# they asked about: this will save them a lot of work. Add or update
# leases for all of them: if they want us to hold shares for this
# file, they'll want us to hold leases for this file.
- for (shnum, fn) in chain(self._get_bucket_shares(storage_index),
- self._get_incoming_shares(storage_index)):
+ for (shnum, fn) in self._get_bucket_shares(storage_index):
sf = ShareFile(fn)
for shnum in sharenums:
incominghome = os.path.join(self.incomingdir, si_dir, "%d" % shnum)
finalhome = os.path.join(self.sharedir, si_dir, "%d" % shnum)
- if os.path.exists(incominghome) or os.path.exists(finalhome):
+ if os.path.exists(finalhome):
# great! we already have it. easy.
+ elif os.path.exists(incominghome):
+ # Note that we don't create BucketWriters for shnums that
+ # have a partial share (in incoming/), so if a second upload
+ # occurs while the first is still in progress, the second
+ # uploader will use different storage servers.
+ pass
elif no_limits or remaining_space >= space_per_bucket:
# ok! we need to create the new share file.
bw = BucketWriter(self, incominghome, finalhome,
# while the buckets are open, they should not count as readable
self.failUnlessEqual(ss.remote_get_buckets("vid"), {})
+ # close the buckets
for i,wb in writers.items():
wb.remote_write(0, "%25d" % i)
self.failUnlessEqual(set(writers.keys()), set([3,4]))
# while those two buckets are open for writing, the server should
- # tell new uploaders that they already exist (so that we don't try to
- # upload into them a second time)
+ # refuse to offer them to uploaders
already,writers = self.allocate(ss, "vid", [2,3,4,5], 75)
- self.failUnlessEqual(already, set([0,1,2,3,4]))
+ self.failUnlessEqual(already, set([0,1,2]))
self.failUnlessEqual(set(writers.keys()), set([5]))
def test_sizelimits(self):
self.failUnlessEqual(len(writers), 5)
already2,writers2 = ss.remote_allocate_buckets("si3", rs4, cs4,
sharenums, size, canary)
- self.failUnlessEqual(len(already2), 5)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(already2), 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(writers2), 0)
for wb in writers.values():
+ leases = list(ss.get_leases("si3"))
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(leases), 1)
+ already3,writers3 = ss.remote_allocate_buckets("si3", rs4, cs4,
+ sharenums, size, canary)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(already3), 5)
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(writers3), 0)
leases = list(ss.get_leases("si3"))
self.failUnlessEqual(len(leases), 2)