From: Zooko O'Whielacronx <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 15:32:29 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: contrib: remove the contributed fuse modules and the entire contrib/ directory, which... 

contrib: remove the contributed fuse modules and the entire contrib/ directory, which is now empty
Also remove a couple of vestigial references to figleaf, which is long gone.
fixes #1409 (remove contrib/fuse)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index fd9f15f8..1d65502b 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -90,9 +90,6 @@ test:
 check: test
-fuse-test: .built
-	$(RUNPP) -d contrib/fuse -p -c
 test-coverage: build src/allmydata/
 	rm -f .coverage
 	$(TAHOE) debug trial --reporter=bwverbose-coverage $(TEST)
diff --git a/NEWS.rst b/NEWS.rst
index 3c26d848..e0ce8cdc 100644
--- a/NEWS.rst
+++ b/NEWS.rst
@@ -5,12 +5,14 @@ User-Visible Changes in Tahoe-LAFS
 Release 1.9.0 (2011-??-??)
+- The unmaintained FUSE plugins were removed from the source tree. See
+  docs/frontends/FTP-and-SFTP.rst for how to use sshfs. (`#1409`_)
 - Nodes now emit "None" for percentiles with higher implied precision
   than the number of observations can support. Older stats gatherers
   will throw an exception if they gather stats from a new storage
   server and it sends a "None" for a percentile. (`#1392`_)
+.. _`#1409`:
 Release 1.8.2 (2011-01-30)
diff --git a/contrib/README b/contrib/README
deleted file mode 100644
index ad776ba7..00000000
--- a/contrib/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains code and extensions which are not strictly a part
-of Tahoe. They may or may not currently work.
diff --git a/contrib/fuse/impl_a/README b/contrib/fuse/impl_a/README
deleted file mode 100644
index f79107cc..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-Welcome to the tahoe fuse interface prototype!
-In addition to a working tahoe installation, this interface depends
-on the python-fuse interface.  This package is available on Ubuntu
-systems as "python-fuse".  It is only known to work with ubuntu
-package version "2.5-5build1".  The latest ubuntu package (version
-"1:0.2-pre3-3") appears to not work currently.
-Unfortunately this package appears poorly maintained (notice the wildy
-different version strings and changing API semantics), so if you know
-of a good replacement pythonic fuse interface, please let tahoe-dev know
-about it!
-Currently uses the same ~/.tahoe/private/root_dir.cap
-file (which is also the CLI default).  This is not configurable yet.
-Place a directory cap in this file.  (Hint: If you can run "tahoe ls"
-and see a directory listing, this file is properly configured.)
-The usage is " <mountpoint>".  The mount point needs to
-be an existing directory which should be empty.  (If it's not empty
-the contents will be safe, but unavailable while the
-process is mounted there.)
-To use the interface, use other programs to poke around the
-mountpoint.  You should be able to see the same contents as you would
-by using the CLI or WUI for the same directory cap.
-Runtime Behavior Notes:
-Only reading a tahoe grid is supported, which is reflected in
-the permission modes.  With Tahoe 0.7.0, write access should be easier
-to implement, but is not yet present.
-In-Memory File Caching:
-Currently requesting a particular file for read causes the entire file to
-be retrieved into memory before the read operation returns!
-This caching is reused for subsequent reads.  Beware large files.
-When transitioning to a finer-grained fuse api, this caching should be
-replaced with straight-forward calls to the wapi.  In my opinion, the
-Tahoe node should do all the caching tricks, so that extensions such as can be simple and thin.
-Backgrounding Behavior:
-When using the 2.5-5build1 ubuntu package, and no other arguments
-besides a mountpoint to, the process should remain in
-the foreground and print debug information.   Other python-fuse
-versions appear to alter this behavior and may fork the process to
-the background and obscure the log output.  Bonus points to whomever
-discovers the fate of these poor log messages in this case.
-"Investigative Logging":
-This prototype is designed to aide in further fuse development, so
-currently *every* fuse interface call figures out the process from
-which the file system request originates, then it figures out that
-processes commandline (this uses the /proc file system).  This is handy
-for interactive inspection of what kinds of behavior invokes which
-file system operations, but may not work for you.  To disable this
-inspection, edit the source and comment out all of the "@debugcall"
-[FIXME: double check python ref name] method decorators by inserting a
-'#' so it looks like "#@debugcall" (without quotes).
-The current version was not implemented according to any spec and
-makes quite a few dubious "guesses" for what data to pass the fuse
-interface.  You may see bizarre values, which may potentialy confuse
-any processes visiting the files under the mount point.
-Serial, blocking operations:
-Most fuse operations result in one or more http calls to the WAPI.
-These are serial and blocking (at least for the tested python-fuse
-version 2.5-5build1), so access to this file system is quite
-Good luck!
diff --git a/contrib/fuse/impl_a/ b/contrib/fuse/impl_a/
deleted file mode 100644
index a3e15927..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-Tahoe thin-client fuse module.
-See the accompanying README for configuration/usage details.
-- Delegate to Tahoe webapi as much as possible.
-- Thin rather than clever.  (Even when that means clunky.)
-- Reads cache entire file contents, violating the thinness goal.  Can we GET spans of files?
-- Single threaded.
-1. Add unit tests where possible with little code modification.
-2. Make unit tests pass for a variety of python-fuse module versions.
-3. Modify the design to make possible unit test coverage of larger portions of code.
-- Perhaps integrate cli aliases or root_dir.cap.
-- Research pkg_resources; see if it can replace the try-import-except-import-error pattern.
-- Switch to logging instead of homebrew logging.
-#import bindann
-import sys, stat, os, errno, urllib, time
-    import simplejson
-except ImportError, e:
-    raise SystemExit('''\
-Could not import simplejson, which is bundled with Tahoe.  Please
-update your PYTHONPATH environment variable to include the tahoe
-"support/lib/python<VERSION>/site-packages" directory.
-If you run this from the Tahoe source directory, use this command:
-PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:./support/lib/python%d.%d/site-packages/" python %s
-''' % (sys.version_info[:2] + (' '.join(sys.argv),)))
-    import fuse
-except ImportError, e:
-    raise SystemExit('''\
-Could not import fuse, the pythonic fuse bindings.  This dependency
-of is *not* bundled with tahoe.  Please install it.
-On debian/ubuntu systems run: sudo apt-get install python-fuse
-# FIXME: Check for non-working fuse versions here.
-# FIXME: Make this work for all common python-fuse versions.
-# FIXME: Currently uses the old, silly path-based (non-stateful) interface:
-fuse.fuse_python_api = (0, 1) # Use the silly path-based api for now.
-### Config:
-TahoeConfigDir = '~/.tahoe'
-MagicDevNumber = 42
-UnknownSize = -1
-def main():
-    basedir = os.path.expanduser(TahoeConfigDir)
-    for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
-        if arg == '--basedir':
-            try:
-                basedir = sys.argv[i+1]
-                sys.argv[i:i+2] = []
-            except IndexError:
-                sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], '--help']
-    log_init(basedir)
-    log('Commandline: %r', sys.argv)
-    fs = TahoeFS(basedir)
-    fs.main()
-### Utilities for debug:
-_logfile = None # Private to log* functions.
-def log_init(confdir):
-    global _logfile
-    logpath = os.path.join(confdir, 'logs', 'tahoe_fuse.log')
-    _logfile = open(logpath, 'a')
-    log('Log opened at: %s\n', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
-def log(msg, *args):
-    _logfile.write((msg % args) + '\n')
-    _logfile.flush()
-def trace_calls(m):
-    def dbmeth(self, *a, **kw):
-        pid = self.GetContext()['pid']
-        log('[%d %r]\n%s%r%r', pid, get_cmdline(pid), m.__name__, a, kw)
-        try:
-            r = m(self, *a, **kw)
-            if (type(r) is int) and (r < 0):
-                log('-> -%s\n', errno.errorcode[-r],)
-            else:
-                repstr = repr(r)[:256]
-                log('-> %s\n', repstr)
-            return r
-        except:
-            sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info())
-    return dbmeth
-def get_cmdline(pid):
-    f = open('/proc/%d/cmdline' % pid, 'r')
-    args ='\0')
-    f.close()
-    assert args[-1] == ''
-    return args[:-1]
-class SystemError (Exception):
-    def __init__(self, eno):
-        self.eno = eno
-        Exception.__init__(self, errno.errorcode[eno])
-    @staticmethod
-    def wrap_returns(meth):
-        def wrapper(*args, **kw):
-            try:
-                return meth(*args, **kw)
-            except SystemError, e:
-                return -e.eno
-        wrapper.__name__ = meth.__name__
-        return wrapper
-### Heart of the Matter:
-class TahoeFS (fuse.Fuse):
-    def __init__(self, confdir):
-        log('Initializing with confdir = %r', confdir)
-        fuse.Fuse.__init__(self)
-        self.confdir = confdir
-        self.flags = 0 # FIXME: What goes here?
-        self.multithreaded = 0
-        # silly path-based file handles.
-        self.filecontents = {} # {path -> contents}
-        self._init_url()
-        self._init_rootdir()
-    def _init_url(self):
-        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.confdir, 'node.url')):
-            self.url = file(os.path.join(self.confdir, 'node.url'), 'rb').read().strip()
-            if not self.url.endswith('/'):
-                self.url += '/'
-        else:
-            f = open(os.path.join(self.confdir, 'webport'), 'r')
-            contents =
-            f.close()
-            fields = contents.split(':')
-            proto, port = fields[:2]
-            assert proto == 'tcp'
-            port = int(port)
-            self.url = 'http://localhost:%d' % (port,)
-    def _init_rootdir(self):
-        # For now we just use the same default as the CLI:
-        rootdirfn = os.path.join(self.confdir, 'private', 'root_dir.cap')
-        try:
-            f = open(rootdirfn, 'r')
-            cap =
-            f.close()
-        except EnvironmentError, le:
-            # FIXME: This user-friendly help message may be platform-dependent because it checks the exception description.
-            if le.args[1].find('No such file or directory') != -1:
-                raise SystemExit('%s requires a directory capability in %s, but it was not found.\n' % (sys.argv[0], rootdirfn))
-            else:
-                raise le
-        self.rootdir = TahoeDir(self.url, canonicalize_cap(cap))
-    def _get_node(self, path):
-        assert path.startswith('/')
-        if path == '/':
-            return self.rootdir.resolve_path([])
-        else:
-            parts = path.split('/')[1:]
-            return self.rootdir.resolve_path(parts)
-    def _get_contents(self, path):
-        contents = self.filecontents.get(path)
-        if contents is None:
-            node = self._get_node(path)
-            contents =
-            self.filecontents[path] = contents
-        return contents
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def getattr(self, path):
-        node = self._get_node(path)
-        return node.getattr()
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def getdir(self, path):
-        """
-        return: [(name, typeflag), ... ]
-        """
-        node = self._get_node(path)
-        return node.getdir()
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def mythread(self):
-        return -errno.ENOSYS
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def chmod(self, path, mode):
-        return -errno.ENOSYS
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def chown(self, path, uid, gid):
-        return -errno.ENOSYS
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def fsync(self, path, isFsyncFile):
-        return -errno.ENOSYS
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def link(self, target, link):
-        return -errno.ENOSYS
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def mkdir(self, path, mode):
-        return -errno.ENOSYS
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def mknod(self, path, mode, dev_ignored):
-        return -errno.ENOSYS
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def open(self, path, mode):
-        IgnoredFlags = os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK | os.O_SYNC | os.O_LARGEFILE 
-        # Note: IgnoredFlags are all ignored!
-        for fname in dir(os):
-            if fname.startswith('O_'):
-                flag = getattr(os, fname)
-                if flag & IgnoredFlags:
-                    continue
-                elif mode & flag:
-                    log('Flag not supported: %s', fname)
-                    raise SystemError(errno.ENOSYS)
-        self._get_contents(path)
-        return 0
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def read(self, path, length, offset):
-        return self._get_contents(path)[offset:length]
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def release(self, path):
-        del self.filecontents[path]
-        return 0
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def readlink(self, path):
-        return -errno.ENOSYS
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def rename(self, oldpath, newpath):
-        return -errno.ENOSYS
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def rmdir(self, path):
-        return -errno.ENOSYS
-    #@trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def statfs(self):
-        return -errno.ENOSYS
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def symlink ( self, targetPath, linkPath ):
-        return -errno.ENOSYS
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def truncate(self, path, size):
-        return -errno.ENOSYS
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def unlink(self, path):
-        return -errno.ENOSYS
-    @trace_calls
-    @SystemError.wrap_returns
-    def utime(self, path, times):
-        return -errno.ENOSYS
-class TahoeNode (object):
-    NextInode = 0
-    @staticmethod
-    def make(baseurl, uri):
-        typefield = uri.split(':', 2)[1]
-        # FIXME: is this check correct?
-        if uri.find('URI:DIR2') != -1:
-            return TahoeDir(baseurl, uri)
-        else:
-            return TahoeFile(baseurl, uri)
-    def __init__(self, baseurl, uri):
-        if not baseurl.endswith('/'):
-            baseurl += '/'
-        self.burl = baseurl
-        self.uri = uri
-        self.fullurl = '%suri/%s' % (self.burl, self.uri)
-        self.inode = TahoeNode.NextInode
-        TahoeNode.NextInode += 1
-    def getattr(self):
-        """
-        - st_mode (protection bits)
-        - st_ino (inode number)
-        - st_dev (device)
-        - st_nlink (number of hard links)
-        - st_uid (user ID of owner)
-        - st_gid (group ID of owner)
-        - st_size (size of file, in bytes)
-        - st_atime (time of most recent access)
-        - st_mtime (time of most recent content modification)
-        - st_ctime (platform dependent; time of most recent metadata change on Unix,
-                    or the time of creation on Windows).
-        """
-        # FIXME: Return metadata that isn't completely fabricated.
-        return (self.get_mode(),
-                self.inode,
-                MagicDevNumber,
-                self.get_linkcount(),
-                os.getuid(),
-                os.getgid(),
-                self.get_size(),
-                0,
-                0,
-                0)
-    def get_metadata(self):
-        f ='?t=json')
-        json =
-        f.close()
-        return simplejson.loads(json)
-    def open(self, postfix=''):
-        url = self.fullurl + postfix
-        log('*** Fetching: %r', url)
-        return urllib.urlopen(url)
-class TahoeFile (TahoeNode):
-    def __init__(self, baseurl, uri):
-        #assert uri.split(':', 2)[1] in ('CHK', 'LIT'), `uri` # fails as of 0.7.0
-        TahoeNode.__init__(self, baseurl, uri)
-    # nonfuse:
-    def get_mode(self):
-        return stat.S_IFREG | 0400 # Read only regular file.
-    def get_linkcount(self):
-        return 1
-    def get_size(self):
-        rawsize = self.get_metadata()[1]['size']
-        if type(rawsize) is not int: # FIXME: What about sizes which do not fit in python int?
-            assert rawsize == u'?', `rawsize`
-            return UnknownSize
-        else:
-            return rawsize
-    def resolve_path(self, path):
-        assert path == []
-        return self
-class TahoeDir (TahoeNode):
-    def __init__(self, baseurl, uri):
-        TahoeNode.__init__(self, baseurl, uri)
-        self.mode = stat.S_IFDIR | 0500 # Read only directory.
-    # FUSE:
-    def getdir(self):
-        d = [('.', self.get_mode()), ('..', self.get_mode())]
-        for name, child in self.get_children().items():
-            if name: # Just ignore this crazy case!
-                d.append((name, child.get_mode()))
-        return d
-    # nonfuse:
-    def get_mode(self):
-        return stat.S_IFDIR | 0500 # Read only directory.
-    def get_linkcount(self):
-        return len(self.getdir())
-    def get_size(self):
-        return 2 ** 12 # FIXME: What do we return here?  len(self.get_metadata())
-    def resolve_path(self, path):
-        assert type(path) is list
-        if path:
-            head = path[0]
-            child = self.get_child(head)
-            return child.resolve_path(path[1:])
-        else:
-            return self
-    def get_child(self, name):
-        c = self.get_children()
-        return c[name]
-    def get_children(self):
-        flag, md = self.get_metadata()
-        assert flag == 'dirnode'
-        c = {}
-        for name, (childflag, childmd) in md['children'].items():
-            if childflag == 'dirnode':
-                cls = TahoeDir
-            else:
-                cls = TahoeFile
-            c[str(name)] = cls(self.burl, childmd['ro_uri'])
-        return c
-def canonicalize_cap(cap):
-    cap = urllib.unquote(cap)
-    i = cap.find('URI:')
-    assert i != -1, 'A cap must contain "URI:...", but this does not: ' + cap
-    return cap[i:]
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/announce.txt b/contrib/fuse/impl_b/announce.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 69db54be..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/announce.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-This announcement is archived in the tahoe-dev mailing list archive:
-[tahoe-dev] Another FUSE interface
-Armin Rigo arigo at
-Sat Mar 29 04:35:36 PDT 2008
-    * Previous message: [tahoe-dev] announcing "Tahoe", v1.0
-    * Next message: [tahoe-dev] convergent encryption reconsidered -- salting and key-strengthening
-    * Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
-Hi all,
-I implemented for fun another Tahoe-to-FUSE interface using my own set
-of FUSE bindings.  If you are interested, you can check out the
-following subversion directory:
- is a 100-lines, half-an-hour-job interface to Tahoe, limited to
-read-only at the moment.  The rest of the directory contains PyFuse, and
-many other small usage examples.  PyFuse is a pure Python FUSE daemon
-(no messy linking issues, no dependencies).
