From: Kevan Carstensen <>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 01:35:24 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: mutable/retrieve: rework the mutable downloader to handle multiple-segment files
X-Git-Tag: trac-5200~33

mutable/retrieve: rework the mutable downloader to handle multiple-segment files

The downloader needs substantial reworking to handle multiple segment
mutable files, which it needs to handle for MDMF.

diff --git a/src/allmydata/mutable/ b/src/allmydata/mutable/
index 257cc5f3..166eec48 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/mutable/
+++ b/src/allmydata/mutable/
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
-import struct, time
+import time
 from itertools import count
 from zope.interface import implements
 from twisted.internet import defer
 from twisted.python import failure
-from foolscap.api import DeadReferenceError, eventually, fireEventually
-from allmydata.interfaces import IRetrieveStatus, NotEnoughSharesError
-from allmydata.util import hashutil, idlib, log
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import IPushProducer, IConsumer
+from foolscap.api import eventually, fireEventually
+from allmydata.interfaces import IRetrieveStatus, NotEnoughSharesError, \
+                                 MDMF_VERSION, SDMF_VERSION
+from allmydata.util import hashutil, log, mathutil
 from allmydata.util.dictutil import DictOfSets
 from allmydata import hashtree, codec
 from import si_b2a
@@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ from pycryptopp.cipher.aes import AES
 from pycryptopp.publickey import rsa
 from allmydata.mutable.common import CorruptShareError, UncoordinatedWriteError
-from allmydata.mutable.layout import SIGNED_PREFIX, unpack_share_data
+from allmydata.mutable.layout import MDMFSlotReadProxy
 class RetrieveStatus:
@@ -81,8 +83,10 @@ class Retrieve:
     # times, and each will have a separate response chain. However the
     # Retrieve object will remain tied to a specific version of the file, and
     # will use a single ServerMap instance.
+    implements(IPushProducer)
-    def __init__(self, filenode, servermap, verinfo, fetch_privkey=False):
+    def __init__(self, filenode, servermap, verinfo, fetch_privkey=False,
+                 verify=False):
         self._node = filenode
         assert self._node.get_pubkey()
         self._storage_index = filenode.get_storage_index()
@@ -100,11 +104,32 @@ class Retrieve:
         self.verinfo = verinfo
         # during repair, we may be called upon to grab the private key, since
         # it wasn't picked up during a verify=False checker run, and we'll
-        # need it for repair to generate the a new version.
-        self._need_privkey = fetch_privkey
-        if self._node.get_privkey():
+        # need it for repair to generate a new version.
+        self._need_privkey = fetch_privkey or verify
+        if self._node.get_privkey() and not verify:
             self._need_privkey = False
+        if self._need_privkey:
+            # TODO: Evaluate the need for this. We'll use it if we want
+            # to limit how many queries are on the wire for the privkey
+            # at once.
+            self._privkey_query_markers = [] # one Marker for each time we've
+                                             # tried to get the privkey.
+        # verify means that we are using the downloader logic to verify all
+        # of our shares. This tells the downloader a few things.
+        # 
+        # 1. We need to download all of the shares.
+        # 2. We don't need to decode or decrypt the shares, since our
+        #    caller doesn't care about the plaintext, only the
+        #    information about which shares are or are not valid.
+        # 3. When we are validating readers, we need to validate the
+        #    signature on the prefix. Do we? We already do this in the
+        #    servermap update?
+        self._verify = False
+        if verify:
+            self._verify = True
         self._status = RetrieveStatus()
@@ -114,6 +139,13 @@ class Retrieve:
          offsets_tuple) = self.verinfo
         self._status.set_encoding(k, N)
+        self.readers = {}
+        self._paused = False
+        self._paused_deferred = None
+        self._offset = None
+        self._read_length = None
+        self.log("got seqnum %d" % self.verinfo[0])
     def get_status(self):
         return self._status
@@ -125,11 +157,74 @@ class Retrieve:
             kwargs["facility"] = "tahoe.mutable.retrieve"
         return log.msg(*args, **kwargs)
-    def download(self):
+    ###################
+    # IPushProducer
+    def pauseProducing(self):
+        """
+        I am called by my download target if we have produced too much
+        data for it to handle. I make the downloader stop producing new
+        data until my resumeProducing method is called.
+        """
+        if self._paused:
+            return
+        # fired when the download is unpaused. 
+        self._old_status = self._status.get_status()
+        self._status.set_status("Paused")
+        self._pause_deferred = defer.Deferred()
+        self._paused = True
+    def resumeProducing(self):
+        """
+        I am called by my download target once it is ready to begin
+        receiving data again.
+        """
+        if not self._paused:
+            return
+        self._paused = False
+        p = self._pause_deferred
+        self._pause_deferred = None
+        self._status.set_status(self._old_status)
+        eventually(p.callback, None)
+    def _check_for_paused(self, res):
+        """
+        I am called just before a write to the consumer. I return a
+        Deferred that eventually fires with the data that is to be
+        written to the consumer. If the download has not been paused,
+        the Deferred fires immediately. Otherwise, the Deferred fires
+        when the downloader is unpaused.
+        """
+        if self._paused:
+            d = defer.Deferred()
+            self._pause_deferred.addCallback(lambda ignored: d.callback(res))
+            return d
+        return defer.succeed(res)
+    def download(self, consumer=None, offset=0, size=None):
+        assert IConsumer.providedBy(consumer) or self._verify
+        if consumer:
+            self._consumer = consumer
+            # we provide IPushProducer, so streaming=True, per
+            # IConsumer.
+            self._consumer.registerProducer(self, streaming=True)
         self._done_deferred = defer.Deferred()
         self._started = time.time()
         self._status.set_status("Retrieving Shares")
+        self._offset = offset
+        self._read_length = size
         # first, which servers can we use?
         versionmap = self.servermap.make_versionmap()
         shares = versionmap[self.verinfo]
@@ -137,412 +232,900 @@ class Retrieve:
         self.remaining_sharemap = DictOfSets()
         for (shnum, peerid, timestamp) in shares:
             self.remaining_sharemap.add(shnum, peerid)
+            # If the servermap update fetched anything, it fetched at least 1
+            # KiB, so we ask for that much.
+            # TODO: Change the cache methods to allow us to fetch all of the
+            # data that they have, then change this method to do that.
+            any_cache = self._node._read_from_cache(self.verinfo, shnum,
+                                                    0, 1000)
+            ss = self.servermap.connections[peerid]
+            reader = MDMFSlotReadProxy(ss,
+                                       self._storage_index,
+                                       shnum,
+                                       any_cache)
+            reader.peerid = peerid
+            self.readers[shnum] = reader
         self.shares = {} # maps shnum to validated blocks
+        self._active_readers = [] # list of active readers for this dl.
