From: Zooko O'Whielacronx <>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 05:32:15 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: setup: remove a convenience copy of figleaf, to ease inclusion into Ubuntu Karmic... 
X-Git-Tag: trac-4100~39

setup: remove a convenience copy of figleaf, to ease inclusion into Ubuntu Karmic Koala
We need to carefully document the licence of figleaf in order to get Tahoe-LAFS into Ubuntu Karmic Koala.  However, figleaf isn't really a part of Tahoe-LAFS per se -- this is just a "convenience copy" of a development tool.  The quickest way to make Tahoe-LAFS acceptable for Karmic then, is to remove figleaf from the Tahoe-LAFS tarball itself.  People who want to run figleaf on Tahoe-LAFS (as everyone should want) can install figleaf themselves.  I haven't tested this -- there may be incompatibilities between upstream figleaf and the copy that we had here...

diff --git a/misc/ b/misc/
index 30a6bdfa..0e7e051b 100644
--- a/misc/
+++ b/misc/
@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ def write_el(r2, source):
     out.write(" results)\n")
-#import figleaf
-from allmydata.util import figleaf
+import figleaf
 def examine_source(filename):
     f = open(filename, "r")
diff --git a/misc/figleaf2html b/misc/figleaf2html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9157f813..00000000
--- a/misc/figleaf2html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-from allmydata.util import figleaf_htmlizer
diff --git a/src/allmydata/test/ b/src/allmydata/test/
index 2e998c13..49a4e689 100644
--- a/src/allmydata/test/
+++ b/src/allmydata/test/
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ from twisted.trial.reporter import TreeReporter, VerboseTextReporter
 # in printSummary. To include import, we have to start in our own import and
 # finish in printSummary.
-from allmydata.util import figleaf
+import figleaf
diff --git a/src/allmydata/util/ b/src/allmydata/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 03d8c08d..00000000
--- a/src/allmydata/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-figleaf is another tool to trace code coverage (yes, in Python ;).
-figleaf uses the sys.settrace hook to record which statements are
-executed by the CPython interpreter; this record can then be saved
-into a file, or otherwise communicated back to a reporting script.
-figleaf differs from the gold standard of coverage tools
-('') in several ways.  First and foremost, figleaf uses the
-same criterion for "interesting" lines of code as the sys.settrace
-function, which obviates some of the complexity in (but
-does mean that your "loc" count goes down).  Second, figleaf does not
-record code executed in the Python standard library, which results in
-a significant speedup.  And third, the format in which the coverage
-format is saved is very simple and easy to work with.
-You might want to use figleaf if you're recording coverage from
-multiple types of tests and need to aggregate the coverage in
-interesting ways, and/or control when coverage is recorded. is a better choice for command-line execution, and its
-reporting is a fair bit nicer.
-Command line usage: ::
- <python file to execute> <args to python file>
-The figleaf output is saved into the file '.figleaf', which is an
-*aggregate* of coverage reports from all figleaf runs from this
-directory.  '.figleaf' contains a pickled dictionary of sets; the keys
-are source code filenames, and the sets contain all line numbers
-executed by the Python interpreter. See the docs or command-line
-programs in bin/ for more information.
-High level API: ::
- * ``start(ignore_lib=True)`` -- start recording code coverage.
- * ``stop()``                 -- stop recording code coverage.
- * ``get_trace_obj()``        -- return the (singleton) trace object.
- * ``get_info()``             -- get the coverage dictionary
-Classes & functions worth knowing about, i.e. a lower level API:
- * ``get_lines(fp)`` -- return the set of interesting lines in the fp.
- * ``combine_coverage(d1, d2)`` -- combine coverage info from two dicts.
- * ``read_coverage(filename)`` -- load the coverage dictionary
- * ``write_coverage(filename)`` -- write the coverage out.
- * ``annotate_coverage(...)`` -- annotate a Python file with its coverage info.
-Known problems:
- -- module docstrings are *covered* but not found.
-AUTHOR: C. Titus Brown,
-'figleaf' is Copyright (C) 2006.  It will be released under the BSD license.
-import sys
-import os
-import threading
-from cPickle import dump, load
-### import builtin sets if in > 2.4, otherwise use 'sets' module.