-A bientot,
-Armin Rigo
-    * Previous message: [tahoe-dev] announcing "Tahoe", v1.0
-    * Next message: [tahoe-dev] convergent encryption reconsidered -- salting and key-strengthening
-    * Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
-More information about the tahoe-dev mailing list
diff --git a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/ b/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fe5287e..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-from UserDict import DictMixin
-DELETED = object()
-class OrderedDict(DictMixin):
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
-        self.clear()
-        self.update(*args, **kwds)
-    def clear(self):
-        self._keys = []
-        self._content = {}    # {key: (index, value)}
-        self._deleted = 0
-    def copy(self):
-        return OrderedDict(self)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        for key in self._keys:
-            if key is not DELETED:
-                yield key
-    def keys(self):
-        return [key for key in self._keys if key is not DELETED]
-    def popitem(self):
-        while 1:
-            try:
-                k = self._keys.pop()
-            except IndexError:
-                raise KeyError, 'OrderedDict is empty'
-            if k is not DELETED:
-                return k, self._content.pop(k)[1]
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        index, value = self._content[key]
-        return value
-    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
-        try:
-            index, oldvalue = self._content[key]
-        except KeyError:
-            index = len(self._keys)
-            self._keys.append(key)
-        self._content[key] = index, value
-    def __delitem__(self, key):
-        index, oldvalue = self._content.pop(key)
-        self._keys[index] = DELETED
-        if self._deleted <= len(self._content):
-            self._deleted += 1
-        else:
-            # compress
-            newkeys = []
-            for k in self._keys:
-                if k is not DELETED:
-                    i, value = self._content[k]
-                    self._content[k] = len(newkeys), value
-                    newkeys.append(k)
-            self._keys = newkeys
-            self._deleted = 0
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self._content)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        res = ['%r: %r' % (key, self._content[key][1]) for key in self]
-        return 'OrderedDict(%s)' % (', '.join(res),)
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        if not isinstance(other, OrderedDict):
-            return NotImplemented
-        keys = self.keys()
-        r = cmp(keys, other.keys())
-        if r:
-            return r
-        for k in keys:
-            r = cmp(self[k], other[k])
-            if r:
-                return r
-        return 0
diff --git a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/ b/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/ b/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
deleted file mode 100644
index f9b13c21..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-import os, stat, py, select
-import inspect
-from objectfs import ObjectFs
-def remote_runner(BLOCKSIZE):
-    import sys, select, os, struct
-    stream = None
-    while True:
-        while stream is not None:
-            iwtd, owtd, ewtd =[0], [1], [])
-            if iwtd:
-                break
-            pos = stream.tell()
-            data =
-            res = ('R', path, pos, len(data))
-            sys.stdout.write('%r\n%s' % (res, data))
-            if len(data) < BLOCKSIZE:
-                stream = None
-        stream = None
-        msg = eval(sys.stdin.readline())
-        if msg[0] == 'L':
-            path = msg[1]
-            names = os.listdir(path)
-            res = []
-            for name in names:
-                try:
-                    st = os.stat(os.path.join(path, name))
-                except OSError:
-                    continue
-                res.append((name, st.st_mode, st.st_size))
-            res = msg + (res,)
-            sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (res,))
-        elif msg[0] == 'R':
-            path, pos = msg[1:]
-            f = open(path, 'rb')
-            data =
-            res = msg + (len(data),)
-            sys.stdout.write('%r\n%s' % (res, data))
-        elif msg[0] == 'S':
-            path, pos = msg[1:]
-            stream = open(path, 'rb')
-        #elif msg[0] == 'C':
-        #    stream = None
-class CacheFs(ObjectFs):
-    MOUNT_OPTIONS = {'max_read': BLOCKSIZE}
-    def __init__(self, localdir, remotehost, remotedir):
-        src = inspect.getsource(remote_runner)
-        src += '\n\nremote_runner(%d)\n' % BLOCKSIZE
-        remotecmd = 'python -u -c "exec input()"'
-        cmdline = [remotehost, remotecmd]
-        # XXX Unix style quoting
-        for i in range(len(cmdline)):
-            cmdline[i] = "'" + cmdline[i].replace("'", "'\\''") + "'"
-        cmd = 'ssh -C'
-        cmdline.insert(0, cmd)
-        child_in, child_out = os.popen2(' '.join(cmdline), bufsize=0)
-        child_in.write('%r\n' % (src,))
-        control = Controller(child_in, child_out)
-        ObjectFs.__init__(self, CacheDir(localdir, remotedir, control))
-class Controller:
-    def __init__(self, child_in, child_out):
-        self.child_in = child_in
-        self.child_out = child_out
-        self.cache = {}
-        self.streaming = None
-    def next_answer(self):
-        answer = eval(self.child_out.readline())
-        #print 'A', answer
-        if answer[0] == 'R':
-            remotefn, pos, length = answer[1:]
-            data =
-            self.cache[remotefn, pos] = data
-        return answer
-    def wait_answer(self, query):
-        self.streaming = None
-        #print 'Q', query
-        self.child_in.write('%r\n' % (query,))
-        while True:
-            answer = self.next_answer()
-            if answer[:len(query)] == query:
-                return answer[len(query):]
-    def listdir(self, remotedir):
-        query = ('L', remotedir)
-        res, = self.wait_answer(query)
-        return res
-    def wait_for_block(self, remotefn, pos):
-        key = remotefn, pos
-        while key not in self.cache:
-            self.next_answer()
-        return self.cache[key]
-    def peek_for_block(self, remotefn, pos):
-        key = remotefn, pos
-        while key not in self.cache:
-            iwtd, owtd, ewtd =[self.child_out], [], [], 0)
-            if not iwtd:
-                return None
-            self.next_answer()
-        return self.cache[key]
-    def cached_block(self, remotefn, pos):
-        key = remotefn, pos
-        return self.cache.get(key)
-    def start_streaming(self, remotefn, pos):
-        if remotefn != self.streaming:
-            while (remotefn, pos) in self.cache:
-                pos += BLOCKSIZE
-            query = ('S', remotefn, pos)
-            #print 'Q', query
-            self.child_in.write('%r\n' % (query,))
-            self.streaming = remotefn
-    def read_blocks(self, remotefn, poslist):
-        lst = ['%r\n' % (('R', remotefn, pos),)
-               for pos in poslist if (remotefn, pos) not in self.cache]
-        if lst:
-            self.streaming = None
-            #print 'Q', '+ '.join(lst)
-            self.child_in.write(''.join(lst))
-    def clear_cache(self, remotefn):
-        for key in self.cache.keys():
-            if key[0] == remotefn:
-                del self.cache[key]
-class CacheDir:
-    def __init__(self, localdir, remotedir, control, size=0):
-        self.localdir  = localdir
-        self.remotedir = remotedir
-        self.control   = control
-        self.entries   = None
-    def listdir(self):
-        if self.entries is None:
-            self.entries = []
-            for name, st_mode, st_size in self.control.listdir(self.remotedir):
-                if stat.S_ISDIR(st_mode):
-                    cls = CacheDir
-                else:
-                    cls = CacheFile
-                obj = cls(os.path.join(self.localdir, name),
-                          os.path.join(self.remotedir, name),
-                          self.control,
-                          st_size)
-                self.entries.append((name, obj))
-        return self.entries
-class CacheFile:
-    def __init__(self, localfn, remotefn, control, size):
-        self.localfn  = localfn
-        self.remotefn = remotefn
-        self.control  = control
-        self.st_size  = size
-    def size(self):
-        return self.st_size
-    def read(self):
-        try:
-            st = os.stat(self.localfn)
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            if st.st_size == self.st_size:     # fully cached
-                return open(self.localfn, 'rb')
-            os.unlink(self.localfn)
-        lpath = py.path.local(self.partial())
-        lpath.ensure(file=1)
-        f = open(self.partial(), 'r+b')
-        return DumpFile(self, f)
-    def partial(self):
-        return self.localfn + '.partial~'
-    def complete(self):
-        try:
-            os.rename(self.partial(), self.localfn)
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-class DumpFile:
-    def __init__(self, cf, f):
- = cf
-        self.f = f
-        self.pos = 0
-    def seek(self, npos):
-        self.pos = npos
-    def read(self, count):
-        control =
-        buffer =
-        self.pos += len(buffer)
-        count -= len(buffer)
-, 2)
-        curend = self.f.tell()
-        if count > 0:
-            while self.pos > curend:
-                curend &= -BLOCKSIZE
-                data = control.peek_for_block(, curend)
-                if data is None:
-                    break
-                self.f.write(data)
-                curend += len(data)
-                if len(data) < BLOCKSIZE:
-                    break
-            start = max(self.pos, curend) & (-BLOCKSIZE)
-            end = (self.pos + count + BLOCKSIZE-1) & (-BLOCKSIZE)
-            poslist = range(start, end, BLOCKSIZE)
-            if self.pos <= curend:
-                control.start_streaming(, start)
-                for p in poslist:
-                    data = control.wait_for_block(, p)
-                    assert self.f.tell() == p
-                    self.f.write(data)
-                    if len(data) < BLOCKSIZE:
-                        break
-                curend = self.f.tell()
-                while curend <
-                    curend &= -BLOCKSIZE
-                    data = control.cached_block(, curend)
-                    if data is None:
-                        break
-                    assert self.f.tell() == curend
-                    self.f.write(data)
-                    curend += len(data)
-                else:
-                    control.clear_cache(
-                buffer +=
-            else:
-                control.read_blocks(, poslist)
-                result = []
-                for p in poslist:
-                    data = control.wait_for_block(, p)
-                    result.append(data)
-                    if len(data) < BLOCKSIZE:
-                        break
-                data = ''.join(result)
-                buffer += data[self.pos-start:self.pos-start+count]
-        else:
-            if self.pos + 60000 > curend:
-                curend &= -BLOCKSIZE
-                control.start_streaming(, curend)
-        return buffer
diff --git a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/ b/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa10f3c7..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-import sys, os, Queue, atexit
-dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
-dir = os.path.join(dir, 'pypeers')
-if dir not in sys.path:
-    sys.path.append(dir)
-del dir
-from greensock import *
-import threadchannel
-def _read_from_kernel(handler):
-    while True:
-        msg = read(handler.fd, handler.MAX_READ)
-        if not msg:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "out-kernel connexion closed"
-            break
-        autogreenlet(handler.handle_message, msg)
-def add_handler(handler):
-    autogreenlet(_read_from_kernel, handler)
-    atexit.register(handler.close)
-# ____________________________________________________________
-def thread_runner(n):
-    while True:
-        #print 'thread runner %d waiting' % n
-        operation, answer = THREAD_QUEUE.get()
-        #print 'thread_runner %d: %r' % (n, operation)
-        try:
-            res = True, operation()
-        except Exception:
-            res = False, sys.exc_info()
-        #print 'thread_runner %d: got %d bytes' % (n, len(res or ''))
-        answer.send(res)
-def start_bkgnd_thread():
-    import thread
-    threadchannel.startup()
-    THREAD_LOCK = thread.allocate_lock()
-    THREAD_QUEUE = Queue.Queue()
-    for i in range(4):
-        thread.start_new_thread(thread_runner, (i,))
-def wget(*args, **kwds):
-    from wget import wget
-    def operation():
-        kwds['unlock'] = THREAD_LOCK
-        THREAD_LOCK.acquire()
-        try:
-            return wget(*args, **kwds)
-        finally:
-            THREAD_LOCK.release()
-    if THREAD_QUEUE is None:
-        start_bkgnd_thread()
-    answer = threadchannel.ThreadChannel()
-    THREAD_QUEUE.put((operation, answer))
-    ok, res = answer.receive()
-    if not ok:
-        typ, value, tb = res
-        raise typ, value, tb
-    #print 'wget returns %d bytes' % (len(res or ''),)
-    return res
diff --git a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/ b/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
deleted file mode 100644
index 46643e26..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-from kernel import *
-import os, errno, sys
-def fuse_mount(mountpoint, opts=None):
-    if not isinstance(mountpoint, str):
-        raise TypeError
-    if opts is not None and not isinstance(opts, str):
-        raise TypeError
-    import dl
-    try:
-        fuse ='')
-    except dl.error:
-        fuse ='')
-    if fuse.sym('fuse_mount_compat22'):
-        fnname = 'fuse_mount_compat22'
-    else:
-        fnname = 'fuse_mount'     # older versions of
-    return, mountpoint, opts)
-class Handler(object):
-    __system = os.system
-    mountpoint = fd = None
-    __in_header_size  = fuse_in_header.calcsize()
-    __out_header_size = fuse_out_header.calcsize()
-    def __init__(self, mountpoint, filesystem, logfile='STDERR', **opts1):
-        opts = getattr(filesystem, 'MOUNT_OPTIONS', {}).copy()
-        opts.update(opts1)
-        if opts:
-            opts = opts.items()
-            opts.sort()
-            opts = ' '.join(['%s=%s' % item for item in opts])
-        else:
-            opts = None
-        fd = fuse_mount(mountpoint, opts)
-        if fd < 0:
-            raise IOError("mount failed")
-        self.fd = fd
-        if logfile == 'STDERR':
-            logfile = sys.stderr
-        self.logfile = logfile
-        if self.logfile:
-            print >> self.logfile, '* mounted at', mountpoint
-        self.mountpoint = mountpoint
-        self.filesystem = filesystem
-        self.handles = {}
-        self.nexth = 1
-    def __del__(self):
-        if self.fd is not None:
-            os.close(self.fd)
-            self.fd = None
-        if self.mountpoint:
-            cmd = "fusermount -u '%s'" % self.mountpoint.replace("'", r"'\''")
-            self.mountpoint = None
-            if self.logfile:
-                print >> self.logfile, '*', cmd
-            self.__system(cmd)
-    close = __del__
-    def loop_forever(self):
-        while True:
-            try:
-                msg =, FUSE_MAX_IN)
-            except OSError, ose:
-                if ose.errno == errno.ENODEV:
-                    # on hardy, at least, this is what happens upon fusermount -u
-                    #raise EOFError("out-kernel connection closed")
-                    return
-            if not msg:
-                #raise EOFError("out-kernel connection closed")
-                return
-            self.handle_message(msg)
-    def handle_message(self, msg):
-        headersize = self.__in_header_size
-        req = fuse_in_header(msg[:headersize])
-        assert req.len == len(msg)
-        name = req.opcode
-        try:
-            try:
-                name = fuse_opcode2name[req.opcode]
-                meth = getattr(self, name)
-            except (IndexError, AttributeError):
-                raise NotImplementedError
-            #if self.logfile:
-            #    print >> self.logfile, '%s(%d)' % (name, req.nodeid)
-            reply = meth(req, msg[headersize:])
-            #if self.logfile:
-            #    print >> self.logfile, '   >>', repr(reply)
-        except NotImplementedError:
-            if self.logfile:
-                print >> self.logfile, '%s: not implemented' % (name,)
-            self.send_reply(req, err=errno.ENOSYS)
-        except EnvironmentError, e:
-            if self.logfile:
-                print >> self.logfile, '%s: %s' % (name, e)
-            self.send_reply(req, err = e.errno or errno.ESTALE)
-        except NoReply:
-            pass
-        else:
-            self.send_reply(req, reply)
-    def send_reply(self, req, reply=None, err=0):
-        assert 0 <= err < 1000
-        if reply is None:
-            reply = ''
-        elif not isinstance(reply, str):
-            reply = reply.pack()
-        f = fuse_out_header(unique = req.unique,
-                            error  = -err,
-                            len    = self.__out_header_size + len(reply))
-        data = f.pack() + reply
-        while data:
-            count = os.write(self.fd, data)
-            if not count:
-                raise EOFError("in-kernel connection closed")
-            data = data[count:]
-    def notsupp_or_ro(self):
-        if hasattr(self.filesystem, "modified"):
-            raise IOError(errno.ENOSYS, "not supported")
-        else:
-            raise IOError(errno.EROFS, "read-only file system")
-    # ____________________________________________________________
-    def FUSE_INIT(self, req, msg):
-        msg = fuse_init_in_out(msg[:8])
-        if self.logfile:
-            print >> self.logfile, 'INIT: %d.%d' % (msg.major, msg.minor)
-        return fuse_init_in_out(major = FUSE_KERNEL_VERSION,
-                                minor = FUSE_KERNEL_MINOR_VERSION)
-    def FUSE_GETATTR(self, req, msg):
-        node = self.filesystem.getnode(req.nodeid)
-        attr, valid = self.filesystem.getattr(node)
-        return fuse_attr_out(attr_valid = valid,
-                             attr = attr)
-    def FUSE_SETATTR(self, req, msg):
-        if not hasattr(self.filesystem, 'setattr'):
-            self.notsupp_or_ro()
-        msg = fuse_setattr_in(msg)
-        if msg.valid & FATTR_MODE:  mode = msg.attr.mode & 0777
-        else:                       mode = None
-        if msg.valid & FATTR_UID:   uid = msg.attr.uid
-        else:                       uid = None
-        if msg.valid & FATTR_GID:   gid = msg.attr.gid
-        else:                       gid = None
-        if msg.valid & FATTR_SIZE:  size = msg.attr.size
-        else:                       size = None
-        if msg.valid & FATTR_ATIME: atime = msg.attr.atime
-        else:                       atime = None
-        if msg.valid & FATTR_MTIME: mtime = msg.attr.mtime
-        else:                       mtime = None
-        node = self.filesystem.getnode(req.nodeid)
-        self.filesystem.setattr(node, mode, uid, gid,
-                                size, atime, mtime)
-        attr, valid = self.filesystem.getattr(node)
-        return fuse_attr_out(attr_valid = valid,
-                             attr = attr)
-    def FUSE_RELEASE(self, req, msg):
-        msg = fuse_release_in(msg, truncate=True)
-        try:
-            del self.handles[msg.fh]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.EBADF, msg.fh)
-    def FUSE_OPENDIR(self, req, msg):
-        #msg = fuse_open_in(msg)
-        node = self.filesystem.getnode(req.nodeid)
-        attr, valid = self.filesystem.getattr(node)
-        if mode2type(attr.mode) != TYPE_DIR:
-            raise IOError(errno.ENOTDIR, node)
-        fh = self.nexth
-        self.nexth += 1
-        self.handles[fh] = True, '', node
-        return fuse_open_out(fh = fh)
-    def FUSE_READDIR(self, req, msg):
-        msg = fuse_read_in(msg)
-        try:
-            isdir, data, node = self.handles[msg.fh]
-            if not isdir:
-                raise KeyError    # not a dir handle
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.EBADF, msg.fh)
-        if msg.offset == 0:
-            # start or rewind
-            d_entries = []
-            off = 0
-            for name, type in self.filesystem.listdir(node):
-                off += fuse_dirent.calcsize(len(name))
-                d_entry = fuse_dirent(ino  = INVALID_INO,
-                                      off  = off,
-                                      type = type,
-                                      name = name)
-                d_entries.append(d_entry)
-            data = ''.join([d.pack() for d in d_entries])
-            self.handles[msg.fh] = True, data, node
-        return data[msg.offset:msg.offset+msg.size]
-    def replyentry(self, (subnodeid, valid1)):
-        subnode = self.filesystem.getnode(subnodeid)
-        attr, valid2 = self.filesystem.getattr(subnode)
-        return fuse_entry_out(nodeid = subnodeid,
-                              entry_valid = valid1,
-                              attr_valid = valid2,
-                              attr = attr)
-    def FUSE_LOOKUP(self, req, msg):
-        filename = c2pystr(msg)
-        dirnode = self.filesystem.getnode(req.nodeid)
-        return self.replyentry(self.filesystem.lookup(dirnode, filename))
-    def FUSE_OPEN(self, req, msg, mask=os.O_RDONLY|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_RDWR):
-        msg = fuse_open_in(msg)
-        node = self.filesystem.getnode(req.nodeid)
-        attr, valid = self.filesystem.getattr(node)
-        if mode2type(attr.mode) != TYPE_REG:
-            raise IOError(errno.EPERM, node)
-        f =, msg.flags & mask)
-        if isinstance(f, tuple):
-            f, open_flags = f
-        else:
-            open_flags = 0
-        fh = self.nexth
-        self.nexth += 1
-        self.handles[fh] = False, f, node
-        return fuse_open_out(fh = fh, open_flags = open_flags)
-    def FUSE_READ(self, req, msg):
-        msg = fuse_read_in(msg)
-        try:
-            isdir, f, node = self.handles[msg.fh]
-            if isdir:
-                raise KeyError
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.EBADF, msg.fh)
-        return
-    def FUSE_WRITE(self, req, msg):
-        if not hasattr(self.filesystem, 'modified'):
-            raise IOError(errno.EROFS, "read-only file system")
-        msg, data = fuse_write_in.from_head(msg)
-        try:
-            isdir, f, node = self.handles[msg.fh]
-            if isdir:
-                raise KeyError
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.EBADF, msg.fh)
-        f.write(data)
-        self.filesystem.modified(node)
-        return fuse_write_out(size = len(data))
-    def FUSE_MKNOD(self, req, msg):
-        if not hasattr(self.filesystem, 'mknod'):
-            self.notsupp_or_ro()
-        msg, filename = fuse_mknod_in.from_param(msg)
-        node = self.filesystem.getnode(req.nodeid)
-        return self.replyentry(self.filesystem.mknod(node, filename, msg.mode))
-    def FUSE_MKDIR(self, req, msg):
-        if not hasattr(self.filesystem, 'mkdir'):
-            self.notsupp_or_ro()
-        msg, filename = fuse_mkdir_in.from_param(msg)
-        node = self.filesystem.getnode(req.nodeid)
-        return self.replyentry(self.filesystem.mkdir(node, filename, msg.mode))
-    def FUSE_SYMLINK(self, req, msg):
-        if not hasattr(self.filesystem, 'symlink'):
-            self.notsupp_or_ro()
-        linkname, target = c2pystr2(msg)
-        node = self.filesystem.getnode(req.nodeid)
-        return self.replyentry(self.filesystem.symlink(node, linkname, target))
-    #def FUSE_LINK(self, req, msg):
-    #    ...
-    def FUSE_UNLINK(self, req, msg):
-        if not hasattr(self.filesystem, 'unlink'):
-            self.notsupp_or_ro()
-        filename = c2pystr(msg)
-        node = self.filesystem.getnode(req.nodeid)
-        self.filesystem.unlink(node, filename)
-    def FUSE_RMDIR(self, req, msg):
-        if not hasattr(self.filesystem, 'rmdir'):
-            self.notsupp_or_ro()
-        dirname = c2pystr(msg)
-        node = self.filesystem.getnode(req.nodeid)
-        self.filesystem.rmdir(node, dirname)
-    def FUSE_FORGET(self, req, msg):
-        if hasattr(self.filesystem, 'forget'):
-            self.filesystem.forget(req.nodeid)
-        raise NoReply
-    def FUSE_READLINK(self, req, msg):
-        if not hasattr(self.filesystem, 'readlink'):
-            raise IOError(errno.ENOSYS, "readlink not supported")
-        node = self.filesystem.getnode(req.nodeid)
-        target = self.filesystem.readlink(node)
-        return target
-    def FUSE_RENAME(self, req, msg):
-        if not hasattr(self.filesystem, 'rename'):
-            self.notsupp_or_ro()
-        msg, oldname, newname = fuse_rename_in.from_param2(msg)
-        oldnode = self.filesystem.getnode(req.nodeid)
-        newnode = self.filesystem.getnode(msg.newdir)
-        self.filesystem.rename(oldnode, oldname, newnode, newname)
-    def getxattrs(self, nodeid):
-        if not hasattr(self.filesystem, 'getxattrs'):
-            raise IOError(errno.ENOSYS, "xattrs not supported")
-        node = self.filesystem.getnode(nodeid)
-        return self.filesystem.getxattrs(node)
-    def FUSE_LISTXATTR(self, req, msg):
-        names = self.getxattrs(req.nodeid).keys()
-        names = ['user.' + name for name in names]
-        totalsize = 0
-        for name in names:
-            totalsize += len(name)+1
-        msg = fuse_getxattr_in(msg)
-        if msg.size > 0:
-            if msg.size < totalsize:
-                raise IOError(errno.ERANGE, "buffer too small")
-            names.append('')
-            return '\x00'.join(names)
-        else:
-            return fuse_getxattr_out(size=totalsize)
-    def FUSE_GETXATTR(self, req, msg):
-        xattrs = self.getxattrs(req.nodeid)
-        msg, name = fuse_getxattr_in.from_param(msg)
-        if not name.startswith('user.'):    # ENODATA == ENOATTR
-            raise IOError(errno.ENODATA, "only supports 'user.' xattrs, "
-                                         "got %r" % (name,))
-        name = name[5:]
-        try:
-            value = xattrs[name]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.ENODATA, "no such xattr")    # == ENOATTR
-        value = str(value)
-        if msg.size > 0:
-            if msg.size < len(value):
-                raise IOError(errno.ERANGE, "buffer too small")
-            return value
-        else:
-            return fuse_getxattr_out(size=len(value))
-    def FUSE_SETXATTR(self, req, msg):
-        xattrs = self.getxattrs(req.nodeid)
-        msg, name, value = fuse_setxattr_in.from_param_head(msg)
-        assert len(value) == msg.size
-        # XXX msg.flags ignored
-        if not name.startswith('user.'):    # ENODATA == ENOATTR
-            raise IOError(errno.ENODATA, "only supports 'user.' xattrs")
-        name = name[5:]
-        try:
-            xattrs[name] = value
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.ENODATA, "cannot set xattr")    # == ENOATTR
-    def FUSE_REMOVEXATTR(self, req, msg):
-        xattrs = self.getxattrs(req.nodeid)
-        name = c2pystr(msg)
-        if not name.startswith('user.'):    # ENODATA == ENOATTR
-            raise IOError(errno.ENODATA, "only supports 'user.' xattrs")
-        name = name[5:]
-        try:
-            del xattrs[name]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.ENODATA, "cannot delete xattr")   # == ENOATTR
-class NoReply(Exception):
-    pass
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deleted file mode 100644
index dffdfbd2..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-import os, re, urlparse
-from handler import Handler
-from objectfs import ObjectFs
-class Root:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.entries = {'gg': GoogleRoot()}
-    def listdir(self):
-        return self.entries.keys()
