResults(results)
+    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
+        t = get_arg(inevow.IRequest(ctx), "output", None)
+        if t == "json":
+            return self.json(ctx)
+        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)
+    def json(self, ctx):
+        inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
+        data = self._json_check_and_repair_results(self.r)
+        return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1)
     def render_storage_index(self, ctx, data):
         return self.r.get_storage_index_string()
@@ -89,6 +172,32 @@ class DeepCheckResults(rend.Page, ResultsBase):
         assert IDeepCheckResults(results)
         self.r = results
+    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
+        t = get_arg(inevow.IRequest(ctx), "output", None)
+        if t == "json":
+            return self.json(ctx)
+        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)
+    def json(self, ctx):
+        inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
+        data = {}
+        data["root-storage-index"] = self.r.get_root_storage_index_string()
+        c = self.r.get_counters()
+        data["count-objects-checked"] = c["count-objects-checked"]
+        data["count-objects-healthy"] = c["count-objects-healthy"]
+        data["count-objects-unhealthy"] = c["count-objects-unhealthy"]
+        data["count-corrupt-shares"] = c["count-corrupt-shares"]
+        data["list-corrupt-shares"] = [ (idlib.b2a(serverid),
+                                         idlib.b2a(storage_index),
+                                         shnum)
+                                        for (serverid, storage_index, shnum)
+                                        in self.r.get_corrupt_shares() ]
+        data["list-unhealthy-files"] = [ (path_t, self._json_check_results(r))
+                                         for (path_t, r)
+                                         in self.r.get_all_results().items()
+                                         if not r.is_healthy() ]
+        return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1)
     def render_root_storage_index(self, ctx, data):
         return self.r.get_root_storage_index_string()
@@ -195,6 +304,48 @@ class DeepCheckAndRepairResults(rend.Page, ResultsBase):
         assert IDeepCheckAndRepairResults(results)
         self.r = results
+    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
+        t = get_arg(inevow.IRequest(ctx), "output", None)
+        if t == "json":
+            return self.json(ctx)
+        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)
+    def json(self, ctx):
+        inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
+        data = {}
+        data["root-storage-index"] = self.r.get_root_storage_index_string()
+        c = self.r.get_counters()
+        data["count-objects-checked"] = c["count-objects-checked"]
+        data["count-objects-healthy-pre-repair"] = c["count-objects-healthy-pre-repair"]
+        data["count-objects-unhealthy-pre-repair"] = c["count-objects-unhealthy-pre-repair"]
+        data["count-objects-healthy-post-repair"] = c["count-objects-healthy-post-repair"]
+        data["count-objects-unhealthy-post-repair"] = c["count-objects-unhealthy-post-repair"]
+        data["count-repairs-attempted"] = c["count-repairs-attempted"]
+        data["count-repairs-successful"] = c["count-repairs-successful"]
+        data["count-repairs-unsuccessful"] = c["count-repairs-unsuccessful"]
+        data["count-corrupt-shares-pre-repair"] = c["count-corrupt-shares-pre-repair"]
+        data["count-corrupt-shares-post-repair"] = c["count-corrupt-shares-pre-repair"]
+        data["list-corrupt-shares"] = [ (idlib.b2a(serverid),
+                                         idlib.b2a(storage_index),
+                                         shnum)
+                                        for (serverid, storage_index, shnum)
+                                        in self.r.get_corrupt_shares() ]
+        data["list-remaining-corrupt-shares"] = [ (idlib.b2a(serverid),
+                                                   idlib.b2a(storage_index),
+                                                   shnum)
+                                                  for (serverid, storage_index, shnum)
+                                                  in self.r.get_remaining_corrupt_shares() ]
+        data["list-unhealthy-files"] = [ (path_t, self._json_check_results(r))
+                                         for (path_t, r)
+                                         in self.r.get_all_results().items()
+                                         if not r.get_pre_repair_results().is_healthy() ]
+        return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1)
     def render_root_storage_index(self, ctx, data):
         return self.r.get_root_storage_index_string()
diff --git a/src/allmydata/web/ b/src/allmydata/web/
index 0e9096d2..5c45d960 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/web/
+++ b/src/allmydata/web/
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ from allmydata.web.common import text_plain, WebError, IClient, \
      getxmlfile, RenderMixin
 from allmydata.web.filenode import ReplaceMeMixin, \
      FileNodeHandler, PlaceHolderNodeHandler
-from allmydata.web.checker_results import CheckerResults, DeepCheckResults, \
-     DeepCheckAndRepairResults
+from allmydata.web.checker_results import CheckerResults, \
+     CheckAndRepairResults, DeepCheckResults, DeepCheckAndRepairResults
 class BlockingFileError(Exception):
     # TODO: catch and transform
@@ -333,8 +333,14 @@ class DirectoryNodeHandler(RenderMixin, rend.Page, ReplaceMeMixin):
     def _POST_check(self, req):
         # check this directory
-        d = self.node.check()
-        d.addCallback(lambda res: CheckerResults(res))
+        verify = boolean_of_arg(get_arg(req, "verify", "false"))
+        repair = boolean_of_arg(get_arg(req, "repair", "false"))
+        if repair:
+            d = self.node.check_and_repair(verify)
+            d.addCallback(lambda res: CheckAndRepairResults(res))
+        else:
+            d = self.node.check(verify)
+            d.addCallback(lambda res: CheckerResults(res))
         return d
     def _POST_deep_check(self, req):
diff --git a/src/allmydata/web/ b/src/allmydata/web/
index eef13928..664b53c1 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/web/
+++ b/src/allmydata/web/
@@ -10,11 +10,13 @@ from nevow.inevow import IRequest
 from allmydata.interfaces import IDownloadTarget, ExistingChildError
 from allmydata.immutable.upload import FileHandle
+from allmydata.immutable.filenode import LiteralFileNode
 from allmydata.util import log
 from allmydata.web.common import text_plain, WebError, IClient, RenderMixin, \
      boolean_of_arg, get_arg, should_create_intermediate_directories
-from allmydata.web.checker_results import CheckerResults, CheckAndRepairResults
+from allmydata.web.checker_results import CheckerResults, \
+     CheckAndRepairResults, LiteralCheckerResults
 class ReplaceMeMixin:
@@ -256,6 +258,8 @@ class FileNodeHandler(RenderMixin, rend.Page, ReplaceMeMixin):
     def _POST_check(self, req):
         verify = boolean_of_arg(get_arg(req, "verify", "false"))
         repair = boolean_of_arg(get_arg(req, "repair", "false"))
+        if isinstance(self.node, LiteralFileNode):
+            return defer.succeed(LiteralCheckerResults())
         if repair:
             d = self.node.check_and_repair(verify)
             d.addCallback(lambda res: CheckAndRepairResults(res))
diff --git a/src/allmydata/web/literal-checker-results.xhtml b/src/allmydata/web/literal-checker-results.xhtml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e4aad67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/allmydata/web/literal-checker-results.xhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<html xmlns:n="">
+  <head>
+    <title>AllMyData - Tahoe - Check Results</title>
+    <!-- <link href=""
+          rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> -->
+    <link href="/webform_css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
+    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+  </head>
+  <body>
+<h1>File Check Results for LIT file</h1>
+<div>Literal files are always healthy: their data is contained in the URI</div>
+<div n:render="return" />
+  </body>