This makes Uploader take an EncryptedUploadable object instead of an Uploadable object. I also changed it to return a verify cap instead of a tuple of the bits of data that one finds in a verify cap.
This will facilitate hooking together an Uploader and a Downloader to make a Repairer.
Also move into src/allmydata/immutable/.
from allmydata.immutable.upload import Uploader
from import Downloader
from allmydata.immutable.filenode import FileNode, LiteralFileNode
-from allmydata.offloaded import Helper
+from allmydata.immutable.offloaded import Helper
from allmydata.control import ControlServer
from allmydata.introducer.client import IntroducerClient
from allmydata.util import hashutil, base32, pollmixin, cachedir
self.landlords = landlords.copy()
def start(self):
+ """ Returns a Deferred that will fire with the verify cap (an instance of
+ uri.CHKFileVerifierURI)."""
self.log("%s starting" % (self,))
#paddedsize = self._size + mathutil.pad_size(self._size, self.needed_shares)
assert self._codec
# update our sharemap
self._shares_placed = set(self.landlords.keys())
- return (self.uri_extension_hash, self.required_shares,
- self.num_shares, self.file_size)
+ return uri.CHKFileVerifierURI(self._storage_index, self.uri_extension_hash,
+ self.required_shares, self.num_shares, self.file_size)
def err(self, f):
self.log("upload failed", failure=f, level=log.UNUSUAL)
--- /dev/null
+import os, stat, time, weakref
+from zope.interface import implements
+from twisted.application import service
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from foolscap import Referenceable, DeadReferenceError
+from foolscap.eventual import eventually
+import allmydata
+from allmydata import interfaces, storage, uri
+from allmydata.immutable import upload
+from allmydata.immutable.layout import ReadBucketProxy
+from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
+from allmydata.util import idlib, log, observer, fileutil, hashutil
+class NotEnoughWritersError(Exception):
+ pass
+class CHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher:
+ """I check to see if a file is already present in the grid. I also fetch
+ the URI Extension Block, which is useful for an uploading client who
+ wants to avoid the work of encryption and encoding.
+ I return False if the file is not completely healthy: i.e. if there are
+ less than 'N' shares present.
+ If the file is completely healthy, I return a tuple of (sharemap,
+ UEB_data, UEB_hash).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, peer_getter, storage_index, logparent=None):
+ self._peer_getter = peer_getter
+ self._found_shares = set()
+ self._storage_index = storage_index
+ self._sharemap = {}
+ self._readers = set()
+ self._ueb_hash = None
+ self._ueb_data = None
+ self._logparent = logparent
+ def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if 'facility' not in kwargs:
+ kwargs['facility'] = "tahoe.helper.chk.checkandUEBfetch"
+ if 'parent' not in kwargs:
+ kwargs['parent'] = self._logparent
+ return log.msg(*args, **kwargs)
+ def check(self):
+ d = self._get_all_shareholders(self._storage_index)
+ d.addCallback(self._get_uri_extension)
+ d.addCallback(self._done)
+ return d
+ def _get_all_shareholders(self, storage_index):
+ dl = []
+ for (peerid, ss) in self._peer_getter("storage", storage_index):
+ d = ss.callRemote("get_buckets", storage_index)
+ d.addCallbacks(self._got_response, self._got_error,
+ callbackArgs=(peerid,))
+ dl.append(d)
+ return defer.DeferredList(dl)
+ def _got_response(self, buckets, peerid):
+ # buckets is a dict: maps shum to an rref of the server who holds it
+ shnums_s = ",".join([str(shnum) for shnum in buckets])
+ self.log("got_response: [%s] has %d shares (%s)" %
+ (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid), len(buckets), shnums_s),
+ level=log.NOISY)
+ self._found_shares.update(buckets.keys())
+ for k in buckets:
+ if k not in self._sharemap:
+ self._sharemap[k] = []
+ self._sharemap[k].append(peerid)
+ self._readers.update( [ (bucket, peerid)
+ for bucket in buckets.values() ] )
+ def _got_error(self, f):
+ if f.check(DeadReferenceError):
+ return
+ log.err(f, parent=self._logparent)
+ pass
+ def _get_uri_extension(self, res):
+ # assume that we can pull the UEB from any share. If we get an error,
+ # declare the whole file unavailable.
+ if not self._readers:
+ self.log("no readers, so no UEB", level=log.NOISY)
+ return
+ b,peerid = self._readers.pop()
+ rbp = ReadBucketProxy(b, peerid, storage.si_b2a(self._storage_index))
+ d = rbp.get_uri_extension()
+ d.addCallback(self._got_uri_extension)
+ d.addErrback(self._ueb_error)
+ return d
+ def _got_uri_extension(self, ueb):
+ self.log("_got_uri_extension", level=log.NOISY)
+ self._ueb_hash = hashutil.uri_extension_hash(ueb)
+ self._ueb_data = uri.unpack_extension(ueb)
+ def _ueb_error(self, f):
+ # an error means the file is unavailable, but the overall check
+ # shouldn't fail.
+ self.log("UEB fetch failed", failure=f, level=log.WEIRD, umid="sJLKVg")
+ return None
+ def _done(self, res):
+ if self._ueb_data:
+ found = len(self._found_shares)
+ total = self._ueb_data['total_shares']
+ self.log(format="got %(found)d shares of %(total)d",
+ found=found, total=total, level=log.NOISY)
+ if found < total:
+ # not all shares are present in the grid
+ self.log("not enough to qualify, file not found in grid",
+ level=log.NOISY)
+ return False
+ # all shares are present
+ self.log("all shares present, file is found in grid",
+ level=log.NOISY)
+ return (self._sharemap, self._ueb_data, self._ueb_hash)
+ # no shares are present
+ self.log("unable to find UEB data, file not found in grid",
+ level=log.NOISY)
+ return False
+class CHKUploadHelper(Referenceable, upload.CHKUploader):
+ """I am the helper-server -side counterpart to AssistedUploader. I handle
+ peer selection, encoding, and share pushing. I read ciphertext from the
+ remote AssistedUploader.
+ """
+ implements(interfaces.RICHKUploadHelper)
+ VERSION = { "" :
+ { },
+ "application-version": str(allmydata.__version__),
+ }
+ def __init__(self, storage_index, helper,
+ incoming_file, encoding_file,
+ results, log_number):
+ self._storage_index = storage_index
+ self._helper = helper
+ self._incoming_file = incoming_file
+ self._encoding_file = encoding_file
+ self._upload_id = storage.si_b2a(storage_index)[:5]
+ self._log_number = log_number
+ self._results = results
+ self._upload_status = upload.UploadStatus()
+ self._upload_status.set_helper(False)
+ self._upload_status.set_storage_index(storage_index)
+ self._upload_status.set_status("fetching ciphertext")
+ self._upload_status.set_progress(0, 1.0)
+ self._helper.log("CHKUploadHelper starting for SI %s" % self._upload_id,
+ parent=log_number)
+ self._client = helper.parent
+ self._fetcher = CHKCiphertextFetcher(self, incoming_file, encoding_file,
+ self._log_number)
+ self._reader = LocalCiphertextReader(self, storage_index, encoding_file)
+ self._finished_observers = observer.OneShotObserverList()
+ d = self._fetcher.when_done()
+ d.addCallback(lambda res: self._reader.start())
+ d.addCallback(lambda res: self.start_encrypted(self._reader))
+ d.addCallback(self._finished)
+ d.addErrback(self._failed)
+ def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if 'facility' not in kwargs:
+ kwargs['facility'] = "tahoe.helper.chk"
+ return upload.CHKUploader.log(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def start(self):
+ self._started = time.time()
+ # determine if we need to upload the file. If so, return ({},self) .
