-import os
+import os, random, struct
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet.interfaces import IConsumer
DeepCheckResults, DeepCheckAndRepairResults
from allmydata.mutable.common import CorruptShareError
from allmydata.storage import storage_index_to_dir
-from allmydata.util import log, fileutil, pollmixin
+from allmydata.util import hashutil, log, fileutil, pollmixin
from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
from allmydata.stats import StatsGathererService
from allmydata.key_generator import KeyGeneratorService
import common_util as testutil
+from allmydata import immutable
def flush_but_dont_ignore(res):
all_contents = {}
bad_shares = {}
- def __init__(self, u, client):
+ def __init__(self, u, thisclient):
precondition(IURI.providedBy(u), u)
- self.client = client
+ self.client = thisclient
self.my_uri = u
self.storage_index = u.storage_index
-def create_chk_filenode(client, contents):
+def create_chk_filenode(thisclient, contents):
u = make_chk_file_uri(len(contents))
- n = FakeCHKFileNode(u, client)
+ n = FakeCHKFileNode(u, thisclient)
FakeCHKFileNode.all_contents[u.to_string()] = contents
return n
all_contents = {}
bad_shares = {}
- def __init__(self, client):
- self.client = client
+ def __init__(self, thisclient):
+ self.client = thisclient
self.my_uri = make_mutable_file_uri()
self.storage_index = self.my_uri.storage_index
def create(self, initial_contents, key_generator=None):
def write(name, value):
open(os.path.join(basedir, name), "w").write(value+"\n")
if i == 0:
- # client[0] runs a webserver and a helper, no key_generator
+ # clients[0] runs a webserver and a helper, no key_generator
write("webport", "tcp:0:interface=")
write("run_helper", "yes")
write("keepalive_timeout", "600")
if i == 3:
- # client[3] runs a webserver and uses a helper, uses
+ # clients[3] runs a webserver and uses a helper, uses
# key_generator
write("webport", "tcp:0:interface=")
write("disconnect_timeout", "1800")
# files before they are launched.
- # start client[0], wait for it's tub to be ready (at which point it
+ # start clients[0], wait for it's tub to be ready (at which point it
# will have registered the helper furl).
c = self.add_service(client.Client(basedir=basedirs[0]))
# To disable the pre-computed tub certs, uncomment this line.
class ShareManglingMixin(SystemTestMixin):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # Set self.basedir to a temp dir which has the name of the current test method in its
+ # name.
+ self.basedir = self.mktemp()
+ d = defer.maybeDeferred(SystemTestMixin.setUp, self)
+ d.addCallback(lambda x: self.set_up_nodes())
+ def _upload_a_file(ignored):
+ cl0 = self.clients[0]
+ # We need multiple segments to test crypttext hash trees that are non-trivial
+ # (i.e. they have more than just one hash in them).
+ cl0.DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS['max_segment_size'] = 12
+ d2 = cl0.upload(immutable.upload.Data(TEST_DATA, convergence=""))
+ def _after_upload(u):
+ self.uri = IURI(u.uri)
+ return cl0.create_node_from_uri(self.uri)
+ d2.addCallback(_after_upload)
+ return d2
+ d.addCallback(_upload_a_file)
+ def _stash_it(filenode):
+ self.filenode = filenode
+ d.addCallback(_stash_it)
+ return d
def find_shares(self, unused=None):
"""Locate shares on disk. Returns a dict that maps
(clientnum,sharenum) to a string that contains the share container
wf = open(os.path.join(fullsharedirp, str(sharenum)), "w")
+ def _delete_a_share(self, unused=None, sharenum=None):
+ """ Delete one share. """
+ shares = self.find_shares()
+ ks = shares.keys()
+ if sharenum is not None:
+ k = [ key for key in shares.keys() if key[1] == sharenum ][0]
+ else:
+ k = random.choice(ks)
+ del shares[k]
+ self.replace_shares(shares, storage_index=self.uri.storage_index)
+ return unused
+ def _corrupt_a_share(self, unused, corruptor_func, sharenum):
+ shares = self.find_shares()
+ ks = [ key for key in shares.keys() if key[1] == sharenum ]
+ assert ks, (shares.keys(), sharenum)
+ k = ks[0]
+ shares[k] = corruptor_func(shares[k])
+ self.replace_shares(shares, storage_index=self.uri.storage_index)
+ return corruptor_func
+ def _corrupt_all_shares(self, unused, corruptor_func):
+ """ All shares on disk will be corrupted by corruptor_func. """
+ shares = self.find_shares()
+ for k in shares.keys():
+ self._corrupt_a_share(unused, corruptor_func, k[1])
+ return corruptor_func
+ def _corrupt_a_random_share(self, unused, corruptor_func):
+ """ Exactly one share on disk will be corrupted by corruptor_func. """
+ shares = self.find_shares()
+ ks = shares.keys()
+ k = random.choice(ks)
+ self._corrupt_a_share(unused, corruptor_func, k[1])
+ return corruptor_func
+ def _count_reads(self):
+ sum_of_read_counts = 0
+ for thisclient in self.clients:
+ counters = thisclient.stats_provider.get_stats()['counters']
+ sum_of_read_counts += counters.get('storage_server.read', 0)
+ return sum_of_read_counts
+ def _count_allocates(self):
+ sum_of_allocate_counts = 0
+ for thisclient in self.clients:
+ counters = thisclient.stats_provider.get_stats()['counters']
+ sum_of_allocate_counts += counters.get('storage_server.allocate', 0)
+ return sum_of_allocate_counts
+ def _download_and_check_plaintext(self, unused=None):
+ self.downloader = self.clients[1].getServiceNamed("downloader")
+ d = self.downloader.download_to_data(self.uri)
+ def _after_download(result):
+ self.failUnlessEqual(result, TEST_DATA)
+ d.addCallback(_after_download)
+ return d
class ShouldFailMixin:
def shouldFail(self, expected_failure, which, substring,
callable, *args, **kwargs):
d = n.read(MemoryConsumer(), offset, size)
d.addCallback(lambda mc: "".join(mc.chunks))
return d
+def corrupt_field(data, offset, size, debug=False):
+ if random.random() < 0.5:
+ newdata = testutil.flip_one_bit(data, offset, size)
+ if debug:
+ log.msg("testing: corrupting offset %d, size %d flipping one bit orig: %r, newdata: %r" % (offset, size, data[offset:offset+size], newdata[offset:offset+size]))
+ return newdata
+ else:
+ newval = testutil.insecurerandstr(size)
+ if debug:
+ log.msg("testing: corrupting offset %d, size %d randomizing field, orig: %r, newval: %r" % (offset, size, data[offset:offset+size], newval))
+ return data[:offset]+newval+data[offset+size:]
+def _corrupt_nothing(data):
+ """ Leave the data pristine. """
+ return data
+def _corrupt_file_version_number(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the share file version number have one bit flipped or else
+ will be changed to a random value."""