+        self._validated_readers = set() # set of readers that we have
+                                        # validated the prefix of
+        self._block_hash_trees = {} # shnum => hashtree
         # how many shares do we need?
-        (seqnum, root_hash, IV, segsize, datalength, k, N, prefix,
+        (seqnum,
+         root_hash,
+         IV,
+         segsize,
+         datalength,
+         k,
+         N,
+         prefix,
          offsets_tuple) = self.verinfo
+        # We need one share hash tree for the entire file; its leaves
+        # are the roots of the block hash trees for the shares that
+        # comprise it, and its root is in the verinfo.
+        self.share_hash_tree = hashtree.IncompleteHashTree(N)
+        self.share_hash_tree.set_hashes({0: root_hash})
+        # This will set up both the segment decoder and the tail segment
+        # decoder, as well as a variety of other instance variables that
+        # the download process will use.
+        self._setup_encoding_parameters()
         assert len(self.remaining_sharemap) >= k
-        # we start with the lowest shnums we have available, since FEC is
-        # faster if we're using "primary shares"
-        self.active_shnums = set(sorted(self.remaining_sharemap.keys())[:k])
-        for shnum in self.active_shnums:
-            # we use an arbitrary peer who has the share. If shares are
-            # doubled up (more than one share per peer), we could make this
-            # run faster by spreading the load among multiple peers. But the
-            # algorithm to do that is more complicated than I want to write
-            # right now, and a well-provisioned grid shouldn't have multiple
-            # shares per peer.
-            peerid = list(self.remaining_sharemap[shnum])[0]
-            self.get_data(shnum, peerid)
-        # control flow beyond this point: state machine. Receiving responses
-        # from queries is the input. We might send out more queries, or we
-        # might produce a result.
+        self.log("starting download")
+        self._paused = False
+        self._started_fetching = time.time()
+        self._add_active_peers()
+        # The download process beyond this is a state machine.
+        # _add_active_peers will select the peers that we want to use
+        # for the download, and then attempt to start downloading. After
+        # each segment, it will check for doneness, reacting to broken
+        # peers and corrupt shares as necessary. If it runs out of good
+        # peers before downloading all of the segments, _done_deferred
+        # will errback.  Otherwise, it will eventually callback with the
+        # contents of the mutable file.
         return self._done_deferred
-    def get_data(self, shnum, peerid):
-        self.log(format="sending sh#%(shnum)d request to [%(peerid)s]",
-                 shnum=shnum,
-                 peerid=idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid),
-                 level=log.NOISY)
-        ss = self.servermap.connections[peerid]
-        started = time.time()
-        (seqnum, root_hash, IV, segsize, datalength, k, N, prefix,
+    def decode(self, blocks_and_salts, segnum):
+        """
+        I am a helper method that the mutable file update process uses
+        as a shortcut to decode and decrypt the segments that it needs
+        to fetch in order to perform a file update. I take in a
+        collection of blocks and salts, and pick some of those to make a
+        segment with. I return the plaintext associated with that
+        segment.
+        """
+        # shnum => block hash tree. Unusued, but setup_encoding_parameters will
+        # want to set this.
+        # XXX: Make it so that it won't set this if we're just decoding.
+        self._block_hash_trees = {}
+        self._setup_encoding_parameters()
+        # This is the form expected by decode.
+        blocks_and_salts = blocks_and_salts.items()
+        blocks_and_salts = [(True, [d]) for d in blocks_and_salts]
+        d = self._decode_blocks(blocks_and_salts, segnum)
+        d.addCallback(self._decrypt_segment)
+        return d
+    def _setup_encoding_parameters(self):
+        """
+        I set up the encoding parameters, including k, n, the number
+        of segments associated with this file, and the segment decoder.
+        """
+        (seqnum,
+         root_hash,
+         IV,
+         segsize,
+         datalength,
+         k,
+         n,
+         known_prefix,
          offsets_tuple) = self.verinfo
-        offsets = dict(offsets_tuple)
+        self._required_shares = k
+        self._total_shares = n
+        self._segment_size = segsize
+        self._data_length = datalength
-        # we read the checkstring, to make sure that the data we grab is from
-        # the right version.
-        readv = [ (0, struct.calcsize(SIGNED_PREFIX)) ]
+        if not IV:
+            self._version = MDMF_VERSION
+        else:
+            self._version = SDMF_VERSION
-        # We also read the data, and the hashes necessary to validate them
-        # (share_hash_chain, block_hash_tree, share_data). We don't read the
-        # signature or the pubkey, since that was handled during the
-        # servermap phase, and we'll be comparing the share hash chain
-        # against the roothash that was validated back then.
+        if datalength and segsize:
+            self._num_segments = mathutil.div_ceil(datalength, segsize)
+            self._tail_data_size = datalength % segsize
+        else:
+            self._num_segments = 0
+            self._tail_data_size = 0
-        readv.append( (offsets['share_hash_chain'],
-                       offsets['enc_privkey'] - offsets['share_hash_chain'] ) )
+        self._segment_decoder = codec.CRSDecoder()
+        self._segment_decoder.set_params(segsize, k, n)
-        # if we need the private key (for repair), we also fetch that
-        if self._need_privkey:
-            readv.append( (offsets['enc_privkey'],
-                           offsets['EOF'] - offsets['enc_privkey']) )
-        m = Marker()
-        self._outstanding_queries[m] = (peerid, shnum, started)
-        # ask the cache first
-        got_from_cache = False
-        datavs = []
-        for (offset, length) in readv:
-            data = self._node._read_from_cache(self.verinfo, shnum, offset, length)
-            if data is not None:
-                datavs.append(data)
-        if len(datavs) == len(readv):
-            self.log("got data from cache")
-            got_from_cache = True
-            d = fireEventually({shnum: datavs})
-            # datavs is a dict mapping shnum to a pair of strings
+        if  not self._tail_data_size:
+            self._tail_data_size = segsize
+        self._tail_segment_size = mathutil.next_multiple(self._tail_data_size,
+                                                         self._required_shares)
+        if self._tail_segment_size == self._segment_size:
+            self._tail_decoder = self._segment_decoder
-            d = self._do_read(ss, peerid, self._storage_index, [shnum], readv)
-        self.remaining_sharemap.discard(shnum, peerid)
-        d.addCallback(self._got_results, m, peerid, started, got_from_cache)
-        d.addErrback(self._query_failed, m, peerid)
-        # errors that aren't handled by _query_failed (and errors caused by
-        # _query_failed) get logged, but we still want to check for doneness.
-        def _oops(f):
-            self.log(format="problem in _query_failed for sh#%(shnum)d to %(peerid)s",
-                     shnum=shnum,
-                     peerid=idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid),
-                     failure=f,
-                     level=log.WEIRD, umid="W0xnQA")
-        d.addErrback(_oops)
-        d.addBoth(self._check_for_done)
-        # any error during _check_for_done means the download fails. If the
-        # download is successful, _check_for_done will fire _done by itself.