+ # If not, return (UploadResults,None) .
+ self.log("deciding whether to upload the file or not", level=log.NOISY)
+ if os.path.exists(self._encoding_file):
+ # we have the whole file, and we might be encoding it (or the
+ # encode/upload might have failed, and we need to restart it).
+ self.log("ciphertext already in place", level=log.UNUSUAL)
+ return (self._results, self)
+ if os.path.exists(self._incoming_file):
+ # we have some of the file, but not all of it (otherwise we'd be
+ # encoding). The caller might be useful.
+ self.log("partial ciphertext already present", level=log.UNUSUAL)
+ return (self._results, self)
+ # we don't remember uploading this file
+ self.log("no ciphertext yet", level=log.NOISY)
+ return (self._results, self)
+ def remote_get_version(self):
+ return self.VERSION
+ def remote_upload(self, reader):
+ # reader is an RIEncryptedUploadable. I am specified to return an
+ # UploadResults dictionary.
+ # let our fetcher pull ciphertext from the reader.
+ self._fetcher.add_reader(reader)
+ # and also hashes
+ self._reader.add_reader(reader)
+ # and inform the client when the upload has finished
+ return self._finished_observers.when_fired()
+ def _finished(self, uploadresults):
+ precondition(isinstance(uploadresults.verifycapstr, str), uploadresults.verifycapstr)
+ assert interfaces.IUploadResults.providedBy(uploadresults), uploadresults
+ r = uploadresults
+ v = uri.from_string(r.verifycapstr)
+ r.uri_extension_hash = v.uri_extension_hash
+ f_times = self._fetcher.get_times()
+ r.timings["cumulative_fetch"] = f_times["cumulative_fetch"]
+ r.ciphertext_fetched = self._fetcher.get_ciphertext_fetched()
+ r.timings["total_fetch"] = f_times["total"]
+ self._reader.close()
+ os.unlink(self._encoding_file)
+ self._helper.upload_finished(self._storage_index, v.size)
+ del self._reader
+ def _failed(self, f):
+ self.log(format="CHKUploadHelper(%(si)s) failed",
+ si=storage.si_b2a(self._storage_index)[:5],
+ failure=f,
+ level=log.UNUSUAL)
+ self._helper.upload_finished(self._storage_index, 0)
+ del self._reader
+class AskUntilSuccessMixin:
+ # create me with a _reader array
+ _last_failure = None
+ def add_reader(self, reader):
+ self._readers.append(reader)
+ def call(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not self._readers:
+ raise NotEnoughWritersError("ran out of assisted uploaders, last failure was %s" % self._last_failure)
+ rr = self._readers[0]
+ d = rr.callRemote(*args, **kwargs)
+ def _err(f):
+ self._last_failure = f
+ if rr in self._readers:
+ self._readers.remove(rr)
+ self._upload_helper.log("call to assisted uploader %s failed" % rr,
+ failure=f, level=log.UNUSUAL)
+ # we can try again with someone else who's left
+ return*args, **kwargs)
+ d.addErrback(_err)
+ return d
+class CHKCiphertextFetcher(AskUntilSuccessMixin):
+ """I use one or more remote RIEncryptedUploadable instances to gather
+ ciphertext on disk. When I'm done, the file I create can be used by a
+ LocalCiphertextReader to satisfy the ciphertext needs of a CHK upload
+ process.
+ I begin pulling ciphertext as soon as a reader is added. I remove readers
+ when they have any sort of error. If the last reader is removed, I fire
+ my when_done() Deferred with a failure.
+ I fire my when_done() Deferred (with None) immediately after I have moved
+ the ciphertext to 'encoded_file'.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, helper, incoming_file, encoded_file, logparent):
+ self._upload_helper = helper
+ self._incoming_file = incoming_file
+ self._encoding_file = encoded_file
+ self._upload_id = helper._upload_id
+ self._log_parent = logparent
+ self._done_observers = observer.OneShotObserverList()
+ self._readers = []
+ self._started = False
+ self._f = None
+ self._times = {
+ "cumulative_fetch": 0.0,
+ "total": 0.0,
+ }
+ self._ciphertext_fetched = 0
+ def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if "facility" not in kwargs:
+ kwargs["facility"] = "tahoe.helper.chkupload.fetch"
+ if "parent" not in kwargs:
+ kwargs["parent"] = self._log_parent
+ return log.msg(*args, **kwargs)
+ def add_reader(self, reader):
+ AskUntilSuccessMixin.add_reader(self, reader)
+ eventually(self._start)
+ def _start(self):
+ if self._started:
+ return
+ self._started = True
+ started = time.time()
+ if os.path.exists(self._encoding_file):
+ self.log("ciphertext already present, bypassing fetch",
+ level=log.UNUSUAL)
+ # we'll still need the plaintext hashes (when
+ # LocalCiphertextReader.get_plaintext_hashtree_leaves() is
+ # called), and currently the easiest way to get them is to ask
+ # the sender for the last byte of ciphertext. That will provoke
+ # them into reading and hashing (but not sending) everything
+ # else.
+ have = os.stat(self._encoding_file)[stat.ST_SIZE]
+ d ="read_encrypted", have-1, 1)
+ d.addCallback(self._done2, started)
+ return
+ # first, find out how large the file is going to be
+ d ="get_size")
+ d.addCallback(self._got_size)
+ d.addCallback(self._start_reading)
+ d.addCallback(self._done)
+ d.addCallback(self._done2, started)
+ d.addErrback(self._failed)
+ def _got_size(self, size):
+ self.log("total size is %d bytes" % size, level=log.NOISY)
+ self._upload_helper._upload_status.set_size(size)
+ self._expected_size = size
+ def _start_reading(self, res):
+ # then find out how much crypttext we have on disk
+ if os.path.exists(self._incoming_file):
+ self._have = os.stat(self._incoming_file)[stat.ST_SIZE]
+ self._upload_helper._helper.count("chk_upload_helper.resumes")
+ self.log("we already have %d bytes" % self._have, level=log.NOISY)
+ else:
+ self._have = 0
+ self.log("we do not have any ciphertext yet", level=log.NOISY)
+ self.log("starting ciphertext fetch", level=log.NOISY)
+ self._f = open(self._incoming_file, "ab")
+ # now loop to pull the data from the readers
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ self._loop(d)
+ # this Deferred will be fired once the last byte has been written to
+ # self._f
+ return d
+ # read data in 50kB chunks. We should choose a more considered number
+ # here, possibly letting the client specify it. The goal should be to
+ # keep the RTT*bandwidth to be less than 10% of the chunk size, to reduce
+ # the upload bandwidth lost because this protocol is non-windowing. Too
+ # large, however, means more memory consumption for both ends. Something
+ # that can be transferred in, say, 10 seconds sounds about right. On my
+ # home DSL line (50kBps upstream), that suggests 500kB. Most lines are
+ # slower, maybe 10kBps, which suggests 100kB, and that's a bit more
+ # memory than I want to hang on to, so I'm going to go with 50kB and see
+ # how that works.
+ CHUNK_SIZE = 50*1024
+ def _loop(self, fire_when_done):
+ # this slightly weird structure is needed because Deferreds don't do
+ # tail-recursion, so it is important to let each one retire promptly.
