case modeCWL:
case modeCWU:
- sprintf(temp_text,"%s %s %d wpm",mode_string[vfo[id].mode],band_filter->title,cw_keyer_speed);
+ sprintf(temp_text,"%s %s %d",mode_string[vfo[id].mode],band_filter->title,cw_keyer_speed);
case modeLSB:
case modeUSB:
cairo_move_to(cr, 70, 80);
cairo_show_text(cr, temp_text);
+ // draw CW (wpm)
+ switch(vfo[id].mode) {
+ case modeCWU:
+ case modeCWL:
+ cairo_set_font_size(cr, 18);
+ cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ cairo_show_text(cr, " wpm");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
// In what follows, we want to display the VFO frequency
// on which we currently transmit a signal with red colour.
// If it is out-of-band, we display "Out of band" in red.