-    def join(self, hostname):
-        if hostname in self.entries:
-            return self.entries[hostname]
-        if '.' not in hostname:
-            raise KeyError
-        result = HtmlNode('http://%s/' % (hostname,))
-        self.entries[hostname] = result
-        return result
-class UrlNode:
-    data = None
-    def __init__(self, url):
-        self.url = url
-    def getdata(self):
-        if is None:
-            print self.url
-            g = os.popen("lynx -source %r" % (self.url,), 'r')
-   =
-            g.close()
-        return
-class HtmlNode(UrlNode):
-    r_links  = re.compile(r'<a\s[^>]*href="([^"]+)"[^>]*>(.*?)</a>',
-                          re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
-    r_images = re.compile(r'<img\s[^>]*src="([^"]+[.]jpg)"', re.IGNORECASE)
-    def format(self, text, index,
-               TRANSTBL = ''.join([(32<=c<127 and c!=ord('/'))
-                                   and chr(c) or '_'
-                                   for c in range(256)])):
-        return text.translate(TRANSTBL)
-    def listdir(self):
-        data = self.getdata()
-        seen = {}
-        def uniquename(name):
-            name = self.format(name, len(seen))
-            if name == '' or name.startswith('.'):
-                name = '_' + name
-            basename = name
-            i = 1
-            while name in seen:
-                i += 1
-                name = '%s_%d' % (basename, i)
-            seen[name] = True
-            return name
-        for link, text in self.r_links.findall(data):
-            url = urlparse.urljoin(self.url, link)
-            yield uniquename(text), HtmlNode(url)
-        for link in self.r_images.findall(data):
-            text = os.path.basename(link)
-            url = urlparse.urljoin(self.url, link)
-            yield uniquename(text), RawNode(url)
-        yield '.source', RawNode(self.url)
-class RawNode(UrlNode):
-    def read(self):
-        return self.getdata()
-    def size(self):
-        if
-            return len(
-        else:
-            return None
-class GoogleRoot:
-    def join(self, query):
-        return GoogleSearch(query)
-class GoogleSearch(HtmlNode):
-    r_links  = re.compile(r'<a\sclass=l\s[^>]*href="([^"]+)"[^>]*>(.*?)</a>',
-                          re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
-    def __init__(self, query):
-        self.url = '' + query
-    def format(self, text, index):
-        text = text.replace('<b>', '').replace('</b>', '')
-        text = HtmlNode.format(self, text, index)
-        return '%d. %s' % (index, text)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    root = Root()
-    handler = Handler('/home/arigo/mnt', ObjectFs(root))
-    handler.loop_forever()
diff --git a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/ b/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
deleted file mode 100644
index 36238a2f..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize
-import stat
-class Struct(object):
-    __slots__ = []
-    def __init__(self, data=None, truncate=False, **fields):
-        if data is not None:
-            if truncate:
-                data = data[:self.calcsize()]
-            self.unpack(data)
-        for key, value in fields.items():
-            setattr(self, key, value)
-    def unpack(self, data):
-        data = unpack(self.__types__, data)
-        for key, value in zip(self.__slots__, data):
-            setattr(self, key, value)
-    def pack(self):
-        return pack(self.__types__, *[getattr(self, k, 0)
-                                      for k in self.__slots__])
-    def calcsize(cls):
-        return calcsize(cls.__types__)
-    calcsize = classmethod(calcsize)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        result = ['%s=%r' % (name, getattr(self, name, None))
-                  for name in self.__slots__]
-        return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(result))
-    def from_param(cls, msg):
-        limit = cls.calcsize()
-        zero = msg.find('\x00', limit)
-        assert zero >= 0
-        return cls(msg[:limit]), msg[limit:zero]
-    from_param = classmethod(from_param)
-    def from_param2(cls, msg):
-        limit = cls.calcsize()
-        zero1 = msg.find('\x00', limit)
-        assert zero1 >= 0
-        zero2 = msg.find('\x00', zero1+1)
-        assert zero2 >= 0
-        return cls(msg[:limit]), msg[limit:zero1], msg[zero1+1:zero2]
-    from_param2 = classmethod(from_param2)
-    def from_head(cls, msg):
-        limit = cls.calcsize()
-        return cls(msg[:limit]), msg[limit:]
-    from_head = classmethod(from_head)
-    def from_param_head(cls, msg):
-        limit = cls.calcsize()
-        zero = msg.find('\x00', limit)
-        assert zero >= 0
-        return cls(msg[:limit]), msg[limit:zero], msg[zero+1:]
-    from_param_head = classmethod(from_param_head)
-class StructWithAttr(Struct):
-    def unpack(self, data):
-        limit = -fuse_attr.calcsize()
-        super(StructWithAttr, self).unpack(data[:limit])
-        self.attr = fuse_attr(data[limit:])
-    def pack(self):
-        return super(StructWithAttr, self).pack() + self.attr.pack()
-    def calcsize(cls):
-        return super(StructWithAttr, cls).calcsize() + fuse_attr.calcsize()
-    calcsize = classmethod(calcsize)
-def _mkstruct(name, c, base=Struct):
-    typ2code = {
-        '__u32': 'I',
-        '__s32': 'i',
-        '__u64': 'Q',
-        '__s64': 'q'}
-    slots = []
-    types = ['=']
-    for line in c.split('\n'):
-        line = line.strip()
-        if line:
-            line, tail = line.split(';', 1)
-            typ, nam = line.split()
-            slots.append(nam)
-            types.append(typ2code[typ])
-    cls = type(name, (base,), {'__slots__': slots,
-                                 '__types__': ''.join(types)})
-    globals()[name] = cls
-class timeval(object):
-    def __init__(self, attr1, attr2):
-        self.sec = attr1
-        self.nsec = attr2
-    def __get__(self, obj, typ=None):
-        if obj is None:
-            return self
-        else:
-            return (getattr(obj, self.sec) +
-                    getattr(obj, self.nsec) * 0.000000001)
-    def __set__(self, obj, val):
-        val = int(val * 1000000000)
-        sec, nsec = divmod(val, 1000000000)
-        setattr(obj, self.sec, sec)
-        setattr(obj, self.nsec, nsec)
-    def __delete__(self, obj):
-        delattr(obj, self.sec)
-        delattr(obj, self.nsec)
-def _mktimeval(cls, attr1, attr2):
-    assert attr1.startswith('_')
-    assert attr2.startswith('_')
-    tv = timeval(attr1, attr2)
-    setattr(cls, attr1[1:], tv)
-def mode2type(mode):
-    return (mode & 0170000) >> 12
-TYPE_REG = mode2type(stat.S_IFREG)
-TYPE_DIR = mode2type(stat.S_IFDIR)
-TYPE_LNK = mode2type(stat.S_IFLNK)
-def c2pystr(s):
-    n = s.find('\x00')
-    assert n >= 0
-    return s[:n]
-def c2pystr2(s):
-    first = c2pystr(s)
-    second = c2pystr(s[len(first)+1:])
-    return first, second
-# ____________________________________________________________
-# Version number of this interface
-# Minor version number of this interface
-# The node ID of the root inode
-# The major number of the fuse character device
-# The minor number of the fuse character device
-# Make sure all structures are padded to 64bit boundary, so 32bit
-# userspace works under 64bit kernels
-_mkstruct('fuse_attr', '''
-	__u64	ino;
-	__u64	size;
-	__u64	blocks;
-	__u64	_atime;
-	__u64	_mtime;
-	__u64	_ctime;
-	__u32	_atimensec;
-	__u32	_mtimensec;
-	__u32	_ctimensec;
-	__u32	mode;
-	__u32	nlink;
-	__u32	uid;
-	__u32	gid;
-	__u32	rdev;
-_mktimeval(fuse_attr, '_atime', '_atimensec')
-_mktimeval(fuse_attr, '_mtime', '_mtimensec')
-_mktimeval(fuse_attr, '_ctime', '_ctimensec')
-_mkstruct('fuse_kstatfs', '''
-	__u64	blocks;
-	__u64	bfree;
-	__u64	bavail;
-	__u64	files;
-	__u64	ffree;
-	__u32	bsize;
-	__u32	namelen;
-FATTR_MODE	= 1 << 0
-FATTR_UID	= 1 << 1
-FATTR_GID	= 1 << 2
-FATTR_SIZE	= 1 << 3
-FATTR_ATIME	= 1 << 4
-FATTR_MTIME	= 1 << 5
-# Flags returned by the OPEN request
-# FOPEN_DIRECT_IO: bypass page cache for this open file
-# FOPEN_KEEP_CACHE: don't invalidate the data cache on open
-FOPEN_DIRECT_IO		= 1 << 0
-fuse_opcode = {
-    'FUSE_LOOKUP'        : 1,
-    'FUSE_FORGET'        : 2,  # no reply
-    'FUSE_GETATTR'       : 3,
-    'FUSE_SETATTR'       : 4,
-    'FUSE_READLINK'      : 5,
-    'FUSE_SYMLINK'       : 6,
-    'FUSE_MKNOD'         : 8,
-    'FUSE_MKDIR'         : 9,
-    'FUSE_UNLINK'        : 10,
-    'FUSE_RMDIR'         : 11,
-    'FUSE_RENAME'        : 12,
-    'FUSE_LINK'          : 13,
-    'FUSE_OPEN'          : 14,
-    'FUSE_READ'          : 15,
-    'FUSE_WRITE'         : 16,
-    'FUSE_STATFS'        : 17,
-    'FUSE_RELEASE'       : 18,
-    'FUSE_FSYNC'         : 20,
-    'FUSE_SETXATTR'      : 21,
-    'FUSE_GETXATTR'      : 22,
-    'FUSE_LISTXATTR'     : 23,
-    'FUSE_REMOVEXATTR'   : 24,
-    'FUSE_FLUSH'         : 25,
-    'FUSE_INIT'          : 26,
-    'FUSE_OPENDIR'       : 27,
-    'FUSE_READDIR'       : 28,
-    'FUSE_RELEASEDIR'    : 29,
-    'FUSE_FSYNCDIR'      : 30,
-fuse_opcode2name = []
-def setup():
-    for key, value in fuse_opcode.items():
-        fuse_opcode2name.extend([None] * (value+1 - len(fuse_opcode2name)))
-        fuse_opcode2name[value] = key
-del setup
-# Conservative buffer size for the client
-FUSE_MAX_IN = 8192
-_mkstruct('fuse_entry_out', """
-	__u64	nodeid;		/* Inode ID */
-	__u64	generation;	/* Inode generation: nodeid:gen must \
-				   be unique for the fs's lifetime */
-	__u64	_entry_valid;	/* Cache timeout for the name */
-	__u64	_attr_valid;	/* Cache timeout for the attributes */
-	__u32	_entry_valid_nsec;
-	__u32	_attr_valid_nsec;
-""", base=StructWithAttr)
-_mktimeval(fuse_entry_out, '_entry_valid', '_entry_valid_nsec')
-_mktimeval(fuse_entry_out, '_attr_valid', '_attr_valid_nsec')
-_mkstruct('fuse_forget_in', '''
-	__u64	nlookup;
-_mkstruct('fuse_attr_out', '''
-	__u64	_attr_valid;	/* Cache timeout for the attributes */
-	__u32	_attr_valid_nsec;
-	__u32	dummy;
-''', base=StructWithAttr)
-_mktimeval(fuse_attr_out, '_attr_valid', '_attr_valid_nsec')
-_mkstruct('fuse_mknod_in', '''
-	__u32	mode;
-	__u32	rdev;
-_mkstruct('fuse_mkdir_in', '''
-	__u32	mode;
-	__u32	padding;
-_mkstruct('fuse_rename_in', '''
-	__u64	newdir;
-_mkstruct('fuse_link_in', '''
-	__u64	oldnodeid;
-_mkstruct('fuse_setattr_in', '''
-	__u32	valid;
-	__u32	padding;
-''', base=StructWithAttr)
-_mkstruct('fuse_open_in', '''
-	__u32	flags;
-	__u32	padding;
-_mkstruct('fuse_open_out', '''
-	__u64	fh;
-	__u32	open_flags;
-	__u32	padding;
-_mkstruct('fuse_release_in', '''
-	__u64	fh;
-	__u32	flags;
-	__u32	padding;
-_mkstruct('fuse_flush_in', '''
-	__u64	fh;
-	__u32	flush_flags;
-	__u32	padding;
-_mkstruct('fuse_read_in', '''
-	__u64	fh;
-	__u64	offset;
-	__u32	size;
-	__u32	padding;
-_mkstruct('fuse_write_in', '''
-	__u64	fh;
-	__u64	offset;
-	__u32	size;
-	__u32	write_flags;
-_mkstruct('fuse_write_out', '''
-	__u32	size;
-	__u32	padding;
-fuse_statfs_out = fuse_kstatfs
-_mkstruct('fuse_fsync_in', '''
-	__u64	fh;
-	__u32	fsync_flags;
-	__u32	padding;
-_mkstruct('fuse_setxattr_in', '''
-	__u32	size;
-	__u32	flags;
-_mkstruct('fuse_getxattr_in', '''
-	__u32	size;
-	__u32	padding;
-_mkstruct('fuse_getxattr_out', '''
-	__u32	size;
-	__u32	padding;
-_mkstruct('fuse_init_in_out', '''
-	__u32	major;
-	__u32	minor;
-_mkstruct('fuse_in_header', '''
-	__u32	len;
-	__u32	opcode;
-	__u64	unique;
-	__u64	nodeid;
-	__u32	uid;
-	__u32	gid;
-	__u32	pid;
-	__u32	padding;
-_mkstruct('fuse_out_header', '''
-	__u32	len;
-	__s32	error;
-	__u64	unique;
-class fuse_dirent(Struct):
-    __slots__ = ['ino', 'off', 'type', 'name']
-    def unpack(self, data):
-        self.ino,, namelen, self.type = struct.unpack('QQII',
-                                                               data[:24])
- = data[24:24+namelen]
-        assert len( == namelen
-    def pack(self):
-        namelen = len(
-        return pack('QQII%ds' % ((namelen+7)&~7,),
-                    self.ino, getattr(self, 'off', 0), namelen,
-                    self.type,
-    def calcsize(cls, namelen):
-        return 24 + ((namelen+7)&~7)
-    calcsize = classmethod(calcsize)
diff --git a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/ b/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
deleted file mode 100644
index a8c8a2d9..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-from kernel import *
-from handler import Handler
-import stat, time, os, weakref, errno
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-class MemoryFS(object):
-    INFINITE = 86400.0
-    class Dir(object):
-        type = TYPE_DIR
-        def __init__(self, attr):
-            self.attr = attr
-            self.contents = {}    # { 'filename': Dir()/File()/SymLink() }
-    class File(object):
-        type = TYPE_REG
-        def __init__(self, attr):
-            self.attr = attr
-   = StringIO()
-    class SymLink(object):
-        type = TYPE_LNK
-        def __init__(self, attr, target):
-            self.attr = attr
-   = target
-    def __init__(self, root=None):
-        self.uid = os.getuid()
-        self.gid = os.getgid()
-        self.umask = os.umask(0); os.umask(self.umask)
-        self.root = root or self.Dir(self.newattr(stat.S_IFDIR))
-        self.nodes = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
-        self.nodes[FUSE_ROOT_ID] = self.root
-        self.nextid = FUSE_ROOT_ID + 1
-    def newattr(self, s, ino=None, mode=0666):
-        now = time.time()
-        attr = fuse_attr(size  = 0,
-                         mode  = s | (mode & ~self.umask),
-                         nlink = 1,  # even on dirs! this confuses 'find' in
-                                     # a good way :-)
-                         atime = now,
-                         mtime = now,
-                         ctime = now,
-                         uid   = self.uid,
-                         gid   = self.gid)
-        if ino is None:
-            ino = id(attr)
-        if ino < 0:
-            ino = ~ino
-        attr.ino = ino
-        return attr
-    def getnode(self, id):
-        return self.nodes[id]
-    def modified(self, node):
-        node.attr.mtime = node.attr.atime = time.time()
-        if isinstance(node, self.File):
-  , 2)
-            node.attr.size =
-    def getattr(self, node):
-        return node.attr, self.INFINITE
-    def setattr(self, node, mode, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime):
-        if mode is not None:
-            node.attr.mode = (node.attr.mode & ~0777) | (mode & 0777)
-        if uid is not None:
-            node.attr.uid = uid
-        if gid is not None:
-            node.attr.gid = gid
-        if size is not None:
-            assert isinstance(node, self.File)
-  , 2)
-            oldsize =
-            if size < oldsize:
-                self.modified(node)
-            elif size > oldsize:
-      '\x00' * (size - oldsize))
-                self.modified(node)
-        if atime is not None:
-            node.attr.atime = atime
-        if mtime is not None:
-            node.attr.mtime = mtime
-    def listdir(self, node):
-        assert isinstance(node, self.Dir)
-        for name, subobj in node.contents.items():
-            yield name, subobj.type
-    def lookup(self, dirnode, filename):
-        try:
-            return dirnode.contents[filename].id, self.INFINITE
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, filename)
-    def open(self, filenode, flags):
-        return
-    def newnodeid(self, newnode):
-        id = self.nextid
-        self.nextid += 1
- = id
-        self.nodes[id] = newnode
-        return id
-    def mknod(self, dirnode, filename, mode):
-        node = self.File(self.newattr(stat.S_IFREG, mode=mode))
-        dirnode.contents[filename] = node
-        return self.newnodeid(node), self.INFINITE
-    def mkdir(self, dirnode, subdirname, mode):
-        node = self.Dir(self.newattr(stat.S_IFDIR, mode=mode))
-        dirnode.contents[subdirname] = node
-        return self.newnodeid(node), self.INFINITE
-    def symlink(self, dirnode, linkname, target):
-        node = self.SymLink(self.newattr(stat.S_IFLNK), target)
-        dirnode.contents[linkname] = node
-        return self.newnodeid(node), self.INFINITE
-    def unlink(self, dirnode, filename):
-        del dirnode.contents[filename]
-    rmdir = unlink
-    def readlink(self, symlinknode):
-        return
-    def rename(self, olddirnode, oldname, newdirnode, newname):
-        node = olddirnode.contents[oldname]
-        newdirnode.contents[newname] = node
-        del olddirnode.contents[oldname]
-    def getxattrs(self, node):
-        try:
-            return node.xattrs
-        except AttributeError:
-            node.xattrs = {}
-            return node.xattrs
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import sys
-    mountpoint = sys.argv[1]
-    memoryfs = MemoryFS()
-    handler = Handler(mountpoint, memoryfs)
-    handler.loop_forever()
diff --git a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/ b/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6175dc7d..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-For reading and caching from slow file system (e.g. DVDs or network).
-    python <sourcedir> <cachedir> <mountpoint>
-Makes <mountpoint> show a read-only copy of the files in <sourcedir>,
-caching all data ever read in the <cachedir> to avoid reading it
-twice.  This script also features optimistic read-ahead: once a
-file is accessed, and as long as no other file is accessed, the
-whole file is read and cached as fast as the <sourcedir> will
-provide it.
-You have to clean up <cachedir> manually before mounting a modified
-or different <sourcedir>.
-import sys, os, posixpath, stat
-    __file__
-except NameError:
-    __file__ = sys.argv[0]
-this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-# ____________________________________________________________
-from blockfs import valuetree
-from handler import Handler
-import greenhandler, greensock
-from objectfs import ObjectFs
-BLOCKSIZE = 65536
-class MirrorFS(ObjectFs):
-    rawfd = None
-    def __init__(self, srcdir, cachedir):
-        self.srcdir = srcdir
-        self.cachedir = cachedir
-        self.table = valuetree.ValueTree(os.path.join(cachedir, 'table'), 'q')
-        if '' not in self.table:
-            self.initial_read_dir('')
-            self.table[''] = -1,
-        try:
-            self.rawfile = open(os.path.join(cachedir, 'raw'), 'r+b')
-        except IOError:
-            self.rawfile = open(os.path.join(cachedir, 'raw'), 'w+b')
-        ObjectFs.__init__(self, DirNode(self, ''))
-        self.readahead_at = None
-        greenhandler.autogreenlet(self.readahead)
-    def close(self):
-        self.table.close()
-    def readahead(self):
-        while True:
-            greensock.sleep(0.001)
-            while not self.readahead_at:
-                greensock.sleep(1)
-            path, blocknum = self.readahead_at
-            self.readahead_at = None
-            try:
-                self.readblock(path, blocknum, really=False)
-            except EOFError:
-                pass
-    def initial_read_dir(self, path):
-        print 'Reading initial directory structure...', path
-        dirname = os.path.join(self.srcdir, path)
-        for name in os.listdir(dirname):
-            filename = os.path.join(dirname, name)
-            st = os.stat(filename)
-            if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
-                self.initial_read_dir(posixpath.join(path, name))
-                q = -1
-            else:
-                q = st.st_size
-            self.table[posixpath.join(path, name)] = q,
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        self.tablelock.acquire()
-        try:
-            return self.table[key]
-        finally:
-            self.tablelock.release()
-    def readblock(self, path, blocknum, really=True):
-        s = '%s/%d' % (path, blocknum)
-        try:
-            q, = self.table[s]
-        except KeyError:
-            print s
-            self.readahead_at = None
-            f = open(os.path.join(self.srcdir, path), 'rb')
-            data =
-            f.close()
-            if not data:
-                q = -2
-            else:
-                data += '\x00' * (BLOCKSIZE - len(data))
-      , 2)
-                q = self.rawfile.tell()
-                self.rawfile.write(data)
-            self.table[s] = q,
-            if q == -2:
-                raise EOFError
-        else:
-            if q == -2:
-                raise EOFError
-            if really:
-      , 0)
-                data =
-            else:
-                data = None
-        if self.readahead_at is None:
-            self.readahead_at = path, blocknum + 1
-        return data
-class Node(object):
-    def __init__(self, mfs, path):
-        self.mfs = mfs
-        self.path = path
-class DirNode(Node):
-    def join(self, name):
-        path = posixpath.join(self.path, name)
-        q, = self.mfs.table[path]
-        if q == -1:
-            return DirNode(self.mfs, path)
-        else:
-            return FileNode(self.mfs, path)
-    def listdir(self):
-        result = []
-        for key, value in self.mfs.table.iteritemsfrom(self.path):
-            if not key.startswith(self.path):
-                break
-            tail = key[len(self.path):].lstrip('/')
-            if tail and '/' not in tail:
-                result.append(tail)
-        return result
-class FileNode(Node):
-    def size(self):
-        q, = self.mfs.table[self.path]
-        return q
-    def read(self):
-        return FileStream(self.mfs, self.path)
-class FileStream(object):
-    def __init__(self, mfs, path):
-        self.mfs = mfs
-        self.path = path
-        self.pos = 0
-        self.size, = self.mfs.table[path]
-    def seek(self, p):
-        self.pos = p
-    def read(self, count):
-        result = []
-        end = min(self.pos + count, self.size)
-        while self.pos < end:
-            blocknum, offset = divmod(self.pos, BLOCKSIZE)
-            data = self.mfs.readblock(self.path, blocknum)
-            data = data[offset:]
-            data = data[:end - self.pos]
-            assert len(data) > 0
-            result.append(data)
-            self.pos += len(data)
-        return ''.join(result)
-# ____________________________________________________________
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import sys
-    srcdir, cachedir, mountpoint = sys.argv[1:]
-    mirrorfs = MirrorFS(srcdir, cachedir)
-    try:
-        handler = Handler(mountpoint, mirrorfs)
-        greenhandler.add_handler(handler)
-        greenhandler.mainloop()
-    finally:
-        mirrorfs.close()
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index b3580419..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-from kernel import *
-import stat, errno, os, time
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from OrderedDict import OrderedDict
-class ObjectFs:
-    """A simple read-only file system based on Python objects.
-    Interface of Directory objects:
-      * join(name)   returns a file or subdirectory object
-      * listdir()    returns a list of names, or a list of (name, object)
-    join() is optional if listdir() returns a list of (name, object).
-    Alternatively, Directory objects can be plain dictionaries {name: object}.
-    Interface of File objects:
-      * size()       returns the size
-      * read()       returns the data
-    Alternatively, File objects can be plain strings.
-    Interface of SymLink objects:
-      * readlink()   returns the symlink's target, as a string
-    """
-    INFINITE = 86400.0
-    USE_DIR_CACHE = True
-    def __init__(self, rootnode):
-        self.nodes = {FUSE_ROOT_ID: rootnode}
-        if self.USE_DIR_CACHE:
-            self.dircache = {}
-        self.starttime = time.time()
-        self.uid = os.getuid()
-        self.gid = os.getgid()
-        self.umask = os.umask(0); os.umask(self.umask)
-    def newattr(self, s, ino, mode=0666):
-        if ino < 0:
-            ino = ~ino
-        return fuse_attr(ino   = ino,
-                         size  = 0,
-                         mode  = s | (mode & ~self.umask),
-                         nlink = 1,  # even on dirs! this confuses 'find' in
-                                     # a good way :-)
-                         atime = self.starttime,
-                         mtime = self.starttime,
-                         ctime = self.starttime,
-                         uid   = self.uid,
-                         gid   = self.gid)
-    def getnode(self, nodeid):
-        try:
-            return self.nodes[nodeid]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.ESTALE, nodeid)
-    def getattr(self, node):
-        timeout = self.INFINITE
-        if isinstance(node, str):
-            attr = self.newattr(stat.S_IFREG, id(node))
-            attr.size = len(node)
-        elif hasattr(node, 'readlink'):
-            target = node.readlink()
-            attr = self.newattr(stat.S_IFLNK, id(node))
-            attr.size = len(target)
-            attr.mode |= 0777
-        elif hasattr(node, 'size'):
-            sz = node.size()
-            attr = self.newattr(stat.S_IFREG, id(node))
-            if sz is None:
-                timeout = 0
-            else:
-                attr.size = sz
-        else:
-            attr = self.newattr(stat.S_IFDIR, id(node), mode=0777)
-        #print 'getattr(%s) -> %s, %s' % (node, attr, timeout)
-        return attr, timeout
-    def getentries(self, node):
-        if isinstance(node, dict):
-            return node
-        try:
-            if not self.USE_DIR_CACHE:
-                raise KeyError
-            return self.dircache[node]
-        except KeyError:
-            entries = OrderedDict()
-            if hasattr(node, 'listdir'):
-                for name in node.listdir():
-                    if isinstance(name, tuple):
-                        name, subnode = name
-                    else:
-                        subnode = None
-                    entries[name] = subnode
-            if self.USE_DIR_CACHE:
-                self.dircache[node] = entries
-            return entries
-    def listdir(self, node):
-        entries = self.getentries(node)
-        for name, subnode in entries.items():
-            if subnode is None:
-                subnode = node.join(name)
-                self.nodes[uid(subnode)] = subnode
-                entries[name] = subnode
-            if isinstance(subnode, str):
-                yield name, TYPE_REG
-            elif hasattr(subnode, 'readlink'):
-                yield name, TYPE_LNK
-            elif hasattr(subnode, 'size'):
-                yield name, TYPE_REG
-            else:
-                yield name, TYPE_DIR
-    def lookup(self, node, name):
-        entries = self.getentries(node)
-        try:
-            subnode = entries.get(name)
-            if subnode is None:
-                if hasattr(node, 'join'):
-                    subnode = node.join(name)
-                    entries[name] = subnode
-                else:
-                    raise KeyError
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, name)
-        else:
-            return self.reply(subnode)
-    def reply(self, node):
-        res = uid(node)
-        self.nodes[res] = node
-        return res, self.INFINITE
-    def open(self, node, mode):
-        if not isinstance(node, str):
-            node =
-        if not hasattr(node, 'read'):
-            node = StringIO(node)
-        return node
-    def readlink(self, node):
-        return node.readlink()
-    def getxattrs(self, node):
-        return getattr(node, '__dict__', {})
-# ____________________________________________________________
-import struct
-    HUGEVAL = 256 ** struct.calcsize('P')
-except struct.error:
-    HUGEVAL = 0
-def fixid(result):
-    if result < 0:
-        result += HUGEVAL
-    return result
-def uid(obj):
-    """
-    Return the id of an object as an unsigned number so that its hex
-    representation makes sense
-    """
-    return fixid(id(obj))
-class SymLink(object):
-    def __init__(self, target):
- = target
-    def readlink(self):
-        return
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@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-Two magic tricks for classes:
-    class X:
-        __metaclass__ = extendabletype
-        ...