+ # Simply chaining them will cause a stack overflow at the end of a
+ # transfer that involves more than a few hundred chunks.
+ # 'fire_when_done' lives a long time, but the Deferreds returned by
+ # the inner _fetch() call do not.
+ start = time.time()
+ d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._fetch)
+ def _done(finished):
+ elapsed = time.time() - start
+ self._times["cumulative_fetch"] += elapsed
+ if finished:
+ self.log("finished reading ciphertext", level=log.NOISY)
+ fire_when_done.callback(None)
+ else:
+ self._loop(fire_when_done)
+ def _err(f):
+ self.log(format="[%(si)s] ciphertext read failed",
+ si=self._upload_id, failure=f, level=log.UNUSUAL)
+ fire_when_done.errback(f)
+ d.addCallbacks(_done, _err)
+ return None
+ def _fetch(self):
+ needed = self._expected_size - self._have
+ fetch_size = min(needed, self.CHUNK_SIZE)
+ if fetch_size == 0:
+ self._upload_helper._upload_status.set_progress(1, 1.0)
+ return True # all done
+ percent = 0.0
+ if self._expected_size:
+ percent = 1.0 * (self._have+fetch_size) / self._expected_size
+ self.log(format="fetching [%(si)s] %(start)d-%(end)d of %(total)d (%(percent)d%%)",
+ si=self._upload_id,
+ start=self._have,
+ end=self._have+fetch_size,
+ total=self._expected_size,
+ percent=int(100.0*percent),
+ level=log.NOISY)
+ d ="read_encrypted", self._have, fetch_size)
+ def _got_data(ciphertext_v):
+ for data in ciphertext_v:
+ self._f.write(data)
+ self._have += len(data)
+ self._ciphertext_fetched += len(data)
+ self._upload_helper._helper.count("chk_upload_helper.fetched_bytes", len(data))
+ self._upload_helper._upload_status.set_progress(1, percent)
+ return False # not done
+ d.addCallback(_got_data)
+ return d
+ def _done(self, res):
+ self._f.close()
+ self._f = None
+ self.log(format="done fetching ciphertext, size=%(size)d",
+ size=os.stat(self._incoming_file)[stat.ST_SIZE],
+ level=log.NOISY)
+ os.rename(self._incoming_file, self._encoding_file)
+ def _done2(self, _ignored, started):
+ self.log("done2", level=log.NOISY)
+ elapsed = time.time() - started
+ self._times["total"] = elapsed
+ self._readers = []
+ def _failed(self, f):
+ if self._f:
+ self._f.close()
+ self._readers = []
+ def when_done(self):
+ return self._done_observers.when_fired()
+ def get_times(self):
+ return self._times
+ def get_ciphertext_fetched(self):
+ return self._ciphertext_fetched
+class LocalCiphertextReader(AskUntilSuccessMixin):
+ implements(interfaces.IEncryptedUploadable)
+ def __init__(self, upload_helper, storage_index, encoding_file):
+ self._readers = []
+ self._upload_helper = upload_helper
+ self._storage_index = storage_index
+ self._encoding_file = encoding_file
+ self._status = None
+ def start(self):
+ self._upload_helper._upload_status.set_status("pushing")
+ self._size = os.stat(self._encoding_file)[stat.ST_SIZE]
+ self.f = open(self._encoding_file, "rb")
+ def get_size(self):
+ return defer.succeed(self._size)
+ def get_all_encoding_parameters(self):
+ return"get_all_encoding_parameters")
+ def get_storage_index(self):
+ return defer.succeed(self._storage_index)
+ def read_encrypted(self, length, hash_only):
+ assert hash_only is False
+ d = defer.maybeDeferred(, length)
+ d.addCallback(lambda data: [data])
+ return d
+ def get_plaintext_hashtree_leaves(self, first, last, num_segments):
+ return"get_plaintext_hashtree_leaves", first, last,
+ num_segments)
+ def get_plaintext_hash(self):
+ return"get_plaintext_hash")
+ def close(self):
+ self.f.close()
+ # ??. I'm not sure if it makes sense to forward the close message.
+ return"close")
+class Helper(Referenceable, service.MultiService):
+ implements(interfaces.RIHelper, interfaces.IStatsProducer)
+ # this is the non-distributed version. When we need to have multiple
+ # helpers, this object will become the HelperCoordinator, and will query
+ # the farm of Helpers to see if anyone has the storage_index of interest,
+ # and send the request off to them. If nobody has it, we'll choose a
+ # helper at random.
+ name = "helper"
+ VERSION = { "" :
+ { },
+ "application-version": str(allmydata.__version__),
+ }
+ chk_upload_helper_class = CHKUploadHelper
+ def __init__(self, basedir, stats_provider=None):
+ self._basedir = basedir
+ self._chk_incoming = os.path.join(basedir, "CHK_incoming")
+ self._chk_encoding = os.path.join(basedir, "CHK_encoding")
+ fileutil.make_dirs(self._chk_incoming)
+ fileutil.make_dirs(self._chk_encoding)
+ self._active_uploads = {}
+ self._all_uploads = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() # for debugging
+ self._all_upload_statuses = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
+ self._recent_upload_statuses = []
+ self.stats_provider = stats_provider
+ if stats_provider:
+ stats_provider.register_producer(self)
+ self._counters = {"chk_upload_helper.upload_requests": 0,
+ "chk_upload_helper.upload_already_present": 0,
+ "chk_upload_helper.upload_need_upload": 0,
+ "chk_upload_helper.resumes": 0,
+ "chk_upload_helper.fetched_bytes": 0,
+ "chk_upload_helper.encoded_bytes": 0,
+ }
+ service.MultiService.__init__(self)
+ def setServiceParent(self, parent):
+ service.MultiService.setServiceParent(self, parent)
+ def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if 'facility' not in kwargs:
+ kwargs['facility'] = "tahoe.helper"
+ return self.parent.log(*args, **kwargs)
+ def count(self, key, value=1):
+ if self.stats_provider:
+ self.stats_provider.count(key, value)
+ self._counters[key] += value
+ def get_stats(self):
+ OLD = 86400*2 # 48hours
+ now = time.time()
+ inc_count = inc_size = inc_size_old = 0
+ enc_count = enc_size = enc_size_old = 0
+ inc = os.listdir(self._chk_incoming)
+ enc = os.listdir(self._chk_encoding)
+ for f in inc:
+ s = os.stat(os.path.join(self._chk_incoming, f))
+ size = s[stat.ST_SIZE]
+ mtime = s[stat.ST_MTIME]
+ inc_count += 1
+ inc_size += size
+ if now - mtime > OLD:
+ inc_size_old += size
+ for f in enc:
+ s = os.stat(os.path.join(self._chk_encoding, f))
+ size = s[stat.ST_SIZE]
+ mtime = s[stat.ST_MTIME]
+ enc_count += 1
+ enc_size += size
+ if now - mtime > OLD:
+ enc_size_old += size
+ stats = { 'chk_upload_helper.active_uploads': len(self._active_uploads),
+ 'chk_upload_helper.incoming_count': inc_count,
+ 'chk_upload_helper.incoming_size': inc_size,
+ 'chk_upload_helper.incoming_size_old': inc_size_old,
+ 'chk_upload_helper.encoding_count': enc_count,
+ 'chk_upload_helper.encoding_size': enc_size,
+ 'chk_upload_helper.encoding_size_old': enc_size_old,
+ }
+ stats.update(self._counters)
+ return stats
+ def remote_get_version(self):
+ return self.VERSION
+ def remote_upload_chk(self, storage_index):
+ self.count("chk_upload_helper.upload_requests")
+ r = upload.UploadResults()
+ started = time.time()
+ si_s = storage.si_b2a(storage_index)
+ lp = self.log(format="helper: upload_chk query for SI %(si)s", si=si_s)
+ incoming_file = os.path.join(self._chk_incoming, si_s)
+ encoding_file = os.path.join(self._chk_encoding, si_s)
+ if storage_index in self._active_uploads:
+ self.log("upload is currently active", parent=lp)
+ uh = self._active_uploads[storage_index]
+ return uh.start()
+ d = self._check_for_chk_already_in_grid(storage_index, r, lp)
+ def _checked(already_present):
+ elapsed = time.time() - started
+ r.timings['existence_check'] = elapsed
+ if already_present:
+ # the necessary results are placed in the UploadResults
+ self.count("chk_upload_helper.upload_already_present")
+ self.log("file already found in grid", parent=lp)
+ return (r, None)
+ self.count("chk_upload_helper.upload_need_upload")
+ # the file is not present in the grid, by which we mean there are
+ # less than 'N' shares available.
