descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeThu, 18 May 2017 12:07:44 +0000 (17:37 +0530)
2017-05-18 Ramakrishnan... add dumb-jump mode master
2017-05-16 Ramakrishnan... remove ghc-mod, other misc changes
2017-01-30 Ramakrishnan... org mode, font-lock .. etc
2017-01-30 Ramakrishnan... add org-bullet, beautiful utf-8 bullets
2017-01-30 Ramakrishnan... switch away from intero for haskell
2017-01-30 Ramakrishnan... erc: add #hackage
2017-01-23 Ramakrishnan... turn on font-lock, tomorrow theme, orgmode
2016-09-07 Ramakrishnan... add debian-gnupg to the irc channel list
2016-09-05 Ramakrishnan... irc - add haskell-beginners, debian-gnupg
2016-09-02 Ramakrishnan... switch to intero for haskell
2016-09-01 Ramakrishnan... add #debian-uk, debpaste
2016-07-27 Ramakrishnan... flycheck-haskell
2016-07-23 Ramakrishnan... refactor haskell stuff
2016-07-22 Ramakrishnan... intero instead of ghc-mod
2016-07-20 Ramakrishnan... add rust-beginners irc channel
2016-07-20 Ramakrishnan... bunch of additions, racer for rust, inconsolataGo
7 years ago master