From: Brian Warner <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 06:01:25 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: docs/nodekeys.rst: explain what node keys are for, with compatibility notes
X-Git-Tag: allmydata-tahoe-1.10.0b2~6

docs/nodekeys.rst: explain what node keys are for, with compatibility notes

diff --git a/docs/nodekeys.rst b/docs/nodekeys.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ea5eb39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/nodekeys.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+Node Keys in Tahoe-LAFS
+"Node Keys" are cryptographic signing/verifying keypairs used to
+identify Tahoe-LAFS nodes (client-only and client+server). The private
+signing key is stored in NODEDIR/private/node.privkey , and is used to
+sign the announcements that are distributed to all nodes by the
+Introducer. The public verifying key is used to identify the sending
+node from those other systems: it is displayed as a "Node ID" that looks
+like "v0-abc234xyz567..", which ends with a long base32-encoded string.
+These node keys were introduced in the 1.10 release (April 2013), as
+part of ticket #466. In previous releases, announcements were unsigned,
+and nodes were identified by their Foolscap "Tub ID" (a somewhat shorter
+base32 string, with no "v0-" prefix).
+Why Announcements Are Signed
+All nodes (both client-only and client+server) publish announcements to
+the Introducer, which then relays them to all other nodes. These
+announcements contain information about the publishing node's nickname,
+how to reach the node, what services it offers, and what version of code
+it is running.
+The new private node key is used to sign these announcements, preventing
+the Introducer from modifying their contents en-route. This will enable
+future versions of Tahoe-LAFS to use other forms of introduction
+(gossip, multiple introducers) without weakening the security model.
+The Node ID is useful as a handle with which to talk about a node. For
+example, when clients eventually gain the ability to control which
+storage servers they are willing to use (#467), the configuration file
+might simply include a list of Node IDs for the approved servers.
+TubIDs are currently also suitable for this job, but they depend upon
+having a Foolscap connection to the server. Since our goal is to move
+away from Foolscap towards a simpler (faster and more portable)
+protocol, we want to reduce our dependence upon TubIDs. Node IDs and
+Ed25519 signatures can be used for non-Foolscap non-SSL based protocols.
+How The Node ID Is Computed
+The long-form Node ID is the Ed25519 public verifying key, 256 bits (32
+bytes) long, base32-encoded, with a "v0-" prefix appended, and the
+trailing "=" padding removed, like so:
+  v0-rlj3jnxqv4ee5rtpyngvzbhmhuikjfenjve7j5mzmfcxytwmyf6q
+The Node ID is displayed in this long form on the node's front Welcome
+page, and on the Introducer's status page. In most other places
+(share-placement lists, file health displays), the "short form" is used
+instead. This is simply the first 8 characters of the base32 portion,
+frequently enclosed in square brackets, like this:
+  [rlj3jnxq]
+In contrast, old-style TubIDs are usually displayed with just 6 base32
+Version Compatibility, Fallbacks For Old Versions
+Since Tahoe-LAFS 1.9 does not know about signed announcements, 1.10
+includes backwards-compatibility code to allow old and new versions to
+interoperate. There are three relevant participants: the node publishing
+an announcement, the Introducer which relays them, and the node
+receiving the (possibly signed) announcement.
+When a 1.10 node connects to an old Introducer (version 1.9 or earlier),
+it sends downgraded non-signed announcements. It likewise accepts
+non-signed announcements from the Introducer. The non-signed
+announcements use TubIDs to identify the sending node. The new 1.10
+Introducer, when it connects to an old node, downgrades any signed
+announcements to non-signed ones before delivery.
+As a result, the only way to receive signed announcements is for all
+three systems to be running the new 1.10 code. In a grid with a mixture
+of old and new nodes, if the Introducer is old, then all nodes will see
+unsigned TubIDs. If the Introducer is new, then nodes will see signed
+Node IDs whenever possible.
+Share Placement
+Tahoe-LAFS uses a "permuted ring" algorithm to decide where to place
+shares for any given file. For each potential server, it uses that
+server's "permutation seed" to compute a pseudo-random but deterministic
+location on a ring, then walks the ring in clockwise order, asking each
+server in turn to hold a share until all are placed. When downloading a
+file, the servers are accessed in the same order. This minimizes the
+number of queries that must be done to download a file, and tolerates
+"churn" (nodes being added and removed from the grid) fairly well.
+This property depends upon server nodes having a stable permutation
+seed. If a server's permutation seed were to change, it would
+effectively wind up at a randomly selected place on the permuted ring.
+Downloads would still complete, but clients would spend more time asking
+other servers before querying the correct one.
+In the old 1.9 code, the permutation-seed was always equal to the TubID.
+In 1.10, servers include their permutation-seed as part of their
+announcement. To improve stability for existing grids, if an old server
+(one with existing shares) is upgraded to run the 1.10 codebase, it will
+use its old TubID as its permutation-seed. When a new empty server runs
+the 1.10 code, it will use its Node ID instead. In both cases, once the
+node has picked a permutation-seed, it will continue using that value
+To be specific, when a node wakes up running the 1.10 code, it will look
+for a recorded NODEDIR/permutation-seed file, and use its contents if
+present. If that file does not exist, it creates it (with the TubID if
+it has any shares, otherwise with the Node ID), and uses the contents as
+the permutation-seed.
+There is one unfortunate consequence of this pattern. If new 1.10 server
+is created in a grid that has an old client, or has a new client but an
+old Introducer, then that client will see downgraded non-signed
+announcements, and thus will first upload shares with the TubID-based
+permutation-seed. Later, when the client and/or Introducer is upgraded,
+the client will start seeing signed announcements with the NodeID-based
+permutation-seed, and will then look for shares in the wrong place. This
+will hurt performance in a large grid, but should not affect
+reliability. This effect shouldn't even be noticeable in grids for which
+the number of servers is close to the "N" number (e.g.
+where num-servers < 3*N). And the as-yet-unimplemented "share
+rebalancing" feature should repair the misplacement.
+If you wish to avoid this effect, try to upgrade both Introducers and
+clients at about the same time. (Upgrading servers does not matter: they
+will continue to use the old permutation-seed).