+ self.log("unable to find file in the grid", parent=lp,
+ level=log.NOISY)
+ # We need an upload helper. Check our active uploads again in
+ # case there was a race.
+ if storage_index in self._active_uploads:
+ self.log("upload is currently active", parent=lp)
+ uh = self._active_uploads[storage_index]
+ else:
+ self.log("creating new upload helper", parent=lp)
+ uh = self.chk_upload_helper_class(storage_index, self,
+ incoming_file, encoding_file,
+ r, lp)
+ self._active_uploads[storage_index] = uh
+ self._add_upload(uh)
+ return uh.start()
+ d.addCallback(_checked)
+ def _err(f):
+ self.log("error while checking for chk-already-in-grid",
+ failure=f, level=log.WEIRD, parent=lp, umid="jDtxZg")
+ return f
+ d.addErrback(_err)
+ return d
+ def _check_for_chk_already_in_grid(self, storage_index, results, lp):
+ # see if this file is already in the grid
+ lp2 = self.log("doing a quick check+UEBfetch",
+ parent=lp, level=log.NOISY)
+ c = CHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher(self.parent.get_permuted_peers,
+ storage_index, lp2)
+ d = c.check()
+ def _checked(res):
+ if res:
+ (sharemap, ueb_data, ueb_hash) = res
+ self.log("found file in grid", level=log.NOISY, parent=lp)
+ results.uri_extension_hash = ueb_hash
+ results.sharemap = {}
+ for shnum, peerids in sharemap.items():
+ peers_s = ",".join(["[%s]" % idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
+ for peerid in peerids])
+ results.sharemap[shnum] = "Found on " + peers_s
+ results.uri_extension_data = ueb_data
+ results.preexisting_shares = len(sharemap)
+ results.pushed_shares = 0
+ return True
+ return False
+ d.addCallback(_checked)
+ return d
+ def _add_upload(self, uh):
+ self._all_uploads[uh] = None
+ s = uh.get_upload_status()
+ self._all_upload_statuses[s] = None
+ self._recent_upload_statuses.append(s)
+ while len(self._recent_upload_statuses) > self.MAX_UPLOAD_STATUSES:
+ self._recent_upload_statuses.pop(0)
+ def upload_finished(self, storage_index, size):
+ # this is called with size=0 if the upload failed
+ self.count("chk_upload_helper.encoded_bytes", size)
+ uh = self._active_uploads[storage_index]
+ del self._active_uploads[storage_index]
+ s = uh.get_upload_status()
+ s.set_active(False)
+ def get_all_upload_statuses(self):
+ return self._all_upload_statuses
storage_index_hash, plaintext_segment_hasher, convergence_hasher
from allmydata import storage, hashtree, uri
from allmydata.immutable import encode
-from allmydata.util import base32, idlib, mathutil
+from allmydata.util import base32, idlib, log, mathutil
from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
from allmydata.util.rrefutil import get_versioned_remote_reference
from allmydata.interfaces import IUploadable, IUploader, IUploadResults, \
kwargs["facility"] = "tahoe.upload"
return self._client.log(*args, **kwargs)
- def start(self, uploadable):
+ def start(self, encrypted_uploadable):
"""Start uploading the file.
- This method returns a Deferred that will fire with the URI (a
- string)."""
+ Returns a Deferred that will fire with the UploadResults instance.
+ """
self._started = time.time()
- uploadable = IUploadable(uploadable)
- self.log("starting upload of %s" % uploadable)
+ eu = IEncryptedUploadable(encrypted_uploadable)
+ self.log("starting upload of %s" % eu)
- eu = EncryptAnUploadable(uploadable, self._log_number)
d = self.start_encrypted(eu)
- def _uploaded(res):
- d1 = uploadable.get_encryption_key()
- d1.addCallback(lambda key: self._compute_uri(res, key))
- return d1
- d.addCallback(_uploaded)
- def _done(res):
+ def _done(uploadresults):
- return res
+ return uploadresults
return d
return self._encoder.abort()
def start_encrypted(self, encrypted):
+ """ Returns a Deferred that will fire with the UploadResults instance. """
eu = IEncryptedUploadable(encrypted)
started = time.time()
d.addCallback(self.set_shareholders, e)
d.addCallback(lambda res: e.start())
- # this fires with the uri_extension_hash and other data
return d
def locate_all_shareholders(self, encoder, started):
assert len(buckets) == sum([len(peer.buckets) for peer in used_peers])
- def _encrypted_done(self, res):
+ def _encrypted_done(self, verifycap):
+ """ Returns a Deferred that will fire with the UploadResults instance. """
r = self._results
for shnum in self._encoder.get_shares_placed():
peer_tracker = self._sharemap[shnum]
r.timings["peer_selection"] = self._peer_selection_elapsed
r.uri_extension_data = self._encoder.get_uri_extension_data()
- return res
- def _compute_uri(self, (uri_extension_hash,
- needed_shares, total_shares, size),
- key):
- u = uri.CHKFileURI(key=key,
- uri_extension_hash=uri_extension_hash,
- needed_shares=needed_shares,
- total_shares=total_shares,
- size=size,
- )
- r = self._results
- r.uri = u.to_string()
+ r.verifycapstr = verifycap.to_string()
return r
def get_upload_status(self):
kwargs["parent"] = self._log_number
return log.msg(*args, **kwargs)
- def start(self, uploadable):
+ def start(self, encrypted_uploadable, storage_index):
+ """Start uploading the file.
+ Returns a Deferred that will fire with the UploadResults instance.
+ """
+ precondition(isinstance(storage_index, str), storage_index)
self._started = time.time()
- u = IUploadable(uploadable)
- eu = EncryptAnUploadable(u, self._log_number)
+ eu = IEncryptedUploadable(encrypted_uploadable)
self._encuploadable = eu
+ self._storage_index = storage_index
d = eu.get_size()
d.addCallback(lambda res: eu.get_all_encoding_parameters())
- # when we get the encryption key, that will also compute the storage
- # index, so this only takes one pass.
- # TODO: I'm not sure it's cool to switch back and forth between
- # the Uploadable and the IEncryptedUploadable that wraps it.
