]> git.rkrishnan.org Git - tahoe-lafs/tahoe-lafs.git/blob - .travis.yml
Prepare to move drop_upload.py to magic_folder.py.
[tahoe-lafs/tahoe-lafs.git] / .travis.yml
1 sudo: false
2 language: python
3 python:
4   - "2.7"
5   - "2.6"
6   - "pypy"
7 before_install:
8   - sh -c set
9   - git config --global user.email "travis-tahoe@tahoe-lafs.org"
10   - git config --global user.name "Travis Tahoe"
11   - git fetch --depth=1000
12   - python misc/build_helpers/show-tool-versions.py
13 install:
14   - pip install 'coverage==3.7.1'  # see https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2511
15   - pip install coveralls
16 before_script: python setup.py build
17 script: bin/tahoe @coverage run --branch --source=src/allmydata @tahoe --version-and-path debug trial --rterrors --reporter=timing
18 after_success:
19   coveralls
20 notifications:
21   email: false
22   irc:
23     channels: "chat.freenode.net#tahoe-lafs"
24     on_success: always # for testing
25     on_failure: always
26     template:
27       - "%{repository}#%{build_number} [%{branch}: %{commit} by %{author}] %{message}"
28       - "Changes: %{compare_url} | Details: %{build_url}"
29 matrix:
30   allow_failures:
31     - python: "pypy"
32   fast_finish: true