From: david-sarah <>
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 03:18:57 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: Makefile: remove targets that used misc/debian[_helpers] which no longer exist. Also... 
X-Git-Tag: pre-393~17

Makefile: remove targets that used misc/debian[_helpers] which no longer exist. Also change docs/debian.rst to reflect the fact that we no longer support building .debs using those targets. refs #1454

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 1f498103..a0bda520 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -255,129 +255,3 @@ tarballs:
 	@if [ "X${BB_BRANCH}" == "Xtrunk" ] || [ "X${BB_BRANCH}" == "X" ]; then for f in dist/allmydata-tahoe-*; do flappclient --furlfile ~/.tahoe-tarball-upload.furl upload-file $$f; done ; else echo not uploading tarballs because this is not trunk but is branch \"${BB_BRANCH}\" ; fi
-VER=$(shell $(PYTHON) misc/build_helpers/
-DEBCOMMENTS="'make deb' build"
-	@echo $(VER)
-	@echo $(PP)
-.PHONY: setup-deb deb-ARCH is-known-debian-arch
-.PHONY: deb-etch deb-lenny deb-sid
-.PHONY: deb-edgy deb-feisty deb-gutsy deb-hardy deb-intrepid deb-jaunty
-# we use misc/debian_helpers/$TAHOE_ARCH/debian
-deb-etch:      # py2.4
-	$(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=etch TAHOE_ARCH=etch
-deb-lenny:     # py2.5
-	$(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=lenny TAHOE_ARCH=lenny
-	$(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=sid TAHOE_ARCH=sid
-deb-edgy:     # py2.4
-	$(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=edgy TAHOE_ARCH=etch
-deb-feisty:   # py2.5
-	$(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=feisty TAHOE_ARCH=lenny
-deb-gutsy:    # py2.5
-	$(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=gutsy TAHOE_ARCH=lenny
-deb-hardy:    # py2.5
-	$(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=hardy TAHOE_ARCH=lenny
-deb-intrepid: # py2.5
-	$(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=intrepid TAHOE_ARCH=lenny
-deb-jaunty:   # py2.6
-	$(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=jaunty TAHOE_ARCH=lenny
-# we know how to handle the following debian architectures
-KNOWN_DEBIAN_ARCHES := etch lenny sid  edgy feisty gutsy hardy intrepid jaunty
-ifeq ($(findstring x-$(ARCH)-x,$(foreach arch,$(KNOWN_DEBIAN_ARCHES),"x-$(arch)-x")),)
-	@echo "ARCH must be set when using setup-deb or deb-ARCH"
-	@echo "I know how to handle:" $(KNOWN_DEBIAN_ARCHES)
-	false
-	true
-ifndef TAHOE_ARCH
-setup-deb: is-known-debian-arch
-	rm -f debian
-	ln -s misc/debian_helpers/$(TAHOE_ARCH)/debian debian
-	chmod +x debian/rules
-# etch (current debian stable) has python-simplejson-1.3, which doesn't
-#  support indent=
-# sid (debian unstable) currently has python-simplejson 1.7.1
-# edgy has 1.3, which doesn't support indent=
-# feisty has 1.4, which supports indent= but emits a deprecation warning
-# gutsy has 1.7.1
-# we need 1.4 or newer
-deb-ARCH: is-known-debian-arch setup-deb
-	fakeroot debian/rules binary
-	@echo
-	@echo "The newly built .deb packages are in the parent directory from here."
-.PHONY: increment-deb-version
-.PHONY: deb-etch-head deb-lenny-head deb-sid-head
-.PHONY: deb-edgy-head deb-feisty-head deb-gutsy-head deb-hardy-head deb-intrepid-head deb-jaunty-head
-# The buildbot runs the following targets after each change, to produce
-# up-to-date tahoe .debs. These steps do not create .debs for anything else.
