TAHOE=$(PYTHON) bin/tahoe
SOURCES=src/allmydata src/buildtest static misc bin/tahoe-script.template setup.py
# This is necessary only if you want to automatically produce a new
# _version.py file from the current git history (without doing a build).
- docs/known_issues.rst
- [ ] change docs/quickstart.rst to point to just the current
- allmydata-tahoe-X.Y.Z.zip source code file, or else to point to a
- directory which contains only allmydata-tahoe-X.Y.Z.* source code files
+ tahoe-lafs-X.Y.Z.zip source code file, or else to point to a
+ directory which contains only tahoe-lafs-X.Y.Z.* source code files
- [ ] git pull
- - [ ] git tag allmydata-tahoe-X.Y.Z
+ - [ ] git tag tahoe-lafs-X.Y.Z
- [ ] build locally to make sure the release is reporting itself as the
intended version
- [ ] make sure buildbot is green
Run "``bin/tahoe --version``" (on Windows, "``bin\tahoe --version``") to
verify that the executable tool prints out the right version number after
+"``allmydata-tahoe:``" or "``tahoe-lafs:``".
Optionally run "``python setup.py trial``" to verify that it passes all of
its self-tests.
VERSION_PY_FILENAME = 'src/allmydata/_version.py'
version = read_version_py(VERSION_PY_FILENAME)
APPNAMEFILE = os.path.join('src', 'allmydata', '_appname.py')
APPNAMEFILESTR = "__appname__ = '%s'" % (APPNAME,)
- curappnamefilestr = open(APPNAMEFILE, 'rU').read()
+ curappnamefilestr = open(APPNAMEFILE, 'rU').read().strip()
except EnvironmentError:
# No file, or unreadable or something, okay then let's try to write one.
- if curappnamefilestr.strip() != APPNAMEFILESTR:
+ if "allmydata-tahoe" in curappnamefilestr:
+ # This is harmless, just overwrite it.
+ elif curappnamefilestr != APPNAMEFILESTR:
print("Error -- this setup.py file is configured with the 'application name' to be '%s', but there is already a file in place in '%s' which contains the contents '%s'. If the file is wrong, please remove it and setup.py will regenerate it and write '%s' into it." % (APPNAME, APPNAMEFILE, curappnamefilestr, APPNAMEFILESTR))
res = cross_check({}, [])
self.failUnlessEqual(res, [])
- res = cross_check({}, [("allmydata-tahoe", ("1.0", "", "blah"))])
+ res = cross_check({}, [("tahoe-lafs", ("1.0", "", "blah"))])
self.failUnlessEqual(res, [])
res = cross_check({"foo": ("unparseable", "")}, [])
class FakeDisplayableServer(StubServer):
def __init__(self, serverid, nickname):
StubServer.__init__(self, serverid)
- self.announcement = {"my-version": "allmydata-tahoe-fake",
+ self.announcement = {"my-version": "tahoe-lafs-fake",
"service-name": "storage",
"nickname": nickname}
def is_connected(self):