No TX/Penelope TX/Pennylane TX in radio menu for ATLAS systems.
case 0:
case 1:
chk_data((frame[1] & 0x03) >> 0, rate, "SampleRate");
- chk_data((frame[1] & 0x0C) >> 3, ref10, "Ref10MHz");
+ chk_data((frame[1] & 0x0C) >> 2, ref10, "Ref10MHz");
chk_data((frame[1] & 0x10) >> 4, src122, "Source122MHz");
chk_data((frame[1] & 0x60) >> 5, PMconfig, "Penelope/Mercury config");
chk_data((frame[1] & 0x80) >> 7, MicSrc, "MicSource");
g_print(" Penelope Software version: %d (0x%0X)\n",penelope_software_version,penelope_software_version);
- //
- // Set atlas_penelope flag to "penelope" if three conditions are met:
- // a) it's a METIS device (no HERMES, ORION, etc.)
- // b) penelope software version is 18
- // c) atlas_penelope flag is "unknown"
- //
- if (device == DEVICE_METIS && penelope_software_version == 18 && atlas_penelope == 2) {
- g_print("Adjusted settings for PENELOPE\n");
- atlas_penelope=1;
- }
//DEBUG code to monitor HL2 TX-FIFO filling and
if(metis_offset==8) {
// Every second packet is a "C0=0" packet
- // Unless USB device
+ // Note for USB devices metis_offest is ALWAYS 8 (!)
if (device == DEVICE_METIS)
- // atlas_mic_source is FALSE when using Janus
+ //
+ // A. Assume a mercury board is *always* present (set CONFIG_MERCURY)
+ //
+ // B. Set CONFIG_PENELOPE in either of the cases
+ // - a penelope or pennylane TX is selected (atlas_penelope != 0)
+ // - a penelope is specified as mic source (atlas_mic_source != 0)
+ // - the penelope is the source for the 122.88 Mhz clock (atlas_clock_source_128mhz == 0)
+ // - the penelope is the source for the 10 Mhz reference (atlas_clock_source_10mhz == 1)
+ //
+ // So if neither penelope nor pennylane is selected but referenced as clock or mic source,
+ // a pennylane is chosen implicitly (not no drive level adjustment via IQ scaling in this case!)
+ // and CONFIG_BOTH becomes effective.
+ //
+ output_buffer[C1] |= CONFIG_MERCURY;
+ if (atlas_penelope) {
+ output_buffer[C1] |= CONFIG_PENELOPE;
+ }
if (atlas_mic_source) {
output_buffer[C1] |= PENELOPE_MIC;
- output_buffer[C1] |= CONFIG_BOTH;
+ output_buffer[C1] |= CONFIG_PENELOPE;
- if (atlas_clock_source_128mhz)
- output_buffer[C1] |= MERCURY_122_88MHZ_SOURCE;
- output_buffer[C1] |= ((atlas_clock_source_10mhz & 3) << 2);
+ if (atlas_clock_source_128mhz) {
+ output_buffer[C1] |= MERCURY_122_88MHZ_SOURCE; // Mercury provides 122 Mhz
+ } else {
+ output_buffer[C1] |= PENELOPE_122_88MHZ_SOURCE; // Penelope provides 122 Mhz
+ output_buffer[C1] |= CONFIG_PENELOPE;
+ }
+ switch (atlas_clock_source_10mhz) {
+ case 0:
+ output_buffer[C1] |= ATLAS_10MHZ_SOURCE; // ATLAS provides 10 Mhz
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ output_buffer[C1] |= PENELOPE_10MHZ_SOURCE; // Penelope provides 10 Mhz
+ output_buffer[C1] |= CONFIG_PENELOPE;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ output_buffer[C1] |= MERCURY_10MHZ_SOURCE; // Mercury provides 10 MHz
+ break;
+ }
#ifdef USBOZY
int buffer_size=1024; // 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048
int fft_size=2048; // 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384
-int atlas_penelope=0; // 0: no penelope, 1: penelope, 2: unknown
+int atlas_penelope=0; // 0: no TX, 1: Penelope TX, 2: PennyLane TX
int atlas_clock_source_10mhz=0;
int atlas_clock_source_128mhz=0;
int atlas_config=0;
int atlas_mic_source=0;
-int atlas_janus=0;
int classE=0;
- // init atlas_penelope flag
- atlas_penelope = 0; // default: no penelope
- if (protocol == ORIGINAL_PROTOCOL && device == DEVICE_METIS) {
+ if ((protocol == ORIGINAL_PROTOCOL && device == DEVICE_METIS) ||
+ (protocol == NEW_PROTOCOL && device == NEW_DEVICE_ATLAS)) {
- // VK4XV (Bob) suggested
- // to have some "protection" for penelope systems which
- // start from a virgin props file, namely to auto-detect a penelope
- // and set the atlas_penelope flag so that the IQ samples are properly
- // scaled (otherwise full PA output power results).