-increment-deb-version: make-version
-	debchange --newversion $(VER) $(DEBCOMMENTS)
-	$(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=etch TAHOE_ARCH=etch
-	$(MAKE) increment-deb-version
-	fakeroot debian/rules binary
-	$(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=lenny TAHOE_ARCH=lenny
-	$(MAKE) increment-deb-version
-	fakeroot debian/rules binary
-	$(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=sid TAHOE_ARCH=lenny
-	$(MAKE) increment-deb-version
-	fakeroot debian/rules binary
-	$(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=edgy TAHOE_ARCH=etch
-	$(MAKE) increment-deb-version
-	fakeroot debian/rules binary
-	$(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=feisty TAHOE_ARCH=lenny
-	$(MAKE) increment-deb-version
-	fakeroot debian/rules binary
-	$(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=gutsy TAHOE_ARCH=lenny
-	$(MAKE) increment-deb-version
-	fakeroot debian/rules binary
-	$(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=hardy TAHOE_ARCH=lenny
-	$(MAKE) increment-deb-version
-	fakeroot debian/rules binary
-	$(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=intrepid TAHOE_ARCH=lenny
-	$(MAKE) increment-deb-version
-	fakeroot debian/rules binary
-	$(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=jaunty TAHOE_ARCH=lenny
-	$(MAKE) increment-deb-version
-	fakeroot debian/rules binary
-# new experimental debian-packaging-building target
-EXPERIMENTAL-deb: is-known-debian-arch
-	$(PYTHON) misc/build_helpers/ $(ARCH)
diff --git a/docs/debian.rst b/docs/debian.rst
index ac6dce4f..cee6b445 100644
--- a/docs/debian.rst
+++ b/docs/debian.rst
@@ -1,184 +1,59 @@
-Debian Support
+Debian and Ubuntu Support
 1.  `Overview`_
-2.  `TL;DR supporting package building instructions`_
-3.  `TL;DR package building instructions for Tahoe`_
-4.  `Building Debian Packages`_
-5.  `Using Pre-Built Debian Packages`_
-6.  `Building From Source on Debian Systems`_
+2.  `Dependency Packages`_
-One convenient way to install Tahoe-LAFS is with Debian packages.
-This document attempts to explain how to complete a desert island build for
-people in a hurry. It also attempts to explain more about our Debian packaging
-for those willing to read beyond the simple pragmatic packaging exercises.
-TL;DR supporting package building instructions
-There are only four supporting packages that are currently not available from
-the Debian apt repositories in Debian Lenny::
-    python-foolscap python-zfec argparse zbase32
-First, we'll install some common packages for development::
-    sudo apt-get install -y build-essential debhelper cdbs python-central \
-                    python-setuptools python python-dev python-twisted-core \
-                    fakeroot darcs python-twisted python-nevow \
-                    python-simplejson  python-pycryptopp devscripts \
-                    apt-file
-    sudo apt-file update
-To create packages for Lenny, we'll also install stdeb::  
-    sudo apt-get install python-all-dev
-    STDEB_VERSION="0.5.1"
-    wget$STDEB_VERSION.tar.gz
-    tar xzf stdeb-$STDEB_VERSION.tar.gz
-    cd stdeb-$STDEB_VERSION
-    python --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb
-    sudo dpkg -i deb_dist/python-stdeb_$STDEB_VERSION-1_all.deb
-Now we're ready to build and install the zfec Debian package::
-    darcs get zfac
-    cd zfac/zfec/
-    python sdist_dsc
-    cd `find deb_dist -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d` && \
-    dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us
-    sudo dpkg -i ../python-zfec_1.4.6-r333-1_amd64.deb
-We need to build a pyutil package::
-    wget
-    tar -xvzf pyutil-1.6.1.tar.gz 
-    cd pyutil-1.6.1/
-    python --command-packages=stdeb.command sdist_dsc
-    cd deb_dist/pyutil-1.6.1/
-    dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us
-    sudo dpkg -i ../python-pyutil_1.6.1-1_all.deb
-We also need to install argparse and zbase32::
-    sudo easy_install argparse # argparse won't install with stdeb (!) :-(
-    sudo easy_install zbase32 # XXX TODO: package with stdeb
-Finally, we'll fetch, unpack, build and install foolscap::
-    # You may not already have Brian's key:
-    # gpg --recv-key 0x1514A7BD
-    wget
-    wget
-    gpg --verify foolscap-0.5.0.tar.gz.asc
-    tar -xvzf foolscap-0.5.0.tar.gz 
-    cd foolscap-0.5.0/
-    python --command-packages=stdeb.command sdist_dsc
-    cd deb_dist/foolscap-0.5.0/
-    dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us
-    sudo dpkg -i ../python-foolscap_0.5.0-1_all.deb 
-TL;DR package building instructions for Tahoe
-If you want to build your own Debian packages from the darcs tree or from 
-a source release, do the following::
-    cd ~/
-    mkdir src && cd src/
-    darcs get --lazy tahoe-lafs
-    cd tahoe-lafs
-    # set this for your Debian release name (lenny, sid, etc)
-    make deb-lenny-head
-    # You must have your dependency issues worked out by hand for this to work
-    sudo dpkg -i ../allmydata-tahoe_1.6.1-r4262_all.deb
-You should now have a functional desert island build of Tahoe with all of the
-supported libraries as .deb packages. You'll need to edit the Debian-specific
-``/etc/defaults/allmydata-tahoe`` file to get Tahoe started. Data is by default
-stored in ``/var/lib/tahoelafsd/`` and Tahoe runs as the 'tahoelafsd' user.
-Building Debian Packages
-The Tahoe source tree comes with limited support for building Debian packages
-on a variety of Debian and Ubuntu platforms. For each supported platform,
-there is a "deb-PLATFORM-head" target in the Makefile that will produce a
-Debian package from a darcs checkout, using a version number that is derived
-from the most recent darcs tag, plus the total number of revisions present in
-the tree (e.g. "1.1-r2678").