-# we require 2.4 or later
-assert set
-from token import tok_name, NEWLINE, STRING, INDENT, DEDENT, COLON
-import parser, types, symbol
-def get_token_name(x):
-    """
-    Utility to help pretty-print AST symbols/Python tokens.
-    """
-    if symbol.sym_name.has_key(x):
-        return symbol.sym_name[x]
-    return tok_name.get(x, '-')
-class LineGrabber:
-    """
-    Count 'interesting' lines of Python in source files, where
-    'interesting' is defined as 'lines that could possibly be
-    executed'.
-    @CTB this badly needs to be refactored... once I have automated
-    tests ;)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, fp):
-        """
-        Count lines of code in 'fp'.
-        """
-        self.lines = set()
-        self.ast = parser.suite(
-        self.tree = parser.ast2tuple(self.ast, True)
-        self.find_terminal_nodes(self.tree)
-    def find_terminal_nodes(self, tup):
-        """
-        Recursively eat an AST in tuple form, finding the first line
-        number for "interesting" code.
-        """
-        (sym, rest) = tup[0], tup[1:]
-        line_nos = set()
-        if type(rest[0]) == types.TupleType:  ### node
-            for x in rest:
-                token_line_no = self.find_terminal_nodes(x)
-                if token_line_no is not None:
-                    line_nos.add(token_line_no)
-            if symbol.sym_name[sym] in ('stmt', 'suite', 'lambdef',
-                                        'except_clause') and line_nos:
-                # store the line number that this statement started at
-                self.lines.add(min(line_nos))
-            elif symbol.sym_name[sym] in ('if_stmt',):
-                # add all lines under this
-                self.lines.update(line_nos)
-            elif symbol.sym_name[sym] in ('global_stmt',): # IGNORE
-                return
-            else:
-                if line_nos:
-                    return min(line_nos)
-        else:                               ### leaf
-            if sym not in (NEWLINE, STRING, INDENT, DEDENT, COLON) and \
-               tup[1] != 'else':
-                return tup[2]
-            return None
-    def pretty_print(self, tup=None, indent=0):
-        """
-        Pretty print the AST.
-        """
-        if tup is None:
-            tup = self.tree
-        s = tup[1]
-        if type(s) == types.TupleType:
-            print ' '*indent, get_token_name(tup[0])
-            for x in tup[1:]:
-                self.pretty_print(x, indent+1)
-        else:
-            print ' '*indent, get_token_name(tup[0]), tup[1:]
-def get_lines(fp):
-    """
-    Return the set of interesting lines in the source code read from
-    this file handle.
-    """
-    l = LineGrabber(fp)
-    return l.lines
-class CodeTracer:
-    """
-    Basic code coverage tracking, using sys.settrace.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ignore_prefixes=[]):
-        self.c = {}
-        self.started = False
-        self.ignore_prefixes = ignore_prefixes
-    def start(self):
-        """
-        Start recording.
-        """
-        if not self.started:
-            self.started = True
-            sys.settrace(self.g)
-            if hasattr(threading, 'settrace'):
-                threading.settrace(self.g)
-    def stop(self):
-        if self.started:
-            sys.settrace(None)
-            if hasattr(threading, 'settrace'):
-                threading.settrace(None)
-            self.started = False
-    def g(self, f, e, a):
-        """
-        global trace function.
-        """
-        if e is 'call':
-            for p in self.ignore_prefixes:
-                if f.f_code.co_filename.startswith(p):
-                    return
-            return self.t
-    def t(self, f, e, a):
-        """
-        local trace function.
-        """
-        if e is 'line':
-            self.c[(f.f_code.co_filename, f.f_lineno)] = 1
-        return self.t
-    def clear(self):
-        """
-        wipe out coverage info
-        """
-        self.c = {}
-    def gather_files(self):
-        """
-        Return the dictionary of lines of executed code; the dict
-        contains items (k, v), where 'k' is the filename and 'v'
-        is a set of line numbers.
-        """
-        files = {}
-        for (filename, line) in self.c.keys():
-            d = files.get(filename, set())
-            d.add(line)
-            files[filename] = d
-        return files
-def combine_coverage(d1, d2):
-    """
-    Given two coverage dictionaries, combine the recorded coverage
-    and return a new dictionary.