- d.addCallback(lambda res: u.get_encryption_key())
- d.addCallback(self._got_encryption_key)
- d.addCallback(lambda res: eu.get_storage_index())
- d.addCallback(self._got_storage_index)
- d.addCallback(self._build_readcap)
+ d.addCallback(self._build_verifycap)
def _done(res):
return res
self._total_shares = n
self._segment_size = segment_size
- def _got_encryption_key(self, key):
- self._key = key
- def _got_storage_index(self, storage_index):
- self._storage_index = storage_index
def _contact_helper(self, res):
now = self._time_contacting_helper_start = time.time()
self._storage_index_elapsed = now - self._started
return upload_results
- def _build_readcap(self, upload_results):
+ def _build_verifycap(self, upload_results):
self.log("upload finished, building readcap")
self._upload_status.set_status("Building Readcap")
r = upload_results
assert r.uri_extension_data["total_shares"] == self._total_shares
assert r.uri_extension_data["segment_size"] == self._segment_size
assert r.uri_extension_data["size"] == self._size
- u = uri.CHKFileURI(key=self._key,
- uri_extension_hash=r.uri_extension_hash,
- needed_shares=self._needed_shares,
- total_shares=self._total_shares,
- size=self._size,
- )
- r.uri = u.to_string()
+ r.verifycapstr = uri.CHKFileVerifierURI(self._storage_index,
+ uri_extension_hash=r.uri_extension_hash,
+ needed_shares=self._needed_shares,
+ total_shares=self._total_shares, size=self._size
+ ).to_string()
now = time.time()
r.file_size = self._size
r.timings["storage_index"] = self._storage_index_elapsed
assert convergence is None or isinstance(convergence, str), (convergence, type(convergence))
FileHandle.__init__(self, StringIO(data), convergence=convergence)
-class Uploader(service.MultiService):
+class Uploader(service.MultiService, log.PrefixingLogMixin):
"""I am a service that allows file uploading. I am a service-child of the
name = "uploader"
- uploader_class = CHKUploader
self._all_uploads = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() # for debugging
self._all_upload_statuses = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
self._recent_upload_statuses = []
+ log.PrefixingLogMixin.__init__(self, facility="tahoe.immutable.upload")
def startService(self):
def _got_helper(self, helper):
- log.msg("got helper connection, getting versions")
+ self.log("got helper connection, getting versions")
default = { "" :
{ },
"application-version": "unknown: no get_version()",
def upload(self, uploadable):
- # this returns the URI
+ """
+ Returns a Deferred that will fire with the UploadResults instance.
+ """
assert self.parent
assert self.running
if size <= self.URI_LIT_SIZE_THRESHOLD:
uploader = LiteralUploader(self.parent)
- elif self._helper:
- uploader = AssistedUploader(self._helper)
+ return uploader.start(uploadable)
- uploader = self.uploader_class(self.parent)
- self._add_upload(uploader)
- return uploader.start(uploadable)
+ eu = EncryptAnUploadable(uploadable, self._parentmsgid)
+ d2 = defer.succeed(None)
+ if self._helper:
+ uploader = AssistedUploader(self._helper)
+ d2.addCallback(lambda x: eu.get_storage_index())
+ d2.addCallback(lambda si: uploader.start(eu, si))
+ else:
+ uploader = CHKUploader(self.parent)
+ d2.addCallback(lambda x: uploader.start(eu))
+ self._add_upload(uploader)
+ def turn_verifycap_into_read_cap(uploadresults):
+ # Generate the uri from the verifycap plus the key.
+ d3 = uploadable.get_encryption_key()
+ def put_readcap_into_results(key):
+ v = uri.from_string(uploadresults.verifycapstr)
+ r = uri.CHKFileURI(key, v.uri_extension_hash, v.needed_shares, v.total_shares, v.size)
+ uploadresults.uri = r.to_string()
+ return uploadresults
+ d3.addCallback(put_readcap_into_results)
+ return d3
+ d2.addCallback(turn_verifycap_into_read_cap)
+ return d2
def _done(res):
set_encrypted_uploadable() and set_shareholders() must be called
before this can be invoked.
- This returns a Deferred that fires with a tuple of
- (uri_extension_hash, needed_shares, total_shares, size) when the
- upload process is complete. This information, plus the encryption
- key, is sufficient to construct the URI.
+ This returns a Deferred that fires with a verify cap when the upload process is
+ complete. The verifycap, plus the encryption key, is sufficient to construct the read
+ cap.
class IDecoder(Interface):
+++ /dev/null
-import os, stat, time, weakref
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.application import service
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from foolscap import Referenceable, DeadReferenceError
-from foolscap.eventual import eventually
-import allmydata
-from allmydata import interfaces, storage, uri
-from allmydata.immutable import upload
-from allmydata.immutable.layout import ReadBucketProxy
-from allmydata.util import idlib, log, observer, fileutil, hashutil
-class NotEnoughWritersError(Exception):
- pass
-class CHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher:
- """I check to see if a file is already present in the grid. I also fetch
- the URI Extension Block, which is useful for an uploading client who
- wants to avoid the work of encryption and encoding.
- I return False if the file is not completely healthy: i.e. if there are
- less than 'N' shares present.
- If the file is completely healthy, I return a tuple of (sharemap,
- UEB_data, UEB_hash).
- """
- def __init__(self, peer_getter, storage_index, logparent=None):
- self._peer_getter = peer_getter
- self._found_shares = set()
- self._storage_index = storage_index
- self._sharemap = {}
- self._readers = set()
- self._ueb_hash = None
- self._ueb_data = None
- self._logparent = logparent
- def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if 'facility' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['facility'] = "tahoe.helper.chk.checkandUEBfetch"
- if 'parent' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['parent'] = self._logparent
- return log.msg(*args, **kwargs)
- def check(self):
- d = self._get_all_shareholders(self._storage_index)
- d.addCallback(self._get_uri_extension)
- d.addCallback(self._done)
- return d
- def _get_all_shareholders(self, storage_index):
- dl = []
- for (peerid, ss) in self._peer_getter("storage", storage_index):
- d = ss.callRemote("get_buckets", storage_index)
- d.addCallbacks(self._got_response, self._got_error,
- callbackArgs=(peerid,))
- dl.append(d)
- return defer.DeferredList(dl)
- def _got_response(self, buckets, peerid):
- # buckets is a dict: maps shum to an rref of the server who holds it
- shnums_s = ",".join([str(shnum) for shnum in buckets])
- self.log("got_response: [%s] has %d shares (%s)" %
- (idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid), len(buckets), shnums_s),
- level=log.NOISY)
- self._found_shares.update(buckets.keys())
- for k in buckets:
- if k not in self._sharemap:
- self._sharemap[k] = []
- self._sharemap[k].append(peerid)
- self._readers.update( [ (bucket, peerid)
- for bucket in buckets.values() ] )
- def _got_error(self, f):
- if f.check(DeadReferenceError):
- return
- log.err(f, parent=self._logparent)
- pass
- def _get_uri_extension(self, res):
- # assume that we can pull the UEB from any share. If we get an error,
- # declare the whole file unavailable.
- if not self._readers:
- self.log("no readers, so no UEB", level=log.NOISY)
- return
- b,peerid = self._readers.pop()
- rbp = ReadBucketProxy(b, peerid, storage.si_b2a(self._storage_index))
- d = rbp.get_uri_extension()
- d.addCallback(self._got_uri_extension)
- d.addErrback(self._ueb_error)
- return d
- def _got_uri_extension(self, ueb):
- self.log("_got_uri_extension", level=log.NOISY)
- self._ueb_hash = hashutil.uri_extension_hash(ueb)
- self._ueb_data = uri.unpack_extension(ueb)
- def _ueb_error(self, f):
- # an error means the file is unavailable, but the overall check
- # shouldn't fail.
