#lang racket (require "utils.rkt") ; section 2.4 (define (add-complex z1 z2) (make-from-real-imag (+ (real-part z1) (real-part z2)) (+ (imag-part z1) (imag-part z2)))) (define (sub-complex z1 z2) (make-from-real-imag (- (real-part z1) (real-part z2)) (- (imag-part z1) (imag-part z2)))) (define (mul-complex z1 z2) (make-from-mag-ang (* (magnitude z1) (magnitude z2)) (+ (angle z1) (angle z2)))) (define (div-complex z1 z2) (make-from-mag-ang (/ (magnitude z1) (magnitude z2)) (- (angle z1) (angle z2)))) ;;; constructors and selectors for rectangular form (define (real-part-rect z) (car z)) (define (imag-part-rect z) (cdr z)) (define (magnitude-rect z) (sqrt (+ (square (real-part-rect z)) (square (imag-part-rect z))))) (define (angle-rect z) (atan (imag-part-rect z) (real-part-rect z))) (define (make-from-real-imag-rect x y) (attach-tag 'rectangular (cons x y))) (define (make-from-mag-ang-rect r a) (attach-tag 'rectangular (cons (* r (cos a)) (* r (sin a))))) ;;; constructors and selectors for polar form (define (real-part-polar z) (* (magnitude-polar z) (cos (angle-polar z)))) (define (imag-part-polar z) (* (magnitude-polar z) (sin (angle-polar z)))) (define (magnitude-polar z) (car z)) (define (angle-polar z) (cdr z)) (define (make-from-real-imag x y) (attach-tag 'polar (cons (sqrt (+ (square x) (square y))) (atan y x)))) (define (make-from-mag-ang r a) (attach-tag 'polar (cons r a))) ;; type tag (define (attach-tag type-tag contents) (cons type-tag contents)) (define (type-tag datum) (if (pair? datum) (car datum) (error "Bad tagged datum -- TYPE-TAG" datum))) (define (contents datum) (if (pair? datum) (cdr datum) (error "Bad tagged datum -- CONTENTS" datum))) (define (rectangular? z) (eq? (type-tag z) 'rectangular)) (define (polar? z) (eq? (type-tag z) 'polar)) ;; generic procedures (define (real-part z) (cond [(rectangular? z) (real-part-rect (contents z))] [(polar? z) (real-part-polar (contents z))] [else (error "unknown type -- real-part" z)])) (define (imag-part z) (cond [(rectangular? z) (imag-part-rect (contents z))] [(polar? z) (imag-part-rect (contents z))] [else (error "unknown type -- imag part" z)])) (define (magnitude z) (cond [(rectangular? z) (magnitude-rect (contents z))] [(polar? z) (magnitude-polar (contents z))] [else (error "Unknown type -- MAGNITUDE" z)])) (define (angle z) (cond [(rectangular? z) (angle-rect (contents z))] [(polar? z) (angle-polar (contents z))] [else (error "Unknown type -- ANGLE" z)])) (define (make-from-real-imag x y) (make-from-real-imag-rect x y)) (define (make-from-mag-ang r a) (make-from-mag-ang-polar r a)) ;;; message passing (define (make-from-real-imag x y) (define (dispatch op) (cond [(eq? op 'real-part) x] [(eq? op 'imag-part) y] [(eq? op 'magnitude) (sqrt (+ (square x) (square y)))] [(eq? op 'angle) (atan y x)] [else (error "unknown op" op)])) dispatch)