-    """
-    keys = set(d1.keys())
-    keys.update(set(d2.keys()))
-    new_d = {}
-    for k in keys:
-        v = d1.get(k, set())
-        v2 = d2.get(k, set())
-        s = set(v)
-        s.update(v2)
-        new_d[k] = s
-    return new_d
-def write_coverage(filename, combine=True):
-    """
-    Write the current coverage info out to the given filename.  If
-    'combine' is false, destroy any previously recorded coverage info.
-    """
-    if _t is None:
-        return
-    d = _t.gather_files()
-    # combine?
-    if combine:
-        old = {}
-        fp = None
-        try:
-            fp = open(filename)
-        except IOError:
-            pass
-        if fp:
-            old = load(fp)
-            fp.close()
-            d = combine_coverage(d, old)
-    # ok, save.
-    outfp = open(filename, 'w')
-    try:
-        dump(d, outfp)
-    finally:
-        outfp.close()
-def read_coverage(filename):
-    """
-    Read a coverage dictionary in from the given file.
-    """
-    fp = open(filename)
-    try:
-        d = load(fp)
-    finally:
-        fp.close()
-    return d
-def annotate_coverage(in_fp, out_fp, covered, all_lines,
-                      mark_possible_lines=False):
-    """
-    A simple example coverage annotator that outputs text.
-    """
-    for i, line in enumerate(in_fp):
-        i = i + 1
-        if i in covered:
-            symbol = '>'
-        elif i in all_lines:
-            symbol = '!'
-        else:
-            symbol = ' '
-        symbol2 = ''
-        if mark_possible_lines:
-            symbol2 = ' '
-            if i in all_lines:
-                symbol2 = '-'
-        out_fp.write('%s%s %s' % (symbol, symbol2, line,))
-# singleton functions/top-level API
-_t = None
-def start(ignore_python_lib=True, ignore_prefixes=[]):
-    """
-    Start tracing code coverage.  If 'ignore_python_lib' is True,
-    ignore all files that live below the same directory as the 'os'
-    module.
-    """
-    global _t
-    if _t is None:
-        ignore_prefixes = ignore_prefixes[:]
-        if ignore_python_lib:
-            ignore_prefixes.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(os.__file__)))
-        _t = CodeTracer(ignore_prefixes)
-    _t.start()
-def stop():
-    """
-    Stop tracing code coverage.
-    """
-    global _t
-    if _t is not None:
-        _t.stop()
-def get_trace_obj():
-    """
-    Return the (singleton) trace object, if it exists.
-    """
-    return _t
-def get_info():
-    """
-    Get the coverage dictionary from the trace object.
-    """
-    if _t:
-        return _t.gather_files()
-def display_ast():
-    l = LineGrabber(open(sys.argv[1]))
-    l.pretty_print()
-def main():
-    """
-    Execute the given Python file with coverage, making it look like it is
-    __main__.
