From: Brian Warner <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 20:16:48 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: dirnodes.txt: minor edits

dirnodes.txt: minor edits

diff --git a/docs/dirnodes.txt b/docs/dirnodes.txt
index 21b9216c..809a4c5f 100644
--- a/docs/dirnodes.txt
+++ b/docs/dirnodes.txt
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ nodes.
 == Dirnode Goals ==
-What properties might be desireable for these directory nodes? In no
+What properties might be desirable for these directory nodes? In no
 particular order:
  1: functional. Code which does not work doesn't count.
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ particular order:
                   sequence of updates
 We do not meet all of these goals. For the current release, we favored #1,
-#2, and #7 above the rest, which lead us to the following design. In a later
-#section, we discuss some alternate designs and potential changes to the
-#existing code that can help us achieve the other goals.
+#2, and #7 above the rest, which led us to the following design. In a later
+section, we discuss some alternate designs and potential changes to the
+existing code that can help us achieve the other goals.
 In tahoe-0.4.0, each "dirnode" is stored as a file on a single "vdrive
 server". The name of this file is an unguessable string. The contents are an