- self.log("UEB fetch failed", failure=f, level=log.WEIRD, umid="sJLKVg")
- return None
- def _done(self, res):
- if self._ueb_data:
- found = len(self._found_shares)
- total = self._ueb_data['total_shares']
- self.log(format="got %(found)d shares of %(total)d",
- found=found, total=total, level=log.NOISY)
- if found < total:
- # not all shares are present in the grid
- self.log("not enough to qualify, file not found in grid",
- level=log.NOISY)
- return False
- # all shares are present
- self.log("all shares present, file is found in grid",
- level=log.NOISY)
- return (self._sharemap, self._ueb_data, self._ueb_hash)
- # no shares are present
- self.log("unable to find UEB data, file not found in grid",
- level=log.NOISY)
- return False
-class CHKUploadHelper(Referenceable, upload.CHKUploader):
- """I am the helper-server -side counterpart to AssistedUploader. I handle
- peer selection, encoding, and share pushing. I read ciphertext from the
- remote AssistedUploader.
- """
- implements(interfaces.RICHKUploadHelper)
- VERSION = { "" :
- { },
- "application-version": str(allmydata.__version__),
- }
- def __init__(self, storage_index, helper,
- incoming_file, encoding_file,
- results, log_number):
- self._storage_index = storage_index
- self._helper = helper
- self._incoming_file = incoming_file
- self._encoding_file = encoding_file
- self._upload_id = storage.si_b2a(storage_index)[:5]
- self._log_number = log_number
- self._results = results
- self._upload_status = upload.UploadStatus()
- self._upload_status.set_helper(False)
- self._upload_status.set_storage_index(storage_index)
- self._upload_status.set_status("fetching ciphertext")
- self._upload_status.set_progress(0, 1.0)
- self._helper.log("CHKUploadHelper starting for SI %s" % self._upload_id,
- parent=log_number)
- self._client = helper.parent
- self._fetcher = CHKCiphertextFetcher(self, incoming_file, encoding_file,
- self._log_number)
- self._reader = LocalCiphertextReader(self, storage_index, encoding_file)
- self._finished_observers = observer.OneShotObserverList()
- d = self._fetcher.when_done()
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self._reader.start())
- d.addCallback(lambda res: self.start_encrypted(self._reader))
- d.addCallback(self._finished)
- d.addErrback(self._failed)
- def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if 'facility' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['facility'] = "tahoe.helper.chk"
- return upload.CHKUploader.log(self, *args, **kwargs)
- def start(self):
- self._started = time.time()
- # determine if we need to upload the file. If so, return ({},self) .
- # If not, return (UploadResults,None) .
- self.log("deciding whether to upload the file or not", level=log.NOISY)
- if os.path.exists(self._encoding_file):
- # we have the whole file, and we might be encoding it (or the
- # encode/upload might have failed, and we need to restart it).
- self.log("ciphertext already in place", level=log.UNUSUAL)
- return (self._results, self)
- if os.path.exists(self._incoming_file):
- # we have some of the file, but not all of it (otherwise we'd be
- # encoding). The caller might be useful.
- self.log("partial ciphertext already present", level=log.UNUSUAL)
- return (self._results, self)
- # we don't remember uploading this file
- self.log("no ciphertext yet", level=log.NOISY)
- return (self._results, self)
- def remote_get_version(self):
- return self.VERSION
- def remote_upload(self, reader):
- # reader is an RIEncryptedUploadable. I am specified to return an
- # UploadResults dictionary.
- # let our fetcher pull ciphertext from the reader.
- self._fetcher.add_reader(reader)
- # and also hashes
- self._reader.add_reader(reader)
- # and inform the client when the upload has finished
- return self._finished_observers.when_fired()
- def _finished(self, res):
- (uri_extension_hash, needed_shares, total_shares, size) = res
- r = self._results
- r.uri_extension_hash = uri_extension_hash
- f_times = self._fetcher.get_times()
- r.timings["cumulative_fetch"] = f_times["cumulative_fetch"]
- r.ciphertext_fetched = self._fetcher.get_ciphertext_fetched()
- r.timings["total_fetch"] = f_times["total"]
- self._reader.close()
- os.unlink(self._encoding_file)
- self._helper.upload_finished(self._storage_index, size)
- del self._reader
- def _failed(self, f):
- self.log(format="CHKUploadHelper(%(si)s) failed",
- si=storage.si_b2a(self._storage_index)[:5],
- failure=f,
- level=log.UNUSUAL)
- self._helper.upload_finished(self._storage_index, 0)
- del self._reader
-class AskUntilSuccessMixin:
- # create me with a _reader array
- _last_failure = None
- def add_reader(self, reader):
- self._readers.append(reader)
- def call(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if not self._readers:
- raise NotEnoughWritersError("ran out of assisted uploaders, last failure was %s" % self._last_failure)
- rr = self._readers[0]
- d = rr.callRemote(*args, **kwargs)
- def _err(f):
- self._last_failure = f
- if rr in self._readers:
- self._readers.remove(rr)
- self._upload_helper.log("call to assisted uploader %s failed" % rr,
- failure=f, level=log.UNUSUAL)
- # we can try again with someone else who's left
- return*args, **kwargs)
- d.addErrback(_err)
- return d
-class CHKCiphertextFetcher(AskUntilSuccessMixin):
- """I use one or more remote RIEncryptedUploadable instances to gather
- ciphertext on disk. When I'm done, the file I create can be used by a
- LocalCiphertextReader to satisfy the ciphertext needs of a CHK upload
- process.
- I begin pulling ciphertext as soon as a reader is added. I remove readers
- when they have any sort of error. If the last reader is removed, I fire
- my when_done() Deferred with a failure.
- I fire my when_done() Deferred (with None) immediately after I have moved
- the ciphertext to 'encoded_file'.
- """
- def __init__(self, helper, incoming_file, encoded_file, logparent):
- self._upload_helper = helper
- self._incoming_file = incoming_file
- self._encoding_file = encoded_file
- self._upload_id = helper._upload_id
- self._log_parent = logparent
- self._done_observers = observer.OneShotObserverList()
- self._readers = []
- self._started = False
- self._f = None
- self._times = {
- "cumulative_fetch": 0.0,
- "total": 0.0,
- }
- self._ciphertext_fetched = 0
- def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if "facility" not in kwargs:
- kwargs["facility"] = "tahoe.helper.chkupload.fetch"
- if "parent" not in kwargs:
- kwargs["parent"] = self._log_parent
- return log.msg(*args, **kwargs)
- def add_reader(self, reader):
- AskUntilSuccessMixin.add_reader(self, reader)
- eventually(self._start)
- def _start(self):
- if self._started:
- return
- self._started = True
- started = time.time()
- if os.path.exists(self._encoding_file):
- self.log("ciphertext already present, bypassing fetch",
- level=log.UNUSUAL)
- # we'll still need the plaintext hashes (when
- # LocalCiphertextReader.get_plaintext_hashtree_leaves() is
- # called), and currently the easiest way to get them is to ask
- # the sender for the last byte of ciphertext. That will provoke
- # them into reading and hashing (but not sending) everything
- # else.