-    """
-    ignore_pylibs = False
-    def print_help():
-        print 'Usage: figleaf [-i] <program-to-profile> <program-options>'
-        print ''
-        print 'Options:'
-        print '  -i             Ignore Python standard libraries when calculating coverage'
-    args = sys.argv[1:]
-    if len(args) < 1:
-        print_help()
-        raise SystemExit()
-    elif len(args) > 2 and args[0] == '-i':
-        ignore_pylibs = True
-        ## Make sure to strip off the -i or --ignore-python-libs option if it exists
-        args = args[1:]
-    ## Reset system args so that the subsequently exec'd file can read from sys.argv
-    sys.argv = args
-    sys.path[0] = os.path.dirname(args[0])
-    cwd = os.getcwd()
-    start(ignore_pylibs)        # START code coverage
-    import __main__
-    try:
-        execfile(args[0], __main__.__dict__)
-    finally:
-        stop()                          # STOP code coverage
-        write_coverage(os.path.join(cwd, '.figleaf'))
diff --git a/src/allmydata/util/ b/src/allmydata/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0286ff5b..00000000
--- a/src/allmydata/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-import pickle
-import figleaf
-import os
-import re
-from twisted.python import usage
-class RenderOptions(usage.Options):
-    optParameters = [
-        ("exclude-patterns", "x", None, "file containing regexp patterns to exclude"),
-        ("output-directory", "d", "html", "Directory for HTML output"),
-        ("root", "r", None, "only pay attention to modules under this directory"),
-        ("old-coverage", "o", None, "figleaf pickle from previous build"),
-        ]
-    def opt_root(self, value):
-        self["root"] = os.path.abspath(value)
-        if not self["root"].endswith("/"):
-            self["root"] += "/"
-    def parseArgs(self, *filenames):
-        self.filenames = [".figleaf"]
-        if filenames:
-            self.filenames = list(filenames)
-class Renderer:
-    def run(self):
-        self.opts = opts = RenderOptions()
-        opts.parseOptions()
-        ### load
-        coverage = {}
-        for filename in opts.filenames:
-            d = figleaf.read_coverage(filename)
-            coverage = figleaf.combine_coverage(coverage, d)
-        if not coverage:
-            sys.exit(-1)
-        self.old_coverage = None
-        if opts["old-coverage"]:
-            try:
-                f = open(opts["old-coverage"], "rb")
-                self.old_coverage = pickle.load(f)
-            except EnvironmentError:
-                pass
-        self.load_exclude_patterns(opts["exclude-patterns"])
-        ### make directory
-        self.prepare_reportdir(opts["output-directory"])
-        self.report_as_html(coverage, opts["output-directory"], opts["root"])
-    def load_exclude_patterns(self, f):
-        self.exclude_patterns = []
-        if not f:
-            return
-        for line in open(f, "r").readlines():
-            line = line.rstrip()
-            if line and not line.startswith('#'):
-                self.exclude_patterns.append(re.compile(line))
-    def prepare_reportdir(self, dirname='html'):
-        try:
-            os.mkdir(dirname)
-        except OSError:                         # already exists
-            pass
-    def check_excludes(self, fn):
-        for pattern in self.exclude_patterns:
-            if
-                return True
-        return False
-    def make_display_filename(self, fn):
-        root = self.opts["root"]
-        if not root:
-            return fn
-        display_filename = fn[len(root):]
-        assert not display_filename.startswith("/")
-        assert display_filename.endswith(".py")
-        display_filename = display_filename[:-3] # trim .py
-        display_filename = display_filename.replace("/", ".")
-        return display_filename
-    def report_as_html(self, coverage, directory, root=None):
-        ### now, output.
-        keys = coverage.keys()
-        info_dict = {}
-        for k in keys:
-            if self.check_excludes(k):
-                continue
-            if k.endswith(''):
-                continue
-            if not k.startswith("/"):
-                continue
-            if root and not k.startswith(root):
-                continue
-            display_filename = self.make_display_filename(k)
-            info = self.process_file(k, display_filename, coverage)
-            if info:
-                info_dict[k] = info
-        ### print a summary, too.
-            #print info_dict
-        info_dict_items = info_dict.items()
-        def sort_by_pcnt(a, b):
-            a_cmp = (-a[1][4], a[1][5])
-            b_cmp = (-b[1][4], b[1][5])
-            return cmp(a_cmp,b_cmp)
-        def sort_by_uncovered(a, b):
-            a_cmp = ( -(a[1][0] - a[1][1]), a[1][5])