-    # in some other file...
-    class __extend__(X):
-        ...      # and here you can add new methods and class attributes to X
-Mostly useful together with the second trick, which lets you build
-methods whose 'self' is a pair of objects instead of just one:
-    class __extend__(pairtype(X, Y)):
-        attribute = 42
-        def method((x, y), other, arguments):
-            ...
-    pair(x, y).attribute
-    pair(x, y).method(other, arguments)
-This finds methods and class attributes based on the actual
-class of both objects that go into the pair(), with the usual
-rules of method/attribute overriding in (pairs of) subclasses.
-For more information, see test_pairtype.
-class extendabletype(type):
-    """A type with a syntax trick: 'class __extend__(t)' actually extends
-    the definition of 't' instead of creating a new subclass."""
-    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict):
-        if name == '__extend__':
-            for cls in bases:
-                for key, value in dict.items():
-                    if key == '__module__':
-                        continue
-                    # XXX do we need to provide something more for pickling?
-                    setattr(cls, key, value)
-            return None
-        else:
-            return super(extendabletype, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, dict)
-def pair(a, b):
-    """Return a pair object."""
-    tp = pairtype(a.__class__, b.__class__)
-    return tp((a, b))   # tp is a subclass of tuple
-pairtypecache = {}
-def pairtype(cls1, cls2):
-    """type(pair(a,b)) is pairtype(a.__class__, b.__class__)."""
-    try:
-        pair = pairtypecache[cls1, cls2]
-    except KeyError:
-        name = 'pairtype(%s, %s)' % (cls1.__name__, cls2.__name__)
-        bases1 = [pairtype(base1, cls2) for base1 in cls1.__bases__]
-        bases2 = [pairtype(cls1, base2) for base2 in cls2.__bases__]
-        bases = tuple(bases1 + bases2) or (tuple,)  # 'tuple': ultimate base
-        pair = pairtypecache[cls1, cls2] = extendabletype(name, bases, {})
-    return pair
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@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-from kernel import *
-import errno, posixpath, os
-class PathFs(object):
-    """Base class for a read-write FUSE file system interface
-    whose underlying content is best accessed with '/'-separated
-    string paths.
-    """
-    uid = os.getuid()
-    gid = os.getgid()
-    umask = os.umask(0); os.umask(umask)
-    timeout = 86400.0
-    def __init__(self, root=''):
-        self._paths = {FUSE_ROOT_ID: root}
-        self._path2id = {root: FUSE_ROOT_ID}
-        self._nextid = FUSE_ROOT_ID + 1
-    def getnode(self, nodeid):
-        try:
-            return self._paths[nodeid]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.ESTALE, nodeid)
-    def forget(self, nodeid):
-        try:
-            p = self._paths.pop(nodeid)
-            del self._path2id[p]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-    def cachepath(self, path):
-        if path in self._path2id:
-            return self._path2id[path]
-        id = self._nextid
-        self._nextid += 1
-        self._paths[id] = path
-        self._path2id[path] = id
-        return id
-    def mkattr(self, path, size, st_kind, mode, time):
-        attr = fuse_attr(ino   = self._path2id[path],
-                         size  = size,
-                         mode  = st_kind | (mode & ~self.umask),
-                         nlink = 1,  # even on dirs! this confuses 'find' in
-                                     # a good way :-)
-                         atime = time,
-                         mtime = time,
-                         ctime = time,
-                         uid   = self.uid,
-                         gid   = self.gid)
-        return attr, self.timeout
-    def lookup(self, path, name):
-        npath = posixpath.join(path, name)
-        if not self.check_path(npath):
-            raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, name)
-        return self.cachepath(npath), self.timeout
-    def mknod(self, path, name, mode):
-        npath = posixpath.join(path, name)
-        self.mknod_path(npath, mode)
-        return self.cachepath(npath), self.timeout
-    def mkdir(self, path, name, mode):
-        npath = posixpath.join(path, name)
-        self.mkdir_path(npath, mode)
-        return self.cachepath(npath), self.timeout
-    def unlink(self, path, name):
-        npath = posixpath.join(path, name)
-        self.unlink_path(npath)
-    def rmdir(self, path, name):
-        npath = posixpath.join(path, name)
-        self.rmdir_path(npath)
-    def rename(self, oldpath, oldname, newpath, newname):
-        noldpath = posixpath.join(oldpath, oldname)
-        nnewpath = posixpath.join(newpath, newname)
-        if not self.rename_path(noldpath, nnewpath):
-            raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, oldname)
-        # fix all paths in the cache
-        N = len(noldpath)
-        for id, path in self._paths.items():
-            if path.startswith(noldpath):
-                if len(path) == N or path[N] == '/':
-                    del self._path2id[path]
-                    path = nnewpath + path[N:]
-                    self._paths[id] = path
-                    self._path2id[path] = id
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index 43694f57..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-from kernel import *
-import errno, posixpath, weakref
-from time import time as now
-from stat import S_IFDIR, S_IFREG, S_IFMT
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from handler import Handler
-from pathfs import PathFs
-from pysvn.ra_filesystem import SvnRepositoryFilesystem
-class SvnFS(PathFs):
-    def __init__(self, svnurl, root=''):
-        super(SvnFS, self).__init__(root)
-        self.svnurl = svnurl
-        self.openfiles = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
-        self.creationtimes = {}
-        self.do_open()
-    def do_open(self, rev='HEAD'):
-        self.fs = SvnRepositoryFilesystem(svnurl, rev)
-    def do_commit(self, msg):
-        rev = self.fs.commit(msg)
-        if rev is None:
-            print '* no changes.'
-        else:
-            print '* checked in revision %d.' % (rev,)
-        self.do_open()
-    def do_status(self, path=''):
-        print '* status'
-        result = []
-        if path and not path.endswith('/'):
-            path += '/'
-        for delta in self.fs._compute_deltas():
-            if delta.path.startswith(path):
-                if delta.oldrev is None:
-                    c = 'A'
-                elif delta.newrev is None:
-                    c = 'D'
-                else:
-                    c = 'M'
-                result.append('    %s  %s\n' % (c, delta.path[len(path):]))
-        return ''.join(result)
-    def getattr(self, path):
-        stat = self.fs.stat(path)
-        if stat['svn:entry:kind'] == 'dir':
-            s = S_IFDIR
-            mode = 0777
-        else:
-            s = S_IFREG
-            mode = 0666
-        try:
-            time =['svn:entry:committed-date'])
-        except KeyError:
-            try:
-                time = self.creationtimes[path]
-            except KeyError:
-                time = self.creationtimes[path] = now()
-        return self.mkattr(path,
-                           size    = stat.get('svn:entry:size', 0),
-                           st_kind = s,
-                           mode    = mode,
-                           time    = time)
-    def setattr(self, path, mode, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime):
-        if size is not None:
-            data =
-            if size < len(data):
-                self.fs.write(path, data[:size])
-            elif size > len(data):
-                self.fs.write(path, data + '\x00' * (size - len(data)))
-    def listdir(self, path):
-        for name in self.fs.listdir(path):
-            kind = self.fs.check_path(posixpath.join(path, name))
-            if kind == 'dir':
-                yield name, TYPE_DIR
-            else:
-                yield name, TYPE_REG
-    def check_path(self, path):
-        kind = self.fs.check_path(path)
-        return kind is not None
-    def open(self, path, mode):
-        try:
-            of = self.openfiles[path]
-        except KeyError:
-            of = self.openfiles[path] = OpenFile(
-        return of, FOPEN_KEEP_CACHE
-    def modified(self, path):
-        try:
-            of = self.openfiles[path]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            self.fs.write(path, of.f.getvalue())
-    def mknod_path(self, path, mode):
-        self.fs.add(path)
-    def mkdir_path(self, path, mode):
-        self.fs.mkdir(path)
-    def unlink_path(self, path):
-        self.fs.unlink(path)
-    def rmdir_path(self, path):
-        self.fs.rmdir(path)
-    def rename_path(self, oldpath, newpath):
-        kind = self.fs.check_path(oldpath)
-        if kind is None:
-            return False
-        self.fs.move(oldpath, newpath, kind)
-        return True
-    def getxattrs(self, path):
-        return XAttrs(self, path)
-class OpenFile:
-    def __init__(self, data=''):
-        self.f = StringIO()
-        self.f.write(data)
-    def seek(self, pos):
-    def read(self, sz):
-        return
-    def write(self, buf):
-        self.f.write(buf)
-class XAttrs:
-    def __init__(self, svnfs, path):
-        self.svnfs = svnfs
-        self.path = path
-    def keys(self):
-        return []
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        if key == 'status':
-            return self.svnfs.do_status(self.path)
-        raise KeyError(key)
-    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
-        if key == 'commit' and self.path == '':
-            self.svnfs.do_commit(value)
-        elif key == 'update' and self.path == '':
-            if self.svnfs.fs.modified():
-                raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "there are local changes")
-            if value == '':
-                rev = 'HEAD'
-            else:
-                try:
-                    rev = int(value)
-                except ValueError:
-                    raise IOError(errno.EPERM, "invalid revision number")
-            self.svnfs.do_open(rev)
-        else:
-            raise KeyError(key)
-    def __delitem__(self, key):
-        raise KeyError(key)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import sys
-    svnurl, mountpoint = sys.argv[1:]
-    handler = Handler(mountpoint, SvnFS(svnurl))
-    handler.loop_forever()
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index c3f37ab8..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-A read-only svn fs showing all the revisions in subdirectories.
-from objectfs import ObjectFs, SymLink
-from handler import Handler
-from pysvn.ra import connect
-from import decode
-import errno, posixpath, time
-#USE_SYMLINKS = 0      # they are wrong if the original file had another path
-# use  getfattr -d filename  to see the node's attributes, which include
-# information like the revision at which the file was last modified
-class Root:
-    def __init__(self, svnurl):
-        self.svnurl = svnurl
-        self.ra = connect(svnurl)
-        self.head = self.ra.get_latest_rev()
-    def listdir(self):
-        for rev in range(1, self.head+1):
-            yield str(rev)
-        yield 'HEAD'
-    def join(self, name):
-        try:
-            rev = int(name)
-        except ValueError:
-            if name == 'HEAD':
-                return SymLink(str(self.head))
-            else:
-                raise KeyError(name)
-        return TopLevelDir(self.ra, rev, rev, '')
-class Node:
-    def __init__(self, ra, rev, last_changed_rev, path):
-        self.ra = ra
-        self.rev = rev
-        self.last_changed_rev = last_changed_rev
-        self.path = path
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s %d/%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.rev, self.path)
-class Dir(Node):
-    def listdir(self):
-        rev, props, entries = self.ra.get_dir(self.path, self.rev,
-                                              want_props = False)
-        for key, stats in entries.items():
-            yield key, getnode(self.ra, self.rev,
-                               posixpath.join(self.path, key), stats)
-class File(Node):
-    def __init__(self, ra, rev, last_changed_rev, path, size):
-        Node.__init__(self, ra, rev, last_changed_rev, path)
-        self.filesize = size
-    def size(self):
-        return self.filesize
-    def read(self):
-        checksum, rev, props, data = self.ra.get_file(self.path, self.rev,
-                                                      want_props = False)
-        return data
-class TopLevelDir(Dir):
-    def listdir(self):
-        for item in Dir.listdir(self):
-            yield item
-        yield 'svn:log', Log(self.ra, self.rev)
-class Log:
-    def __init__(self, ra, rev):
-        self.ra = ra
-        self.rev = rev
-    def getlogentry(self):
-        try:
-            return self.logentry
-        except AttributeError:
-            logentries = self.ra.log('', startrev=self.rev, endrev=self.rev)
-            try:
-                [self.logentry] = logentries
-            except ValueError:
-                self.logentry = None
-            return self.logentry
-    def size(self):
-        return len(
-    def read(self):
-        logentry = self.getlogentry()
-        if logentry is None:
-            return 'r%d | (no change here)\n' % (self.rev,)
-        datetuple = time.gmtime(decode(
-        date = time.strftime("%c", datetuple)
-        return 'r%d | %s | %s\n\n%s' % (self.rev,
-                              ,
-                                        date,
-                                        logentry.message)
-if 0:
-    pass
-##    def getnode(ra, rev, path, stats):
-##        committed_rev = stats['svn:entry:committed-rev']
-##        if committed_rev == rev:
-##            kind = stats['svn:entry:kind']
-##            if kind == 'file':
-##                return File(ra, rev, path, stats['svn:entry:size'])
-##            elif kind == 'dir':
-##                return Dir(ra, rev, path)
-##            else:
-##                raise IOError(errno.EINVAL, "kind %r" % (kind,))
-##        else:
-##            depth = path.count('/')
-##            return SymLink('../' * depth + '../%d/%s' % (committed_rev, path))
-    def getnode(ra, rev, path, stats):
-        last_changed_rev = stats['svn:entry:committed-rev']
-        kind = stats['svn:entry:kind']
-        if kind == 'file':
-            return File(ra, rev, last_changed_rev, path,
-                        stats['svn:entry:size'])
-        elif kind == 'dir':
-            return Dir(ra, rev, last_changed_rev, path)
-        else:
-            raise IOError(errno.EINVAL, "kind %r" % (kind,))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import sys
-    svnurl, mountpoint = sys.argv[1:]
-    handler = Handler(mountpoint, ObjectFs(Root(svnurl)))
-    handler.loop_forever()
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deleted file mode 100644
index 04907021..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-from kernel import *
-import stat, errno, os, time
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from OrderedDict import OrderedDict
-INFINITE = 86400.0
-class Wrapper(object):
-    def __init__(self, obj):
-        self.obj = obj
-    def getuid(self):
-        return uid(self.obj)
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash(self.obj)
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return self.obj == other
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        return self.obj != other
-class BaseDir(object):
-    def join(self, name):
-        "Return a file or subdirectory object"
-        for item in self.listdir():
-            if isinstance(item, tuple):
-                subname, subnode = item
-                if subname == name:
-                    return subnode
-        raise KeyError(name)
-    def listdir(self):
-        "Return a list of names, or a list of (name, object)"
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def create(self, name):
-        "Create a file"
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def mkdir(self, name):
-        "Create a subdirectory"
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def symlink(self, name, target):
-        "Create a symbolic link"
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def unlink(self, name):
-        "Remove a file or subdirectory."
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def rename(self, newname, olddirnode, oldname):
-        "Move another node into this directory."
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def getuid(self):
-        return uid(self)
-    def getattr(self, fs):
-        return fs.newattr(stat.S_IFDIR, self.getuid(), mode=0777), INFINITE
-    def setattr(self, **kwds):
-        pass
-    def getentries(self):
-        entries = OrderedDict()
-        for name in self.listdir():
-            if isinstance(name, tuple):
-                name, subnode = name
-            else:
-                subnode = None
-            entries[name] = subnode
-        return entries
-class BaseFile(object):
-    def size(self):
-        "Return the size of the file, or None if not known yet"
-        f =
-        if isinstance(f, str):
-            return len(f)
-, 2)
-        return f.tell()
-    def open(self):
-        "Return the content as a string or a file-like object"
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def getuid(self):
-        return uid(self)
-    def getattr(self, fs):
-        sz = self.size()
-        attr = fs.newattr(stat.S_IFREG, self.getuid())
-        if sz is None:
-            timeout = 0
-        else:
-            attr.size = sz
-            timeout = INFINITE
-        return attr, timeout
-    def setattr(self, size, **kwds):
-        f =
-        if self.size() == size:
-            return
-        if isinstance(f, str):
-            raise IOError(errno.EPERM)
-        f.truncate()
-class BaseSymLink(object):
-    def readlink(self):
-        "Return the symlink's target, as a string"
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def getuid(self):
-        return uid(self)
-    def getattr(self, fs):
-        target = self.readlink()
-        attr = fs.newattr(stat.S_IFLNK, self.getuid())
-        attr.size = len(target)
-        attr.mode |= 0777
-        return attr, INFINITE
-    def setattr(self, **kwds):
-        pass
-# ____________________________________________________________
-class Dir(BaseDir):
-    def __init__(self, **contents):
-        self.contents = contents
-    def listdir(self):
-        return self.contents.items()
-    def join(self, name):
-        return self.contents[name]
-    def create(self, fs, name):
-        node = fs.File()
-        self.contents[name] = node
-        return node
-    def mkdir(self, fs, name):
-        node = fs.Dir()
-        self.contents[name] = node
-        return node
-    def symlink(self, fs, name, target):
-        node = fs.SymLink(target)
-        self.contents[name] = node
-        return node
-    def unlink(self, name):
-        del self.contents[name]
-    def rename(self, newname, olddirnode, oldname):
-        oldnode = olddirnode.join(oldname)
-        olddirnode.unlink(oldname)
-        self.contents[newname] = oldnode
-class File(BaseFile):
-    def __init__(self):
- = StringIO()
-    def size(self):
-, 2)
-        return
-    def open(self):
-        return
-class SymLink(BaseFile):
-    def __init__(self, target):
- = target
-    def readlink(self):
-        return
-# ____________________________________________________________
-class RWObjectFs(object):
-    """A simple read-write file system based on Python objects."""
-    UID = os.getuid()
-    GID = os.getgid()
-    UMASK = os.umask(0); os.umask(UMASK)
-    Dir = Dir
-    File = File
-    SymLink = SymLink
-    def __init__(self, rootnode):
-        self.nodes = {FUSE_ROOT_ID: rootnode}
-        self.starttime = time.time()
-    def newattr(self, s, ino, mode=0666):
-        return fuse_attr(ino   = ino,
-                         size  = 0,
-                         mode  = s | (mode & ~self.UMASK),
-                         nlink = 1,  # even on dirs! this confuses 'find' in
-                                     # a good way :-)
-                         atime = self.starttime,
-                         mtime = self.starttime,
-                         ctime = self.starttime,
-                         uid   = self.UID,
-                         gid   = self.GID)
-    def getnode(self, nodeid):
-        try:
-            return self.nodes[nodeid]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.ESTALE, nodeid)
-    def getattr(self, node):
-        return node.getattr(self)
-    def setattr(self, node, mode, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime):
-        node.setattr(mode=mode, uid=uid, gid=gid, size=size,
-                     atime=atime, mtime=mtime)
-    def listdir(self, node):
-        entries = node.getentries()
-        for name, subnode in entries.items():
-            if subnode is None:
-                subnode = node.join(name)
-                self.nodes[uid(subnode)] = subnode
-                entries[name] = subnode
-            if isinstance(subnode, str):
-                yield name, TYPE_REG
-            elif hasattr(subnode, 'readlink'):
-                yield name, TYPE_LNK
-            elif hasattr(subnode, 'size'):
-                yield name, TYPE_REG
-            else:
-                yield name, TYPE_DIR
-    def lookup(self, node, name):
-        try:
-            subnode = node.join(name)
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, name)
-        else:
-            res = uid(subnode)
-            self.nodes[res] = subnode
-            return res, INFINITE
-    def mknod(self, dirnode, filename, mode):
-        node = dirnode.create(filename)
-        return self.newnodeid(node), INFINITE
-    def mkdir(self, dirnode, subdirname, mode):
-        node = dirnode.mkdir(subdirname)
-        return self.newnodeid(node), INFINITE
-    def symlink(self, dirnode, linkname, target):
-        node = dirnode.symlink(linkname, target)
-        return self.newnodeid(node), INFINITE
-    def unlink(self, dirnode, filename):
-        try:
-            dirnode.unlink(filename)
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, filename)
-    rmdir = unlink
-    def open(self, node, mode):
-        f =
-        if isinstance(f, str):
-            f = StringIO(f)
-        return f
-    def readlink(self, node):
-        return node.readlink()
-    def rename(self, olddirnode, oldname, newdirnode, newname):
-        try:
-            newdirnode.rename(newname, olddirnode, oldname)
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, oldname)
-    def getxattrs(self, node):
-        return getattr(node, '__dict__', {})
-# ____________________________________________________________
-import struct
-    HUGEVAL = 256 ** struct.calcsize('P')
-except struct.error:
-    HUGEVAL = 0
-def fixid(result):
-    if result < 0:
-        result += HUGEVAL
-    return result
-def uid(obj):
-    """
-    Return the id of an object as an unsigned number so that its hex
-    representation makes sense
-    """
-    return fixid(id(obj))
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deleted file mode 100644
index 05b20b35..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-import py
-from handler import Handler
-from objectfs import ObjectFs
-class SvnDir:
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        self.path = path
-    def listdir(self):
-        for p in self.path.listdir():
-            if p.check(dir=1):
-                cls = SvnDir
-            else:
-                cls = SvnFile
-            yield p.basename, cls(p)
-class SvnFile:
-    data = None
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        self.path = path
-    def size(self):
-        if is None:
-            return None
-        else:
-            return len(
-    def read(self):
-        if is None:
-   =
-        return
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import sys
-    svnurl, mountpoint = sys.argv[1:]
-    root = SvnDir(py.path.svnurl(svnurl))
-    handler = Handler(mountpoint, ObjectFs(root))
-    handler.loop_forever()
diff --git a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/ b/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
deleted file mode 100644
index 189298e4..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-PyFuse client for the Tahoe distributed file system.
-# Read-only for now.
-# Portions copied from the file contrib/fuse/ distributed
-# with Tahoe 1.0.0.
