From: Brian Warner <>
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2012 18:16:54 +0000 (-0800)
Subject: fix bundled data under git, remove setuptools_darcs
X-Git-Tag: allmydata-tahoe-1.9.1~10

fix bundled data under git, remove setuptools_darcs

This uses explicitly enumerated packages= and package_data= arguments to
setup(), rather than relying upon the convenient (but darcs-specific)
functions which would determine these values by asking the revision-control

Note that darcsver is still used, when building from a darcs tree.

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6cf53805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+include src/allmydata/web/*.xhtml
+include src/allmydata/web/static/*.js
+include src/allmydata/web/static/*.png
+include src/allmydata/web/static/*.css
diff --git a/ b/
index bede7799..534b7bf7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -73,11 +73,9 @@ egg = os.path.realpath(glob.glob('setuptools-*.egg')[0])
 sys.path.insert(0, egg)
 egg = os.path.realpath(glob.glob('darcsver-*.egg')[0])
 sys.path.insert(0, egg)
-egg = os.path.realpath(glob.glob('setuptools_darcs-*.egg')[0])
-sys.path.insert(0, egg)
 import setuptools; setuptools.bootstrap_install_from = egg
-from setuptools import find_packages, setup
+from setuptools import setup
 from setuptools.command import sdist
 from setuptools import Command
@@ -150,25 +148,6 @@ setup_requires.append('darcsver >= 1.7.2')
 # has been fixed.
 setup_requires += [req for req in install_requires if req.startswith('Twisted') or req.startswith('zope.interface')]
-# setuptools_darcs is required to produce complete distributions (such
-# as with "sdist" or "bdist_egg"), unless there is a
-# src/allmydata_tahoe.egg-info/SOURCE.txt file present which contains
-# a complete list of files that should be included.
-# However, requiring it runs afoul of a bug in Distribute, which was
-# shipped in Ubuntu Lucid, so for now you have to manually install it
-# before building sdists or eggs:
-# Note that we explicitly inject setuptools_darcs at the beginning of
-# this file, so it is still in effect when building dists
-# using this file even when the following requirement is
-# disabled.
-if False:
-    setup_requires.append('setuptools_darcs >= 1.1.0')
 # trialcoverage is required if you want the "trial" unit test runner to have a
 # "--reporter=bwverbose-coverage" option which produces code-coverage results.
 # The required version is 0.3.3, because that is the latest version that only
@@ -463,12 +442,27 @@ setup(name=APPNAME,
                 "sdist": MySdist,
       package_dir = {'':'src'},
-      packages=find_packages("src"),
+      packages=['allmydata',
+                'allmydata.frontends',
+                'allmydata.immutable',
+                'allmydata.immutable.downloader',
+                'allmydata.introducer',
+                'allmydata.mutable',
+                'allmydata.scripts',
+                '',
+                'allmydata.test',
+                'allmydata.util',
+                'allmydata.web',
+                'allmydata.web.static',
+                '',
+                'buildtest'],
-      include_package_data=True,
+      package_data={"allmydata.web": ["*.xhtml"],
+                    "allmydata.web.static": ["*.js", "*.png", "*.css"],
+                    },
       entry_points = { 'console_scripts': [ 'tahoe = allmydata.scripts.runner:run' ] },
       zip_safe=False, # We prefer unzipped for easier access.