-        d.addErrback(self._done)
-        d.addErrback(log.err)
-        return d # purely for testing convenience
-    def _do_read(self, ss, peerid, storage_index, shnums, readv):
-        # isolate the callRemote to a separate method, so tests can subclass
-        # Publish and override it
-        d = ss.callRemote("slot_readv", storage_index, shnums, readv)
-        return d
+            self._tail_decoder = codec.CRSDecoder()
+            self._tail_decoder.set_params(self._tail_segment_size,
+                                          self._required_shares,
+                                          self._total_shares)
-    def remove_peer(self, peerid):
-        for shnum in list(self.remaining_sharemap.keys()):
-            self.remaining_sharemap.discard(shnum, peerid)
+        self.log("got encoding parameters: "
+                 "k: %d "
+                 "n: %d "
+                 "%d segments of %d bytes each (%d byte tail segment)" % \
+                 (k, n, self._num_segments, self._segment_size,
+                  self._tail_segment_size))
-    def _got_results(self, datavs, marker, peerid, started, got_from_cache):
-        now = time.time()
-        elapsed = now - started
-        if not got_from_cache:
-            self._status.add_fetch_timing(peerid, elapsed)
-        self.log(format="got results (%(shares)d shares) from [%(peerid)s]",
-                 shares=len(datavs),
-                 peerid=idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid),
-                 level=log.NOISY)
-        self._outstanding_queries.pop(marker, None)
-        if not self._running:
-            return
+        for i in xrange(self._total_shares):
+            # So we don't have to do this later.
+            self._block_hash_trees[i] = hashtree.IncompleteHashTree(self._num_segments)
-        # note that we only ask for a single share per query, so we only
-        # expect a single share back. On the other hand, we use the extra
-        # shares if we get them.. seems better than an assert().
+        # Our last task is to tell the downloader where to start and
+        # where to stop. We use three parameters for that:
+        #   - self._start_segment: the segment that we need to start
+        #     downloading from. 
+        #   - self._current_segment: the next segment that we need to
+        #     download.
+        #   - self._last_segment: The last segment that we were asked to
+        #     download.
+        #
+        #  We say that the download is complete when
+        #  self._current_segment > self._last_segment. We use
+        #  self._start_segment and self._last_segment to know when to
+        #  strip things off of segments, and how much to strip.
+        if self._offset:
+            self.log("got offset: %d" % self._offset)
+            # our start segment is the first segment containing the
+            # offset we were given. 
+            start = mathutil.div_ceil(self._offset,
+                                      self._segment_size)
+            # this gets us the first segment after self._offset. Then
+            # our start segment is the one before it.
+            start -= 1
-        for shnum,datav in datavs.items():
-            (prefix, hash_and_data) = datav[:2]
-            try:
-                self._got_results_one_share(shnum, peerid,
-                                            prefix, hash_and_data)
-            except CorruptShareError, e:
-                # log it and give the other shares a chance to be processed
-                f = failure.Failure()
-                self.log(format="bad share: %(f_value)s",
-                         f_value=str(f.value), failure=f,
-                         level=log.WEIRD, umid="7fzWZw")
-                self.notify_server_corruption(peerid, shnum, str(e))
-                self.remove_peer(peerid)
-                self.servermap.mark_bad_share(peerid, shnum, prefix)
-                self._bad_shares.add( (peerid, shnum) )
-                self._status.problems[peerid] = f
-                self._last_failure = f
-                pass
-            if self._need_privkey and len(datav) > 2:
-                lp = None
-                self._try_to_validate_privkey(datav[2], peerid, shnum, lp)
-        # all done!
+            assert start < self._num_segments
+            self._start_segment = start
+            self.log("got start segment: %d" % self._start_segment)
+        else:
+            self._start_segment = 0
-    def notify_server_corruption(self, peerid, shnum, reason):
-        ss = self.servermap.connections[peerid]
-        ss.callRemoteOnly("advise_corrupt_share",
-                          "mutable", self._storage_index, shnum, reason)
-    def _got_results_one_share(self, shnum, peerid,
-                               got_prefix, got_hash_and_data):
-        self.log("_got_results: got shnum #%d from peerid %s"
-                 % (shnum, idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)))
-        (seqnum, root_hash, IV, segsize, datalength, k, N, prefix,
+        if self._read_length:
+            # our end segment is the last segment containing part of the
+            # segment that we were asked to read.
+            self.log("got read length %d" % self._read_length)
+            end_data = self._offset + self._read_length
+            end = mathutil.div_ceil(end_data,
+                                    self._segment_size)
+            end -= 1
+            assert end < self._num_segments
+            self._last_segment = end
+            self.log("got end segment: %d" % self._last_segment)
+        else:
+            self._last_segment = self._num_segments - 1
+        self._current_segment = self._start_segment
+    def _add_active_peers(self):
+        """
+        I populate self._active_readers with enough active readers to
+        retrieve the contents of this mutable file. I am called before
+        downloading starts, and (eventually) after each validation
+        error, connection error, or other problem in the download.
+        """
+        # TODO: It would be cool to investigate other heuristics for
+        # reader selection. For instance, the cost (in time the user
+        # spends waiting for their file) of selecting a really slow peer
+        # that happens to have a primary share is probably more than
+        # selecting a really fast peer that doesn't have a primary
+        # share. Maybe the servermap could be extended to provide this
+        # information; it could keep track of latency information while
+        # it gathers more important data, and then this routine could
+        # use that to select active readers.
+        #
+        # (these and other questions would be easier to answer with a
+        #  robust, configurable tahoe-lafs simulator, which modeled node
+        #  failures, differences in node speed, and other characteristics
+        #  that we expect storage servers to have.  You could have
+        #  presets for really stable grids (like,
+        #  friendnets, make it easy to configure your own settings, and
+        #  then simulate the effect of big changes on these use cases
+        #  instead of just reasoning about what the effect might be. Out
+        #  of scope for MDMF, though.)
+        # We need at least self._required_shares readers to download a
+        # segment.
+        if self._verify:
+            needed = self._total_shares
+        else:
+            needed = self._required_shares - len(self._active_readers)
+        # XXX: Why don't format= log messages work here?
+        self.log("adding %d peers to the active peers list" % needed)
+        # We favor lower numbered shares, since FEC is faster with
+        # primary shares than with other shares, and lower-numbered
+        # shares are more likely to be primary than higher numbered
+        # shares.
+        active_shnums = set(sorted(self.remaining_sharemap.keys()))
+        # We shouldn't consider adding shares that we already have; this
+        # will cause problems later.
+        active_shnums -= set([reader.shnum for reader in self._active_readers])
+        active_shnums = list(active_shnums)[:needed]
+        if len(active_shnums) < needed and not self._verify:
+            # We don't have enough readers to retrieve the file; fail.