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x00, 4)
+def _corrupt_size_of_file_data(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the size of the share data within the file
+ will be set to one smaller. """
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x04, 4)
+def _corrupt_sharedata_version_number(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the share data version number will have one bit flipped or
+ else will be changed to a random value, but not 1 or 2."""
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c, 4)
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ newsharevernum = sharevernum
+ while newsharevernum in (1, 2):
+ newsharevernum = random.randrange(0, 2**32)
+ newsharevernumbytes = struct.pack(">l", newsharevernum)
+ return data[:0x0c] + newsharevernumbytes + data[0x0c+4:]
+def _corrupt_sharedata_version_number_to_plausible_version(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the share data version number will
+ be changed to 2 if it is 1 or else to 1 if it is 2."""
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ newsharevernum = 2
+ else:
+ newsharevernum = 1
+ newsharevernumbytes = struct.pack(">l", newsharevernum)
+ return data[:0x0c] + newsharevernumbytes + data[0x0c+4:]
+def _corrupt_segment_size(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the size of the segment will have one
+ bit flipped or else be changed to a random value. """
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x04, 4, debug=False)
+ else:
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x04, 8, debug=False)
+def _corrupt_size_of_sharedata(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the size of the data within the share
+ data will have one bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value. """
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x08, 4)
+ else:
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x0c, 8)
+def _corrupt_offset_of_sharedata(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the offset of the data within the share
+ data will have one bit flipped or else be changed to a random value. """
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x0c, 4)
+ else:
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x14, 8)
+def _corrupt_offset_of_ciphertext_hash_tree(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the offset of the ciphertext hash tree
+ within the share data will have one bit flipped or else be changed to a random value.
+ """
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x14, 4, debug=False)
+ else:
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x24, 8, debug=False)
+def _corrupt_offset_of_block_hashes(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the offset of the block hash tree within
+ the share data will have one bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value. """
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x18, 4)
+ else:
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x2c, 8)
+def _corrupt_offset_of_block_hashes_to_truncate_crypttext_hashes(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the offset of the block hash tree within the
+ share data will have a multiple of hash size subtracted from it, thus causing the downloader
+ to download an incomplete crypttext hash tree."""
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ curval = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x18:0x0c+0x18+4])[0]
+ newval = random.randrange(0, max(1, (curval/hashutil.CRYPTO_VAL_SIZE)/2))*hashutil.CRYPTO_VAL_SIZE
+ newvalstr = struct.pack(">L", newval)
+ return data[:0x0c+0x18]+newvalstr+data[0x0c+0x18+4:]
+ else:
+ curval = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x2c:0x0c+0x2c+8])[0]
+ newval = random.randrange(0, max(1, (curval/hashutil.CRYPTO_VAL_SIZE)/2))*hashutil.CRYPTO_VAL_SIZE
+ newvalstr = struct.pack(">Q", newval)
+ return data[:0x0c+0x2c]+newvalstr+data[0x0c+0x2c+8:]
+def _corrupt_offset_of_share_hashes(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the offset of the share hash tree within
+ the share data will have one bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value. """
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x1c, 4)
+ else:
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x34, 8)
+def _corrupt_offset_of_uri_extension(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the offset of the uri extension will
+ have one bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value. """
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x20, 4)
+ else:
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x3c, 8)
+def _corrupt_offset_of_uri_extension_to_force_short_read(data, debug=False):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the offset of the uri extension will be set
+ to the size of the file minus 3. This means when the client tries to read the length field
+ from that location it will get a short read -- the result string will be only 3 bytes long,
+ not the 4 or 8 bytes necessary to do a successful struct.unpack."""
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ # The "-0x0c" in here is to skip the server-side header in the share file, which the client doesn't see when seeking and reading.
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ if debug:
+ log.msg("testing: corrupting offset %d, size %d, changing %d to %d (len(data) == %d)" % (0x2c, 4, struct.unpack(">L", data[0x2c:0x2c+4])[0], len(data)-0x0c-3, len(data)))
+ return data[:0x2c] + struct.pack(">L", len(data)-0x0c-3) + data[0x2c+4:]
+ else:
+ if debug:
+ log.msg("testing: corrupting offset %d, size %d, changing %d to %d (len(data) == %d)" % (0x48, 8, struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x48:0x48+8])[0], len(data)-0x0c-3, len(data)))
+ return data[:0x48] + struct.pack(">Q", len(data)-0x0c-3) + data[0x48+8:]
+def _corrupt_share_data(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field containing the share data itself will have one
+ bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value. """
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ sharedatasize = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x08:0x0c+0x08+4])[0]
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x24, sharedatasize)
+ else:
+ sharedatasize = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x08:0x0c+0x0c+8])[0]
+ return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x44, sharedatasize)
+def _corrupt_crypttext_hash_tree(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field containing the crypttext hash tree will have one
+ bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value.