-            b_cmp = ( -(b[1][0] - b[1][1]), b[1][5])
-            return cmp(a_cmp, b_cmp)
-        def sort_by_delta(a, b):
-            # files which lost coverage line should appear first, followed by
-            # files which gained coverage
-            a_cmp = (-a[1][3], -a[1][2], a[1][5])
-            b_cmp = (-b[1][3], -b[1][2], b[1][5])
-            return cmp(a_cmp, b_cmp)
-        info_dict_items.sort(sort_by_uncovered)
-        summary_lines = sum([ v[0] for (k, v) in info_dict_items])
-        summary_cover = sum([ v[1] for (k, v) in info_dict_items])
-        summary_added = sum([ v[2] for (k, v) in info_dict_items])
-        summary_removed = sum([ v[3] for (k, v) in info_dict_items])
-        summary_pcnt = 0
-        if summary_lines:
-            summary_pcnt = float(summary_cover) * 100. / float(summary_lines)
-        self.summary = (summary_lines, summary_cover,
-                        summary_added, summary_removed,
-                        summary_pcnt)
-        pcnts = [ float(v[1]) * 100. / float(v[0]) for (k, v) in info_dict_items if v[0] ]
-        pcnt_90 = [ x for x in pcnts if x >= 90 ]
-        pcnt_75 = [ x for x in pcnts if x >= 75 ]
-        pcnt_50 = [ x for x in pcnts if x >= 50 ]
-        stats_fp = open('%s/stats.out' % (directory,), 'w')
-        self.write_stats(stats_fp, "total files: %d" % len(pcnts))
-        self.write_stats(stats_fp, "total source lines: %d" % summary_lines)
-        self.write_stats(stats_fp, "total covered lines: %d" % summary_cover)
-        self.write_stats(stats_fp,
-                         "total uncovered lines: %d" % (summary_lines - summary_cover))
-        if self.old_coverage is not None:
-            self.write_stats(stats_fp, "lines added: %d" % summary_added)
-            self.write_stats(stats_fp, "lines removed: %d" % summary_removed)
-        self.write_stats(stats_fp,
-                         "total coverage percentage: %.1f" % summary_pcnt)
-        stats_fp.close()
-        ## index.html
-        index_fp = open('%s/index.html' % (directory,), 'w')
-        # summary info
-        index_fp.write('<title>figleaf code coverage report</title>\n')
-        index_fp.write('<h2>Summary</h2> %d files total: %d files &gt; '
-                       '90%%, %d files &gt; 75%%, %d files &gt; 50%%<p>'
-                       % (len(pcnts), len(pcnt_90),
-                          len(pcnt_75), len(pcnt_50)))
-        # sorted by number of lines that aren't covered
-        index_fp.write('<h3>Sorted by Lines Uncovered</h3>\n')
-        self.emit_table(index_fp, info_dict_items, show_totals=True)
-        if self.old_coverage is not None:
-            index_fp.write('<h3>Sorted by Coverage Added/Lost</h3>\n')
-            info_dict_items.sort(sort_by_delta)
-            self.emit_table(index_fp, info_dict_items, show_totals=False)
-        # sorted by module name
-        index_fp.write('<h3>Sorted by Module Name (alphabetical)</h3>\n')
-        info_dict_items.sort()
-        self.emit_table(index_fp, info_dict_items, show_totals=False)
-        index_fp.close()
-        return len(info_dict)
-    def process_file(self, k, display_filename, coverage):
-        try:
-            pyfile = open(k)
-        except IOError:
-            return
-        source_lines = figleaf.get_lines(pyfile)
-        have_old_coverage = False
-        if self.old_coverage and k in self.old_coverage:
-            have_old_coverage = True
-            old_coverage = self.old_coverage[k]
-        # ok, got all the info.  now annotate file ==> html.
-        covered = coverage[k]
-        n_covered = n_lines = 0
-        n_added = n_removed = 0
-        pyfile = open(k)
-        output = []
-        for i, line in enumerate(pyfile):
-            i += 1 # coverage info is 1-based
-            if i in covered:
-                color = "green"
-                n_covered += 1
-                n_lines += 1
-            elif i in source_lines:
-                color = "red"
-                n_lines += 1
-            else:
-                color = "black"
-            delta = " "
-            if have_old_coverage:
-                if i in covered and i not in old_coverage:
-                    delta = "+"
-                    n_added += 1
-                elif i in old_coverage and i not in covered:
-                    delta = "-"
-                    n_removed += 1
-            line = self.escape_html(line.rstrip())
-            output.append('<font color="%s">%s%4d. %s</font>' %
-                          (color, delta, i, line.rstrip()))
-        try:
-            pcnt = n_covered * 100. / n_lines
-        except ZeroDivisionError:
-            pcnt = 0
-        html_outfile = self.make_html_filename(display_filename)
-        directory = self.opts["output-directory"]
-        html_outfp = open(os.path.join(directory, html_outfile), 'w')