+            return self._failed()
+        for shnum in active_shnums:
+            self._active_readers.append(self.readers[shnum])
+            self.log("added reader for share %d" % shnum)
+        assert len(self._active_readers) >= self._required_shares
+        # Conceptually, this is part of the _add_active_peers step. It
+        # validates the prefixes of newly added readers to make sure
+        # that they match what we are expecting for self.verinfo. If
+        # validation is successful, _validate_active_prefixes will call
+        # _download_current_segment for us. If validation is
+        # unsuccessful, then _validate_prefixes will remove the peer and
+        # call _add_active_peers again, where we will attempt to rectify
+        # the problem by choosing another peer.
+        return self._validate_active_prefixes()
+    def _validate_active_prefixes(self):
+        """
+        I check to make sure that the prefixes on the peers that I am
+        currently reading from match the prefix that we want to see, as
+        said in self.verinfo.
+        If I find that all of the active peers have acceptable prefixes,
+        I pass control to _download_current_segment, which will use
+        those peers to do cool things. If I find that some of the active
+        peers have unacceptable prefixes, I will remove them from active
+        peers (and from further consideration) and call
+        _add_active_peers to attempt to rectify the situation. I keep
+        track of which peers I have already validated so that I don't
+        need to do so again.
+        """
+        assert self._active_readers, "No more active readers"
+        ds = []
+        new_readers = set(self._active_readers) - self._validated_readers
+        self.log('validating %d newly-added active readers' % len(new_readers))
+        for reader in new_readers:
+            # We force a remote read here -- otherwise, we are relying
+            # on cached data that we already verified as valid, and we
+            # won't detect an uncoordinated write that has occurred
+            # since the last servermap update.
+            d = reader.get_prefix(force_remote=True)
+            d.addCallback(self._try_to_validate_prefix, reader)
+            ds.append(d)
+        dl = defer.DeferredList(ds, consumeErrors=True)
+        def _check_results(results):
+            # Each result in results will be of the form (success, msg).
+            # We don't care about msg, but success will tell us whether
+            # or not the checkstring validated. If it didn't, we need to
+            # remove the offending (peer,share) from our active readers,
+            # and ensure that active readers is again populated.
+            bad_readers = []
+            for i, result in enumerate(results):
+                if not result[0]:
+                    reader = self._active_readers[i]
+                    f = result[1]
+                    assert isinstance(f, failure.Failure)
+                    self.log("The reader %s failed to "
+                             "properly validate: %s" % \
+                             (reader, str(f.value)))
+                    bad_readers.append((reader, f))
+                else:
+                    reader = self._active_readers[i]
+                    self.log("the reader %s checks out, so we'll use it" % \
+                             reader)
+                    self._validated_readers.add(reader)
+                    # Each time we validate a reader, we check to see if
+                    # we need the private key. If we do, we politely ask
+                    # for it and then continue computing. If we find
+                    # that we haven't gotten it at the end of
+                    # segment decoding, then we'll take more drastic
+                    # measures.
+                    if self._need_privkey and not self._node.is_readonly():
+                        d = reader.get_encprivkey()
+                        d.addCallback(self._try_to_validate_privkey, reader)
+            if bad_readers:
+                # We do them all at once, or else we screw up list indexing.
+                for (reader, f) in bad_readers:
+                    self._mark_bad_share(reader, f)
+                if self._verify:
+                    if len(self._active_readers) >= self._required_shares:
+                        return self._download_current_segment()
+                    else:
+                        return self._failed()
+                else:
+                    return self._add_active_peers()
+            else:
+                return self._download_current_segment()
+            # The next step will assert that it has enough active
+            # readers to fetch shares; we just need to remove it.
+        dl.addCallback(_check_results)
+        return dl
+    def _try_to_validate_prefix(self, prefix, reader):
+        """
+        I check that the prefix returned by a candidate server for
+        retrieval matches the prefix that the servermap knows about
+        (and, hence, the prefix that was validated earlier). If it does,
+        I return True, which means that I approve of the use of the
+        candidate server for segment retrieval. If it doesn't, I return
+        False, which means that another server must be chosen.
+        """
+        (seqnum,
+         root_hash,
+         IV,
+         segsize,
+         datalength,
+         k,
+         N,
+         known_prefix,
          offsets_tuple) = self.verinfo
-        assert len(got_prefix) == len(prefix), (len(got_prefix), len(prefix))
-        if got_prefix != prefix:
-            msg = "someone wrote to the data since we read the servermap: prefix changed"
-            raise UncoordinatedWriteError(msg)
-        (share_hash_chain, block_hash_tree,
-         share_data) = unpack_share_data(self.verinfo, got_hash_and_data)
-        assert isinstance(share_data, str)
-        # build the block hash tree. SDMF has only one leaf.
-        leaves = [hashutil.block_hash(share_data)]
-        t = hashtree.HashTree(leaves)
-        if list(t) != block_hash_tree:
-            raise CorruptShareError(peerid, shnum, "block hash tree failure")
-        share_hash_leaf = t[0]
-        t2 = hashtree.IncompleteHashTree(N)
-        # root_hash was checked by the signature
-        t2.set_hashes({0: root_hash})
-        try:
-            t2.set_hashes(hashes=share_hash_chain,
-                          leaves={shnum: share_hash_leaf})
-        except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError,
-                IndexError), e:
-            msg = "corrupt hashes: %s" % (e,)
-            raise CorruptShareError(peerid, shnum, msg)
-        self.log(" data valid! len=%d" % len(share_data))
-        # each query comes down to this: placing validated share data into
-        # self.shares
-        self.shares[shnum] = share_data
+        if known_prefix != prefix:
+            self.log("prefix from share %d doesn't match" % reader.shnum)
+            raise UncoordinatedWriteError("Mismatched prefix -- this could "
+                                          "indicate an uncoordinated write")
+        # Otherwise, we're okay -- no issues.
-    def _try_to_validate_privkey(self, enc_privkey, peerid, shnum, lp):
-        alleged_privkey_s = self._node._decrypt_privkey(enc_privkey)
-        alleged_writekey = hashutil.ssk_writekey_hash(alleged_privkey_s)
-        if alleged_writekey != self._node.get_writekey():
-            self.log("invalid privkey from %s shnum %d" %
-                     (idlib.nodeid_b2a(peerid)[:8], shnum),
-                     parent=lp, level=log.WEIRD, umid="YIw4tA")
-            return
+    def _remove_reader(self, reader):
+        """
+        At various points, we will wish to remove a peer from
+        consideration and/or use. These include, but are not necessarily
+        limited to:
-        # it's good
-        self.log("got valid privkey from shnum %d on peerid %s" %
-                 (shnum, idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)),
-                 parent=lp)
-        privkey = rsa.create_signing_key_from_string(alleged_privkey_s)
-        self._node._populate_encprivkey(enc_privkey)
-        self._node._populate_privkey(privkey)
-        self._need_privkey = False
+            - A connection error.