+ // by default, assume there is a penelope board (no PennyLane)
+ // when using an ATLAS bus system, to avoid TX overdrive due to
+ // missing IQ scaling.
- // So my implementation works as follows:
- // To guard against "false penelope detects", the atlas_penelope flag
- // is initialized with 2 ("unknown").
- //
- // This has no effect if a props file is already there and the flag is
- // read from the props file. The value 2 "unknown" can be changed
- // to either 0 or 1 in two situations:
- // - P1 analyzing the control flags and finding the penelope software version
- // is 18: change "unknown" to "penelope"
- // - radio menu is opened and penelope checkbox is to be displayed: change
- // "unknown" to "no penelope"
- //
- atlas_penelope=2;
+ atlas_penelope = 1;
+ atlas_mic_source = 1;
// set the default power output and max drive value
extern int atlas_clock_source_128mhz;
extern int atlas_config;
extern int atlas_mic_source;
-extern int atlas_janus;
extern int classE;
static void penelopetx_cb(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) {
- atlas_penelope=atlas_penelope==1?0:1;
-static void janus_cb(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) {
- atlas_janus=atlas_janus==1?0:1;
+ atlas_penelope=GPOINTER_TO_INT(data);
void radio_menu(GtkWidget *parent) {
+ // Possibly "fuse" the 10Mhz Atlas buttons in one drop-down
GtkWidget *ck10mhz_1=gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(NULL,"10MHz clock=Atlas");
gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (ck10mhz_1), atlas_clock_source_10mhz==0);
- //
- // If we arrive here and atlas_penelope is still "unknown",
- // set it to "no penelope" (from now on, it may only take
- // the values 0 and 1).
- //
- if (atlas_penelope == 2) {
- atlas_penelope = 0;
- }
- GtkWidget *pene_tx_b=gtk_check_button_new_with_label("Penelope TX");
- gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (pene_tx_b), atlas_penelope);
- gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid),pene_tx_b,col,row,1,1);
- g_signal_connect(pene_tx_b,"toggled",G_CALLBACK(penelopetx_cb),NULL);
+ // Possibly "fuse" the TX buttons in one drop-down
+ GtkWidget *penelopetx_1=gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(NULL,"No TX");
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (penelopetx_1), atlas_penelope==0);
+ gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid),penelopetx_1,col,row,1,1);
+ g_signal_connect(penelopetx_1,"toggled",G_CALLBACK(penelopetx_cb),(gpointer *)0);
+ row++;
+ GtkWidget *penelopetx_2=gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget(GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(penelopetx_1),"Penelope TX");
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (penelopetx_2), atlas_penelope==1);
+ gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid),penelopetx_2,col,row,1,1);
+ g_signal_connect(penelopetx_2,"toggled",G_CALLBACK(penelopetx_cb),(gpointer *)1);
- GtkWidget *janus_b=gtk_check_button_new_with_label("Janus");
- gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (janus_b), atlas_janus);
- gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid),janus_b,col,row,1,1);
- g_signal_connect(janus_b,"toggled",G_CALLBACK(janus_cb),NULL);
+ GtkWidget *penelopetx_3=gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget(GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(penelopetx_1),"Pennylane TX");
+ gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (penelopetx_3), atlas_penelope==2);
+ gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(grid),penelopetx_3,col,row,1,1);
+ g_signal_connect(penelopetx_3,"toggled",G_CALLBACK(penelopetx_cb),(gpointer *)2);
if(row>temp_row) temp_row=row;
) && atlas_penelope == 1) {
// Note that the atlas_penelope flag can have three values, namely
- // 0 "no penelope" : no scaling
+ // 0 "no penelope" : no scaling
// 1 "penelope" : scale
- // 2 "unknown" : no scaling
- //
- // Note "unknown" will be changed to "penelope" if P1 HPSDR packets are
- // received and the penelope software version is 1.8. However, if it is a
- // METIS system with a penelope software version different from 1.8, then
- // the flag will remain in the "unknown" state.
- //
- // Note further, in the moment the radio menu is opened, "unknown" will be
- // changed to "no penelope".
- //
- // This is so because some RedPitaya-based HPSDR servers identify as a
- // METIS with penelope software version = 1.7
+ // 2 "pennylane" : no scaling
// On Penelope boards, the TX drive level as reported by the P1 protocol has
// no effect, and TX drive level changes are instead realized by
- // scaling the TX IQ samples.
+ // scaling the TX IQ samples. Pennylane is a slightly updated Penelope board
+ // that has drive scaling just as Hermes and later.
// "The magic factor" 0.00392 is slightly less than 1/255.