void discovery() {
+ //
+ // On the discovery screen, make the combo-boxes "touchscreen-friendly"
+ //
+ optimize_for_touchscreen=1;
- gtk_widget_show(apps_combobox[row]);
my_combo_attach(GTK_GRID(grid), apps_combobox[row], 4, row, 1, 1);
+ gtk_widget_show(apps_combobox[row]);
double display_calibration=0.0;
int can_transmit=0;
-int optimize_for_touchscreen=1;
+int optimize_for_touchscreen=0;
gboolean duplex=FALSE;
gboolean mute_rx_while_transmitting=FALSE;
//g_print("start_radio: selected radio=%p device=%d\n",radio,radio->device);
+ //
+ // In the discovery dialog, we have set the combobox behaviour to
+ // "touchscreen friendly". Now we set it to "mouse friendly"
+ // but this can be overridden in the RADIO menu or when reading
+ // from the props file
+ //
+ optimize_for_touchscreen=0;
+// A mechanism to make ComboBoxes "touchscreen-friendly".
+// If the variable "optimize_for_touchscreen" is nonzero, their
+// behaviour is modified such that they only react on "button release"
+// events, the first release event pops up the menu, the second one makes
+// the choice.
+// This is necessary since a "slow click" (with some delay between press and release)
+// leads you nowhere: the PRESS event lets the menu open, it grabs the focus, and
+// the RELEASE event makes the choice. With a mouse this is no problem since you
+// hold the button while making a choice, but with a touch-screen it may make the
+// GUI un-usable.
+// The variable "optimize_for_touchscreen" can be changed in the RADIO menu (or whereever
+// it is decided to move this).
static gboolean eventbox_callback(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data)
+ //
+ // data is the ComboBox that is contained in the EventBox
+ //
if (event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) {
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
-// This function replaces gtk_grid_attach for a newly created combo-box
+// This function has to be called instead of "gtk_grid_attach" for ComboBoxes.
+// Basically, it creates an EventBox and puts the ComboBox therein,
+// such that all events (mouse clicks) go to the EventBox. This ignores
+// everything except "button release" events, in this case it lets the ComboBox
+// pop-up the menu which then goes to the foreground.
+// Then, the choice can be made from the menu in the usual way.
void my_combo_attach(GtkGrid *grid, GtkWidget *combo, int row, int col, int spanrow, int spancol)