2014-12-26 Ramakrishnan... hw9: no homework
2014-12-26 Ramakrishnan... hw8: exercise 5
2014-12-26 Ramakrishnan... exercise 4
2014-12-26 Ramakrishnan... bug fix in moreFun and solution to exercise 3
2014-12-26 Ramakrishnan... treeFold: two very different implementations.
2014-12-25 Ramakrishnan... hw8: exercise 1 solutions
2014-12-25 Ramakrishnan... hw8: starting material
2014-12-25 Ramakrishnan... convert to point free style
2014-12-25 Ramakrishnan... bug fix. Convert into lines
2014-12-25 Ramakrishnan... initial version of the assignment solution. WIP
2014-12-25 Ramakrishnan... hw7: exercise 3
2014-12-25 Ramakrishnan... simplify the code a bit
2014-12-25 Ramakrishnan... hw7: add takeJ
2014-12-25 Ramakrishnan... hw7: rewrite dropJ
2014-12-25 Ramakrishnan... hw7: revisit indexJ
2014-12-25 Ramakrishnan... dropJ: handle the negative n case
2014-12-24 Ramakrishnan... hw7: exersize 2, part 2
2014-12-24 Ramakrishnan... hw7: exercise 2, part 1
2014-12-24 Ramakrishnan... hw7: exercise 1
2014-12-24 Ramakrishnan... write prod in a more compositional style.
2014-12-23 Ramakrishnan... play more with monoids
2014-12-23 Ramakrishnan... lecture 7: folds and monoids
2014-12-22 Ramakrishnan... hw7: starting materials
2014-12-22 Ramakrishnan... hw6: fib4 using Matrix operation
2014-12-22 Ramakrishnan... bug fix in Fractional instance
2014-12-22 Ramakrishnan... hw6: implement instance of Fractional for Stream Integer
2014-12-22 Ramakrishnan... hw6: Fibonacci - mostly done till half of exercise 6
2014-12-22 Ramakrishnan... hw6: question pdf
2014-12-21 Ramakrishnan... hw5: exercise 6
2014-12-21 Ramakrishnan... hw5: exercise 5
2014-12-21 Ramakrishnan... hw5: exercise 4
2014-12-21 Ramakrishnan... hw5: exercise 3
2014-12-21 Ramakrishnan... hw5: exercise 1 and 2
2014-12-21 Ramakrishnan... hw5: downloaded stuff
2014-12-20 Ramakrishnan... hw4: sieve of sundaram
2014-12-20 Ramakrishnan... programming in the large document
2014-12-20 Ramakrishnan... hw4: exercise 3 - implement map in terms of fold
2014-12-20 Ramakrishnan... exercise #2 of hw4. One possible solution
2014-12-19 Ramakrishnan... hw #4: exercise 1 solution
2014-12-19 Ramakrishnan... histogram -- naive implementation
2014-12-17 Ramakrishnan... hw #3. WIP
2014-12-16 Ramakrishnan... hw #3 problem
2014-12-16 Ramakrishnan... hw #2, done
2014-12-15 Ramakrishnan... hw #2 solution. WIP
2014-12-15 Ramakrishnan... starting materials for hw2
2014-12-15 Ramakrishnan... homework #1 solution.
2014-12-15 Ramakrishnan... add a few goals
2014-12-15 Ramakrishnan... style guide
2014-12-14 Ramakrishnan... add a tips section to collect some good practices
2014-12-14 Ramakrishnan... link to the course