+            - A mismatched prefix (that is, a prefix that does not match
+              our conception of the version information string).
+            - A failing block hash, salt hash, or share hash, which can
+              indicate disk failure/bit flips, or network trouble.
-    def _query_failed(self, f, marker, peerid):
-        self.log(format="query to [%(peerid)s] failed",
-                 peerid=idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid),
-                 level=log.NOISY)
-        self._status.problems[peerid] = f
-        self._outstanding_queries.pop(marker, None)
-        if not self._running:
-            return
+        This method will do that. I will make sure that the
+        (shnum,reader) combination represented by my reader argument is
+        not used for anything else during this download. I will not
+        advise the reader of any corruption, something that my callers
+        may wish to do on their own.
+        """
+        # TODO: When you're done writing this, see if this is ever
+        # actually used for something that _mark_bad_share isn't. I have
+        # a feeling that they will be used for very similar things, and
+        # that having them both here is just going to be an epic amount
+        # of code duplication.
+        #
+        # (well, okay, not epic, but meaningful)
+        self.log("removing reader %s" % reader)
+        # Remove the reader from _active_readers
+        self._active_readers.remove(reader)
+        # TODO: self.readers.remove(reader)?
+        for shnum in list(self.remaining_sharemap.keys()):
+            self.remaining_sharemap.discard(shnum, reader.peerid)
+    def _mark_bad_share(self, reader, f):
+        """
+        I mark the (peerid, shnum) encapsulated by my reader argument as
+        a bad share, which means that it will not be used anywhere else.
+        There are several reasons to want to mark something as a bad
+        share. These include:
+            - A connection error to the peer.
+            - A mismatched prefix (that is, a prefix that does not match
+              our local conception of the version information string).
+            - A failing block hash, salt hash, share hash, or other
+              integrity check.
+        This method will ensure that readers that we wish to mark bad
+        (for these reasons or other reasons) are not used for the rest
+        of the download. Additionally, it will attempt to tell the
+        remote peer (with no guarantee of success) that its share is
+        corrupt.
+        """
+        self.log("marking share %d on server %s as bad" % \
+                 (reader.shnum, reader))
+        prefix = self.verinfo[-2]
+        self.servermap.mark_bad_share(reader.peerid,
+                                      reader.shnum,
+                                      prefix)
+        self._remove_reader(reader)
+        self._bad_shares.add((reader.peerid, reader.shnum, f))
+        self._status.problems[reader.peerid] = f
         self._last_failure = f
-        self.remove_peer(peerid)
-        level = log.WEIRD
-        if f.check(DeadReferenceError):
-            level = log.UNUSUAL
-        self.log(format="error during query: %(f_value)s",
-                 f_value=str(f.value), failure=f, level=level, umid="gOJB5g")
+        self.notify_server_corruption(reader.peerid, reader.shnum,
+                                      str(f.value))
-    def _check_for_done(self, res):
-        # exit paths:
-        #  return : keep waiting, no new queries
-        #  return self._send_more_queries(outstanding) : send some more queries
-        #  fire self._done(plaintext) : download successful
-        #  raise exception : download fails
-        self.log(format="_check_for_done: running=%(running)s, decoding=%(decoding)s",
-                 running=self._running, decoding=self._decoding,
-                 level=log.NOISY)
-        if not self._running:
-            return
-        if self._decoding:
-            return
-        (seqnum, root_hash, IV, segsize, datalength, k, N, prefix,
-         offsets_tuple) = self.verinfo
-        if len(self.shares) < k:
-            # we don't have enough shares yet
-            return self._maybe_send_more_queries(k)
-        if self._need_privkey:
-            # we got k shares, but none of them had a valid privkey. TODO:
-            # look further. Adding code to do this is a bit complicated, and
-            # I want to avoid that complication, and this should be pretty
-            # rare (k shares with bitflips in the enc_privkey but not in the
-            # data blocks). If we actually do get here, the subsequent repair
-            # will fail for lack of a privkey.
-            self.log("got k shares but still need_privkey, bummer",
-                     level=log.WEIRD, umid="MdRHPA")
-        # we have enough to finish. All the shares have had their hashes
-        # checked, so if something fails at this point, we don't know how
-        # to fix it, so the download will fail.
-        self._decoding = True # avoid reentrancy
-        self._status.set_status("decoding")
-        now = time.time()
-        elapsed = now - self._started
-        self._status.timings["fetch"] = elapsed
-        d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._decode)
-        d.addCallback(self._decrypt, IV, self._node.get_readkey())
-        d.addBoth(self._done)
-        return d # purely for test convenience
-    def _maybe_send_more_queries(self, k):
-        # we don't have enough shares yet. Should we send out more queries?
-        # There are some number of queries outstanding, each for a single
-        # share. If we can generate 'needed_shares' additional queries, we do
-        # so. If we can't, then we know this file is a goner, and we raise
-        # NotEnoughSharesError.
-        self.log(format=("_maybe_send_more_queries, have=%(have)d, k=%(k)d, "
-                         "outstanding=%(outstanding)d"),
-                 have=len(self.shares), k=k,
-                 outstanding=len(self._outstanding_queries),
-                 level=log.NOISY)
-        remaining_shares = k - len(self.shares)
-        needed = remaining_shares - len(self._outstanding_queries)
-        if not needed:
-            # we have enough queries in flight already
-            # TODO: but if they've been in flight for a long time, and we
-            # have reason to believe that new queries might respond faster
-            # (i.e. we've seen other queries come back faster, then consider
-            # sending out new queries. This could help with peers which have
-            # silently gone away since the servermap was updated, for which
-            # we're still waiting for the 15-minute TCP disconnect to happen.
-            self.log("enough queries are in flight, no more are needed",
-                     level=log.NOISY)
-            return
+    def _download_current_segment(self):
+        """
+        I download, validate, decode, decrypt, and assemble the segment
+        that this Retrieve is currently responsible for downloading.
+        """
+        assert len(self._active_readers) >= self._required_shares
+        if self._current_segment <= self._last_segment:
+            d = self._process_segment(self._current_segment)
+        else:
+            d = defer.succeed(None)
+        d.addBoth(self._turn_barrier)
+        d.addCallback(self._check_for_done)
+        return d
+    def _turn_barrier(self, result):
+        """
+        I help the download process avoid the recursion limit issues
+        discussed in #237.
+        """
+        return fireEventually(result)
-        outstanding_shnums = set([shnum
-                                  for (peerid, shnum, started)
-                                  in self._outstanding_queries.values()])
-        # prefer low-numbered shares, they are more likely to be primary
-        available_shnums = sorted(self.remaining_sharemap.keys())
-        for shnum in available_shnums:
-            if shnum in outstanding_shnums:
-                # skip ones that are already in transit
-                continue
-            if shnum not in self.remaining_sharemap:
-                # no servers for that shnum. note that DictOfSets removes
-                # empty sets from the dict for us.
