From: Peter Secor <>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 01:48:27 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: native client - upgrade to WinFUSE 0.6, attempting to solve the issue where the Windo... 

native client - upgrade to WinFUSE 0.6, attempting to solve the issue where the Windows client thinks there isn't enough room on the virtual drive to do a copy

diff --git a/windows/winfuse/AllmydataMapping.exe b/windows/winfuse/AllmydataMapping.exe
index 329e8f78..a10b85e1 100644
Binary files a/windows/winfuse/AllmydataMapping.exe and b/windows/winfuse/AllmydataMapping.exe differ
diff --git a/windows/winfuse/AllmydataTray.exe b/windows/winfuse/AllmydataTray.exe
index faef4fb5..6a81654d 100644
Binary files a/windows/winfuse/AllmydataTray.exe and b/windows/winfuse/AllmydataTray.exe differ
diff --git a/windows/winfuse/TahoeFS.dll b/windows/winfuse/TahoeFS.dll
index a8fae18b..46a623c2 100644
Binary files a/windows/winfuse/TahoeFS.dll and b/windows/winfuse/TahoeFS.dll differ
diff --git a/windows/winfuse/WinFUSE.exe b/windows/winfuse/WinFUSE.exe
index c6892974..3b3fe91b 100644
Binary files a/windows/winfuse/WinFUSE.exe and b/windows/winfuse/WinFUSE.exe differ
diff --git a/windows/winfuse/WinFUSE.exe.config b/windows/winfuse/WinFUSE.exe.config
index afc7d8c4..71d91901 100644
--- a/windows/winfuse/WinFUSE.exe.config
+++ b/windows/winfuse/WinFUSE.exe.config
@@ -2,30 +2,33 @@
-    <section name="microkernel" type="MicroKernel.CustomSection, MicroKernel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />
+    <sectionGroup name="providerGroup">
+      <section name="fileSystemService" type="NeoGeo.Library.SMB.Provider.FileSystemServiceSection, NeoGeo.Library.SMB" allowDefinition="MachineToApplication" restartOnExternalChanges="true" />
+      <!--<section name="authenticationService" type="NeoGeo.Library.SMB.Provider.AuthenticationServiceSection, NeoGeo.Library.SMB" allowDefinition="MachineToApplication" restartOnExternalChanges="true" />-->
+    </sectionGroup>
-  <microkernel>
-    <references>
-      <!-- Must be set if no DomainController is used for Authentification, otherwise it can be left empty -->
-      <local description="Logon"   keyType="Suchwerk.Interface.IAuth"       assembly="UserLogon" implementationType="Suchwerk.UserLogon"             singleton="true" />
+  <providerGroup>
+    <fileSystemService defaultProvider="AllmydataFS">
+      <providers>
+        <add name="Allmydata" description="Allmydata 3.0 File System" type="TahoeFS.TahoeFS, TahoeFS"/>
+      </providers>
+    </fileSystemService>
+    <!--<authenticationService>
+      <providers>
+        <add name="authentication" description="" type="Suchwerk.FileSystem.AuthenticationDummy, DummyFS" />
+      </providers>
+    </authenticationService>-->
+  </providerGroup>
-      <!-- Must be set. Is the IPC share that all CIFS server must provide. The implementation is done very simple -->
-      <local description="IPC$"    keyType="Suchwerk.Interface.IFilesystem" assembly="NamedPipe" implementationType="Suchwerk.Filesystem.Pipe"  singleton="true" />
-      <!-- That's the CIFS server, must be included -->
-      <local description="SMBServer" keyType="Suchwerk.Interface.ISMBPortal" assembly="PortalSMB" implementationType="Suchwerk.Portal.SMB.SMB"       singleton="true" />
-      <!-- Add here your IFilesystem implementations, the more you add, the more your server can provide 
-           The same IFilesystem implementation can be listed more than once, to provide different data views 
-           To know with share was called, add then field, "parameter_constructor=true" and instead of the
-           parameter less standard constructor a constructor with the share name will be called -->
-      <local description="Allmydata"     keyType="Suchwerk.Interface.IFilesystem" assembly="TahoeFS"  implementationType="TahoeFS.TahoeFS" singleton="true" />
-    </references>
-  </microkernel>
+  <appSettings>
+    <add key="ServerName" value="servername"/>
+    <add key="DomainController" value=""/>    
+	  <add key="LogFile" value="C:\temp\CIFS\log.txt"/>
+    <add key="TempDir" value="c:\temp\temp\"/>	
+	  <add key="DefaultLanguage" value="EN"/>
+	</appSettings>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/windows/winfuse/allmydata_requires_permission.exe b/windows/winfuse/allmydata_requires_permission.exe
index 09375cbf..d8b82046 100644
Binary files a/windows/winfuse/allmydata_requires_permission.exe and b/windows/winfuse/allmydata_requires_permission.exe differ