- have = os.stat(self._encoding_file)[stat.ST_SIZE]
- d ="read_encrypted", have-1, 1)
- d.addCallback(self._done2, started)
- return
- # first, find out how large the file is going to be
- d ="get_size")
- d.addCallback(self._got_size)
- d.addCallback(self._start_reading)
- d.addCallback(self._done)
- d.addCallback(self._done2, started)
- d.addErrback(self._failed)
- def _got_size(self, size):
- self.log("total size is %d bytes" % size, level=log.NOISY)
- self._upload_helper._upload_status.set_size(size)
- self._expected_size = size
- def _start_reading(self, res):
- # then find out how much crypttext we have on disk
- if os.path.exists(self._incoming_file):
- self._have = os.stat(self._incoming_file)[stat.ST_SIZE]
- self._upload_helper._helper.count("chk_upload_helper.resumes")
- self.log("we already have %d bytes" % self._have, level=log.NOISY)
- else:
- self._have = 0
- self.log("we do not have any ciphertext yet", level=log.NOISY)
- self.log("starting ciphertext fetch", level=log.NOISY)
- self._f = open(self._incoming_file, "ab")
- # now loop to pull the data from the readers
- d = defer.Deferred()
- self._loop(d)
- # this Deferred will be fired once the last byte has been written to
- # self._f
- return d
- # read data in 50kB chunks. We should choose a more considered number
- # here, possibly letting the client specify it. The goal should be to
- # keep the RTT*bandwidth to be less than 10% of the chunk size, to reduce
- # the upload bandwidth lost because this protocol is non-windowing. Too
- # large, however, means more memory consumption for both ends. Something
- # that can be transferred in, say, 10 seconds sounds about right. On my
- # home DSL line (50kBps upstream), that suggests 500kB. Most lines are
- # slower, maybe 10kBps, which suggests 100kB, and that's a bit more
- # memory than I want to hang on to, so I'm going to go with 50kB and see
- # how that works.
- CHUNK_SIZE = 50*1024
- def _loop(self, fire_when_done):
- # this slightly weird structure is needed because Deferreds don't do
- # tail-recursion, so it is important to let each one retire promptly.
- # Simply chaining them will cause a stack overflow at the end of a
- # transfer that involves more than a few hundred chunks.
- # 'fire_when_done' lives a long time, but the Deferreds returned by
- # the inner _fetch() call do not.
- start = time.time()
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._fetch)
- def _done(finished):
- elapsed = time.time() - start
- self._times["cumulative_fetch"] += elapsed
- if finished:
- self.log("finished reading ciphertext", level=log.NOISY)
- fire_when_done.callback(None)
- else:
- self._loop(fire_when_done)
- def _err(f):
- self.log(format="[%(si)s] ciphertext read failed",
- si=self._upload_id, failure=f, level=log.UNUSUAL)
- fire_when_done.errback(f)
- d.addCallbacks(_done, _err)
- return None
- def _fetch(self):
- needed = self._expected_size - self._have
- fetch_size = min(needed, self.CHUNK_SIZE)
- if fetch_size == 0:
- self._upload_helper._upload_status.set_progress(1, 1.0)
- return True # all done
- percent = 0.0
- if self._expected_size:
- percent = 1.0 * (self._have+fetch_size) / self._expected_size
- self.log(format="fetching [%(si)s] %(start)d-%(end)d of %(total)d (%(percent)d%%)",
- si=self._upload_id,
- start=self._have,
- end=self._have+fetch_size,
- total=self._expected_size,
- percent=int(100.0*percent),
- level=log.NOISY)
- d ="read_encrypted", self._have, fetch_size)
- def _got_data(ciphertext_v):
- for data in ciphertext_v:
- self._f.write(data)
- self._have += len(data)
- self._ciphertext_fetched += len(data)
- self._upload_helper._helper.count("chk_upload_helper.fetched_bytes", len(data))
- self._upload_helper._upload_status.set_progress(1, percent)
- return False # not done
- d.addCallback(_got_data)
- return d
- def _done(self, res):
- self._f.close()
- self._f = None
- self.log(format="done fetching ciphertext, size=%(size)d",
- size=os.stat(self._incoming_file)[stat.ST_SIZE],
- level=log.NOISY)
- os.rename(self._incoming_file, self._encoding_file)
- def _done2(self, _ignored, started):
- self.log("done2", level=log.NOISY)
- elapsed = time.time() - started
- self._times["total"] = elapsed
- self._readers = []
- def _failed(self, f):
- if self._f:
- self._f.close()
- self._readers = []
- def when_done(self):
- return self._done_observers.when_fired()
- def get_times(self):
- return self._times
- def get_ciphertext_fetched(self):
- return self._ciphertext_fetched
-class LocalCiphertextReader(AskUntilSuccessMixin):
- implements(interfaces.IEncryptedUploadable)
- def __init__(self, upload_helper, storage_index, encoding_file):
- self._readers = []
- self._upload_helper = upload_helper
- self._storage_index = storage_index
- self._encoding_file = encoding_file
- self._status = None
- def start(self):
- self._upload_helper._upload_status.set_status("pushing")
- self._size = os.stat(self._encoding_file)[stat.ST_SIZE]
- self.f = open(self._encoding_file, "rb")
- def get_size(self):
- return defer.succeed(self._size)
- def get_all_encoding_parameters(self):
- return"get_all_encoding_parameters")
- def get_storage_index(self):
- return defer.succeed(self._storage_index)
- def read_encrypted(self, length, hash_only):
- assert hash_only is False
- d = defer.maybeDeferred(, length)
- d.addCallback(lambda data: [data])
- return d
- def get_plaintext_hashtree_leaves(self, first, last, num_segments):
- return"get_plaintext_hashtree_leaves", first, last,
- num_segments)
- def get_plaintext_hash(self):
- return"get_plaintext_hash")
- def close(self):
- self.f.close()
- # ??. I'm not sure if it makes sense to forward the close message.
- return"close")
-class Helper(Referenceable, service.MultiService):
- implements(interfaces.RIHelper, interfaces.IStatsProducer)
- # this is the non-distributed version. When we need to have multiple
- # helpers, this object will become the HelperCoordinator, and will query
- # the farm of Helpers to see if anyone has the storage_index of interest,
- # and send the request off to them. If nobody has it, we'll choose a
- # helper at random.
