import sys
import os
+import stat
+import traceback
+TAHOE_SCRIPT = '''#!/bin/bash
+if [ "x${@}x" == "xx" ]
+ %(exe)s --help
+ %(exe)s "${@}"
def run_default_node():
import operator
- import os
basedir = os.path.expanduser('~/.tahoe')
if not os.path.isdir(basedir):
print 'files missing, not opening initial webish root page'
+ def maybe_install_tahoe_script():
+ path_candidates = ['/usr/local/bin', '~/bin', '~/Library/bin']
+ env_path = map(os.path.expanduser, os.environ['PATH'].split(':'))
+ if not sys.executable.endswith('/python'):
+ print 'not installing tahoe script: unexpected sys.exe "%s"' % (sys.executable,)
+ return
+ for path_candidate in map(os.path.expanduser, path_candidates):
+ if path_candidate not in env_path:
+ print path_candidate, 'not in', env_path
+ continue
+ tahoe_path = path_candidate + '/tahoe'
+ try:
+ if os.path.exists(tahoe_path):
+ print 'not installing "%s": it already exists' % (tahoe_path,)
+ return
+ print 'trying to install "%s"' % (tahoe_path,)
+ bin_path = (sys.executable[:-6] + 'Allmydata Tahoe').replace(' ', '\\ ')
+ script = TAHOE_SCRIPT % { 'exe': bin_path }
+ f = file(tahoe_path, 'wb')
+ f.write(script)
+ f.close()
+ mode = stat.S_IRUSR|stat.S_IXUSR|stat.S_IRGRP|stat.S_IXGRP|stat.S_IROTH|stat.S_IXOTH
+ os.chmod(tahoe_path, mode)
+ print 'installed "%s"' % (tahoe_path,)
+ return
+ except:
+ print 'unable to write %s' % (tahoe_path,)
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ else:
+ print 'no remaining candidate paths for installation of tahoe script'
+ maybe_install_tahoe_script()
# run the node itself
c = client.Client(basedir)