+ """
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ crypttexthashtreeoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x14:0x0c+0x14+4])[0]
+ blockhashesoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x18:0x0c+0x18+4])[0]
+ else:
+ crypttexthashtreeoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x24:0x0c+0x24+8])[0]
+ blockhashesoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x2c:0x0c+0x2c+8])[0]
+ return corrupt_field(data, crypttexthashtreeoffset, blockhashesoffset-crypttexthashtreeoffset)
+def _corrupt_block_hashes(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field containing the block hash tree will have one bit
+ flipped or else will be changed to a random value.
+ """
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ blockhashesoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x18:0x0c+0x18+4])[0]
+ sharehashesoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x1c:0x0c+0x1c+4])[0]
+ else:
+ blockhashesoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x2c:0x0c+0x2c+8])[0]
+ sharehashesoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x34:0x0c+0x34+8])[0]
+ return corrupt_field(data, blockhashesoffset, sharehashesoffset-blockhashesoffset)
+def _corrupt_share_hashes(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field containing the share hash chain will have one
+ bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value.
+ """
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ sharehashesoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x1c:0x0c+0x1c+4])[0]
+ uriextoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x20:0x0c+0x20+4])[0]
+ else:
+ sharehashesoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x34:0x0c+0x34+8])[0]
+ uriextoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x3c:0x0c+0x3c+8])[0]
+ return corrupt_field(data, sharehashesoffset, uriextoffset-sharehashesoffset)
+def _corrupt_length_of_uri_extension(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the length of the uri extension will
+ have one bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value. """
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ uriextoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x20:0x0c+0x20+4])[0]
+ return corrupt_field(data, uriextoffset, 4)
+ else:
+ uriextoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x3c:0x0c+0x3c+8])[0]
+ return corrupt_field(data, uriextoffset, 8)
+def _corrupt_uri_extension(data):
+ """ Scramble the file data -- the field containing the uri extension will have one bit
+ flipped or else will be changed to a random value. """
+ sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
+ assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
+ if sharevernum == 1:
+ uriextoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x20:0x0c+0x20+4])[0]
+ uriextlen = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+uriextoffset:0x0c+uriextoffset+4])[0]
+ else:
+ uriextoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x3c:0x0c+0x3c+8])[0]
+ uriextlen = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+uriextoffset:0x0c+uriextoffset+8])[0]
+ return corrupt_field(data, uriextoffset, uriextlen)
-from allmydata.test.common import SystemTestMixin, ShareManglingMixin
+from allmydata.test import common
from allmydata.monitor import Monitor
from allmydata import check_results
from allmydata.interfaces import IURI, NotEnoughSharesError
import random, struct
import common_util as testutil
-def corrupt_field(data, offset, size, debug=False):
- if random.random() < 0.5:
- newdata = testutil.flip_one_bit(data, offset, size)
- if debug:
- log.msg("testing: corrupting offset %d, size %d flipping one bit orig: %r, newdata: %r" % (offset, size, data[offset:offset+size], newdata[offset:offset+size]))
- return newdata
- else:
- newval = testutil.insecurerandstr(size)
- if debug:
- log.msg("testing: corrupting offset %d, size %d randomizing field, orig: %r, newval: %r" % (offset, size, data[offset:offset+size], newval))
- return data[:offset]+newval+data[offset+size:]
-def _corrupt_nothing(data):
- """ Leave the data pristine. """
- return data
-def _corrupt_file_version_number(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the share file version number have one bit flipped or else
- will be changed to a random value."""
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x00, 4)
-def _corrupt_size_of_file_data(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the size of the share data within the file
- will be set to one smaller. """
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x04, 4)
-def _corrupt_sharedata_version_number(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the share data version number will have one bit flipped or
- else will be changed to a random value, but not 1 or 2."""
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c, 4)
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- newsharevernum = sharevernum
- while newsharevernum in (1, 2):
- newsharevernum = random.randrange(0, 2**32)
- newsharevernumbytes = struct.pack(">l", newsharevernum)
- return data[:0x0c] + newsharevernumbytes + data[0x0c+4:]
-def _corrupt_sharedata_version_number_to_plausible_version(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the share data version number will
- be changed to 2 if it is 1 or else to 1 if it is 2."""
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- if sharevernum == 1:
- newsharevernum = 2
- else:
- newsharevernum = 1
- newsharevernumbytes = struct.pack(">l", newsharevernum)
- return data[:0x0c] + newsharevernumbytes + data[0x0c+4:]
-def _corrupt_segment_size(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the size of the segment will have one
- bit flipped or else be changed to a random value. """
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- if sharevernum == 1:
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x04, 4, debug=False)
- else:
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x04, 8, debug=False)
-def _corrupt_size_of_sharedata(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the size of the data within the share
- data will have one bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value. """
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- if sharevernum == 1:
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x08, 4)
- else:
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x0c, 8)
-def _corrupt_offset_of_sharedata(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the offset of the data within the share
- data will have one bit flipped or else be changed to a random value. """
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- if sharevernum == 1:
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x0c, 4)
- else:
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x14, 8)
-def _corrupt_offset_of_ciphertext_hash_tree(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the offset of the ciphertext hash tree
- within the share data will have one bit flipped or else be changed to a random value.
- """
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- if sharevernum == 1:
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x14, 4, debug=False)
- else:
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x24, 8, debug=False)
-def _corrupt_offset_of_block_hashes(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the offset of the block hash tree within
- the share data will have one bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value. """
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- if sharevernum == 1:
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x18, 4)
- else:
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x2c, 8)
-def _corrupt_offset_of_block_hashes_to_truncate_crypttext_hashes(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the offset of the block hash tree within the
- share data will have a multiple of hash size subtracted from it, thus causing the downloader
- to download an incomplete crypttext hash tree."""