-import os, sys
-from objectfs import ObjectFs
-from handler import Handler
-import simplejson
-import urllib
-### Config:
-TahoeConfigDir = '~/.tahoe'
-### Utilities for debug:
-def log(msg, *args):
-    print msg % args
-class TahoeConnection:
-    def __init__(self, confdir):
-        self.confdir = confdir
-        self._init_url()
-    def _init_url(self):
-        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.confdir, 'node.url')):
-            self.url = file(os.path.join(self.confdir, 'node.url'), 'rb').read().strip()
-            if not self.url.endswith('/'):
-                self.url += '/'
-        else:
-            f = open(os.path.join(self.confdir, 'webport'), 'r')
-            contents =
-            f.close()
-            fields = contents.split(':')
-            proto, port = fields[:2]
-            assert proto == 'tcp'
-            port = int(port)
-            self.url = 'http://localhost:%d/' % (port,)
-    def get_root(self):
-        # For now we just use the same default as the CLI:
-        rootdirfn = os.path.join(self.confdir, 'private', 'root_dir.cap')
-        f = open(rootdirfn, 'r')
-        cap =
-        f.close()
-        return TahoeDir(self, canonicalize_cap(cap))
-class TahoeNode:
-    def __init__(self, conn, uri):
-        self.conn = conn
-        self.uri = uri
-    def get_metadata(self):
-        f = self._open('?t=json')
-        json =
-        f.close()
-        return simplejson.loads(json)
-    def _open(self, postfix=''):
-        url = '%suri/%s%s' % (self.conn.url, self.uri, postfix)
-        log('*** Fetching: %r', url)
-        return urllib.urlopen(url)
-class TahoeDir(TahoeNode):
-    def listdir(self):
-        flag, md = self.get_metadata()
-        assert flag == 'dirnode'
-        result = []
-        for name, (childflag, childmd) in md['children'].items():
-            if childflag == 'dirnode':
-                cls = TahoeDir
-            else:
-                cls = TahoeFile
-            result.append((str(name), cls(self.conn, childmd['ro_uri'])))
-        return result
-class TahoeFile(TahoeNode):
-    def size(self):
-        rawsize = self.get_metadata()[1]['size']
-        return rawsize
-    def read(self):
-        return self._open().read()
-def canonicalize_cap(cap):
-    cap = urllib.unquote(cap)
-    i = cap.find('URI:')
-    assert i != -1, 'A cap must contain "URI:...", but this does not: ' + cap
-    return cap[i:]
-def main(mountpoint, basedir):
-    conn = TahoeConnection(basedir)
-    root = conn.get_root()
-    handler = Handler(mountpoint, ObjectFs(root))
-    handler.loop_forever()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    basedir = os.path.expanduser(TahoeConfigDir)
-    for i, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
-        if arg == '--basedir':
-            basedir = sys.argv[i+1]
-            sys.argv[i:i+2] = []
-    [mountpoint] = sys.argv[1:]
-    main(mountpoint, basedir)
diff --git a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/ b/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
deleted file mode 100644
index b0b07b27..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_b/pyfuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-from handler import Handler
-import stat, errno, os, time
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from kernel import *
-UID = os.getuid()
-GID = os.getgid()
-UMASK = os.umask(0); os.umask(UMASK)
-INFINITE = 86400.0
-class Node(object):
-    __slots__ = ['attr', 'data']
-    def __init__(self, attr, data=None):
-        self.attr = attr
- = data
-    def type(self):
-        return mode2type(self.attr.mode)
-    def modified(self):
-        self.attr.mtime = self.attr.atime = time.time()
-        t = self.type()
-        if t == TYPE_REG:
-            f =
-            pos = f.tell()
-  , 2)
-            self.attr.size = f.tell()
-        elif t == TYPE_DIR:
-            nsubdirs = 0
-            for nodeid in
-                nsubdirs += nodeid & 1
-            self.attr.nlink = 2 + nsubdirs
-def newattr(s, mode=0666):
-    now = time.time()
-    return fuse_attr(ino   = INVALID_INO,
-                     size  = 0,
-                     mode  = s | (mode & ~UMASK),
-                     nlink = 1 + (s == stat.S_IFDIR),
-                     atime = now,
-                     mtime = now,
-                     ctime = now,
-                     uid   = UID,
-                     gid   = GID)
-# ____________________________________________________________
-class Filesystem:
-    def __init__(self, rootnode):
-        self.nodes = {FUSE_ROOT_ID: rootnode}
-        self.nextid = 2
-        assert self.nextid > FUSE_ROOT_ID
-    def getnode(self, nodeid):
-        try:
-            return self.nodes[nodeid]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.ESTALE, nodeid)
-    def forget(self, nodeid):
-        pass
-    def cachenode(self, node):
-        id = self.nextid
-        self.nextid += 2
-        if node.type() == TYPE_DIR:
-            id += 1
-        self.nodes[id] = node
-        return id
-    def getattr(self, node):
-        return node.attr, INFINITE
-    def setattr(self, node, mode=None, uid=None, gid=None,
-                size=None, atime=None, mtime=None):
-        if mode  is not None:  node.attr.mode  = (node.attr.mode&~0777) | mode
-        if uid   is not None:  node.attr.uid   = uid
-        if gid   is not None:  node.attr.gid   = gid
-        if atime is not None:  node.attr.atime = atime
-        if mtime is not None:  node.attr.mtime = mtime
-        if size is not None and node.type() == TYPE_REG:
-    def listdir(self, node):
-        for name, subnodeid in
-            subnode = self.nodes[subnodeid]
-            yield name, subnode.type()
-    def lookup(self, node, name):
-        try:
-            return[name], INFINITE
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        if hasattr(node, 'findnode'):
-            try:
-                subnode = node.findnode(name)
-            except KeyError:
-                pass
-            else:
-                id = self.cachenode(subnode)
-      [name] = id
-                return  id, INFINITE
-        raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, name)
-    def open(self, node, mode):
-        return
-    def mknod(self, node, name, mode):
-        subnode = Node(newattr(mode & 0170000, mode & 0777))
-        if subnode.type() == TYPE_REG:
-   = StringIO()
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError
-        id = self.cachenode(subnode)
-[name] = id
-        node.modified()
-        return id, INFINITE
-    def mkdir(self, node, name, mode):
-        subnode = Node(newattr(stat.S_IFDIR, mode & 0777), {})
-        id = self.cachenode(subnode)
-[name] = id
-        node.modified()
-        return id, INFINITE
-    def symlink(self, node, linkname, target):
-        subnode = Node(newattr(stat.S_IFLNK, 0777), target)
-        id = self.cachenode(subnode)
-[linkname] = id
-        node.modified()
-        return id, INFINITE
-    def readlink(self, node):
-        assert node.type() == TYPE_LNK
-        return
-    def unlink(self, node, name):
-        try:
-            del[name]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, name)
-        node.modified()
-    rmdir = unlink
-    def rename(self, oldnode, oldname, newnode, newname):
-        if newnode.type() != TYPE_DIR:
-            raise IOError(errno.ENOTDIR, newnode)
-        try:
-            nodeid =
-        except KeyError:
-            raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, oldname)
-        oldnode.modified()
-[newname] = nodeid
-        newnode.modified()
-    def modified(self, node):
-        node.modified()
-# ____________________________________________________________
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    root = Node(newattr(stat.S_IFDIR), {})
-    handler = Handler('/home/arigo/mnt', Filesystem(root))
-    handler.loop_forever()
diff --git a/contrib/fuse/impl_c/ b/contrib/fuse/impl_c/
deleted file mode 100644
index c27b15f2..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/impl_c/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1714 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from allmydata.uri import CHKFileURI, DirectoryURI, LiteralFileURI, is_literal_file_uri
-from allmydata.scripts.common_http import do_http as do_http_req
-from allmydata.util.hashutil import tagged_hash
-from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
-from allmydata.util import base32, fileutil, observer
-from allmydata.scripts.common import get_aliases
-from twisted.python import usage
-from twisted.python.failure import Failure
-from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory, Protocol
-from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, task
-from twisted.web import client
-import base64
-import errno
-import heapq
-import sha
-import socket
-import stat
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import os
-import weakref
-#import pprint
-# one needs either python-fuse to have been installed in sys.path, or
-# suitable affordances to be made in the build or runtime environment
-import fuse
-import time
-import traceback
-import simplejson
-import urllib
-USAGE = 'usage: tahoe fuse [dir_cap_name] [fuse_options] mountpoint'
-if not hasattr(fuse, '__version__'):
-    raise RuntimeError, \
-        "your fuse-py doesn't know of fuse.__version__, probably it's too old."
-fuse.fuse_python_api = (0, 2)
-fuse.feature_assert('stateful_files', 'has_init')
-class TahoeFuseOptions(usage.Options):
-    optParameters = [
-        ["node-directory", None, "~/.tahoe",
-         "Look here to find out which Tahoe node should be used for all "
-         "operations. The directory should either contain a full Tahoe node, "
-         "or a file named node.url which points to some other Tahoe node. "
-         "It should also contain a file named private/aliases which contains "
-         "the mapping from alias name to root dirnode URI."
-         ],
-        ["node-url", None, None,
-         "URL of the tahoe node to use, a URL like \"\". "
-         "This overrides the URL found in the --node-directory ."],
-        ["alias", None, None,
-         "Which alias should be mounted."],
-        ["root-uri", None, None,
-         "Which root directory uri should be mounted."],
-        ["cache-timeout", None, 20,
-         "Time, in seconds, to cache directory data."],
-        ]
-    optFlags = [
-        ['no-split', None,
-         'run stand-alone; no splitting into client and server'],
-        ['server', None,
-         'server mode (should not be used by end users)'],
-        ['server-shutdown', None,
-         'shutdown server (should not be used by end users)'],
-         ]
-    def __init__(self):
-        usage.Options.__init__(self)
-        self.fuse_options = []
-        self.mountpoint = None
-    def opt_option(self, fuse_option):
-        """
-        Pass mount options directly to fuse.  See below.
-        """
-        self.fuse_options.append(fuse_option)
-    opt_o = opt_option
-    def parseArgs(self, mountpoint=''):
-        self.mountpoint = mountpoint
-    def getSynopsis(self):
-        return "%s [options] mountpoint" % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),)
-logfile = file('tfuse.log', 'ab')
-def reopen_logfile(fname):
-    global logfile
-    log('switching to %s' % (fname,))
-    logfile.close()
-    logfile = file(fname, 'ab')
-def log(msg):
-    logfile.write("%s: %s\n" % (time.asctime(), msg))
-    #time.sleep(0.1)
-    logfile.flush()
-fuse.flog = log
-def unicode_to_utf8_or_str(u):
-    if isinstance(u, unicode):
-        return u.encode('utf-8')
-    else:
-        precondition(isinstance(u, str), repr(u))
-        return u
-def do_http(method, url, body=''):
-    resp = do_http_req(method, url, body)
-    log('do_http(%s, %s) -> %s, %s' % (method, url, resp.status, resp.reason))
-    if resp.status not in (200, 201):
-        raise RuntimeError('http response (%s, %s)' % (resp.status, resp.reason))
-    else:
-        return
-def flag2mode(flags):
-    log('flag2mode(%r)' % (flags,))
-    #md = {os.O_RDONLY: 'r', os.O_WRONLY: 'w', os.O_RDWR: 'w+'}
-    md = {os.O_RDONLY: 'rb', os.O_WRONLY: 'wb', os.O_RDWR: 'w+b'}
-    m = md[flags & (os.O_RDONLY | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_RDWR)]
-    if flags & os.O_APPEND:
-        m = m.replace('w', 'a', 1)
-    return m
-class TFSIOError(IOError):
-    pass
-class ENOENT(TFSIOError):
-    def __init__(self, msg):
-        TFSIOError.__init__(self, errno.ENOENT, msg)
-class EINVAL(TFSIOError):
-    def __init__(self, msg):
-        TFSIOError.__init__(self, errno.EINVAL, msg)
-class EACCESS(TFSIOError):
-    def __init__(self, msg):
-        TFSIOError.__init__(self, errno.EACCESS, msg)
-class EEXIST(TFSIOError):
-    def __init__(self, msg):
-        TFSIOError.__init__(self, errno.EEXIST, msg)
-class EIO(TFSIOError):
-    def __init__(self, msg):
-        TFSIOError.__init__(self, errno.EIO, msg)
-def logargsretexc(meth):
-    def inner_logargsretexc(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        log("%s(%r, %r)" % (meth, args, kwargs))
-        try:
-            ret = meth(self, *args, **kwargs)
-        except:
-            log('exception:\n%s' % (traceback.format_exc(),))
-            raise
-        log("ret: %r" % (ret, ))
-        return ret
-    inner_logargsretexc.__name__ = '<logwrap(%s)>' % (meth,)
-    return inner_logargsretexc
-def logexc(meth):
-    def inner_logexc(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        try:
-            ret = meth(self, *args, **kwargs)
-        except TFSIOError, tie:
-            log('error: %s' % (tie,))
-            raise
-        except:
-            log('exception:\n%s' % (traceback.format_exc(),))
-            raise
-        return ret
-    inner_logexc.__name__ = '<logwrap(%s)>' % (meth,)
-    return inner_logexc
-def log_exc():
-    log('exception:\n%s' % (traceback.format_exc(),))
-def repr_mode(mode=None):
-    if mode is None:
-        return 'none'
-    ret = []
-    for field in fields:
-        fval = getattr(stat, field)
-        if (mode & fval) == fval:
-            ret.append(field)
-    return '|'.join(ret)
-def repr_flags(flags=None):
-    if flags is None:
-        return 'none'
-    fields = [ 'O_APPEND', 'O_CREAT', 'O_DIRECT', 'O_DIRECTORY', 'O_EXCL', 'O_EXLOCK',
-               'O_SHLOCK', 'O_SYNC', 'O_TRUNC', 'O_WRONLY', ]
-    ret = []
-    for field in fields:
-        fval = getattr(os, field, None)
-        if fval is not None and (flags & fval) == fval:
-            ret.append(field)
-    if not ret:
-        ret = ['O_RDONLY']
-    return '|'.join(ret)
-class DownloaderWithReadQueue(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.read_heap = []
-        self.dest_file_name = None
-        self.running = False
-        self.done_observer = observer.OneShotObserverList()
-    def __repr__(self):
-        name = self.dest_file_name is None and '<none>' or os.path.basename(self.dest_file_name)
-        return "<DWRQ(%s)> q(%s)" % (name, len(self.read_heap or []))
-    def log(self, msg):
-        log("%r: %s" % (self, msg))
-    @logexc
-    def start(self, url, dest_file_name, target_size, interval=0.5):
-        self.log('start(%s, %s, %s)' % (url, dest_file_name, target_size, ))
-        self.dest_file_name = dest_file_name
-        file(self.dest_file_name, 'wb').close() # touch
-        self.target_size = target_size
-        self.log('start()')
-        self.loop = task.LoopingCall(self._check_file_size)
-        self.loop.start(interval)
-        self.running = True
-        d = client.downloadPage(url, self.dest_file_name)
-        d.addCallbacks(self.done,
-        return d
-    def when_done(self):
-        return self.done_observer.when_fired()
-    def get_size(self):
-        if os.path.exists(self.dest_file_name):
-            return os.path.getsize(self.dest_file_name)
-        else:
-            return 0
-    @logexc
-    def _read(self, posn, size):
-        #self.log('_read(%s, %s)' % (posn, size))
-        f = file(self.dest_file_name, 'rb')
-        data =
-        f.close()
-        return data
-    @logexc
-    def read(self, posn, size):
-        self.log('read(%s, %s)' % (posn, size))
-        if self.read_heap is None:
-            raise ValueError('read() called when already shut down')
-        if posn+size > self.target_size:
-            size -= self.target_size - posn
-        fsize = self.get_size()
-        if posn+size < fsize:
-            return defer.succeed(self._read(posn, size))
-        else:
-            d = defer.Deferred()
-            dread = (posn+size, posn, d)
-            heapq.heappush(self.read_heap, dread)
-        return d
-    @logexc
-    def _check_file_size(self):
-        #self.log('_check_file_size()')
-        if self.read_heap:
-            try:
-                size = self.get_size()
-                while self.read_heap and self.read_heap[0][0] <= size:
-                    end, start, d = heapq.heappop(self.read_heap)
-                    data = self._read(start, end-start)
-                    d.callback(data)
-            except Exception, e:
-                log_exc()
-                failure = Failure()
-    @logexc
-    def fail(self, failure):
-        self.log('fail(%s)' % (failure,))
-        self.running = False
-        if self.loop.running:
-            self.loop.stop()
-        # fail any reads still pending
-        for end, start, d in self.read_heap:
-            reactor.callLater(0, d.errback, failure)
-        self.read_heap = None
-        self.done_observer.fire_if_not_fired(failure)
-        return failure
-    @logexc
-    def done(self, result):
-        self.log('done()')
-        self.running = False
-        if self.loop.running:
-            self.loop.stop()
-        precondition(self.get_size() == self.target_size, self.get_size(), self.target_size)
-        self._check_file_size() # process anything left pending in heap
-        precondition(not self.read_heap, self.read_heap, self.target_size, self.get_size())
-        self.read_heap = None
-        self.done_observer.fire_if_not_fired(self)
-        return result
-class TahoeFuseFile(object):
-    #def __init__(self, path, flags, *mode):
-    def __init__(self, tfs, path, flags, *mode):
-        log("TFF: __init__(%r, %r:%s, %r:%s)" % (path, flags, repr_flags(flags), mode, repr_mode(*mode)))
-        self.tfs = tfs
-        self.downloader = None
-        self._path = path # for tahoe put
-        try:
-            self.parent,, self.fnode = self.tfs.get_parent_name_and_child(path)
-            m = flag2mode(flags)
-            log('TFF: flags2(mode) -> %s' % (m,))
-            if m[0] in 'wa':
-                # write
-                self.fname = self.tfs.cache.tmp_file(os.urandom(20))
-                if self.fnode is None:
-                    log('TFF: [%s] open() for write: no file node, creating new File %s' % (, self.fname, ))
-                    self.fnode = File(0, LiteralFileURI.BASE_STRING)
-                    self.fnode.tmp_fname = self.fname # XXX kill this
-                    self.parent.add_child(, self.fnode, {})
-                elif hasattr(self.fnode, 'tmp_fname'):
-                    self.fname = self.fnode.tmp_fname
-                    log('TFF: [%s] open() for write: existing file node lists %s' % (, self.fname, ))
-                else:
-                    log('TFF: [%s] open() for write: existing file node lists no tmp_file, using new %s' % (, self.fname, ))
-                if mode != (0600,):
-                    log('TFF: [%s] changing mode %s(%s) to 0600' % (, repr_mode(*mode), mode))
-                    mode = (0600,)
-                log('TFF: [%s] opening(%s) with flags %s(%s), mode %s(%s)' % (, self.fname, repr_flags(flags|os.O_CREAT), flags|os.O_CREAT, repr_mode(*mode), mode))
-                #self.file = os.fdopen(, flags|os.O_CREAT, *mode), m)
-                self.file = os.fdopen(, flags|os.O_CREAT, *mode), m)
-                self.fd = self.file.fileno()
-                log('TFF: opened(%s) for write' % self.fname)
-                self.open_for_write = True
-            else:
-                # read
-                assert self.fnode is not None
-                uri = self.fnode.get_uri()
-                # XXX make this go away
-                if hasattr(self.fnode, 'tmp_fname'):
-                    self.fname = self.fnode.tmp_fname
-                    log('TFF: reopening(%s) for reading' % self.fname)
-                else:
-                    if is_literal_file_uri(uri) or not self.tfs.async:
-                        log('TFF: synchronously fetching file from cache for reading')
-                        self.fname = self.tfs.cache.get_file(uri)
-                    else:
-                        log('TFF: asynchronously fetching file from cache for reading')
-                        self.fname, self.downloader = self.tfs.cache.async_get_file(uri)
-                        # downloader is None if the cache already contains the file
-                        if self.downloader is not None:
-                            d = self.downloader.when_done()
-                            def download_complete(junk):
-                                # once the download is complete, revert to non-async behaviour
-                                self.downloader = None
-                            d.addCallback(download_complete)
-                self.file = os.fdopen(, flags, *mode), m)
-                self.fd = self.file.fileno()
-                self.open_for_write = False
-                log('TFF: opened(%s) for read' % self.fname)
-        except:
-            log_exc()
-            raise
-    def log(self, msg):
-        log("<TFF(%s:%s)> %s" % (os.path.basename(self.fname),, msg))
-    @logexc
-    def read(self, size, offset):
-        self.log('read(%r, %r)' % (size, offset, ))
-        if self.downloader:
-            # then we're busy doing an async download
-            # (and hence implicitly, we're in an environment that supports twisted)
-            #self.log('passing read() to %s' % (self.downloader, ))
-            d =, size)
-            def thunk(failure):
-                raise EIO(str(failure))
-            d.addErrback(thunk)
-            return d
-        else:
-            self.log('servicing read() from %s' % (self.file, ))
-            return
-    @logexc
-    def write(self, buf, offset):
-        self.log("write(-%s-, %r)" % (len(buf), offset))
-        if not self.open_for_write:
-            return -errno.EACCES
-        self.file.write(buf)
-        return len(buf)
-    @logexc
-    def release(self, flags):
-        self.log("release(%r)" % (flags,))
-        self.file.close()
-        if self.open_for_write:
-            size = os.path.getsize(self.fname)
-            self.fnode.size = size
-            file_cap = self.tfs.upload(self.fname)
-            self.fnode.ro_uri = file_cap
-            # XXX [ ] TODO: set metadata
-            # write new uri into parent dir entry
-            self.parent.add_child(, self.fnode, {})
-            self.log("uploaded: %s" % (file_cap,))
-        # dbg
-        print_tree()
-    def _fflush(self):
-        if 'w' in self.file.mode or 'a' in self.file.mode:
-            self.file.flush()
-    @logexc
-    def fsync(self, isfsyncfile):
-        self.log("fsync(%r)" % (isfsyncfile,))
-        self._fflush()
-        if isfsyncfile and hasattr(os, 'fdatasync'):
-            os.fdatasync(self.fd)
-        else:
-            os.fsync(self.fd)
-    @logexc
-    def flush(self):
-        self.log("flush()")
-        self._fflush()
-        # cf. xmp_flush() in fusexmp_fh.c
-        os.close(os.dup(self.fd))
-    @logexc
-    def fgetattr(self):
-        self.log("fgetattr()")
-        s = os.fstat(self.fd)
-        d = stat_to_dict(s)
-        if self.downloader:
-            size = self.downloader.target_size
-            self.log("fgetattr() during async download, cache file: %s, size=%s" % (s, size))
-            d['st_size'] = size
-        self.log("fgetattr() -> %r" % (d,))
-        return d
-    @logexc
-    def ftruncate(self, len):
-        self.log("ftruncate(%r)" % (len,))
-        self.file.truncate(len)
-class TahoeFuseBase(object):
-    def __init__(self, tfs):
-        log("TFB: __init__()")
-        self.tfs = tfs
-        self.files = {}
-    def log(self, msg):
-        log("<TFB> %s" % (msg, ))
-    @logexc
-    def readlink(self, path):
-        self.log("readlink(%r)" % (path,))
-        node = self.tfs.get_path(path)
-        if node:
-            raise EINVAL('Not a symlink') # nothing in tahoe is a symlink
-        else:
-            raise ENOENT('Invalid argument')
-    @logexc
-    def unlink(self, path):
-        self.log("unlink(%r)" % (path,))
-        self.tfs.unlink(path)
-    @logexc
-    def rmdir(self, path):
-        self.log("rmdir(%r)" % (path,))
-        self.tfs.unlink(path)
-    @logexc
-    def symlink(self, path, path1):
-        self.log("symlink(%r, %r)" % (path, path1))
-, path1)
-    @logexc
-    def rename(self, path, path1):
-        self.log("rename(%r, %r)" % (path, path1))
-        self.tfs.rename(path, path1)
-    @logexc
-    def link(self, path, path1):
-        self.log("link(%r, %r)" % (path, path1))
-, path1)
-    @logexc
-    def chmod(self, path, mode):
-        self.log("XX chmod(%r, %r)" % (path, mode))
-        #return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
-    @logexc
-    def chown(self, path, user, group):
-        self.log("XX chown(%r, %r, %r)" % (path, user, group))
-        #return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
-    @logexc
-    def truncate(self, path, len):
-        self.log("XX truncate(%r, %r)" % (path, len))
-        #return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
-    @logexc
-    def utime(self, path, times):
-        self.log("XX utime(%r, %r)" % (path, times))
-        #return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
-    @logexc
-    def statfs(self):
-        self.log("statfs()")
-        """
-        Should return an object with statvfs attributes (f_bsize, f_frsize...).
-        Eg., the return value of os.statvfs() is such a thing (since py 2.2).
-        If you are not reusing an existing statvfs object, start with
-        fuse.StatVFS(), and define the attributes.