-        html_outfp.write('source file: <b>%s</b><br>\n' % (k,))
-        html_outfp.write('file stats: <b>%d lines, %d executed: %.1f%% covered</b><br>\n' % (n_lines, n_covered, pcnt))
-        if have_old_coverage:
-            html_outfp.write('coverage versus previous test: <b>%d lines added, %d lines removed</b><br>\n'
-                             % (n_added, n_removed))
-        html_outfp.write('<pre>\n')
-        for line in output:
-            html_outfp.write(line + "\n")
-        html_outfp.write('</pre>\n')
-        html_outfp.close()
-        return (n_lines, n_covered, n_added, n_removed, pcnt, display_filename)
-    def emit_table(self, index_fp, items, show_totals):
-        have_old_coverage = self.old_coverage is not None
-        if have_old_coverage:
-            index_fp.write('<table border=1><tr><th>Filename</th>'
-                           '<th># lines</th><th># covered</th>'
-                           '<th># uncovered</th>'
-                           '<th># added</th>'
-                           '<th># removed</th>'
-                           '<th>% covered</th></tr>\n')
-        else:
-            index_fp.write('<table border=1><tr><th>Filename</th>'
-                           '<th># lines</th><th># covered</th>'
-                           '<th># uncovered</th>'
-                           '<th>% covered</th></tr>\n')
-        if show_totals:
-            (summary_lines, summary_cover,
-             summary_added, summary_removed,
-             summary_pcnt) = self.summary
-            if have_old_coverage:
-                index_fp.write('<tr><td><b>totals:</b></td>'
-                               '<td><b>%d</b></td>' # lines
-                               '<td><b>%d</b></td>' # cover
-                               '<td><b>%d</b></td>' # uncover
-                               '<td><b>%d</b></td>' # added
-                               '<td><b>%d</b></td>' # removed
-                               '<td><b>%.1f%%</b></td>'
-                               '</tr>'
-                               '<tr></tr>\n'
-                               % (summary_lines, summary_cover,
-                                  (summary_lines - summary_cover),
-                                  summary_added, summary_removed,
-                                  summary_pcnt,))
-            else:
-                index_fp.write('<tr><td><b>totals:</b></td>'
-                               '<td><b>%d</b></td>'
-                               '<td><b>%d</b></td>'
-                               '<td><b>%d</b></td>'
-                               '<td><b>%.1f%%</b></td>'
-                               '</tr>'
-                               '<tr></tr>\n'
-                               % (summary_lines, summary_cover,
-                                  (summary_lines - summary_cover),
-                                  summary_pcnt,))
-        for filename, stuff in items:
-            self.emit_table_row(index_fp, stuff)
-        index_fp.write('</table>\n')
-    def emit_table_row(self, index_fp, info):
-        (n_lines, n_covered, n_added, n_removed,
-         percent_covered, display_filename) = info
-        html_outfile = self.make_html_filename(display_filename)
-        if self.old_coverage is not None:
-            index_fp.write('<tr><td><a href="./%s">%s</a></td>'
-                           '<td>%d</td>' # lines
-                           '<td>%d</td>' # covered
-                           '<td>%d</td>' # uncovered
-                           '<td>%d</td>' # added
-                           '<td>%d</td>' # removed
-                           '<td>%.1f</td>'
-                           '</tr>\n'
-                           % (html_outfile, display_filename, n_lines,
-                              n_covered, (n_lines - n_covered),
-                              n_added, n_removed,
-                              percent_covered,))
-        else:
-            index_fp.write('<tr><td><a href="./%s">%s</a></td>'
-                           '<td>%d</td>'
-                           '<td>%d</td>'
-                           '<td>%d</td>'
-                           '<td>%.1f</td>'
-                           '</tr>\n'
-                           % (html_outfile, display_filename, n_lines,
-                              n_covered, (n_lines - n_covered),
-                              percent_covered,))
-    def make_html_filename(self, orig):
-        return orig + ".html"
-    def escape_html(self, s):
-        s = s.replace("&", "&amp;")
-        s = s.replace("<", "&lt;")
-        s = s.replace(">", "&gt;")
-        s = s.replace('"', "&quot;")
-        return s
-    def write_stats(self, stats_fp, line):
-        stats_fp.write(line + "\n")
-        print line
-def main():
-    r = Renderer()