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- if sharevernum == 1:
- curval = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x18:0x0c+0x18+4])[0]
- newval = random.randrange(0, max(1, (curval/hashutil.CRYPTO_VAL_SIZE)/2))*hashutil.CRYPTO_VAL_SIZE
- newvalstr = struct.pack(">L", newval)
- return data[:0x0c+0x18]+newvalstr+data[0x0c+0x18+4:]
- else:
- curval = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x2c:0x0c+0x2c+8])[0]
- newval = random.randrange(0, max(1, (curval/hashutil.CRYPTO_VAL_SIZE)/2))*hashutil.CRYPTO_VAL_SIZE
- newvalstr = struct.pack(">Q", newval)
- return data[:0x0c+0x2c]+newvalstr+data[0x0c+0x2c+8:]
-def _corrupt_offset_of_share_hashes(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the offset of the share hash tree within
- the share data will have one bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value. """
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- if sharevernum == 1:
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x1c, 4)
- else:
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x34, 8)
-def _corrupt_offset_of_uri_extension(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the offset of the uri extension will
- have one bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value. """
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- if sharevernum == 1:
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x20, 4)
- else:
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x3c, 8)
-def _corrupt_offset_of_uri_extension_to_force_short_read(data, debug=False):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the offset of the uri extension will be set
- to the size of the file minus 3. This means when the client tries to read the length field
- from that location it will get a short read -- the result string will be only 3 bytes long,
- not the 4 or 8 bytes necessary to do a successful struct.unpack."""
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- # The "-0x0c" in here is to skip the server-side header in the share file, which the client doesn't see when seeking and reading.
- if sharevernum == 1:
- if debug:
- log.msg("testing: corrupting offset %d, size %d, changing %d to %d (len(data) == %d)" % (0x2c, 4, struct.unpack(">L", data[0x2c:0x2c+4])[0], len(data)-0x0c-3, len(data)))
- return data[:0x2c] + struct.pack(">L", len(data)-0x0c-3) + data[0x2c+4:]
- else:
- if debug:
- log.msg("testing: corrupting offset %d, size %d, changing %d to %d (len(data) == %d)" % (0x48, 8, struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x48:0x48+8])[0], len(data)-0x0c-3, len(data)))
- return data[:0x48] + struct.pack(">Q", len(data)-0x0c-3) + data[0x48+8:]
-def _corrupt_share_data(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field containing the share data itself will have one
- bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value. """
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- if sharevernum == 1:
- sharedatasize = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x08:0x0c+0x08+4])[0]
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x24, sharedatasize)
- else:
- sharedatasize = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x08:0x0c+0x0c+8])[0]
- return corrupt_field(data, 0x0c+0x44, sharedatasize)
-def _corrupt_crypttext_hash_tree(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field containing the crypttext hash tree will have one
- bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value.
- """
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- if sharevernum == 1:
- crypttexthashtreeoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x14:0x0c+0x14+4])[0]
- blockhashesoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x18:0x0c+0x18+4])[0]
- else:
- crypttexthashtreeoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x24:0x0c+0x24+8])[0]
- blockhashesoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x2c:0x0c+0x2c+8])[0]
- return corrupt_field(data, crypttexthashtreeoffset, blockhashesoffset-crypttexthashtreeoffset)
-def _corrupt_block_hashes(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field containing the block hash tree will have one bit
- flipped or else will be changed to a random value.
- """
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- if sharevernum == 1:
- blockhashesoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x18:0x0c+0x18+4])[0]
- sharehashesoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x1c:0x0c+0x1c+4])[0]
- else:
- blockhashesoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x2c:0x0c+0x2c+8])[0]
- sharehashesoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x34:0x0c+0x34+8])[0]
- return corrupt_field(data, blockhashesoffset, sharehashesoffset-blockhashesoffset)
-def _corrupt_share_hashes(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field containing the share hash chain will have one
- bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value.
- """
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- if sharevernum == 1:
- sharehashesoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x1c:0x0c+0x1c+4])[0]
- uriextoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x20:0x0c+0x20+4])[0]
- else:
- sharehashesoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x34:0x0c+0x34+8])[0]
- uriextoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x3c:0x0c+0x3c+8])[0]
- return corrupt_field(data, sharehashesoffset, uriextoffset-sharehashesoffset)
-def _corrupt_length_of_uri_extension(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field showing the length of the uri extension will
- have one bit flipped or else will be changed to a random value. """
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- if sharevernum == 1:
- uriextoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x20:0x0c+0x20+4])[0]
- return corrupt_field(data, uriextoffset, 4)
- else:
- uriextoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x3c:0x0c+0x3c+8])[0]
- return corrupt_field(data, uriextoffset, 8)
-def _corrupt_uri_extension(data):
- """ Scramble the file data -- the field containing the uri extension will have one bit
- flipped or else will be changed to a random value. """
- sharevernum = struct.unpack(">l", data[0x0c:0x0c+4])[0]
- assert sharevernum in (1, 2), "This test is designed to corrupt immutable shares of v1 or v2 in specific ways."
- if sharevernum == 1:
- uriextoffset = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+0x20:0x0c+0x20+4])[0]
- uriextlen = struct.unpack(">L", data[0x0c+uriextoffset:0x0c+uriextoffset+4])[0]
- else:
- uriextoffset = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+0x3c:0x0c+0x3c+8])[0]
- uriextlen = struct.unpack(">Q", data[0x0c+uriextoffset:0x0c+uriextoffset+8])[0]
- return corrupt_field(data, uriextoffset, uriextlen)
-class Test(ShareManglingMixin, unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- # Set self.basedir to a temp dir which has the name of the current test method in its
- # name.