-To create Debian packages from a Tahoe tree, you will need some additional
-tools installed. The canonical list of these packages is in the
-"Build-Depends" clause of ``misc/sid/debian/control``, and includes::
- build-essential
- debhelper
- cdbs
- python-central
- python-setuptools
- python
- python-dev
- python-twisted-core
-In addition, to use the "deb-$PLATFORM-head" target, you will also need the
-"``debchange``" utility from the "devscripts" package, and the "fakeroot" package.
-Some recent platforms can be handled by using the targets for the previous
-release, for example if there is no "deb-hardy-head" target, try building
-"deb-gutsy-head" and see if the resulting package will work.
-Note that we haven't tried to build source packages (``.orig.tar.gz`` + dsc) yet,
-and there are no such source packages in our APT repository.
-Using Pre-Built Debian Packages
-The ```` site hosts an APT repository with Debian packages that are
-built after each checkin. The `DownloadDebianPackages
-<>`_ wiki page
-describes this repository.
-The ```` APT repository also includes Debian packages of support
-libraries, like Foolscap, zfec, pycryptopp, and everything else you need that
-isn't already in Debian.
-Building From Source on Debian Systems
-Many of Tahoe's build dependencies can be satisfied by first installing
-certain Debian packages: simplejson is one of these. Some Debian/Ubuntu
-platforms do not provide the necessary ``.egg-info`` metadata with their
-packages, so the Tahoe build process may not believe they are present. Some
-Tahoe dependencies are not present in most Debian systems (such as foolscap
-and zfec): debs for these are made available in the APT repository described
-The Tahoe build process will acquire (via setuptools) most of the libraries
-that it needs to run and which are not already present in the build
-We have observed occasional problems with this acquisition process. In some
-cases, setuptools will only be half-aware of an installed Debian package,
-just enough to interfere with the automatic download+build of the dependency.
-For example, on some platforms, if Nevow-0.9.26 is installed via a Debian
-package, setuptools will believe that it must download Nevow anyways, but it
-will insist upon downloading that specific 0.9.26 version. Since the current
-release of Nevow is 0.9.31, and 0.9.26 is no longer available for download,
-this will fail.
-contains source tarballs for Tahoe's dependent libraries. The Nevow-0.9.26-type
-problem can be mitigated by putting the right dependency in ``tahoe-deps``,
-or by downloading the "SUMO" distribution of Tahoe-LAFS, which includes all of
-these source tarballs.
-If you encounter problems building a dependency from source,
-contains binary (`.egg`) distributions for various OS platforms and versions
-of Python.
+Tahoe-LAFS is provided as a ``.deb`` package in current Debian (>= wheezy)
+and Ubuntu (>= lucid) releases. Before official packages were added, the Tahoe
+source tree provided support for building unofficial packages for a variety
+of popular Debian/Ubuntu versions. The project also ran buildbots to create
+``.debs`` of current trunk for ease of testing.
+As of version 1.9, the source tree no longer provides these tools. To
+construct a ``.deb`` from current trunk, your best bet is to apply the current
+Debian diff from the latest upstream package and invoke the ``debian/rules``
+as usual. Debian's standard ``apt-get`` tool can be used to fetch the current
+source package (including the Debian-specific diff): run
+"``apt-get source tahoe-lafs``". That will fetch three files: the ``.dsc``
+control file, the main Tahoe tarball, and the Debian-specific
+``.debian.tar.gz`` file. Just unpack the ``.debian.tar.gz`` file inside
+your Tahoe source tree, modify the version number in ``debian/changelog``,
+then run "``fakeroot ./debian/rules binary``", and a new ``.deb`` will be
+placed in the parent directory.
+Dependency Packages
+Tahoe depends upon a number of additional libraries. When building Tahoe from
+source, any dependencies that are not already present in the environment will
+be downloaded (via ``easy_install``) and stored in the ``support/lib``
+The ``.deb`` packages, of course, rely solely upon other ``.deb`` packages.
+For reference, here is a list of the debian package names that provide Tahoe's
+dependencies as of the 1.9 release:
+* python
+* python-zfec
+* python-pycryptopp
+* python-foolscap
+* python-openssl (needed by foolscap)
+* python-twisted
+* python-nevow
+* python-mock
+* python-simplejson
+* python-setuptools
+* python-support (for Debian-specific install-time tools)
+When building your own Debian packages, a convenient way to get all these
+dependencies installed is to first install the official "tahoe-lafs" package,
+then uninstall it, leaving the dependencies behind. You may also find it
+useful to run "``apt-get build-dep tahoe-lafs``" to make sure all the usual
+build-essential tools are installed.