-        To provide usable information (ie., you want sensible df(1)
-        output, you are suggested to specify the following attributes:
-            - f_bsize - preferred size of file blocks, in bytes
-            - f_frsize - fundamental size of file blcoks, in bytes
-                [if you have no idea, use the same as blocksize]
-            - f_blocks - total number of blocks in the filesystem
-            - f_bfree - number of free blocks
-            - f_files - total number of file inodes
-            - f_ffree - nunber of free file inodes
-        """
-        block_size = 4096 # 4k
-        preferred_block_size = 131072 # 128k, c.f. seg_size
-        fs_size = 8*2**40 # 8Tb
-        fs_free = 2*2**40 # 2Tb
-        #s = fuse.StatVfs(f_bsize = preferred_block_size,
-        s = dict(f_bsize = preferred_block_size,
-                         f_frsize = block_size,
-                         f_blocks = fs_size / block_size,
-                         f_bfree = fs_free / block_size,
-                         f_bavail = fs_free / block_size,
-                         f_files = 2**30, # total files
-                         f_ffree = 2**20, # available files
-                         f_favail = 2**20, # available files (root)
-                         f_flag = 2, # no suid
-                         f_namemax = 255) # max name length
-        #self.log('statfs(): %r' % (s,))
-        return s
-    def fsinit(self):
-        self.log("fsinit()")
-    ##################################################################
-    @logexc
-    def readdir(self, path, offset):
-        self.log('readdir(%r, %r)' % (path, offset))
-        node = self.tfs.get_path(path)
-        if node is None:
-            return -errno.ENOENT
-        dirlist = ['.', '..'] + node.children.keys()
-        self.log('dirlist = %r' % (dirlist,))
-        #return [fuse.Direntry(d) for d in dirlist]
-        return dirlist
-    @logexc
-    def getattr(self, path):
-        self.log('getattr(%r)' % (path,))
-        if path == '/':
-            # we don't have any metadata for the root (no edge leading to it)
-            mode = (stat.S_IFDIR | 755)
-            mtime = self.tfs.root.mtime
-            s = TStat({}, st_mode=mode, st_nlink=1, st_mtime=mtime)
-            self.log('getattr(%r) -> %r' % (path, s))
-            #return s
-            return stat_to_dict(s)
-        parent, name, child = self.tfs.get_parent_name_and_child(path)
-        if not child: # implicitly 'or not parent'
-            raise ENOENT('No such file or directory')
-        return stat_to_dict(parent.get_stat(name))
-    @logexc
-    def access(self, path, mode):
-        self.log("access(%r, %r)" % (path, mode))
-        node = self.tfs.get_path(path)
-        if not node:
-            return -errno.ENOENT
-        accmode = os.O_RDONLY | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_RDWR
-        if (mode & 0222):
-            if not node.writable():
-                log('write access denied for %s (req:%o)' % (path, mode, ))
-                return -errno.EACCES
-        #else:
-            #log('access granted for %s' % (path, ))
-    @logexc
-    def mkdir(self, path, mode):
-        self.log("mkdir(%r, %r)" % (path, mode))
-        self.tfs.mkdir(path)
-    ##################################################################
-    # file methods
-    def open(self, path, flags):
-        self.log('open(%r, %r)' % (path, flags, ))
-        if path in self.files:
-            # XXX todo [ ] should consider concurrent open files of differing modes
-            return
-        else:
-            tffobj = TahoeFuseFile(self.tfs, path, flags)
-            self.files[path] = tffobj
-    def create(self, path, flags, mode):
-        self.log('create(%r, %r, %r)' % (path, flags, mode))
-        if path in self.files:
-            # XXX todo [ ] should consider concurrent open files of differing modes
-            return
-        else:
-            tffobj = TahoeFuseFile(self.tfs, path, flags, mode)
-            self.files[path] = tffobj
-    def _get_file(self, path):
-        if not path in self.files:
-            raise ENOENT('No such file or directory: %s' % (path,))
-        return self.files[path]
-    ##
-    def read(self, path, size, offset):
-        self.log('read(%r, %r, %r)' % (path, size, offset, ))
-        return self._get_file(path).read(size, offset)
-    @logexc
-    def write(self, path, buf, offset):
-        self.log("write(%r, -%s-, %r)" % (path, len(buf), offset))
-        return self._get_file(path).write(buf, offset)
-    @logexc
-    def release(self, path, flags):
-        self.log("release(%r, %r)" % (path, flags,))
-        self._get_file(path).release(flags)
-        del self.files[path]
-    @logexc
-    def fsync(self, path, isfsyncfile):
-        self.log("fsync(%r, %r)" % (path, isfsyncfile,))
-        return self._get_file(path).fsync(isfsyncfile)
-    @logexc
-    def flush(self, path):
-        self.log("flush(%r)" % (path,))
-        return self._get_file(path).flush()
-    @logexc
-    def fgetattr(self, path):
-        self.log("fgetattr(%r)" % (path,))
-        return self._get_file(path).fgetattr()
-    @logexc
-    def ftruncate(self, path, len):
-        self.log("ftruncate(%r, %r)" % (path, len,))
-        return self._get_file(path).ftruncate(len)
-class TahoeFuseLocal(TahoeFuseBase, fuse.Fuse):
-    def __init__(self, tfs, *args, **kw):
-        log("TFL: __init__(%r, %r)" % (args, kw))
-        TahoeFuseBase.__init__(self, tfs)
-        fuse.Fuse.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
-    def log(self, msg):
-        log("<TFL> %s" % (msg, ))
-    def main(self, *a, **kw):
-        self.log("main(%r, %r)" % (a, kw))
-        return fuse.Fuse.main(self, *a, **kw)
-    # overrides for those methods which return objects not marshalled
-    def fgetattr(self, path):
-        return TStat({}, **(TahoeFuseBase.fgetattr(self, path)))
-    def getattr(self, path):
-        return TStat({}, **(TahoeFuseBase.getattr(self, path)))
-    def statfs(self):
-        return fuse.StatVfs(**(TahoeFuseBase.statfs(self)))
-        #self.log('statfs()')
-        #ret = fuse.StatVfs(**(TahoeFuseBase.statfs(self)))
-        #self.log('statfs(): %r' % (ret,))
-        #return ret
-    @logexc
-    def readdir(self, path, offset):
-        return [ fuse.Direntry(d) for d in TahoeFuseBase.readdir(self, path, offset) ]
-class TahoeFuseShim(fuse.Fuse):
-    def __init__(self, trpc, *args, **kw):
-        log("TF: __init__(%r, %r)" % (args, kw))
-        self.trpc = trpc
-        fuse.Fuse.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
-    def log(self, msg):
-        log("<TFs> %s" % (msg, ))
-    @logexc
-    def readlink(self, path):
-        self.log("readlink(%r)" % (path,))
-        return'readlink', path)
-    @logexc
-    def unlink(self, path):
-        self.log("unlink(%r)" % (path,))
-        return'unlink', path)
-    @logexc
-    def rmdir(self, path):
-        self.log("rmdir(%r)" % (path,))
-        return'unlink', path)
-    @logexc
-    def symlink(self, path, path1):
-        self.log("symlink(%r, %r)" % (path, path1))
-        return'link', path, path1)
-    @logexc
-    def rename(self, path, path1):
-        self.log("rename(%r, %r)" % (path, path1))
-        return'rename', path, path1)
-    @logexc
-    def link(self, path, path1):
-        self.log("link(%r, %r)" % (path, path1))
-        return'link', path, path1)
-    @logexc
-    def chmod(self, path, mode):
-        self.log("XX chmod(%r, %r)" % (path, mode))
-        return'chmod', path, mode)
-    @logexc
-    def chown(self, path, user, group):
-        self.log("XX chown(%r, %r, %r)" % (path, user, group))
-        return'chown', path, user, group)
-    @logexc
-    def truncate(self, path, len):
-        self.log("XX truncate(%r, %r)" % (path, len))
-        return'truncate', path, len)
-    @logexc
-    def utime(self, path, times):
-        self.log("XX utime(%r, %r)" % (path, times))
-        return'utime', path, times)
-    @logexc
-    def statfs(self):
-        self.log("statfs()")
-        response ='statfs')
-        #self.log("statfs(): %r" % (response,))
-        kwargs = dict([ (str(k),v) for k,v in response.items() ])
-        return fuse.StatVfs(**kwargs)
-    def fsinit(self):
-        self.log("fsinit()")
-    def main(self, *a, **kw):
-        self.log("main(%r, %r)" % (a, kw))
-        return fuse.Fuse.main(self, *a, **kw)
-    ##################################################################
-    @logexc
-    def readdir(self, path, offset):
-        self.log('readdir(%r, %r)' % (path, offset))
-        return [ fuse.Direntry(d) for d in'readdir', path, offset) ]
-    @logexc
-    def getattr(self, path):
-        self.log('getattr(%r)' % (path,))
-        response ='getattr', path)
-        kwargs = dict([ (str(k),v) for k,v in response.items() ])
-        s = TStat({}, **kwargs)
-        self.log('getattr(%r) -> %r' % (path, s))
-        return s
-    @logexc
-    def access(self, path, mode):
-        self.log("access(%r, %r)" % (path, mode))
-        return'access', path, mode)
-    @logexc
-    def mkdir(self, path, mode):
-        self.log("mkdir(%r, %r)" % (path, mode))
-        return'mkdir', path, mode)
-    ##################################################################
-    # file methods
-    def open(self, path, flags):
-        self.log('open(%r, %r)' % (path, flags, ))
-        return'open', path, flags)
-    def create(self, path, flags, mode):
-        self.log('create(%r, %r, %r)' % (path, flags, mode))
-        return'create', path, flags, mode)
-    ##
-    def read(self, path, size, offset):
-        self.log('read(%r, %r, %r)' % (path, size, offset, ))
-        return'read', path, size, offset)
-    @logexc
-    def write(self, path, buf, offset):
-        self.log("write(%r, -%s-, %r)" % (path, len(buf), offset))
-        return'write', path, buf, offset)
-    @logexc
-    def release(self, path, flags):
-        self.log("release(%r, %r)" % (path, flags,))
-        return'release', path, flags)
-    @logexc
-    def fsync(self, path, isfsyncfile):
-        self.log("fsync(%r, %r)" % (path, isfsyncfile,))
-        return'fsync', path, isfsyncfile)
-    @logexc
-    def flush(self, path):
-        self.log("flush(%r)" % (path,))
-        return'flush', path)
-    @logexc
-    def fgetattr(self, path):
-        self.log("fgetattr(%r)" % (path,))
-        #return'fgetattr', path)
-        response ='fgetattr', path)
-        kwargs = dict([ (str(k),v) for k,v in response.items() ])
-        s = TStat({}, **kwargs)
-        self.log('getattr(%r) -> %r' % (path, s))
-        return s
-    @logexc
-    def ftruncate(self, path, len):
-        self.log("ftruncate(%r, %r)" % (path, len,))
-        return'ftruncate', path, len)
-def launch_tahoe_fuse(tf_class, tobj, argv):
-    sys.argv = ['tahoe fuse'] + list(argv)
-    log('setting sys.argv=%r' % (sys.argv,))
-    config = TahoeFuseOptions()
-    version = "%prog " +VERSIONSTR+", fuse "+ fuse.__version__
-    server = tf_class(tobj, version=version, usage=config.getSynopsis(), dash_s_do='setsingle')
-    server.parse(errex=1)
-    server.main()
-def getnodeurl(nodedir):
-    f = file(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(nodedir, "node.url")), 'rb')
-    nu =
-    f.close()
-    if nu[-1] != "/":
-        nu += "/"
-    return nu
-def fingerprint(uri):
-    if uri is None:
-        return None
-    return base64.b32encode([:6]
-stat_fields = [ 'st_mode', 'st_ino', 'st_dev', 'st_nlink', 'st_uid', 'st_gid', 'st_size',
-                'st_atime', 'st_mtime', 'st_ctime', ]
-def stat_to_dict(statobj, fields=None):
-    if fields is None:
-        fields = stat_fields
-    d = {}
-    for f in fields:
-        d[f] = getattr(statobj, f, None)
-    return d
-class TStat(fuse.Stat):
-    # in fuse 0.2, these are set by fuse.Stat.__init__
-    # in fuse 0.2-pre3 (hardy) they are not. badness ensues if they're missing
-    st_mode  = None
-    st_ino   = 0
-    st_dev   = 0
-    st_nlink = None
-    st_uid   = 0
-    st_gid   = 0
-    st_size  = 0
-    st_atime = 0
-    st_mtime = 0
-    st_ctime = 0
-    fields = [ 'st_mode', 'st_ino', 'st_dev', 'st_nlink', 'st_uid', 'st_gid', 'st_size',
-               'st_atime', 'st_mtime', 'st_ctime', ]
-    def __init__(self, metadata, **kwargs):
-        # first load any stat fields present in 'metadata'
-        for st in [ 'mtime', 'ctime' ]:
-            if st in metadata:
-                setattr(self, "st_%s" % st, metadata[st])
-        for st in self.fields:
-            if st in metadata:
-                setattr(self, st, metadata[st])
-        # then set any values passed in as kwargs
-        fuse.Stat.__init__(self, **kwargs)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<Stat%r>" % (stat_to_dict(self),)
-class Directory(object):
-    def __init__(self, tfs, ro_uri, rw_uri):
-        self.tfs = tfs
-        self.ro_uri = ro_uri
-        self.rw_uri = rw_uri
-        assert (rw_uri or ro_uri)
-        self.children = {}
-        self.last_load = None
-        self.last_data = None
-        self.mtime = 0
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<Directory %s>" % (fingerprint(self.get_uri()),)
-    def maybe_refresh(self, name=None):
-        """
-        if the previously cached data was retrieved within the cache
-        validity period, does nothing. otherwise refetches the data
-        for this directory and reloads itself
-        """
-        now = time.time()
-        if self.last_load is None or (now - self.last_load) > self.tfs.cache_validity:
-            self.load(name)
-    def load(self, name=None):
-        now = time.time()
-        log('%s.loading(%s)' % (self, name))
-        url = self.tfs.compose_url("uri/%s?t=json", self.get_uri())
-        data = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
-        h = tagged_hash('cache_hash', data)
-        if h == self.last_data:
-            self.last_load = now
-            log('%s.load() : no change h(data)=%s' % (self, base32.b2a(h), ))
-            return
-        try:
-            parsed = simplejson.loads(data)
-        except ValueError:
-            log('%s.load(): unable to parse json data for dir:\n%r' % (self, data))
-            return
-        nodetype, d = parsed
-        assert nodetype == 'dirnode'
-        self.children.clear()
-        for cname,details in d['children'].items():
-            cname = unicode_to_utf8_or_str(cname)
-            ctype, cattrs = details
-            metadata = cattrs.get('metadata', {})
-            if ctype == 'dirnode':
-                cobj = self.tfs.dir_for(cname, cattrs.get('ro_uri'), cattrs.get('rw_uri'))
-            else:
-                assert ctype == "filenode"
-                cobj = File(cattrs.get('size'), cattrs.get('ro_uri'))
-            self.children[cname] = cobj, metadata
-        self.last_load = now
-        self.last_data = h
-        self.mtime = now
-        log('%s.load() loaded: \n%s' % (self, self.pprint(),))
-    def get_children(self):
-        return self.children.keys()
-    def get_child(self, name):
-        return self.children[name][0]
-    def add_child(self, name, child, metadata):
-        log('%s.add_child(%r, %r, %r)' % (self, name, child, metadata, ))
-        self.children[name] = child, metadata
-        url = self.tfs.compose_url("uri/%s/%s?t=uri", self.get_uri(), name)
-        child_cap = do_http('PUT', url, child.get_uri())
-        # XXX [ ] TODO: push metadata to tahoe node
-        assert child_cap == child.get_uri()
-        self.mtime = time.time()
-        log('added child %r with %r to %r' % (name, child_cap, self))
-    def remove_child(self, name):
-        log('%s.remove_child(%r)' % (self, name, ))
-        del self.children[name]
-        url = self.tfs.compose_url("uri/%s/%s", self.get_uri(), name)
-        resp = do_http('DELETE', url)
-        self.mtime = time.time()
-        log('child (%s) removal yielded %r' % (name, resp,))
-    def get_uri(self):
-        return self.rw_uri or self.ro_uri
-    # TODO: rename to 'is_writeable', or switch sense to 'is_readonly', for consistency with Tahoe code
-    def writable(self):
-        return self.rw_uri and self.rw_uri != self.ro_uri
-    def pprint(self, prefix='', printed=None, suffix=''):
-        ret = []
-        if printed is None:
-            printed = set()
-        writable = self.writable() and '+' or ' '
-        if self in printed:
-            ret.append("         %s/%s ... <%s> : %s" % (prefix, writable, fingerprint(self.get_uri()), suffix, ))
-        else:
-            ret.append("[%s] %s/%s : %s" % (fingerprint(self.get_uri()), prefix, writable, suffix, ))
-            printed.add(self)
-            for name,(child,metadata) in sorted(self.children.items()):
-                ret.append(child.pprint(' ' * (len(prefix)+1)+name, printed, repr(metadata)))
-        return '\n'.join(ret)
-    def get_metadata(self, name):
-        return self.children[name][1]
-    def get_stat(self, name):
-        child,metadata = self.children[name]
-        log("%s.get_stat(%s) md: %r" % (self, name, metadata))
-        if isinstance(child, Directory):
-            child.maybe_refresh(name)
-            mode = metadata.get('st_mode') or (stat.S_IFDIR | 0755)
-            s = TStat(metadata, st_mode=mode, st_nlink=1, st_mtime=child.mtime)
-        else:
-            if hasattr(child, 'tmp_fname'):
-                s = os.stat(child.tmp_fname)
-                log("%s.get_stat(%s) returning local stat of tmp file" % (self, name, ))
-            else:
-                s = TStat(metadata,
-                          st_nlink = 1,
-                          st_size = child.size,
-                          st_mode = metadata.get('st_mode') or (stat.S_IFREG | 0444),
-                          st_mtime = metadata.get('mtime') or self.mtime,
-                          )
-            return s
-        log("%s.get_stat(%s)->%s" % (self, name, s))
-        return s
-class File(object):
-    def __init__(self, size, ro_uri):
-        self.size = size
-        if ro_uri:
-            ro_uri = str(ro_uri)
-        self.ro_uri = ro_uri
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<File %s>" % (fingerprint(self.ro_uri) or [self.tmp_fname],)
-    def pprint(self, prefix='', printed=None, suffix=''):
-        return "         %s (%s) : %s" % (prefix, self.size, suffix, )
-    def get_uri(self):
-        return self.ro_uri
-    def writable(self):
-        return True
-class TFS(object):
-    def __init__(self, nodedir, nodeurl, root_uri, 
-                       cache_validity_period=DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_VALIDITY, async=False):
-        self.cache_validity = cache_validity_period
-        self.nodeurl = nodeurl
-        self.root_uri = root_uri
-        self.async = async
-        self.dirs = {}
-        cachedir = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(nodedir, '_cache'))
-        self.cache = FileCache(nodeurl, cachedir)
-        ro_uri = DirectoryURI.init_from_string(self.root_uri).get_readonly()
-        self.root = Directory(self, ro_uri, self.root_uri)
-        self.root.maybe_refresh('<root>')
-    def log(self, msg):
-        log("<TFS> %s" % (msg, ))
-    def pprint(self):
-        return self.root.pprint()
-    def compose_url(self, fmt, *args):
-        return self.nodeurl + (fmt % tuple(map(urllib.quote, args)))
-    def get_parent_name_and_child(self, path):
-        """
-        find the parent dir node, name of child relative to that parent, and
-        child node within the TFS object space.