-                continue
-            peerid = list(self.remaining_sharemap[shnum])[0]
-            # get_data will remove that peerid from the sharemap, and add the
-            # query to self._outstanding_queries
-            self._status.set_status("Retrieving More Shares")
-            self.get_data(shnum, peerid)
-            needed -= 1
-            if not needed:
+    def _process_segment(self, segnum):
+        """
+        I download, validate, decode, and decrypt one segment of the
+        file that this Retrieve is retrieving. This means coordinating
+        the process of getting k blocks of that file, validating them,
+        assembling them into one segment with the decoder, and then
+        decrypting them.
+        """
+        self.log("processing segment %d" % segnum)
+        # TODO: The old code uses a marker. Should this code do that
+        # too? What did the Marker do?
+        assert len(self._active_readers) >= self._required_shares
+        # We need to ask each of our active readers for its block and
+        # salt. We will then validate those. If validation is
+        # successful, we will assemble the results into plaintext.
+        ds = []
+        for reader in self._active_readers:
+            started = time.time()
+            d = reader.get_block_and_salt(segnum, queue=True)
+            d2 = self._get_needed_hashes(reader, segnum)
+            dl = defer.DeferredList([d, d2], consumeErrors=True)
+            dl.addCallback(self._validate_block, segnum, reader, started)
+            dl.addErrback(self._validation_or_decoding_failed, [reader])
+            ds.append(dl)
+            reader.flush()
+        dl = defer.DeferredList(ds)
+        if self._verify:
+            dl.addCallback(lambda ignored: "")
+            dl.addCallback(self._set_segment)
+        else:
+            dl.addCallback(self._maybe_decode_and_decrypt_segment, segnum)
+        return dl
+    def _maybe_decode_and_decrypt_segment(self, blocks_and_salts, segnum):
+        """
+        I take the results of fetching and validating the blocks from a
+        callback chain in another method. If the results are such that
+        they tell me that validation and fetching succeeded without
+        incident, I will proceed with decoding and decryption.
+        Otherwise, I will do nothing.
+        """
+        self.log("trying to decode and decrypt segment %d" % segnum)
+        failures = False
+        for block_and_salt in blocks_and_salts:
+            if not block_and_salt[0] or block_and_salt[1] == None:
+                self.log("some validation operations failed; not proceeding")
+                failures = True
+        if not failures:
+            self.log("everything looks ok, building segment %d" % segnum)
+            d = self._decode_blocks(blocks_and_salts, segnum)
+            d.addCallback(self._decrypt_segment)
+            d.addErrback(self._validation_or_decoding_failed,
+                         self._active_readers)
+            # check to see whether we've been paused before writing
+            # anything.
+            d.addCallback(self._check_for_paused)
+            d.addCallback(self._set_segment)
+            return d
+        else:
+            return defer.succeed(None)
-        # at this point, we have as many outstanding queries as we can. If
-        # needed!=0 then we might not have enough to recover the file.
-        if needed:
-            format = ("ran out of peers: "
-                      "have %(have)d shares (k=%(k)d), "
-                      "%(outstanding)d queries in flight, "
-                      "need %(need)d more, "
-                      "found %(bad)d bad shares")
-            args = {"have": len(self.shares),
-                    "k": k,
-                    "outstanding": len(self._outstanding_queries),
-                    "need": needed,
-                    "bad": len(self._bad_shares),
-                    }
-            self.log(format=format,
-                     level=log.WEIRD, umid="ezTfjw", **args)
-            err = NotEnoughSharesError("%s, last failure: %s" %
-                                      (format % args, self._last_failure))
-            if self._bad_shares:
-                self.log("We found some bad shares this pass. You should "
-                         "update the servermap and try again to check "
-                         "more peers",
-                         level=log.WEIRD, umid="EFkOlA")
-                err.servermap = self.servermap
-            raise err
+    def _set_segment(self, segment):
+        """
+        Given a plaintext segment, I register that segment with the
+        target that is handling the file download.
+        """
+        self.log("got plaintext for segment %d" % self._current_segment)
+        if self._current_segment == self._start_segment:
+            # We're on the first segment. It's possible that we want
+            # only some part of the end of this segment, and that we
+            # just downloaded the whole thing to get that part. If so,
+            # we need to account for that and give the reader just the
+            # data that they want.
+            n = self._offset % self._segment_size
+            self.log("stripping %d bytes off of the first segment" % n)
+            self.log("original segment length: %d" % len(segment))
+            segment = segment[n:]
+            self.log("new segment length: %d" % len(segment))
+        if self._current_segment == self._last_segment and self._read_length is not None:
+            # We're on the last segment. It's possible that we only want
+            # part of the beginning of this segment, and that we
+            # downloaded the whole thing anyway. Make sure to give the
+            # caller only the portion of the segment that they want to
+            # receive.
+            extra = self._read_length
+            if self._start_segment != self._last_segment:
+                extra -= self._segment_size - \
+                            (self._offset % self._segment_size)
+            extra %= self._segment_size
+            self.log("original segment length: %d" % len(segment))
+            segment = segment[:extra]
+            self.log("new segment length: %d" % len(segment))
+            self.log("only taking %d bytes of the last segment" % extra)
+        if not self._verify:
+            self._consumer.write(segment)
+        else:
+            # we don't care about the plaintext if we are doing a verify.
+            segment = None
+        self._current_segment += 1
+    def _validation_or_decoding_failed(self, f, readers):
+        """
+        I am called when a block or a salt fails to correctly validate, or when
+        the decryption or decoding operation fails for some reason.  I react to
+        this failure by notifying the remote server of corruption, and then
+        removing the remote peer from further activity.
+        """
+        assert isinstance(readers, list)
+        bad_shnums = [reader.shnum for reader in readers]
+        self.log("validation or decoding failed on share(s) %s, peer(s) %s "
+                 ", segment %d: %s" % \
+                 (bad_shnums, readers, self._current_segment, str(f)))
+        for reader in readers:
+            self._mark_bad_share(reader, f)
-    def _decode(self):
-        started = time.time()
-        (seqnum, root_hash, IV, segsize, datalength, k, N, prefix,
-         offsets_tuple) = self.verinfo
-        # shares_dict is a dict mapping shnum to share data, but the codec
-        # wants two lists.
-        shareids = []; shares = []
-        for shareid, share in self.shares.items():
+    def _validate_block(self, results, segnum, reader, started):
+        """
+        I validate a block from one share on a remote server.
+        """
+        # Grab the part of the block hash tree that is necessary to
+        # validate this block, then generate the block hash root.
