From: Daira Hopwood <>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 17:04:22 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Sun May 13 03:19:43 BST 2012  Brian Warner <>

Sun May 13 03:19:43 BST 2012  Brian Warner <>
  * webapi: remove undocumented t=mkdir-p operation

  Closes #380

diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/ b/src/allmydata/test/
index df4bb00f..1c7dadae 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/test/
+++ b/src/allmydata/test/
@@ -1821,25 +1821,6 @@ class Web(WebMixin, WebErrorMixin, testutil.StallMixin, testutil.ReallyEqualMixi
         d.addCallback(self.failUnlessNodeKeysAre, [u"baz.txt"])
         return d
-    def test_PUT_NEWDIRURL_mkdir_p(self):
-        d = defer.succeed(None)
-        d.addCallback(lambda res: self.POST(self.public_url + "/foo", t='mkdir', name='mkp'))
-        d.addCallback(lambda res: self.failUnlessNodeHasChild(self._foo_node, u"mkp"))
-        d.addCallback(lambda res: self._foo_node.get(u"mkp"))
-        def mkdir_p(mkpnode):
-            url = '/uri/%s?t=mkdir-p&path=/sub1/sub2' % urllib.quote(mkpnode.get_uri())
-            d = self.POST(url)
-            def made_subsub(ssuri):
-                d = self._foo_node.get_child_at_path(u"mkp/sub1/sub2")
-                d.addCallback(lambda ssnode: self.failUnlessReallyEqual(ssnode.get_uri(), ssuri))
-                d = self.POST(url)
-                d.addCallback(lambda uri2: self.failUnlessReallyEqual(uri2, ssuri))
-                return d
-            d.addCallback(made_subsub)
-            return d
-        d.addCallback(mkdir_p)
-        return d
     def test_PUT_NEWDIRURL_mkdirs(self):
         d = self.PUT(self.public_url + "/foo/subdir/newdir?t=mkdir", "")
         d.addCallback(lambda res:
diff --git a/src/allmydata/web/ b/src/allmydata/web/
index 58fe7816..f99e1d8d 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/web/
+++ b/src/allmydata/web/
@@ -202,9 +202,6 @@ class DirectoryNodeHandler(RenderMixin, rend.Page, ReplaceMeMixin):
             d = self._POST_mkdir_with_children(req)
         elif t == "mkdir-immutable":
             d = self._POST_mkdir_immutable(req)
-        elif t == "mkdir-p":
-            # TODO: docs, tests
-            d = self._POST_mkdir_p(req)
         elif t == "upload":
             d = self._POST_upload(ctx) # this one needs the context
         elif t == "uri":
@@ -286,32 +283,6 @@ class DirectoryNodeHandler(RenderMixin, rend.Page, ReplaceMeMixin):
         d.addCallback(lambda child: child.get_uri()) # TODO: urlencode
         return d
-    def _POST_mkdir_p(self, req):
-        path = get_arg(req, "path")
-        if not path:
-            raise WebError("mkdir-p requires a path")
-        path_ = tuple([seg.decode("utf-8") for seg in path.split('/') if seg ])
-        # TODO: replace
-        d = self._get_or_create_directories(self.node, path_)
-        d.addCallback(lambda node: node.get_uri())
-        return d
-    def _get_or_create_directories(self, node, path):
-        if not IDirectoryNode.providedBy(node):
-            # unfortunately it is too late to provide the name of the
-            # blocking directory in the error message.
-            raise BlockingFileError("cannot create directory because there "
-                                    "is a file in the way")
-        if not path:
-            return defer.succeed(node)
-        d = node.get(path[0])
-        def _maybe_create(f):
-            f.trap(NoSuchChildError)
-            return node.create_subdirectory(path[0])
-        d.addErrback(_maybe_create)
-        d.addCallback(self._get_or_create_directories, path[1:])
-        return d
     def _POST_upload(self, ctx):
         req = IRequest(ctx)
         charset = get_arg(req, "_charset", "utf-8")