- self.basedir = self.mktemp()
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(SystemTestMixin.setUp, self)
- d.addCallback(lambda x: self.set_up_nodes())
- def _upload_a_file(ignored):
- client = self.clients[0]
- # We need multiple segments to test crypttext hash trees that are non-trivial
- # (i.e. they have more than just one hash in them).
- client.DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS['max_segment_size'] = 12
- d2 = client.upload(upload.Data(TEST_DATA, convergence=""))
- def _after_upload(u):
- self.uri = IURI(u.uri)
- return self.clients[0].create_node_from_uri(self.uri)
- d2.addCallback(_after_upload)
- return d2
- d.addCallback(_upload_a_file)
- def _stash_it(filenode):
- self.filenode = filenode
- d.addCallback(_stash_it)
- return d
- def _download_and_check_plaintext(self, unused=None):
- self.downloader = self.clients[1].getServiceNamed("downloader")
- d = self.downloader.download_to_data(self.uri)
- def _after_download(result):
- self.failUnlessEqual(result, TEST_DATA)
- d.addCallback(_after_download)
- return d
- def _delete_a_share(self, unused=None, sharenum=None):
- """ Delete one share. """
- shares = self.find_shares()
- ks = shares.keys()
- if sharenum is not None:
- k = [ key for key in shares.keys() if key[1] == sharenum ][0]
- else:
- k = random.choice(ks)
- del shares[k]
- self.replace_shares(shares, storage_index=self.uri.storage_index)
- return unused
+class Test(common.ShareManglingMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def test_test_code(self):
# The following process of stashing the shares, running
# replace_shares, and asserting that the new set of shares equals the
stash[0] = res
return res
- d.addCallback(self.replace_shares, storage_index=self.uri.storage_index)
- def _compare(res):
- oldshares = stash[0]
- self.failUnless(isinstance(oldshares, dict), oldshares)
- self.failUnlessEqual(oldshares, res)
- d.addCallback(self.find_shares)
- d.addCallback(_compare)
- d.addCallback(lambda ignore: self.replace_shares({}, storage_index=self.uri.storage_index))
- d.addCallback(self.find_shares)
- d.addCallback(lambda x: self.failUnlessEqual(x, {}))
# The following process of deleting 8 of the shares and asserting that you can't
# download it is more to test this test code than to test the Tahoe code...
d.addCallbacks(_after_download_callb, _after_download_errb)
- # The following process of leaving 8 of the shares deleted and asserting that you can't
- # repair it is more to test this test code than to test the Tahoe code...
- #TODO def _then_repair(unused=None):
- #TODO d2 = self.filenode.check_and_repair(Monitor(), verify=False)
- #TODO def _after_repair(checkandrepairresults):
- #TODO prerepairres = checkandrepairresults.get_pre_repair_results()
- #TODO postrepairres = checkandrepairresults.get_post_repair_results()
- #TODO self.failIf(prerepairres.is_healthy())
- #TODO self.failIf(postrepairres.is_healthy())
- #TODO d2.addCallback(_after_repair)
- #TODO return d2
- #TODO d.addCallback(_then_repair)
return d
- def _count_reads(self):
- sum_of_read_counts = 0
- for client in self.clients:
- counters = client.stats_provider.get_stats()['counters']
- sum_of_read_counts += counters.get('storage_server.read', 0)
- return sum_of_read_counts
- def _count_allocates(self):
- sum_of_allocate_counts = 0
- for client in self.clients:
- counters = client.stats_provider.get_stats()['counters']
- sum_of_allocate_counts += counters.get('storage_server.allocate', 0)
- return sum_of_allocate_counts
- def _corrupt_a_share(self, unused, corruptor_func, sharenum):
- shares = self.find_shares()
- ks = [ key for key in shares.keys() if key[1] == sharenum ]
- assert ks, (shares.keys(), sharenum)
- k = ks[0]
- shares[k] = corruptor_func(shares[k])
- self.replace_shares(shares, storage_index=self.uri.storage_index)
- return corruptor_func
- def _corrupt_all_shares(self, unused, corruptor_func):
- """ All shares on disk will be corrupted by corruptor_func. """
- shares = self.find_shares()
- for k in shares.keys():
- self._corrupt_a_share(unused, corruptor_func, k[1])
- return corruptor_func
- def _corrupt_a_random_share(self, unused, corruptor_func):
- """ Exactly one share on disk will be corrupted by corruptor_func. """
- shares = self.find_shares()
- ks = shares.keys()
- k = random.choice(ks)
- self._corrupt_a_share(unused, corruptor_func, k[1])
- return corruptor_func
def test_download(self):
""" Basic download. (This functionality is more or less already tested by test code in
other modules, but this module is also going to test some more specific things about
shnums = range(10)
for i in shnums[:7]:
- self._corrupt_a_share(None, _corrupt_offset_of_block_hashes_to_truncate_crypttext_hashes, i)
+ self._corrupt_a_share(None, common._corrupt_offset_of_block_hashes_to_truncate_crypttext_hashes, i)
before_download_reads = self._count_reads()
shnums = range(10)
for shnum in shnums[:8]:
- self._corrupt_a_share(None, _corrupt_sharedata_version_number, shnum)
+ self._corrupt_a_share(None, common._corrupt_sharedata_version_number, shnum)
before_download_reads = self._count_reads()
return d
- def test_check_without_verify(self):
- """ Check says the file is healthy when none of the shares have been touched. It says
- that the file is unhealthy when all of them have been removed. It doesn't use any reads.
