from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from twisted.web import client, error, http
from twisted.python import failure, log
+from nevow import rend
from allmydata import interfaces, uri, webish
from import MutableShareFile
from import ShareFile
return d
+ def test_exceptions(self):
+ self.basedir = "web/Grid/exceptions"
+ self.set_up_grid(num_clients=1, num_servers=2)
+ c0 = self.g.clients[0]
+ self.fileurls = {}
+ DATA = "data" * 100
+ d = c0.create_empty_dirnode()
+ def _stash_root(n):
+ self.fileurls["root"] = "uri/" + urllib.quote(n.get_uri()) + "/"
+ self.fileurls["imaginary"] = self.fileurls["root"] + "imaginary"
+ return n
+ d.addCallback(_stash_root)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ign: c0.upload(upload.Data(DATA, convergence="")))
+ def _stash_bad(ur):
+ self.fileurls["1share"] = "uri/" + urllib.quote(ur.uri)
+ self.delete_shares_numbered(ur.uri, range(1,10))
+ u = uri.from_string(ur.uri)
+ u.key = testutil.flip_bit(u.key, 0)
+ baduri = u.to_string()
+ self.fileurls["0shares"] = "uri/" + urllib.quote(baduri)
+ d.addCallback(_stash_bad)
+ # NotEnoughSharesError should be reported sensibly, with a
+ # text/plain explanation of the problem, and perhaps some
+ # information on which shares *could* be found.
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldHTTPError("GET unrecoverable",
+ 410, "Gone", "NotEnoughSharesError",
+ self.GET, self.fileurls["0shares"]))
+ def _check_zero_shares(body):
+ self.failIf("<html>" in body, body)
+ body = " ".join(body.strip().split())
+ exp = ("NotEnoughSharesError: no shares could be found. "
+ "Zero shares usually indicates a corrupt URI, or that "
+ "no servers were connected, but it might also indicate "
+ "severe corruption. You should perform a filecheck on "
+ "this object to learn more.")
+ self.failUnlessEqual(exp, body)
+ d.addCallback(_check_zero_shares)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldHTTPError("GET 1share",
+ 410, "Gone", "NotEnoughSharesError",
+ self.GET, self.fileurls["1share"]))
+ def _check_one_share(body):
+ self.failIf("<html>" in body, body)
+ body = " ".join(body.strip().split())
+ exp = ("NotEnoughSharesError: 1 share found, but we need "
+ "3 to recover the file. This indicates that some "
+ "servers were unavailable, or that shares have been "
+ "lost to server departure, hard drive failure, or disk "
+ "corruption. You should perform a filecheck on "
+ "this object to learn more.")
+ self.failUnlessEqual(exp, body)
+ d.addCallback(_check_one_share)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldHTTPError("GET imaginary",
+ 404, "Not Found", None,
+ self.GET, self.fileurls["imaginary"]))
+ def _missing_child(body):
+ self.failUnless("No such child: imaginary" in body, body)
+ d.addCallback(_missing_child)
+ # attach a webapi child that throws a random error, to test how it
+ # gets rendered.
+ w = c0.getServiceNamed("webish")
+ w.root.putChild("ERRORBOOM", ErrorBoom())
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldHTTPError("GET errorboom_html",
+ 500, "Internal Server Error", None,
+ self.GET, "ERRORBOOM"))
+ def _internal_error_html(body):
+ # test that a weird exception during a webapi operation with
+ # Accept:*/* results in a text/html stack trace, while one
+ # without that Accept: line gets us a text/plain stack trace
+ self.failUnless("<html>" in body, "expected HTML, not '%s'" % body)
+ d.addCallback(_internal_error_html)
+ d.addCallback(lambda ignored:
+ self.shouldHTTPError("GET errorboom_text",
+ 500, "Internal Server Error", None,
+ self.GET, "ERRORBOOM",
+ headers={"accept": ["text/plain"]}))
+ def _internal_error_text(body):
+ # test that a weird exception during a webapi operation with
+ # Accept:*/* results in a text/html stack trace, while one
+ # without that Accept: line gets us a text/plain stack trace
+ self.failIf("<html>" in body, body)
+ self.failUnless(body.startswith("Traceback "), body)
+ d.addCallback(_internal_error_text)
+ def _flush_errors(res):
+ # Trial: please ignore the CompletelyUnhandledError in the logs
+ self.flushLoggedErrors(CompletelyUnhandledError)
+ return res
+ d.addBoth(_flush_errors)
+ return d
+class CompletelyUnhandledError(Exception):
+ pass
+class ErrorBoom(rend.Page):
+ def beforeRender(self, ctx):
+ raise CompletelyUnhandledError("whoops")
"No such child: %s" % name.encode("utf-8"),
elif f.check(NotEnoughSharesError):
- return self.simple(ctx, str(f), http.GONE)
+ got =
+ needed = f.value.needed
+ if got == 0:
+ t = ("NotEnoughSharesError: no shares could be found. "
+ "Zero shares usually indicates a corrupt URI, or that "
+ "no servers were connected, but it might also indicate "
+ "severe corruption. You should perform a filecheck on "
+ "this object to learn more.")
+ else:
+ t = ("NotEnoughSharesError: %d share%s found, but we need "
+ "%d to recover the file. This indicates that some "
+ "servers were unavailable, or that shares have been "
+ "lost to server departure, hard drive failure, or disk "
+ "corruption. You should perform a filecheck on "
+ "this object to learn more.") % (got, plural(got), needed)
+ return self.simple(ctx, t, http.GONE)
elif f.check(WebError):
return self.simple(ctx, f.value.text, f.value.code)
elif f.check(FileTooLargeError):
from allmydata.util import log, base32
from allmydata.web.common import text_plain, WebError, RenderMixin, \
- boolean_of_arg, get_arg, should_create_intermediate_directories
+ boolean_of_arg, get_arg, should_create_intermediate_directories, \
+ MyExceptionHandler
from allmydata.web.check_results import CheckResults, \
CheckAndRepairResults, LiteralCheckResults
from import MoreInfo
# We don't have a lot of options, unfortunately.
req.write("problem during download\n")
+ req.finish()
# We haven't written anything yet, so we can provide a
# sensible error message.
- msg = str(f.type)
- msg.replace("\n", "|")
- req.setResponseCode(http.GONE, msg)
- req.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
- req.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders("content-encoding", [])
- req.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders("content-disposition", [])
- # TODO: HTML-formatted exception?
- req.write(str(f))
- d.addErrback(_error)
- d.addBoth(lambda ign: req.finish())
+ eh = MyExceptionHandler()
+ eh.renderHTTP_exception(ctx, f)
+ d.addCallbacks(lambda ign: req.finish(), _error)
return req.deferred