-        @returns: (parent, name, child) if the child is found
-                  (parent, name, None) if the child is missing from the parent
-                  (None, name, None) if the parent is not found
-        """
-        if path == '/':
-            return 
-        dirname, name = os.path.split(path)
-        parent = self.get_path(dirname)
-        if parent:
-            try:
-                child = parent.get_child(name)
-                return parent, name, child
-            except KeyError:
-                return parent, name, None
-        else:
-            return None, name, None
-    def get_path(self, path):
-        comps = path.strip('/').split('/')
-        if comps == ['']:
-            comps = []
-        cursor = self.root
-        c_name = '<root>'
-        for comp in comps:
-            if not isinstance(cursor, Directory):
-                self.log('path "%s" is not a dir' % (path,))
-                return None
-            cursor.maybe_refresh(c_name)
-            try:
-                cursor = cursor.get_child(comp)
-                c_name = comp
-            except KeyError:
-                self.log('path "%s" not found' % (path,))
-                return None
-        if isinstance(cursor, Directory):
-            cursor.maybe_refresh(c_name)
-        return cursor
-    def dir_for(self, name, ro_uri, rw_uri):
-        #self.log('dir_for(%s) [%s/%s]' % (name, fingerprint(ro_uri), fingerprint(rw_uri)))
-        if ro_uri:
-            ro_uri = str(ro_uri)
-        if rw_uri:
-            rw_uri = str(rw_uri)
-        uri = rw_uri or ro_uri
-        assert uri
-        dirobj = self.dirs.get(uri)
-        if not dirobj:
-            self.log('dir_for(%s) creating new Directory' % (name, ))
-            dirobj = Directory(self, ro_uri, rw_uri)
-            self.dirs[uri] = dirobj
-        return dirobj
-    def upload(self, fname):
-        self.log('upload(%r)' % (fname,))
-        fh = file(fname, 'rb')
-        url = self.compose_url("uri")
-        file_cap = do_http('PUT', url, fh)
-        self.log('uploaded to: %r' % (file_cap,))
-        return file_cap
-    def mkdir(self, path):
-        self.log('mkdir(%r)' % (path,))
-        parent, name, child = self.get_parent_name_and_child(path)
-        if child:
-            raise EEXIST('File exists: %s' % (name,))
-        if not parent:
-            raise ENOENT('No such file or directory: %s' % (path,))
-        url = self.compose_url("uri?t=mkdir")
-        new_dir_cap = do_http('PUT', url)
-        ro_uri = DirectoryURI.init_from_string(new_dir_cap).get_readonly()
-        child = Directory(self, ro_uri, new_dir_cap)
-        parent.add_child(name, child, {})
-    def rename(self, path, path1):
-        self.log('rename(%s, %s)' % (path, path1))
-        src_parent, src_name, src_child = self.get_parent_name_and_child(path)
-        dst_parent, dst_name, dst_child = self.get_parent_name_and_child(path1)
-        if not src_child or not dst_parent:
-            raise ENOENT('No such file or directory')
-        dst_parent.add_child(dst_name, src_child, {})
-        src_parent.remove_child(src_name)
-    def unlink(self, path):
-        parent, name, child = self.get_parent_name_and_child(path)
-        if child is None: # parent or child is missing
-            raise ENOENT('No such file or directory')
-        if not parent.writable():
-            raise EACCESS('Permission denied')
-        parent.remove_child(name)
-    def link(self, path, path1):
-        src = self.get_path(path)
-        dst_parent, dst_name, dst_child = self.get_parent_name_and_child(path1)
-        if not src:
-            raise ENOENT('No such file or directory')
-        if dst_parent is None:
-            raise ENOENT('No such file or directory')
-        if not dst_parent.writable():
-            raise EACCESS('Permission denied')
-        dst_parent.add_child(dst_name, src, {})
-class FileCache(object):
-    def __init__(self, nodeurl, cachedir):
-        self.nodeurl = nodeurl
-        self.cachedir = cachedir
-        if not os.path.exists(self.cachedir):
-            os.makedirs(self.cachedir)
-        self.tmpdir = os.path.join(self.cachedir, 'tmp')
-        if not os.path.exists(self.tmpdir):
-            os.makedirs(self.tmpdir)
-        self.downloaders = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
-    def log(self, msg):
-        log("<FC> %s" % (msg, ))
-    def get_file(self, uri):
-        self.log('get_file(%s)' % (uri,))
-        if is_literal_file_uri(uri):
-            return self.get_literal(uri)
-        else:
-            return self.get_chk(uri, async=False)
-    def async_get_file(self, uri):
-        self.log('get_file(%s)' % (uri,))
-        return self.get_chk(uri, async=True)
-    def get_literal(self, uri):
-        h =
-        u = LiteralFileURI.init_from_string(uri)
-        fname = os.path.join(self.cachedir, '__'+base64.b32encode(h).lower())
-        size = len(
-        self.log('writing literal file %s (%s)' % (fname, size, ))
-        fh = open(fname, 'wb')
-        fh.write(
-        fh.close()
-        return fname
-    def get_chk(self, uri, async=False):
-        u = CHKFileURI.init_from_string(str(uri))
-        storage_index = u.storage_index
-        size = u.size
-        fname = os.path.join(self.cachedir, base64.b32encode(storage_index).lower())
-        if os.path.exists(fname):
-            fsize = os.path.getsize(fname)
-            if fsize == size:
-                if async:
-                    return fname, None
-                else:
-                    return fname
-            else:
-                self.log('warning file "%s" is too short %s < %s' % (fname, fsize, size))
-        self.log('downloading file %s (%s)' % (fname, size, ))
-        url = "%suri/%s" % (self.nodeurl, uri)
-        if async:
-            if fname in self.downloaders and self.downloaders[fname].running:
-                downloader = self.downloaders[fname]
-            else:
-                downloader = DownloaderWithReadQueue()
-                self.downloaders[fname] = downloader
-                d = downloader.start(url, fname, target_size=u.size)
-                def clear_downloader(result, fname):
-                    self.log('clearing %s from downloaders: %r' % (fname, result))
-                    self.downloaders.pop(fname, None)
-                d.addBoth(clear_downloader, fname)
-            return fname, downloader
-        else:
-            fh = open(fname, 'wb')
-            download = urllib.urlopen(url)
-            while True:
-                chunk =
-                if not chunk:
-                    break
-                fh.write(chunk)
-            fh.close()
-            return fname
-    def tmp_file(self, id):
-        fname = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, base64.b32encode(id).lower())
-        return fname
-_tfs = None # to appease pyflakes; is set in main()
-def print_tree():
-    log('tree:\n' + _tfs.pprint())
-def unmarshal(obj):
-    if obj is None or isinstance(obj, int) or isinstance(obj, long) or isinstance(obj, float):
-        return obj
-    elif isinstance(obj, unicode) or isinstance(obj, str):
-        #log('unmarshal(%r)' % (obj,))
-        return base64.b64decode(obj)
-    elif isinstance(obj, list):
-        return map(unmarshal, obj)
-    elif isinstance(obj, dict):
-        return dict([ (k,unmarshal(v)) for k,v in obj.items() ])
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('object type not int,str,list,dict,none (%s) (%r)' % (type(obj), obj))
-def marshal(obj):
-    if obj is None or isinstance(obj, int) or isinstance(obj, long) or isinstance(obj, float):
-        return obj
-    elif isinstance(obj, str):
-        return base64.b64encode(obj)
-    elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple):
-        return map(marshal, obj)
-    elif isinstance(obj, dict):
-        return dict([ (k,marshal(v)) for k,v in obj.items() ])
-    else:
-        raise ValueError('object type not int,str,list,dict,none (%s)' % type(obj))
-class TRPCProtocol(Protocol):
-    compute_response_sha1 = True
-    log_all_requests = False
-    def connectionMade(self):
-        self.buf = []
-    def dataReceived(self, data):
-        if data == 'keepalive\n':
-            log('keepalive connection on %r' % (self.transport,))
-            self.keepalive = True
-            return
-        if not data.endswith('\n'):
-            self.buf.append(data)
-            return
-        if self.buf:
-            self.buf.append(data)
-            reqstr = ''.join(self.buf)
-            self.buf = []
-            self.dispatch_request(reqstr)
-        else:
-            self.dispatch_request(data)
-    def dispatch_request(self, reqstr):
-        try:
-            req = simplejson.loads(reqstr)
-        except ValueError, ve:
-            log(ve)
-            return
-        d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.handle_request, req)
-        d.addCallback(self.send_response)
-        d.addErrback(self.send_error)
-    def send_error(self, failure):
-        log('failure: %s' % (failure,))
-        if failure.check(TFSIOError):
-            e = failure.value
-            self.send_response(['error', 'errno', e.args[0], e.args[1]])
-        else:
-            self.send_response(['error', 'failure', str(failure)])
-    def send_response(self, result):
-        response = simplejson.dumps(result)
-        header = { 'len': len(response), }
-        if self.compute_response_sha1:
-            header['sha1'] = base64.b64encode(
-        hdr = simplejson.dumps(header)
-        self.transport.write(hdr)
-        self.transport.write('\n')
-        self.transport.write(response)
-        self.transport.loseConnection()
-    def connectionLost(self, reason):
-        if hasattr(self, 'keepalive'):
-            log('keepalive connection %r lost, shutting down' % (self.transport,))
-            reactor.callLater(0, reactor.stop)
-    def handle_request(self, req):
-        if type(req) is not list or not req or len(req) < 1:
-            return ['error', 'malformed request']
-        if req[0] == 'call':
-            if len(req) < 3:
-                return ['error', 'malformed request']
-            methname = req[1]
-            try:
-                args = unmarshal(req[2])
-            except ValueError, ve:
-                return ['error', 'malformed arguments', str(ve)]
-            try:
-                meth = getattr(self.factory.server, methname)
-            except AttributeError, ae:
-                return ['error', 'no such method', str(ae)]
-            if self.log_all_requests:
-                log('call %s(%s)' % (methname, ', '.join(map(repr, args))))
-            try:
-                result = meth(*args)
-            except TFSIOError, e:
-                log('errno: %s; %s' % e.args)
-                return ['error', 'errno', e.args[0], e.args[1]]
-            except Exception, e:
-                log('exception: ' + traceback.format_exc())
-                return ['error', 'exception', str(e)]
-            d = defer.succeed(None)
-            d.addCallback(lambda junk: result) # result may be Deferred
-            d.addCallback(lambda res: ['result', marshal(res)]) # only applies if not errback
-            return d
-class TFSServer(object):
-    def __init__(self, socket_path, server=None):
-        self.socket_path = socket_path
-        log('TFSServer init socket: %s' % (socket_path,))
-        self.factory = Factory()
-        self.factory.protocol = TRPCProtocol
-        if server:
-            self.factory.server = server
-        else:
-            self.factory.server = self
-    def get_service(self):
-        if not hasattr(self, 'svc'):
-            from twisted.application import strports
-            self.svc = strports.service('unix:'+self.socket_path, self.factory)
-        return self.svc
-    def run(self):
-        svc = self.get_service()
-        def ss():
-            try:
-                svc.startService()
-            except:
-                reactor.callLater(0, reactor.stop)
-                raise
-        reactor.callLater(0, ss)
-    def hello(self):
-        return 'pleased to meet you'
-    def echo(self, arg):
-        return arg
-    def failex(self):
-        raise ValueError('expected')
-    def fail(self):
-        return defer.maybeDeferred(self.failex)
-class RPCError(RuntimeError):
-    pass
-class TRPC(object):
-    def __init__(self, socket_fname):
-        self.socket_fname = socket_fname
-        self.keepalive = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        self.keepalive.connect(self.socket_fname)
-        self.keepalive.send('keepalive\n')
-        log('requested keepalive on %s' % (self.keepalive,))
-    def req(self, req):
-        # open conenction to trpc server
-        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        s.connect(self.socket_fname)
-        # send request
-        s.send(simplejson.dumps(req))
-        s.send('\n')
-        # read response header
-        hdr_data = s.recv(8192)
-        first_newline = hdr_data.index('\n')
-        header = hdr_data[:first_newline]
-        data = hdr_data[first_newline+1:]
-        hdr = simplejson.loads(header)
-        hdr_len = hdr['len']
-        if hdr.has_key('sha1'):
-            hdr_sha1 = base64.b64decode(hdr['sha1'])
-            spool = [data]
-            spool_sha =
-            # spool response
-            while True:
-                data = s.recv(8192)
-                if data:
-                    spool.append(data)
-                    spool_sha.update(data)
-                else:
-                    break
-        else:
-            spool = [data]
-            # spool response
-            while True:
-                data = s.recv(8192)
-                if data:
-                    spool.append(data)
-                else:
-                    break
-        s.close()
-        # decode response
-        resp = ''.join(spool)
-        spool = None
-        assert hdr_len == len(resp), str((hdr_len, len(resp), repr(resp)))
-        if hdr.has_key('sha1'):
-            data_sha1 = spool_sha.digest()
-            spool = spool_sha = None
-            assert hdr_sha1 == data_sha1, str((base32.b2a(hdr_sha1), base32.b2a(data_sha1)))
-        #else:
-            #print 'warning, server provided no sha1 to check'
-        return resp
-    def call(self, methodname, *args):
-        res = self.req(['call', methodname, marshal(args)])
-        result = simplejson.loads(res)
-        if not result or len(result) < 2:
-            raise TypeError('malformed response %r' % (result,))
-        if result[0] == 'error':
-            if result[1] == 'errno':
-                raise TFSIOError(result[2], result[3])
-            else:
-                raise RPCError(*(result[1:])) # error, exception / error, failure
-        elif result[0] == 'result':
-            return unmarshal(result[1])
-        else:
-            raise TypeError('unknown response type %r' % (result[0],))
-    def shutdown(self):
-        log('shutdown() closing keepalive %s' % (self.keepalive,))
-        self.keepalive.close()
-# (cut-n-pasted here due to an ImportError / some py2app linkage issues)
-#from twisted.scripts._twistd_unix import daemonize
-def daemonize():
-    # See
-    if os.fork():   # launch child and...
-        os._exit(0) # kill off parent
-    os.setsid()
-    if os.fork():   # launch child and...
-        os._exit(0) # kill off parent again.
-    os.umask(077)
-'/dev/null', os.O_RDWR)
-    for i in range(3):
-        try:
-            os.dup2(null, i)
-        except OSError, e:
-            if e.errno != errno.EBADF:
-                raise
-    os.close(null)
-def main(argv):
-    log("main(%s)" % (argv,))
-    # check for version or help options (no args == help)
-    if not argv:
-        argv = ['--help']
-    if len(argv) == 1 and argv[0] in ['-h', '--help']:
-        config = TahoeFuseOptions()
-        print >> sys.stderr, config
-        print >> sys.stderr, 'fuse usage follows:'
-    if len(argv) == 1 and argv[0] in ['-h', '--help', '--version']:
-        launch_tahoe_fuse(TahoeFuseLocal, None, argv)
-        return -2
-    # parse command line options
-    config = TahoeFuseOptions()
-    try:
-        #print 'parsing', argv
-        config.parseOptions(argv)
-    except usage.error, e:
-        print config
-        print e
-        return -1
-    # check for which alias or uri is specified
-    if config['alias']:
-        alias = config['alias']
-        #print 'looking for aliases in', config['node-directory']
-        aliases = get_aliases(os.path.expanduser(config['node-directory']))
-        if alias not in aliases:
-            raise usage.error('Alias %r not found' % (alias,))
-        root_uri = aliases[alias]
-        root_name = alias
-    elif config['root-uri']:
-        root_uri = config['root-uri']
-        root_name = 'uri_' + base32.b2a(tagged_hash('root_name', root_uri))[:12]
-        # test the uri for structural validity:
-        try:
-            DirectoryURI.init_from_string(root_uri)
-        except:
-            raise usage.error('root-uri must be a valid directory uri (not %r)' % (root_uri,))
-    else:
-        raise usage.error('At least one of --alias or --root-uri must be specified')
-    nodedir = config['node-directory']
-    nodeurl = config['node-url']
-    if not nodeurl:
-        nodeurl = getnodeurl(nodedir)
-    # allocate socket
-    socket_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(nodedir), "tfuse.sockets")
-    socket_path = os.path.join(socket_dir, root_name)
-    if len(socket_path) > 103:
-        # try googling AF_UNIX and sun_len for some taste of why this oddity exists.
-        raise OSError(errno.ENAMETOOLONG, 'socket path too long (%s)' % (socket_path,))
-    fileutil.make_dirs(socket_dir, 0700)
-    if os.path.exists(socket_path):
-        log('socket exists')
-        if config['server-shutdown']:
-            log('calling shutdown')
-            trpc = TRPC(socket_path)
-            result = trpc.shutdown()
-            log('result: %r' % (result,))
-            log('called shutdown')
-            return
-        else:
-            raise OSError(errno.EEXIST, 'fuse already running (%r exists)' % (socket_path,))
-    elif config['server-shutdown']:
-        raise OSError(errno.ENOTCONN, '--server-shutdown specified, but server not running')
-    if not os.path.exists(config.mountpoint):
-        raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, 'No such file or directory: "%s"' % (config.mountpoint,))
-    global _tfs
-    #
-    # Standalone ("no-split")
-    #
-    if config['no-split']:
-        reopen_logfile('tfuse.%s.unsplit.log' % (root_name,))
-        log('\n'+(24*'_')+'init (unsplit)'+(24*'_')+'\n')
-        cache_timeout = float(config['cache-timeout'])
-        tfs = TFS(nodedir, nodeurl, root_uri, cache_timeout, async=False)
-        #print tfs.pprint()
-        # make tfs instance accesible to print_tree() for dbg
-        _tfs = tfs
-        args = [ '-o'+opt for opt in config.fuse_options ] + [config.mountpoint]
-        launch_tahoe_fuse(TahoeFuseLocal, tfs, args)
-    #
-    # Server
-    #
-    elif config['server']:
-        reopen_logfile('tfuse.%s.server.log' % (root_name,))
-        log('\n'+(24*'_')+'init (server)'+(24*'_')+'\n')
-        log('daemonizing')
-        daemonize()
-        try:
-            cache_timeout = float(config['cache-timeout'])
-            tfs = TFS(nodedir, nodeurl, root_uri, cache_timeout, async=True)
-            #print tfs.pprint()
-            # make tfs instance accesible to print_tree() for dbg
-            _tfs = tfs
-            log('launching tfs server')
-            tfuse = TahoeFuseBase(tfs)
-            tfs_server = TFSServer(socket_path, tfuse)
-            log('tfs server ran, exiting')
-        except:
-            log('exception: ' + traceback.format_exc())
-    #
-    # Client
-    #
-    else:
-        reopen_logfile('tfuse.%s.client.log' % (root_name,))
-        log('\n'+(24*'_')+'init (client)'+(24*'_')+'\n')
-        server_args = [sys.executable, sys.argv[0], '--server'] + argv
-        if '' in sys.executable:
-            # in this case blackmatch is the 'fuse' subcommand of the 'tahoe' executable
-            # otherwise we assume blackmatch is being run from source
-            server_args.insert(2, 'fuse')
-        #print 'launching server:', server_args
-        server = subprocess.Popen(server_args)
-        waiting_since = time.time()
-        wait_at_most = 8
-        while not os.path.exists(socket_path):
-            log('waiting for appearance of %r' % (socket_path,))
-            time.sleep(1)
-            if time.time() - waiting_since > wait_at_most:
-                log('%r did not appear within %ss' % (socket_path, wait_at_most))
-                raise IOError(2, 'no socket %s' % (socket_path,))
-        #print 'launched server'
-        trpc = TRPC(socket_path)
-        args = [ '-o'+opt for opt in config.fuse_options ] + [config.mountpoint]
-        launch_tahoe_fuse(TahoeFuseShim, trpc, args)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/contrib/fuse/ b/contrib/fuse/
deleted file mode 100644
index 58dfb5b4..00000000
--- a/contrib/fuse/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,908 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-Unit and system tests for tahoe-fuse.
-# Note: It's always a SetupFailure, not a TestFailure if a webapi
-# operation fails, because this does not indicate a fuse interface
-# failure.
-# TODO: Unmount after tests regardless of failure or success!
-# TODO: Test mismatches between tahoe and fuse/posix.  What about nodes
-# with crazy names ('\0', unicode, '/', '..')?  Huuuuge files?
-# Huuuuge directories...  As tahoe approaches production quality, it'd
-# be nice if the fuse interface did so also by hardening against such cases.
-# FIXME: Only create / launch necessary nodes.  Do we still need an introducer and three nodes?
-# FIXME: This framework might be replaceable with twisted.trial,
-# especially the "layer" design, which is a bit cumbersome when
-# using recursion to manage multiple clients.
-# FIXME: Identify all race conditions (hint: starting clients, versus
-# using the grid fs).
-import sys, os, shutil, unittest, subprocess
-import tempfile, re, time, random, httplib, urllib
-#import traceback
-from twisted.python import usage
-if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
-    UNMOUNT_CMD = ['umount']
-    # linux, and until we hear otherwise, all other platforms with fuse, by assumption
-    UNMOUNT_CMD = ['fusermount', '-u']
-# Import fuse implementations:
-#FuseDir = os.path.join('.', 'contrib', 'fuse')
-#if not os.path.isdir(FuseDir):
-#    raise SystemExit('''
-#Could not find directory "%s".  Please run this script from the tahoe
-#source base directory.
-#''' % (FuseDir,))
-FuseDir = '.'
-### Load each implementation
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(FuseDir, 'impl_a'))
-import tahoe_fuse as impl_a
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(FuseDir, 'impl_b'))
-import pyfuse.tahoe as impl_b
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(FuseDir, 'impl_c'))
-import blackmatch as impl_c
-### config info about each impl, including which make sense to run
-implementations = {
-    'impl_a': dict(module=impl_a,
-                   mount_args=['--basedir', '%(nodedir)s', '%(mountpath)s', ],
-                   mount_wait=True,
-                   suites=['read', ]),
-    'impl_b': dict(module=impl_b,
-                   todo=True,
-                   mount_args=['--basedir', '%(nodedir)s', '%(mountpath)s', ],
-                   mount_wait=False,
-                   suites=['read', ]),
-    'impl_c': dict(module=impl_c,
-                   mount_args=['--cache-timeout', '0', '--root-uri', '%(root-uri)s',
-                               '--node-directory', '%(nodedir)s', '%(mountpath)s', ],
-                   mount_wait=True,
-                   suites=['read', 'write', ]),
-    'impl_c_no_split': dict(module=impl_c,
-                   mount_args=['--cache-timeout', '0', '--root-uri', '%(root-uri)s',
-                               '--no-split',
-                               '--node-directory', '%(nodedir)s', '%(mountpath)s', ],
-                   mount_wait=True,
-                   suites=['read', 'write', ]),
-    }
-if sys.platform == 'darwin':
-    del implementations['impl_a']
-    del implementations['impl_b']
-default_catch_up_pause = 0
-if sys.platform == 'linux2':
-    default_catch_up_pause = 2
-class FuseTestsOptions(usage.Options):
-    optParameters = [
-        ["test-type", None, "both",
-         "Type of test to run; unit, system or both"
-         ],
-        ["implementations", None, "all",
-         "Comma separated list of implementations to test, or 'all'"
-         ],
-        ["suites", None, "all",
-         "Comma separated list of test suites to run, or 'all'"
-         ],
-        ["tests", None, None,
-         "Comma separated list of specific tests to run"
-         ],
-        ["path-to-tahoe", None, "../../bin/tahoe",
-         "Which 'tahoe' script to use to create test nodes"],
-        ["tmp-dir", None, "/tmp",
-         "Where the test should create temporary files"],
-         # Note; this is '/tmp' because on leopard, tempfile.mkdtemp creates
-         # directories in a location which leads paths to exceed what macfuse
-         # can handle without leaking un-umount-able fuse processes.
-        ["catch-up-pause", None, str(default_catch_up_pause),
-         "Pause between tahoe operations and fuse tests thereon"],
-        ]
-    optFlags = [
-        ["debug-wait", None,
-         "Causes the test system to pause at various points, to facilitate debugging"],
-        ["web-open", None,
-         "Opens a web browser to the web ui at the start of each impl's tests"],
-        ["no-cleanup", False,
-         "Prevents the cleanup of the working directories, to allow analysis thereof"],
-         ]
-    def postOptions(self):
-        if self['suites'] == 'all':
-            self.suites = ['read', 'write']
-            # [ ] todo: deduce this from looking for test_ in dir(self)
-        else:
-            self.suites = map(str.strip, self['suites'].split(','))
-        if self['implementations'] == 'all':
-            self.implementations = implementations.keys()
-        else:
-            self.implementations = map(str.strip, self['implementations'].split(','))
-        if self['tests']:
-            self.tests = map(str.strip, self['tests'].split(','))
-        else:
-            self.tests = None
-        self.catch_up_pause = float(self['catch-up-pause'])
-### Main flow control:
-def main(args):
-    config = FuseTestsOptions()
-    config.parseOptions(args[1:])
-    target = 'all'
-    if len(args) > 1:
-        target = args.pop(1)
-    test_type = config['test-type']
-    if test_type not in ('both', 'unit', 'system'):
-        raise usage.error('test-type %r not supported' % (test_type,))
-    if test_type in ('both', 'unit'):
-        run_unit_tests([args[0]])
-    if test_type in ('both', 'system'):
-        return run_system_test(config)
-def run_unit_tests(argv):
-    print 'Running Unit Tests.'
-    try:
-        unittest.main(argv=argv)
-    except SystemExit, se:
-        pass
-    print 'Unit Tests complete.\n'
-def run_system_test(config):
-    return SystemTest(config).run()
-def drepr(obj):
-    r = repr(obj)
-    if len(r) > 200:
-        return '%s ... %s [%d]' % (r[:100], r[-100:], len(r))
-    else:
-        return r
-### System Testing:
-class SystemTest (object):
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        self.config = config
-        # These members represent test state:
-        self.cliexec = None
-        self.testroot = None
-        # This test state is specific to the first client:
-        self.port = None
-        self.clientbase = None
-    ## Top-level flow control:
-    # These "*_layer" methods call each other in a linear fashion, using
-    # exception unwinding to do cleanup properly.  Each "layer" invokes
-    # a deeper layer, and each layer does its own cleanup upon exit.
-    def run(self):
-        print '\n*** Setting up system tests.'
-        try:
-            results = self.init_cli_layer()
-            print '\n*** System Tests complete:'
-            total_failures = todo_failures = 0
-            for result in results:
-                impl_name, failures, total = result
-                if implementations[impl_name].get('todo'):
-                    todo_failures += failures
-                else:
-                    total_failures += failures
-                print 'Implementation %s: %d failed out of %d.' % result           
-            if total_failures:
-                print '%s total failures, %s todo' % (total_failures, todo_failures)
-                return 1
-            else:
-                return 0
-        except SetupFailure, sfail:
-            print
-            print sfail
-            print '\n*** System Tests were not successfully completed.' 
-            return 1
-    def maybe_wait(self, msg='waiting', or_if_webopen=False):
-        if self.config['debug-wait'] or or_if_webopen and self.config['web-open']:
-            print msg
-            raw_input()
-    def maybe_webopen(self, where=None):
-        if self.config['web-open']:
-            import webbrowser
-            url = self.weburl
-            if where is not None:
-                url += urllib.quote(where)
-    def maybe_pause(self):
-        time.sleep(self.config.catch_up_pause)
-    def init_cli_layer(self):
-        '''This layer finds the appropriate tahoe executable.'''
-        #self.cliexec = os.path.join('.', 'bin', 'tahoe')
-        self.cliexec = self.config['path-to-tahoe']
-        version = self.run_tahoe('--version')
-        print 'Using %r with version:\n%s' % (self.cliexec, version.rstrip())
-        return self.create_testroot_layer()
-    def create_testroot_layer(self):
-        print 'Creating test base directory.'
-        #self.testroot = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tahoe_fuse_test_')
-        #self.testroot = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tahoe_fuse_test_', dir='/tmp/')
-        tmpdir = self.config['tmp-dir']
-        if tmpdir:
-            self.testroot = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tahoe_fuse_test_', dir=tmpdir)
-        else:
-            self.testroot = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tahoe_fuse_test_')
-        try:
-            return self.launch_introducer_layer()
-        finally:
-            if not self.config['no-cleanup']:
-                print 'Cleaning up test root directory.'
-                try:
-                    shutil.rmtree(self.testroot)
-                except Exception, e:
-                    print 'Exception removing test root directory: %r' % (self.testroot, )
-                    print 'Ignoring cleanup exception: %r' % (e,)
-            else:
-                print 'Leaving test root directory: %r' % (self.testroot, )
-    def launch_introducer_layer(self):
-        print 'Launching introducer.'
-        introbase = os.path.join(self.testroot, 'introducer')
-        # NOTE: We assume if tahoe exits with non-zero status, no separate
-        # tahoe child process is still running.
-        createoutput = self.run_tahoe('create-introducer', '--basedir', introbase)
-        self.check_tahoe_output(createoutput, ExpectedCreationOutput, introbase)
-        startoutput = self.run_tahoe('start', '--basedir', introbase)
-        try:
-            self.check_tahoe_output(startoutput, ExpectedStartOutput, introbase)
-            return self.launch_clients_layer(introbase)
-        finally:
-            print 'Stopping introducer node.'
-            self.stop_node(introbase)
-    def set_tahoe_option(self, base, key, value):
-        import re
-        filename = os.path.join(base, 'tahoe.cfg')
-        content = open(filename).read()
-        content = re.sub('%s = (.+)' % key, '%s = %s' % (key, value), content)
-        open(filename, 'w').write(content)
-    TotalClientsNeeded = 3
-    def launch_clients_layer(self, introbase, clientnum = 0):
-        if clientnum >= self.TotalClientsNeeded:
-            self.maybe_wait('waiting (launched clients)')
-            ret = self.create_test_dirnode_layer()
-            self.maybe_wait('waiting (ran tests)', or_if_webopen=True)
-            return ret
-        tmpl = 'Launching client %d of %d.'