- """
- d = defer.succeed(self.filenode)
- def _check1(filenode):
- before_check_reads = self._count_reads()
- d2 = filenode.check(Monitor(), verify=False)
- def _after_check(checkresults):
- after_check_reads = self._count_reads()
- self.failIf(after_check_reads - before_check_reads > 0, after_check_reads - before_check_reads)
- self.failUnless(checkresults.is_healthy())
- d2.addCallback(_after_check)
- return d2
- d.addCallback(_check1)
- d.addCallback(lambda ignore: self.replace_shares({}, storage_index=self.uri.storage_index))
- def _check2(ignored):
- before_check_reads = self._count_reads()
- d2 = self.filenode.check(Monitor(), verify=False)
- def _after_check(checkresults):
- after_check_reads = self._count_reads()
- self.failIf(after_check_reads - before_check_reads > 0, after_check_reads - before_check_reads)
- self.failIf(checkresults.is_healthy())
- d2.addCallback(_after_check)
- return d2
- d.addCallback(_check2)
- return d
- def _help_test_verify(self, corruptor_funcs, judgement_func):
- LEEWAY = 18 # We'll allow you to pass this test even if you trigger eighteen times as many disk reads and blocks sends as would be optimal.
- DELTA_READS = 10 * LEEWAY # N = 10
- d = defer.succeed(None)
- d.addCallback(self.find_shares)
- stash = [None]
- def _stash_it(res):
- stash[0] = res
- return res
- d.addCallback(_stash_it)
- def _put_it_all_back(ignored):
- self.replace_shares(stash[0], storage_index=self.uri.storage_index)
- return ignored
- def _verify_after_corruption(corruptor_func):
- before_check_reads = self._count_reads()
- d2 = self.filenode.check(Monitor(), verify=True)
- def _after_check(checkresults):
- after_check_reads = self._count_reads()
- self.failIf(after_check_reads - before_check_reads > DELTA_READS, (after_check_reads, before_check_reads))
- try:
- return judgement_func(checkresults)
- except Exception, le:
- le.args = tuple(le.args + ("corruptor_func: " + corruptor_func.__name__,))
- raise
- d2.addCallback(_after_check)
- return d2
- for corruptor_func in corruptor_funcs:
- d.addCallback(self._corrupt_a_random_share, corruptor_func)
- d.addCallback(_verify_after_corruption)
- d.addCallback(_put_it_all_back)
- return d
- def test_verify_no_problem(self):
- """ Verify says the file is healthy when none of the shares have been touched in a way
- that matters. It doesn't use more than seven times as many reads as it needs."""
- def judge(checkresults):
- self.failUnless(checkresults.is_healthy(), (checkresults, checkresults.is_healthy(), checkresults.get_data()))
- data = checkresults.get_data()
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-good'] == 10, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['sharemap']) == 10, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-needed'] == 3, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-expected'] == 10, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-good-share-hosts'] == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['servers-responding']) == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == 0, data)
- return self._help_test_verify([
- _corrupt_nothing,
- _corrupt_size_of_file_data,
- _corrupt_size_of_sharedata,
- _corrupt_segment_size, ], judge)
- def test_verify_server_visible_corruption(self):
- """ Corruption which is detected by the server means that the server will send you back
- a Failure in response to get_bucket instead of giving you the share data. Test that
- verifier handles these answers correctly. It doesn't use more than seven times as many
- reads as it needs."""
- def judge(checkresults):
- self.failIf(checkresults.is_healthy(), (checkresults, checkresults.is_healthy(), checkresults.get_data()))
- data = checkresults.get_data()
- # The server might fail to serve up its other share as well as the corrupted
- # one, so count-shares-good could be 8 or 9.
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-good'] in (8, 9), data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['sharemap']) in (8, 9,), data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-needed'] == 3, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-expected'] == 10, data)
- # The server may have served up the non-corrupted share, or it may not have, so
- # the checker could have detected either 4 or 5 good servers.
- self.failUnless(data['count-good-share-hosts'] in (4, 5), data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['servers-responding']) in (4, 5), data)
- # If the server served up the other share, then the checker should consider it good, else it should
- # not.
- self.failUnless((data['count-shares-good'] == 9) == (data['count-good-share-hosts'] == 5), data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == 0, data)
- return self._help_test_verify([
- _corrupt_file_version_number,
- ], judge)
- def test_verify_share_incompatibility(self):
- def judge(checkresults):
- self.failIf(checkresults.is_healthy(), (checkresults, checkresults.is_healthy(), checkresults.get_data()))
- data = checkresults.get_data()
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-good'] == 9, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['sharemap']) == 9, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-needed'] == 3, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-expected'] == 10, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-good-share-hosts'] == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['servers-responding']) == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == 1, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == data['count-corrupt-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == data['count-incompatible-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == 0, data)
- return self._help_test_verify([
- _corrupt_sharedata_version_number,
- ], judge)
- def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption(self):
- def judge(checkresults):
- self.failIf(checkresults.is_healthy(), (checkresults, checkresults.is_healthy(), checkresults.get_data()))
- data = checkresults.get_data()
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-good'] == 9, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-needed'] == 3, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-expected'] == 10, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-good-share-hosts'] == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-corrupt-shares'] == 1, (data,))
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == 1, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == data['count-corrupt-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == data['count-incompatible-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == 0, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['servers-responding']) == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['sharemap']) == 9, data)
- return self._help_test_verify([
- _corrupt_offset_of_sharedata,
- _corrupt_offset_of_uri_extension,
- _corrupt_offset_of_uri_extension_to_force_short_read,
- _corrupt_share_data,
- _corrupt_length_of_uri_extension,
- _corrupt_uri_extension,
- ], judge)
- def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_block_hashtree_to_truncate_crypttext_hashtree_TODO(self):
- def judge(checkresults):
- self.failIf(checkresults.is_healthy(), (checkresults, checkresults.is_healthy(), checkresults.get_data()))
- data = checkresults.get_data()
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-good'] == 9, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-needed'] == 3, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-expected'] == 10, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-good-share-hosts'] == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-corrupt-shares'] == 1, (data,))
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == 1, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == data['count-corrupt-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == data['count-incompatible-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == 0, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['servers-responding']) == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['sharemap']) == 9, data)
- return self._help_test_verify([
- _corrupt_offset_of_block_hashes_to_truncate_crypttext_hashes,
- ], judge)
- test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_block_hashtree_to_truncate_crypttext_hashtree_TODO.todo = "Verifier doesn't yet properly detect this kind of corruption."