+        self.log("validating share %d for segment %d" % (reader.shnum,
+                                                             segnum))
+        self._status.add_fetch_timing(reader.peerid, started)
+        self._status.set_status("Valdiating blocks for segment %d" % segnum)
+        # Did we fail to fetch either of the things that we were
+        # supposed to? Fail if so.
+        if not results[0][0] and results[1][0]:
+            # handled by the errback handler.
+            # These all get batched into one query, so the resulting
+            # failure should be the same for all of them, so we can just
+            # use the first one.
+            assert isinstance(results[0][1], failure.Failure)
+            f = results[0][1]
+            raise CorruptShareError(reader.peerid,
+                                    reader.shnum,
+                                    "Connection error: %s" % str(f))
+        block_and_salt, block_and_sharehashes = results
+        block, salt = block_and_salt[1]
+        blockhashes, sharehashes = block_and_sharehashes[1]
+        blockhashes = dict(enumerate(blockhashes[1]))
+        self.log("the reader gave me the following blockhashes: %s" % \
+                 blockhashes.keys())
+        self.log("the reader gave me the following sharehashes: %s" % \
+                 sharehashes[1].keys())
+        bht = self._block_hash_trees[reader.shnum]
+        if bht.needed_hashes(segnum, include_leaf=True):
+            try:
+                bht.set_hashes(blockhashes)
+            except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError, \
+                    IndexError), e:
+                raise CorruptShareError(reader.peerid,
+                                        reader.shnum,
+                                        "block hash tree failure: %s" % e)
+        if self._version == MDMF_VERSION:
+            blockhash = hashutil.block_hash(salt + block)
+        else:
+            blockhash = hashutil.block_hash(block)
+        # If this works without an error, then validation is
+        # successful.
+        try:
+           bht.set_hashes(leaves={segnum: blockhash})
+        except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError, \
+                IndexError), e:
+            raise CorruptShareError(reader.peerid,
+                                    reader.shnum,
+                                    "block hash tree failure: %s" % e)
+        # Reaching this point means that we know that this segment
+        # is correct. Now we need to check to see whether the share
+        # hash chain is also correct. 
+        # SDMF wrote share hash chains that didn't contain the
+        # leaves, which would be produced from the block hash tree.
+        # So we need to validate the block hash tree first. If
+        # successful, then bht[0] will contain the root for the
+        # shnum, which will be a leaf in the share hash tree, which
+        # will allow us to validate the rest of the tree.
+        if self.share_hash_tree.needed_hashes(reader.shnum,
+                                              include_leaf=True) or \
+                                              self._verify:
+            try:
+                self.share_hash_tree.set_hashes(hashes=sharehashes[1],
+                                            leaves={reader.shnum: bht[0]})
+            except (hashtree.BadHashError, hashtree.NotEnoughHashesError, \
+                    IndexError), e:
+                raise CorruptShareError(reader.peerid,
+                                        reader.shnum,
+                                        "corrupt hashes: %s" % e)
+        self.log('share %d is valid for segment %d' % (reader.shnum,
+                                                       segnum))
+        return {reader.shnum: (block, salt)}
+    def _get_needed_hashes(self, reader, segnum):
+        """
+        I get the hashes needed to validate segnum from the reader, then return
+        to my caller when this is done.
+        """
+        bht = self._block_hash_trees[reader.shnum]
+        needed = bht.needed_hashes(segnum, include_leaf=True)
+        # The root of the block hash tree is also a leaf in the share
+        # hash tree. So we don't need to fetch it from the remote
+        # server. In the case of files with one segment, this means that
+        # we won't fetch any block hash tree from the remote server,
+        # since the hash of each share of the file is the entire block
+        # hash tree, and is a leaf in the share hash tree. This is fine,
+        # since any share corruption will be detected in the share hash
+        # tree.
+        #needed.discard(0)
+        self.log("getting blockhashes for segment %d, share %d: %s" % \
+                 (segnum, reader.shnum, str(needed)))
+        d1 = reader.get_blockhashes(needed, queue=True, force_remote=True)
+        if self.share_hash_tree.needed_hashes(reader.shnum):
+            need = self.share_hash_tree.needed_hashes(reader.shnum)
+            self.log("also need sharehashes for share %d: %s" % (reader.shnum,
+                                                                 str(need)))
+            d2 = reader.get_sharehashes(need, queue=True, force_remote=True)
+        else:
+            d2 = defer.succeed({}) # the logic in the next method
+                                   # expects a dict
+        dl = defer.DeferredList([d1, d2], consumeErrors=True)
+        return dl
+    def _decode_blocks(self, blocks_and_salts, segnum):
+        """
+        I take a list of k blocks and salts, and decode that into a
+        single encrypted segment.
+        """
+        d = {}
+        # We want to merge our dictionaries to the form 
+        # {shnum: blocks_and_salts}
+        #
+        # The dictionaries come from validate block that way, so we just
+        # need to merge them.
+        for block_and_salt in blocks_and_salts:
+            d.update(block_and_salt[1])
+        # All of these blocks should have the same salt; in SDMF, it is
+        # the file-wide IV, while in MDMF it is the per-segment salt. In
+        # either case, we just need to get one of them and use it.
+        #
+        # d.items()[0] is like (shnum, (block, salt))
+        # d.items()[0][1] is like (block, salt)
+        # d.items()[0][1][1] is the salt.
+        salt = d.items()[0][1][1]
+        # Next, extract just the blocks from the dict. We'll use the
+        # salt in the next step.
+        share_and_shareids = [(k, v[0]) for k, v in d.items()]
+        d2 = dict(share_and_shareids)
+        shareids = []
+        shares = []
+        for shareid, share in d2.items():
-        assert len(shareids) >= k, len(shareids)
+        self._status.set_status("Decoding")
+        started = time.time()
+        assert len(shareids) >= self._required_shares, len(shareids)
         # zfec really doesn't want extra shares
-        shareids = shareids[:k]
-        shares = shares[:k]
-        fec = codec.CRSDecoder()
-        fec.set_params(segsize, k, N)
-        self.log("params %s, we have %d shares" % ((segsize, k, N), len(shares)))
-        self.log("about to decode, shareids=%s" % (shareids,))
-        d = defer.maybeDeferred(fec.decode, shares, shareids)
-        def _done(buffers):
-            self._status.timings["decode"] = time.time() - started
-            self.log(" decode done, %d buffers" % len(buffers))
+        shareids = shareids[:self._required_shares]
+        shares = shares[:self._required_shares]
+        self.log("decoding segment %d" % segnum)
+        if segnum == self._num_segments - 1:
+            d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._tail_decoder.decode, shares, shareids)
+        else:
+            d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._segment_decoder.decode, shares, shareids)
+        def _process(buffers):
             segment = "".join(buffers)
+            self.log(format="now decoding segment %(segnum)s of %(numsegs)s",
+                     segnum=segnum,
+                     numsegs=self._num_segments,
+                     level=log.NOISY)
             self.log(" joined length %d, datalength %d" %
-                     (len(segment), datalength))
-            segment = segment[:datalength]
+                     (len(segment), self._data_length))
+            if segnum == self._num_segments - 1:
+                size_to_use = self._tail_data_size
+            else:
+                size_to_use = self._segment_size
+            segment = segment[:size_to_use]
             self.log(" segment len=%d" % len(segment))
-            return segment
-        def _err(f):
-            self.log(" decode failed: %s" % f)
-            return f
-        d.addCallback(_done)
-        d.addErrback(_err)
+            self._status.timings.setdefault("decode", 0)
+            self._status.timings['decode'] = time.time() - started
+            return segment, salt
+        d.addCallback(_process)
         return d
-    def _decrypt(self, crypttext, IV, readkey):
+    def _decrypt_segment(self, segment_and_salt):
+        """
+        I take a single segment and its salt, and decrypt it. I return
+        the plaintext of the segment that is in my argument.