-        print tmpl % (clientnum,
-                      self.TotalClientsNeeded)
-        base = os.path.join(self.testroot, 'client_%d' % (clientnum,))
-        output = self.run_tahoe('create-node', '--basedir', base)
-        self.check_tahoe_output(output, ExpectedCreationOutput, base)
-        if clientnum == 0:
-            # The first client is special:
-            self.clientbase = base
-            self.port = random.randrange(1024, 2**15)
-            self.set_tahoe_option(base, 'web.port', 'tcp:%d:interface=' % self.port)
-            self.weburl = "" % (self.port,)
-            print self.weburl
-        else:
-            self.set_tahoe_option(base, 'web.port', '')
-        introfurl = os.path.join(introbase, 'introducer.furl')
-        furl = open(introfurl).read().strip()
-        self.set_tahoe_option(base, 'introducer.furl', furl)
-        # NOTE: We assume if tahoe exist with non-zero status, no separate
-        # tahoe child process is still running.
-        startoutput = self.run_tahoe('start', '--basedir', base)
-        try:
-            self.check_tahoe_output(startoutput, ExpectedStartOutput, base)
-            return self.launch_clients_layer(introbase, clientnum+1)
-        finally:
-            print 'Stopping client node %d.' % (clientnum,)
-            self.stop_node(base)
-    def create_test_dirnode_layer(self):
-        print 'Creating test dirnode.'
-        cap = self.create_dirnode()
-        f = open(os.path.join(self.clientbase, 'private', 'root_dir.cap'), 'w')
-        f.write(cap)
-        f.close()
-        return self.mount_fuse_layer(cap)
-    def mount_fuse_layer(self, root_uri):
-        mpbase = os.path.join(self.testroot, 'mountpoint')
-        os.mkdir(mpbase)
-        results = []
-        if self.config['debug-wait']:
-            ImplProcessManager.debug_wait = True
-        #for name, kwargs in implementations.items():
-        for name in self.config.implementations:
-            kwargs = implementations[name]
-            #print 'instantiating %s: %r' % (name, kwargs)
-            implprocmgr = ImplProcessManager(name, **kwargs)
-            print '\n*** Testing impl: %r' % (
-            implprocmgr.configure(self.clientbase, mpbase)
-            implprocmgr.mount()
-            try:
-                failures, total = self.run_test_layer(root_uri, implprocmgr)
-                result = (, failures, total)
-                tmpl = '\n*** Test Results implementation %s: %d failed out of %d.'
-                print tmpl % result
-                results.append(result)
-            finally:
-                implprocmgr.umount()
-        return results
-    def run_test_layer(self, root_uri, iman):
-        self.maybe_webopen('uri/'+root_uri)
-        failures = 0
-        testnum = 0
-        numtests = 0
-        if self.config.tests:
-            tests = self.config.tests
-        else:
-            tests = list(set(self.config.suites).intersection(set(iman.suites)))
-        self.maybe_wait('waiting (about to run tests)')
-        for test in tests:
-            testnames = [n for n in sorted(dir(self)) if n.startswith('test_'+test)]
-            numtests += len(testnames)
-            print 'running %s %r tests' % (len(testnames), test,)
-            for testname in testnames:
-                testnum += 1
-                print '\n*** Running test #%d: %s' % (testnum, testname)
-                try:
-                    testcap = self.create_dirnode()
-                    dirname = '%s_%s' % (, testname)
-                    self.attach_node(root_uri, testcap, dirname)
-                    method = getattr(self, testname)
-                    method(testcap, testdir = os.path.join(iman.mountpath, dirname))
-                    print 'Test succeeded.'
-                except TestFailure, f:
-                    print f
-                    #print traceback.format_exc()
-                    failures += 1
-                except:
-                    print 'Error in test code...  Cleaning up.'
-                    raise
-        return (failures, numtests)
-    # Tests:
-    def test_read_directory_existence(self, testcap, testdir):
-        if not wrap_os_error(os.path.isdir, testdir):
-            raise TestFailure('Attached test directory not found: %r', testdir)
-    def test_read_empty_directory_listing(self, testcap, testdir):
-        listing = wrap_os_error(os.listdir, testdir)
-        if listing:
-            raise TestFailure('Expected empty directory, found: %r', listing)
-    def test_read_directory_listing(self, testcap, testdir):
-        names = []
-        filesizes = {}
-        for i in range(3):
-            fname = 'file_%d' % (i,)
-            names.append(fname)
-            body = 'Hello World #%d!' % (i,)
-            filesizes[fname] = len(body)
-            cap = self.webapi_call('PUT', '/uri', body)
-            self.attach_node(testcap, cap, fname)
-            dname = 'dir_%d' % (i,)
-            names.append(dname)
-            cap = self.create_dirnode()
-            self.attach_node(testcap, cap, dname)
-        names.sort()
-        listing = wrap_os_error(os.listdir, testdir)
-        listing.sort()
-        if listing != names:
-            tmpl = 'Expected directory list containing %r but fuse gave %r'
-            raise TestFailure(tmpl, names, listing)
-        for file, size in filesizes.items():
-            st = wrap_os_error(os.stat, os.path.join(testdir, file))
-            if st.st_size != size:
-                tmpl = 'Expected %r size of %r but fuse returned %r'
-                raise TestFailure(tmpl, file, size, st.st_size)
-    def test_read_file_contents(self, testcap, testdir):
-        name = 'hw.txt'
-        body = 'Hello World!'
-        cap = self.webapi_call('PUT', '/uri', body)
-        self.attach_node(testcap, cap, name)
-        path = os.path.join(testdir, name)
-        try:
-            found = open(path, 'r').read()
-        except Exception, err:
-            tmpl = 'Could not read file contents of %r: %r'
-            raise TestFailure(tmpl, path, err)
-        if found != body:
-            tmpl = 'Expected file contents %r but found %r'
-            raise TestFailure(tmpl, body, found)
-    def test_read_in_random_order(self, testcap, testdir):
-        sz = 2**20
-        bs = 2**10
-        assert(sz % bs == 0)
-        name = 'random_read_order'
-        body = os.urandom(sz)
-        cap = self.webapi_call('PUT', '/uri', body)
-        self.attach_node(testcap, cap, name)
-        # XXX this should also do a test where sz%bs != 0, so that it correctly tests
-        # the edge case where the last read is a 'short' block
-        path = os.path.join(testdir, name)
-        try:
-            fsize = os.path.getsize(path)
-            if fsize != len(body):
-                tmpl = 'Expected file size %s but found %s'
-                raise TestFailure(tmpl, len(body), fsize)
-        except Exception, err:
-            tmpl = 'Could not read file size for %r: %r'
-            raise TestFailure(tmpl, path, err)
-        try:
-            f = open(path, 'r')
-            posns = range(0,sz,bs)
-            random.shuffle(posns)
-            data = [None] * (sz/bs)
-            for p in posns:
-                data[p/bs] =
-            found = ''.join(data)
-        except Exception, err:
-            tmpl = 'Could not read file %r: %r'
-            raise TestFailure(tmpl, path, err)
-        if found != body:
-            tmpl = 'Expected file contents %s but found %s'
-            raise TestFailure(tmpl, drepr(body), drepr(found))
-    def get_file(self, dircap, path):
-        body = self.webapi_call('GET', '/uri/%s/%s' % (dircap, path))
-        return body
-    def test_write_tiny_file(self, testcap, testdir):
-        self._write_test_linear(testcap, testdir, name='tiny.junk', bs=2**9, sz=2**9)
-    def test_write_linear_small_writes(self, testcap, testdir):
-        self._write_test_linear(testcap, testdir, name='large_linear.junk', bs=2**9, sz=2**20)
-    def test_write_linear_large_writes(self, testcap, testdir):
-        # at least on the mac, large io block sizes are reduced to 64k writes through fuse
-        self._write_test_linear(testcap, testdir, name='small_linear.junk', bs=2**18, sz=2**20)
-    def _write_test_linear(self, testcap, testdir, name, bs, sz):
-        body = os.urandom(sz)
-        try:
-            path = os.path.join(testdir, name)
-            f = file(path, 'w')
-        except Exception, err:
-            tmpl = 'Could not open file for write at %r: %r'
-            raise TestFailure(tmpl, path, err)
-        try:
-            for posn in range(0,sz,bs):
-                f.write(body[posn:posn+bs])
-            f.close()
-        except Exception, err:
-            tmpl = 'Could not write to file %r: %r'
-            raise TestFailure(tmpl, path, err)
-        self.maybe_pause()
-        self._check_write(testcap, name, body)
-    def _check_write(self, testcap, name, expected_body):
-        uploaded_body = self.get_file(testcap, name)
-        if uploaded_body != expected_body:
-            tmpl = 'Expected file contents %s but found %s'
-            raise TestFailure(tmpl, drepr(expected_body), drepr(uploaded_body))
-    def test_write_overlapping_small_writes(self, testcap, testdir):
-        self._write_test_overlap(testcap, testdir, name='large_overlap', bs=2**9, sz=2**20)
-    def test_write_overlapping_large_writes(self, testcap, testdir):
-        self._write_test_overlap(testcap, testdir, name='small_overlap', bs=2**18, sz=2**20)
-    def _write_test_overlap(self, testcap, testdir, name, bs, sz):
-        body = os.urandom(sz)
-        try:
-            path = os.path.join(testdir, name)
-            f = file(path, 'w')
-        except Exception, err:
-            tmpl = 'Could not open file for write at %r: %r'
-            raise TestFailure(tmpl, path, err)
-        try:
-            for posn in range(0,sz,bs):
-                start = max(0, posn-bs)
-                end = min(sz, posn+bs)
-                f.write(body[start:end])
-            f.close()
-        except Exception, err:
-            tmpl = 'Could not write to file %r: %r'
-            raise TestFailure(tmpl, path, err)
-        self.maybe_pause()
-        self._check_write(testcap, name, body)
-    def test_write_random_scatter(self, testcap, testdir):
-        sz = 2**20
-        name = 'random_scatter'
-        body = os.urandom(sz)
-        def rsize(sz=sz):
-            return min(int(random.paretovariate(.25)), sz/12)
-        # first chop up whole file into random sized chunks
-        slices = []
-        posn = 0
-        while posn < sz:
-            size = rsize()
-            slices.append( (posn, body[posn:posn+size]) )
-            posn += size
-        random.shuffle(slices) # and randomise their order
-        try:
-            path = os.path.join(testdir, name)
-            f = file(path, 'w')
-        except Exception, err:
-            tmpl = 'Could not open file for write at %r: %r'
-            raise TestFailure(tmpl, path, err)
-        try:
-            # write all slices: we hence know entire file is ultimately written
-            # write random excerpts: this provides for mixed and varied overlaps
-            for posn,slice in slices:
-                f.write(slice)
-                rposn = random.randint(0,sz)
-                f.write(body[rposn:rposn+rsize()])
-            f.close()
-        except Exception, err:
-            tmpl = 'Could not write to file %r: %r'
-            raise TestFailure(tmpl, path, err)
-        self.maybe_pause()
-        self._check_write(testcap, name, body)
-    def test_write_partial_overwrite(self, testcap, testdir):
-        name = 'partial_overwrite'
-        body = '_'*132
-        overwrite = '^'*8
-        position = 26
-        def write_file(path, mode, contents, position=None):
-            try:
-                f = file(path, mode)
-                if position is not None:
-                f.write(contents)
-                f.close()
-            except Exception, err:
-                tmpl = 'Could not write to file %r: %r'
-                raise TestFailure(tmpl, path, err)
-        def read_file(path):
-            try:
-                f = file(path, 'rb')
-                contents =
-                f.close()
-            except Exception, err:
-                tmpl = 'Could not read file %r: %r'
-                raise TestFailure(tmpl, path, err)
-            return contents
-        path = os.path.join(testdir, name)
-        #write_file(path, 'w', body)
-        cap = self.webapi_call('PUT', '/uri', body)
-        self.attach_node(testcap, cap, name)
-        self.maybe_pause()
-        contents = read_file(path)
-        if contents != body:
-            raise TestFailure('File contents mismatch (%r) %r v.s. %r', path, contents, body)
-        write_file(path, 'r+', overwrite, position)
-        contents = read_file(path)
-        expected = body[:position] + overwrite + body[position+len(overwrite):]
-        if contents != expected:
-            raise TestFailure('File contents mismatch (%r) %r v.s. %r', path, contents, expected)
-    # Utilities:
-    def run_tahoe(self, *args):
-        realargs = ('tahoe',) + args
-        status, output = gather_output(realargs, executable=self.cliexec)
-        if status != 0:
-            tmpl = 'The tahoe cli exited with nonzero status.\n'
-            tmpl += 'Executable: %r\n'
-            tmpl += 'Command arguments: %r\n'
-            tmpl += 'Exit status: %r\n'
-            tmpl += 'Output:\n%s\n[End of tahoe output.]\n'
-            raise SetupFailure(tmpl,
-                                    self.cliexec,
-                                    realargs,
-                                    status,
-                                    output)
-        return output
-    def check_tahoe_output(self, output, expected, expdir):
-        ignorable_lines = map(re.compile, [
-            '.*site-packages/zope\.interface.*\.egg/zope/ UserWarning: Module twisted was already imported from .*egg is being added to sys.path',
-            '  import pkg_resources',
-            ])
-        def ignore_line(line):
-            for ignorable_line in ignorable_lines:
-                if ignorable_line.match(line):
-                    return True
-            else:
-                return False
-        output = '\n'.join( [ line 
-                              for line in output.split('\n')+['']
-                              #if line not in ignorable_lines ] )
-                              if not ignore_line(line) ] )
-        m = re.match(expected, output, re.M)
-        if m is None:
-            tmpl = 'The output of tahoe did not match the expectation:\n'
-            tmpl += 'Expected regex: %s\n'
-            tmpl += 'Actual output: %r\n'
-            self.warn(tmpl, expected, output)
-        elif expdir !='path'):
-            tmpl = 'The output of tahoe refers to an unexpected directory:\n'
-            tmpl += 'Expected directory: %r\n'
-            tmpl += 'Actual directory: %r\n'
-            self.warn(tmpl, expdir,
-    def stop_node(self, basedir):
-        try:
-            self.run_tahoe('stop', '--basedir', basedir)
-        except Exception, e:
-            print 'Failed to stop tahoe node.'
-            print 'Ignoring cleanup exception:'
-            # Indent the exception description:
-            desc = str(e).rstrip()
-            print '  ' + desc.replace('\n', '\n  ')
-    def webapi_call(self, method, path, body=None, **options):
-        if options:
-            path = path + '?' + ('&'.join(['%s=%s' % kv for kv in options.items()]))
-        conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('', self.port)
-        conn.request(method, path, body = body)
-        resp = conn.getresponse()
-        if resp.status != 200:
-            tmpl = 'A webapi operation failed.\n'
-            tmpl += 'Request: %r %r\n'
-            tmpl += 'Body:\n%s\n'
-            tmpl += 'Response:\nStatus %r\nBody:\n%s'
-            raise SetupFailure(tmpl,
-                                    method, path,
-                                    body or '',
-                                    resp.status, body)
-        return
-    def create_dirnode(self):
-        return self.webapi_call('PUT', '/uri', t='mkdir').strip()
-    def attach_node(self, dircap, childcap, childname):
-        body = self.webapi_call('PUT',
-                                '/uri/%s/%s' % (dircap, childname),
-                                body = childcap,
-                                t = 'uri',
-                                replace = 'false')
-        assert body.strip() == childcap, `body, dircap, childcap, childname`
-    def polling_operation(self, operation, polldesc, timeout = 10.0, pollinterval = 0.2):
-        totaltime = timeout # Fudging for edge-case SetupFailure description...
-        totalattempts = int(timeout / pollinterval)
-        starttime = time.time()
-        for attempt in range(totalattempts):
-            opstart = time.time()
-            try:
-                result = operation()
-            except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
-                raise
-            except Exception, e:
-                result = False
-            totaltime = time.time() - starttime
-            if result is not False:
-                #tmpl = '(Polling took over %.2f seconds.)'
-                #print tmpl % (totaltime,)
-                return result
-            elif totaltime > timeout:
-                break
-            else:
-                opdelay = time.time() - opstart
-                realinterval = max(0., pollinterval - opdelay)
-                #tmpl = '(Poll attempt %d failed after %.2f seconds, sleeping %.2f seconds.)'
-                #print tmpl % (attempt+1, opdelay, realinterval)
-                time.sleep(realinterval)
-        tmpl = 'Timeout while polling for: %s\n'
-        tmpl += 'Waited %.2f seconds (%d polls).'
-        raise SetupFailure(tmpl, polldesc, totaltime, attempt+1)
-    def warn(self, tmpl, *args):
-        print ('Test Warning: ' + tmpl) % args
-# SystemTest Exceptions:
-class Failure (Exception):
-    def __init__(self, tmpl, *args):
-        msg = self.Prefix + (tmpl % args)
-        Exception.__init__(self, msg)
-class SetupFailure (Failure):
-    Prefix = 'Setup Failure - The test framework encountered an error:\n'
-class TestFailure (Failure):
-    Prefix = 'TestFailure: '
-### Unit Tests:
-class Impl_A_UnitTests (unittest.TestCase):
-    '''Tests small stand-alone functions.'''
-    def test_canonicalize_cap(self):
-        iopairs = [('',
-                    'URI:DIR2:yar9nnzsho6czczieeesc65sry:upp1pmypwxits3w9izkszgo1zbdnsyk3nm6h7e19s7os7s6yhh9y'),
-                   ('',
-                    'URI:CHK:k7ktp1qr7szmt98s1y3ha61d9w:8tiy8drttp65u79pjn7hs31po83e514zifdejidyeo1ee8nsqfyy:3:12:242?filename=welcome.html')]
-        for input, output in iopairs:
-            result = impl_a.canonicalize_cap(input)
-            self.failUnlessEqual(output, result, 'input == %r' % (input,))
-### Misc:
-class ImplProcessManager(object):
-    debug_wait = False
-    def __init__(self, name, module, mount_args, mount_wait, suites, todo=False):
- = name
-        self.module = module
-        self.script = module.__file__
-        self.mount_args = mount_args
-        self.mount_wait = mount_wait
-        self.suites = suites
-        self.todo = todo
-    def maybe_wait(self, msg='waiting'):
-        if self.debug_wait:
-            print msg
-            raw_input()
-    def configure(self, client_nodedir, mountpoint):
-        self.client_nodedir = client_nodedir
-        self.mountpath = os.path.join(mountpoint,
-        os.mkdir(self.mountpath)
-    def mount(self):
-        print 'Mounting implementation: %s (%s)' % (, self.script)
-        rootdirfile = os.path.join(self.client_nodedir, 'private', 'root_dir.cap')
-        root_uri = file(rootdirfile, 'r').read().strip()
-        fields = {'mountpath': self.mountpath,
-                  'nodedir': self.client_nodedir,
-                  'root-uri': root_uri,
-                 }
-        args = ['python', self.script] + [ arg%fields for arg in self.mount_args ]
-        print ' '.join(args)
-        self.maybe_wait('waiting (about to launch fuse)')
-        if self.mount_wait:
-            exitcode, output = gather_output(args)
-            if exitcode != 0:
-                tmpl = '%r failed to launch:\n'
-                tmpl += 'Exit Status: %r\n'
-                tmpl += 'Output:\n%s\n'
-                raise SetupFailure(tmpl, self.script, exitcode, output)
-        else:
-            self.proc = subprocess.Popen(args)
-    def umount(self):
-        print 'Unmounting implementation: %s' % (,)
-        args = UNMOUNT_CMD + [self.mountpath]
-        print args
-        self.maybe_wait('waiting (unmount)')
-        #print os.system('ls -l '+self.mountpath)
-        ec, out = gather_output(args)
-        if ec != 0 or out:
-            tmpl = '%r failed to unmount:\n' % (' '.join(UNMOUNT_CMD),)
-            tmpl += 'Arguments: %r\n'
-            tmpl += 'Exit Status: %r\n'
-            tmpl += 'Output:\n%s\n'
-            raise SetupFailure(tmpl, args, ec, out)
-def gather_output(*args, **kwargs):
-    '''
-    This expects the child does not require input and that it closes
-    stdout/err eventually.
-    '''
-    p = subprocess.Popen(stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
-                         stderr = subprocess.STDOUT,
-                         *args,
-                         **kwargs)
-    output =
-    exitcode = p.wait()
-    return (exitcode, output)
-def wrap_os_error(meth, *args):
-    try:
-        return meth(*args)
-    except os.error, e:
-        raise TestFailure('%s', e)
-ExpectedCreationOutput = r'(introducer|client) created in (?P<path>.*?)\n'
-ExpectedStartOutput = r'(.*\n)*STARTING (?P<path>.*?)\n(introducer|client) node probably started'
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/misc/debian/copyright b/misc/debian/copyright
index d7a8c6be..9d546253 100644
--- a/misc/debian/copyright
+++ b/misc/debian/copyright
@@ -221,17 +221,6 @@ Apache Licence.
        this License.
 ------- end TGPPL1 licence
-The files mac/ and mac/fuseparts/ are licensed under
-the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  In addition, on 2009-09-21 Csaba 
-Henk granted permission for those files to be under the same terms as 
-Tahoe-LAFS itself.
-See /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL for a copy of the GNU General Public
-License, and /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL for the GNU Lesser General Public
-The file src/allmydata/util/ is licensed under the BSD licence.
 ------- begin BSD licence
 Copyright (c) <YEAR>, <OWNER>
 All rights reserved.
diff --git a/misc/debian_helpers/etch/debian/copyright b/misc/debian_helpers/etch/debian/copyright
index d7a8c6be..9d546253 100644
--- a/misc/debian_helpers/etch/debian/copyright
+++ b/misc/debian_helpers/etch/debian/copyright
@@ -221,17 +221,6 @@ Apache Licence.
        this License.
 ------- end TGPPL1 licence
-The files mac/ and mac/fuseparts/ are licensed under
-the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  In addition, on 2009-09-21 Csaba 
-Henk granted permission for those files to be under the same terms as 
-Tahoe-LAFS itself.
-See /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL for a copy of the GNU General Public
-License, and /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL for the GNU Lesser General Public
-The file src/allmydata/util/ is licensed under the BSD licence.
 ------- begin BSD licence
 Copyright (c) <YEAR>, <OWNER>
 All rights reserved.
diff --git a/misc/debian_helpers/lenny/debian/copyright b/misc/debian_helpers/lenny/debian/copyright
index d7a8c6be..9d546253 100644
--- a/misc/debian_helpers/lenny/debian/copyright
+++ b/misc/debian_helpers/lenny/debian/copyright
@@ -221,17 +221,6 @@ Apache Licence.
        this License.
 ------- end TGPPL1 licence
-The files mac/ and mac/fuseparts/ are licensed under
-the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  In addition, on 2009-09-21 Csaba 
-Henk granted permission for those files to be under the same terms as 
-Tahoe-LAFS itself.
-See /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL for a copy of the GNU General Public
-License, and /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL for the GNU Lesser General Public
-The file src/allmydata/util/ is licensed under the BSD licence.
 ------- begin BSD licence
 Copyright (c) <YEAR>, <OWNER>
 All rights reserved.
diff --git a/misc/debian_helpers/sid/debian/copyright b/misc/debian_helpers/sid/debian/copyright
index d7a8c6be..9d546253 100644
--- a/misc/debian_helpers/sid/debian/copyright
+++ b/misc/debian_helpers/sid/debian/copyright
@@ -221,17 +221,6 @@ Apache Licence.
        this License.
 ------- end TGPPL1 licence
-The files mac/ and mac/fuseparts/ are licensed under
-the GNU Lesser General Public Licence.  In addition, on 2009-09-21 Csaba 
-Henk granted permission for those files to be under the same terms as 
-Tahoe-LAFS itself.
-See /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL for a copy of the GNU General Public
-License, and /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL for the GNU Lesser General Public
-The file src/allmydata/util/ is licensed under the BSD licence.
 ------- begin BSD licence
 Copyright (c) <YEAR>, <OWNER>
 All rights reserved.
diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/figleaf.excludes b/src/allmydata/test/figleaf.excludes
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b779a91..00000000
--- a/src/allmydata/test/figleaf.excludes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@