- def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_block_hashtree_TODO(self):
- def judge(checkresults):
- self.failIf(checkresults.is_healthy(), (checkresults, checkresults.is_healthy(), checkresults.get_data()))
- data = checkresults.get_data()
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-good'] == 9, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-needed'] == 3, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-expected'] == 10, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-good-share-hosts'] == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-corrupt-shares'] == 1, (data,))
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == 1, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == data['count-corrupt-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == data['count-incompatible-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == 0, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['servers-responding']) == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['sharemap']) == 9, data)
- return self._help_test_verify([
- _corrupt_offset_of_block_hashes,
- ], judge)
- test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_block_hashtree_TODO.todo = "Verifier doesn't yet properly detect this kind of corruption."
- def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_sharedata_plausible_version(self):
- def judge(checkresults):
- self.failIf(checkresults.is_healthy(), (checkresults, checkresults.is_healthy(), checkresults.get_data()))
- data = checkresults.get_data()
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-good'] == 9, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-needed'] == 3, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-expected'] == 10, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-good-share-hosts'] == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-corrupt-shares'] == 1, (data,))
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == 1, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == data['count-corrupt-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == data['count-incompatible-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == 0, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['servers-responding']) == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['sharemap']) == 9, data)
- return self._help_test_verify([
- _corrupt_sharedata_version_number_to_plausible_version,
- ], judge)
- def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_share_hashtree_TODO(self):
- def judge(checkresults):
- self.failIf(checkresults.is_healthy(), (checkresults, checkresults.is_healthy(), checkresults.get_data()))
- data = checkresults.get_data()
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-good'] == 9, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-needed'] == 3, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-expected'] == 10, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-good-share-hosts'] == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-corrupt-shares'] == 1, (data,))
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == 1, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == data['count-corrupt-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == data['count-incompatible-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == 0, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['servers-responding']) == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['sharemap']) == 9, data)
- return self._help_test_verify([
- _corrupt_offset_of_share_hashes,
- ], judge)
- test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_share_hashtree_TODO.todo = "Verifier doesn't yet properly detect this kind of corruption."
- def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_ciphertext_hashtree_TODO(self):
- def judge(checkresults):
- self.failIf(checkresults.is_healthy(), (checkresults, checkresults.is_healthy(), checkresults.get_data()))
- data = checkresults.get_data()
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-good'] == 9, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-needed'] == 3, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-expected'] == 10, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-good-share-hosts'] == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-corrupt-shares'] == 1, (data,))
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == 1, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == data['count-corrupt-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == data['count-incompatible-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == 0, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['servers-responding']) == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['sharemap']) == 9, data)
- return self._help_test_verify([
- _corrupt_offset_of_ciphertext_hash_tree,
- ], judge)
- test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_ciphertext_hashtree_TODO.todo = "Verifier doesn't yet properly detect this kind of corruption."
- def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_cryptext_hash_tree_TODO(self):
- def judge(checkresults):
- self.failIf(checkresults.is_healthy(), (checkresults, checkresults.is_healthy(), checkresults.get_data()))
- data = checkresults.get_data()
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-good'] == 9, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-needed'] == 3, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-expected'] == 10, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-good-share-hosts'] == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-corrupt-shares'] == 1, (data,))
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == 1, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == data['count-corrupt-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == data['count-incompatible-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == 0, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['servers-responding']) == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['sharemap']) == 9, data)
- return self._help_test_verify([
- _corrupt_crypttext_hash_tree,
- ], judge)
- test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_cryptext_hash_tree_TODO.todo = "Verifier doesn't yet properly detect this kind of corruption."
- def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_block_hash_tree_TODO(self):
- def judge(checkresults):
- self.failIf(checkresults.is_healthy(), (checkresults, checkresults.is_healthy(), checkresults.get_data()))
- data = checkresults.get_data()
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-good'] == 9, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-needed'] == 3, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-expected'] == 10, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-good-share-hosts'] == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-corrupt-shares'] == 1, (data,))
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == 1, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == data['count-corrupt-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == data['count-incompatible-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == 0, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['servers-responding']) == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['sharemap']) == 9, data)
- return self._help_test_verify([
- _corrupt_block_hashes,
- ], judge)
- test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_block_hash_tree_TODO.todo = "Verifier doesn't yet properly detect this kind of corruption."
- def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_share_hash_tree_TODO(self):
- def judge(checkresults):
- self.failIf(checkresults.is_healthy(), (checkresults, checkresults.is_healthy(), checkresults.get_data()))
- data = checkresults.get_data()
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-good'] == 9, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-needed'] == 3, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-shares-expected'] == 10, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-good-share-hosts'] == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(data['count-corrupt-shares'] == 1, (data,))
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == 1, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-corrupt-shares']) == data['count-corrupt-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == data['count-incompatible-shares'], data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['list-incompatible-shares']) == 0, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['servers-responding']) == 5, data)
- self.failUnless(len(data['sharemap']) == 9, data)
- return self._help_test_verify([
- _corrupt_share_hashes,
- ], judge)
- test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_share_hash_tree_TODO.todo = "Verifier doesn't yet properly detect this kind of corruption."