- name = "helper"
- VERSION = { "" :
- { },
- "application-version": str(allmydata.__version__),
- }
- chk_upload_helper_class = CHKUploadHelper
- def __init__(self, basedir, stats_provider=None):
- self._basedir = basedir
- self._chk_incoming = os.path.join(basedir, "CHK_incoming")
- self._chk_encoding = os.path.join(basedir, "CHK_encoding")
- fileutil.make_dirs(self._chk_incoming)
- fileutil.make_dirs(self._chk_encoding)
- self._active_uploads = {}
- self._all_uploads = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() # for debugging
- self._all_upload_statuses = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
- self._recent_upload_statuses = []
- self.stats_provider = stats_provider
- if stats_provider:
- stats_provider.register_producer(self)
- self._counters = {"chk_upload_helper.upload_requests": 0,
- "chk_upload_helper.upload_already_present": 0,
- "chk_upload_helper.upload_need_upload": 0,
- "chk_upload_helper.resumes": 0,
- "chk_upload_helper.fetched_bytes": 0,
- "chk_upload_helper.encoded_bytes": 0,
- }
- service.MultiService.__init__(self)
- def setServiceParent(self, parent):
- service.MultiService.setServiceParent(self, parent)
- def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if 'facility' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['facility'] = "tahoe.helper"
- return self.parent.log(*args, **kwargs)
- def count(self, key, value=1):
- if self.stats_provider:
- self.stats_provider.count(key, value)
- self._counters[key] += value
- def get_stats(self):
- OLD = 86400*2 # 48hours
- now = time.time()
- inc_count = inc_size = inc_size_old = 0
- enc_count = enc_size = enc_size_old = 0
- inc = os.listdir(self._chk_incoming)
- enc = os.listdir(self._chk_encoding)
- for f in inc:
- s = os.stat(os.path.join(self._chk_incoming, f))
- size = s[stat.ST_SIZE]
- mtime = s[stat.ST_MTIME]
- inc_count += 1
- inc_size += size
- if now - mtime > OLD:
- inc_size_old += size
- for f in enc:
- s = os.stat(os.path.join(self._chk_encoding, f))
- size = s[stat.ST_SIZE]
- mtime = s[stat.ST_MTIME]
- enc_count += 1
- enc_size += size
- if now - mtime > OLD:
- enc_size_old += size
- stats = { 'chk_upload_helper.active_uploads': len(self._active_uploads),
- 'chk_upload_helper.incoming_count': inc_count,
- 'chk_upload_helper.incoming_size': inc_size,
- 'chk_upload_helper.incoming_size_old': inc_size_old,
- 'chk_upload_helper.encoding_count': enc_count,
- 'chk_upload_helper.encoding_size': enc_size,
- 'chk_upload_helper.encoding_size_old': enc_size_old,
- }
- stats.update(self._counters)
- return stats
- def remote_get_version(self):
- return self.VERSION
- def remote_upload_chk(self, storage_index):
- self.count("chk_upload_helper.upload_requests")
- r = upload.UploadResults()
- started = time.time()
- si_s = storage.si_b2a(storage_index)
- lp = self.log(format="helper: upload_chk query for SI %(si)s", si=si_s)
- incoming_file = os.path.join(self._chk_incoming, si_s)
- encoding_file = os.path.join(self._chk_encoding, si_s)
- if storage_index in self._active_uploads:
- self.log("upload is currently active", parent=lp)
- uh = self._active_uploads[storage_index]
- return uh.start()
- d = self._check_for_chk_already_in_grid(storage_index, r, lp)
- def _checked(already_present):
- elapsed = time.time() - started
- r.timings['existence_check'] = elapsed
- if already_present:
- # the necessary results are placed in the UploadResults
- self.count("chk_upload_helper.upload_already_present")
- self.log("file already found in grid", parent=lp)
- return (r, None)
- self.count("chk_upload_helper.upload_need_upload")
- # the file is not present in the grid, by which we mean there are
- # less than 'N' shares available.
- self.log("unable to find file in the grid", parent=lp,
- level=log.NOISY)
- # We need an upload helper. Check our active uploads again in
- # case there was a race.
- if storage_index in self._active_uploads:
- self.log("upload is currently active", parent=lp)
- uh = self._active_uploads[storage_index]
- else:
- self.log("creating new upload helper", parent=lp)
- uh = self.chk_upload_helper_class(storage_index, self,
- incoming_file, encoding_file,
- r, lp)
- self._active_uploads[storage_index] = uh
- self._add_upload(uh)
- return uh.start()
- d.addCallback(_checked)
- def _err(f):
- self.log("error while checking for chk-already-in-grid",
- failure=f, level=log.WEIRD, parent=lp, umid="jDtxZg")
- return f
- d.addErrback(_err)
- return d
- def _check_for_chk_already_in_grid(self, storage_index, results, lp):
- # see if this file is already in the grid
- lp2 = self.log("doing a quick check+UEBfetch",
- parent=lp, level=log.NOISY)
- c = CHKCheckerAndUEBFetcher(self.parent.get_permuted_peers,
- storage_index, lp2)
- d = c.check()
- def _checked(res):
- if res:
- (sharemap, ueb_data, ueb_hash) = res
- self.log("found file in grid", level=log.NOISY, parent=lp)
- results.uri_extension_hash = ueb_hash
- results.sharemap = {}
- for shnum, peerids in sharemap.items():
- peers_s = ",".join(["[%s]" % idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
- for peerid in peerids])
- results.sharemap[shnum] = "Found on " + peers_s
- results.uri_extension_data = ueb_data
- results.preexisting_shares = len(sharemap)
- results.pushed_shares = 0
- return True
- return False
- d.addCallback(_checked)
- return d
- def _add_upload(self, uh):
- self._all_uploads[uh] = None
- s = uh.get_upload_status()
- self._all_upload_statuses[s] = None
- self._recent_upload_statuses.append(s)
- while len(self._recent_upload_statuses) > self.MAX_UPLOAD_STATUSES:
- self._recent_upload_statuses.pop(0)
- def upload_finished(self, storage_index, size):
- # this is called with size=0 if the upload failed
- self.count("chk_upload_helper.encoded_bytes", size)
- uh = self._active_uploads[storage_index]
- del self._active_uploads[storage_index]
- s = uh.get_upload_status()
- s.set_active(False)
- def get_all_upload_statuses(self):
- return self._all_upload_statuses
def _check(res):
- (uri_extension_hash, required_shares, num_shares, file_size) = res
- self.failUnless(isinstance(uri_extension_hash, str))
- self.failUnlessEqual(len(uri_extension_hash), 32)
+ verifycap = res
+ self.failUnless(isinstance(verifycap.uri_extension_hash, str))
+ self.failUnlessEqual(len(verifycap.uri_extension_hash), 32)
for i,peer in enumerate(all_shareholders):
self.failUnlessEqual(len(peer.blocks), NUM_SEGMENTS)
def recover(self, (res, key, shareholders), AVAILABLE_SHARES,
recover_mode, target=None):
- (uri_extension_hash, required_shares, num_shares, file_size) = res
+ verifycap = res
if "corrupt_key" in recover_mode:
# we corrupt the key, so that the decrypted data is corrupted and
key = flip_bit(key)
u = uri.CHKFileURI(key=key,
- uri_extension_hash=uri_extension_hash,
- needed_shares=required_shares,
- total_shares=num_shares,
- size=file_size)
+ uri_extension_hash=verifycap.uri_extension_hash,
+ needed_shares=verifycap.needed_shares,
+ total_shares=verifycap.total_shares,
+ size=verifycap.size)
client = FakeClient()
if not target:
from foolscap import Tub, eventual
from foolscap.logging import log
-from allmydata import offloaded, storage
-from allmydata.immutable import upload
+from allmydata import storage
+from allmydata.immutable import offloaded, upload
+from allmydata import uri
from allmydata.util import hashutil, fileutil, mathutil
from pycryptopp.cipher.aes import AES
"size": size,
self._results.uri_extension_data = ueb_data
- return (hashutil.uri_extension_hash(""),
- needed_shares, total_shares, size)
+ self._results.verifycapstr = uri.CHKFileVerifierURI(self._storage_index, "x"*32,
+ needed_shares, total_shares,
+ size).to_string()
+ return self._results
return d2
from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionDone, ConnectionLost
from twisted.internet.interfaces import IConsumer, IPushProducer
import allmydata
-from allmydata import uri, storage, offloaded
-from allmydata.immutable import download, upload, filenode
+from allmydata import uri, storage
+from allmydata.immutable import download, filenode, offloaded, upload
from allmydata.util import idlib, mathutil
from allmydata.util import log, base32
from allmydata.scripts import runner