From 4f4d355310cd8688366be5c464f14974313ee656 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: robk-tahoe <>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 18:17:16 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] windows installer: remove uninstall tracking, add welcome

in justin's testing, the uninstall tracking was hanging the uninstall
process (on vista) for now, until we see enough need for it to warrant
more detailed testing/debugging/tweaks, I'm simply disabling the call
to confwiz --uninstall

also this adds a 'welcome page' to the install process. once the user
has installed the windows build, then the installer will open a web
browser to the 'welcome page' on the website ('/welcome_install')
 windows/installer.tmpl | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/windows/installer.tmpl b/windows/installer.tmpl
index 9636064f..a96cb783 100644
--- a/windows/installer.tmpl
+++ b/windows/installer.tmpl
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ Filename: "{app}\Install\winfuse\InstallUtil.exe"; Parameters: """{app}\Install\
 Filename: "{app}\Install\confwiz.exe"; Flags: hidewizard
 ;Filename: "{app}\Install\ReadMe.txt"; Description: "View the ReadMe file"; Flags: unchecked postinstall nowait shellexec skipifdoesntexist
 Filename: "{app}\Install\winfuse\TahoeTray.exe"; Description: "Run Allmydata Tahoe"; Flags: postinstall nowait
+Filename: ""; Description: "View the Welcome Page"; Flags: postinstall shellexec
 ; Performed before the uninstaller runs to undo things
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ Filename: "{sys}\net.exe"; Parameters: "stop ""Allmydata Tahoe SMB"""; Flags: ru
 Filename: "{sys}\net.exe"; Parameters: "stop Tahoe"; Flags: runhidden
 Filename: "{app}\Install\winfuse\InstallUtil.exe"; Parameters: "/uninstall ""{app}\Install\winfuse\WinFUSE.exe"""; Flags: runhidden
 Filename: "{app}\Install\tahoesvc.exe"; Parameters: "-remove"; Flags: runhidden
-Filename: "{app}\Install\confwiz.exe"; Parameters: "--uninstall"; Flags: runhidden
+;Filename: "{app}\Install\confwiz.exe"; Parameters: "--uninstall"; Flags: runhidden
 ;Filename: ""; Flags: shellexec