- def test_repair(self):
- """ Repair replaces a share that got deleted. """
- # N == 10. 7 is the "efficiency leeway" -- we'll allow you to pass this test even if
- # you trigger seven times as many disk reads and blocks sends as would be optimal.
- DELTA_READS = 10 * 7
- # We'll allow you to pass this test only if you repair the missing share using only a
- # single allocate.
- d = defer.succeed(self.filenode)
- d.addCallback(self._delete_a_share, sharenum=2)
- def _repair_from_deletion_of_1(filenode):
- before_repair_reads = self._count_reads()
- before_repair_allocates = self._count_allocates()
- d2 = filenode.check_and_repair(Monitor(), verify=False)
- def _after_repair(checkandrepairresults):
- assert isinstance(checkandrepairresults, check_results.CheckAndRepairResults), checkandrepairresults
- prerepairres = checkandrepairresults.get_pre_repair_results()
- assert isinstance(prerepairres, check_results.CheckResults), prerepairres
- postrepairres = checkandrepairresults.get_post_repair_results()
- assert isinstance(postrepairres, check_results.CheckResults), postrepairres
- after_repair_reads = self._count_reads()
- after_repair_allocates = self._count_allocates()
- # print "delta was ", after_repair_reads - before_repair_reads, after_repair_allocates - before_repair_allocates
- self.failIf(after_repair_reads - before_repair_reads > DELTA_READS)
- self.failIf(after_repair_allocates - before_repair_allocates > DELTA_ALLOCATES)
- self.failIf(prerepairres.is_healthy())
- self.failUnless(postrepairres.is_healthy())
- # Now we inspect the filesystem to make sure that it has 10 shares.
- shares = self.find_shares()
- self.failIf(len(shares) < 10)
- # Now we delete seven of the other shares, then try to download the file and
- # assert that it succeeds at downloading and has the right contents. This can't
- # work unless it has already repaired the previously-deleted share #2.
- for sharenum in range(3, 10):
- self._delete_a_share(sharenum=sharenum)
- return self._download_and_check_plaintext()
- d2.addCallback(_after_repair)
- return d2
- d.addCallback(_repair_from_deletion_of_1)
- # Now we repair again to get all of those 7 back...
- def _repair_from_deletion_of_7(filenode):
- before_repair_reads = self._count_reads()
- before_repair_allocates = self._count_allocates()
- d2 = filenode.check_and_repair(Monitor(), verify=False)
- def _after_repair(checkandrepairresults):
- prerepairres = checkandrepairresults.get_pre_repair_results()
- postrepairres = checkandrepairresults.get_post_repair_results()
- after_repair_reads = self._count_reads()
- after_repair_allocates = self._count_allocates()
- # print "delta was ", after_repair_reads - before_repair_reads, after_repair_allocates - before_repair_allocates
- self.failIf(after_repair_reads - before_repair_reads > DELTA_READS)
- self.failIf(after_repair_allocates - before_repair_allocates > (DELTA_ALLOCATES*7))
- self.failIf(prerepairres.is_healthy())
- self.failUnless(postrepairres.is_healthy())
- # Now we inspect the filesystem to make sure that it has 10 shares.
- shares = self.find_shares()
- self.failIf(len(shares) < 10)
- return self._download_and_check_plaintext()
- d2.addCallback(_after_repair)
- return d2
- d.addCallback(_repair_from_deletion_of_7)
- def _repair_from_corruption(filenode):
- before_repair_reads = self._count_reads()
- before_repair_allocates = self._count_allocates()
- d2 = filenode.check_and_repair(Monitor(), verify=False)
- def _after_repair(checkandrepairresults):
- prerepairres = checkandrepairresults.get_pre_repair_results()
- postrepairres = checkandrepairresults.get_post_repair_results()
- after_repair_reads = self._count_reads()
- after_repair_allocates = self._count_allocates()
- # print "delta was ", after_repair_reads - before_repair_reads, after_repair_allocates - before_repair_allocates
- self.failIf(after_repair_reads - before_repair_reads > DELTA_READS)
- self.failIf(after_repair_allocates - before_repair_allocates > DELTA_ALLOCATES)
- self.failIf(prerepairres.is_healthy())
- self.failUnless(postrepairres.is_healthy())
- return self._download_and_check_plaintext()
- d2.addCallback(_after_repair)
- return d2
- for corruptor_func in (
- _corrupt_file_version_number,
- _corrupt_sharedata_version_number,
- _corrupt_sharedata_version_number_to_plausible_version,
- _corrupt_offset_of_sharedata,
- _corrupt_offset_of_ciphertext_hash_tree,
- _corrupt_offset_of_block_hashes,
- _corrupt_offset_of_share_hashes,
- _corrupt_offset_of_uri_extension,
- _corrupt_share_data,
- _corrupt_crypttext_hash_tree,
- _corrupt_block_hashes,
- _corrupt_share_hashes,
- _corrupt_length_of_uri_extension,
- _corrupt_uri_extension,
- ):
- # Now we corrupt a share...
- d.addCallback(self._corrupt_a_random_share, corruptor_func)
- # And repair...
- d.addCallback(_repair_from_corruption)
- return d
- test_repair.todo = "We haven't implemented a repairer yet."
-# XXX extend these tests to show that the checker detects which specific share on which specific server is broken -- this is necessary so that the checker results can be passed to the repairer and the repairer can go ahead and upload fixes without first doing what is effectively a check (/verify) run
# XXX extend these tests to show bad behavior of various kinds from servers: raising exception from each remove_foo() method, for example
# XXX test disconnect DeadReferenceError from get_buckets and get_block_whatsit
-# XXX test corruption that truncates other hash trees than just the crypttext hash tree