+        """
+        segment, salt = segment_and_salt
+        self.log("decrypting segment %d" % self._current_segment)
         started = time.time()
-        key = hashutil.ssk_readkey_data_hash(IV, readkey)
+        key = hashutil.ssk_readkey_data_hash(salt, self._node.get_readkey())
         decryptor = AES(key)
-        plaintext = decryptor.process(crypttext)
-        self._status.timings["decrypt"] = time.time() - started
+        plaintext = decryptor.process(segment)
+        self._status.timings.setdefault("decrypt", 0)
+        self._status.timings['decrypt'] = time.time() - started
         return plaintext
-    def _done(self, res):
-        if not self._running:
+    def notify_server_corruption(self, peerid, shnum, reason):
+        ss = self.servermap.connections[peerid]
+        ss.callRemoteOnly("advise_corrupt_share",
+                          "mutable", self._storage_index, shnum, reason)
+    def _try_to_validate_privkey(self, enc_privkey, reader):
+        alleged_privkey_s = self._node._decrypt_privkey(enc_privkey)
+        alleged_writekey = hashutil.ssk_writekey_hash(alleged_privkey_s)
+        if alleged_writekey != self._node.get_writekey():
+            self.log("invalid privkey from %s shnum %d" %
+                     (reader, reader.shnum),
+                     level=log.WEIRD, umid="YIw4tA")
+            if self._verify:
+                self.servermap.mark_bad_share(reader.peerid, reader.shnum,
+                                              self.verinfo[-2])
+                e = CorruptShareError(reader.peerid,
+                                      reader.shnum,
+                                      "invalid privkey")
+                f = failure.Failure(e)
+                self._bad_shares.add((reader.peerid, reader.shnum, f))
+        # it's good
+        self.log("got valid privkey from shnum %d on reader %s" %
+                 (reader.shnum, reader))
+        privkey = rsa.create_signing_key_from_string(alleged_privkey_s)
+        self._node._populate_encprivkey(enc_privkey)
+        self._node._populate_privkey(privkey)
+        self._need_privkey = False
+    def _check_for_done(self, res):
+        """
+        I check to see if this Retrieve object has successfully finished
+        its work.
+        I can exit in the following ways:
+            - If there are no more segments to download, then I exit by
+              causing self._done_deferred to fire with the plaintext
+              content requested by the caller.
+            - If there are still segments to be downloaded, and there
+              are enough active readers (readers which have not broken
+              and have not given us corrupt data) to continue
+              downloading, I send control back to
+              _download_current_segment.
+            - If there are still segments to be downloaded but there are
+              not enough active peers to download them, I ask
+              _add_active_peers to add more peers. If it is successful,
+              it will call _download_current_segment. If there are not
+              enough peers to retrieve the file, then that will cause
+              _done_deferred to errback.
+        """
+        self.log("checking for doneness")
+        if self._current_segment > self._last_segment:
+            # No more segments to download, we're done.
+            self.log("got plaintext, done")
+            return self._done()
+        if len(self._active_readers) >= self._required_shares:
+            # More segments to download, but we have enough good peers
+            # in self._active_readers that we can do that without issue,
+            # so go nab the next segment.
+            self.log("not done yet: on segment %d of %d" % \
+                     (self._current_segment + 1, self._num_segments))
+            return self._download_current_segment()
+        self.log("not done yet: on segment %d of %d, need to add peers" % \
+                 (self._current_segment + 1, self._num_segments))
+        return self._add_active_peers()
+    def _done(self):
+        """
+        I am called by _check_for_done when the download process has
+        finished successfully. After making some useful logging
+        statements, I return the decrypted contents to the owner of this
+        Retrieve object through self._done_deferred.
+        """
         self._running = False
-        self._status.timings["total"] = time.time() - self._started
-        # res is either the new contents, or a Failure
-        if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
-            self.log("Retrieve done, with failure", failure=res,
-                     level=log.UNUSUAL)
-            self._status.set_status("Failed")
+        now = time.time()
+        self._status.timings['total'] = now - self._started
+        self._status.timings['fetch'] = now - self._started_fetching
+        if self._verify:
+            ret = list(self._bad_shares)
+            self.log("done verifying, found %d bad shares" % len(ret))
-            self.log("Retrieve done, success!")
-            self._status.set_status("Finished")
-            self._status.set_progress(1.0)
-            # remember the encoding parameters, use them again next time
-            (seqnum, root_hash, IV, segsize, datalength, k, N, prefix,
-             offsets_tuple) = self.verinfo
-            self._node._populate_required_shares(k)
-            self._node._populate_total_shares(N)
-        eventually(self._done_deferred.callback, res)
+            # TODO: upload status here?
+            ret = self._consumer
+            self._consumer.unregisterProducer()
+        eventually(self._done_deferred.callback, ret)
+    def _failed(self):
+        """
+        I am called by _add_active_peers when there are not enough
+        active peers left to complete the download. After making some
+        useful logging statements, I return an exception to that effect
+        to the caller of this Retrieve object through
+        self._done_deferred.
+        """
+        self._running = False
+        self._status.set_active(False)
+        now = time.time()
+        self._status.timings['total'] = now - self._started
+        self._status.timings['fetch'] = now - self._started_fetching
+        if self._verify:
+            ret = list(self._bad_shares)
+        else:
+            format = ("ran out of peers: "
+                      "have %(have)d of %(total)d segments "
+                      "found %(bad)d bad shares "
+                      "encoding %(k)d-of-%(n)d")
+            args = {"have": self._current_segment,
+                    "total": self._num_segments,
+                    "need": self._last_segment,
+                    "k": self._required_shares,
+                    "n": self._total_shares,
+                    "bad": len(self._bad_shares)}
+            e = NotEnoughSharesError("%s, last failure: %s" % \
+                                     (format % args, str(self._last_failure)))
+            f = failure.Failure(e)
+            ret = f
+        eventually(self._done_deferred.callback, ret)