return ctx.tag
def render_forms(self, ctx, data):
- if self._dirnode.is_mutable():
- return webform.renderForms()
- return T.div["No upload forms: directory is immutable"]
+ if not self._dirnode.is_mutable():
+ return T.div["No upload forms: directory is immutable"]
+ mkdir = T.form(action=".", method="post",
+ enctype="multipart/form-data")[
+ T.fieldset[
+ T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="mkdir"),
+ T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Create a new directory"],
+ "New directory name: ",
+ T.input(type="text", name="name"), " ",
+ T.input(type="submit", value="Create"),
+ ]]
+ upload = T.form(action=".", method="post",
+ enctype="multipart/form-data")[
+ T.fieldset[
+ T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="upload"),
+ T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Upload a file to this directory"],
+ "Choose a file to upload: ",
+ T.input(type="file", name="file", class_="freeform-input-file"),
+ " ",
+ T.input(type="submit", value="Upload"),
+ ]]
+ mount = T.form(action=".", method="post",
+ enctype="multipart/form-data")[
+ T.fieldset[
+ T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="uri"),
+ T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Attach a file or directory"
+ " (by URI) to this"
+ "directory"],
+ "New child name: ",
+ T.input(type="text", name="name"), " ",
+ "URI of new child: ",
+ T.input(type="text", name="uri"), " ",
+ T.input(type="submit", value="Attach"),
+ ]]
+ return [T.div(class_="freeform-form")[mkdir],
+ T.div(class_="freeform-form")[upload],
+ T.div(class_="freeform-form")[mount],
+ ]
def render_results(self, ctx, data):
req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
return ""
- def bind_upload(self, ctx):
- """upload1"""
- # Note: this comment is no longer accurate, as it reflects the older
- # (apparently deprecated) formless.autocallable /
- # annotate.TypedInterface approach.
- # Each method gets a box. The string in the autocallable(action=)
- # argument is put on the border of the box, as well as in the submit
- # button. The top-most contents of the box are the method's
- # docstring, if any. Each row contains a string for the argument
- # followed by the argument's input box. If you do not provide an
- # action= argument to autocallable, the method name is capitalized
- # and used instead.
- up = annotate.FileUpload(label="Choose a file to upload: ",
- required=True,
- requiredFailMessage="Do iT!")
- contentsarg = annotate.Argument("contents", up)
- privateUpload = annotate.Radio(label="Private?", choices=["Yes"])
- privatearg = annotate.Argument("privateupload", privateUpload)
- ctxarg = annotate.Argument("ctx", annotate.Context())
- meth = annotate.Method(arguments=[contentsarg, privatearg, ctxarg],
- label="Upload File to this directory")
- return annotate.MethodBinding("upload", meth, action="Upload")
- def uploadprivate(self, filename, uri):
- message = "webish upload complete, filename %s %s" % (filename, uri)
- log.msg(message)
- return"filename", filename).add("results", message)
- def upload(self, contents, privateupload, ctx):
- # contents is a cgi.FieldStorage instance
- log.msg("starting webish upload")
- uploader = get_uploader_service(ctx)
- uploadable = upload.FileHandle(contents.file)
- name = contents.filename
- if privateupload:
- d = uploader.upload(uploadable)
- d.addCallback(lambda uri: self.uploadprivate(name, uri))
- else:
- d = self._dirnode.add_file(name, uploadable)
- def _done(res):
- log.msg("webish upload complete")
- return res
- d.addCallback(_done)
- return d # TODO: huh?
- return"results",
- "upload of '%s' complete!" % contents.filename)
- def bind_mkdir(self, ctx):
- """Make new directory 1"""
- namearg = annotate.Argument("name",
- annotate.String("New directory name: "))
- meth = annotate.Method(arguments=[namearg], label="Make New Subdirectory")
- return annotate.MethodBinding("mkdir", meth, action="Create Directory")
- def mkdir(self, name):
- """mkdir2"""
- log.msg("making new webish directory: %s" % (name,))
- d = self._dirnode.create_empty_directory(name)
- def _done(res):
- log.msg("webish mkdir complete")
- return res
- d.addCallback(_done)
- return d
- def bind_mount(self, ctx):
- namearg = annotate.Argument("name",
- annotate.String("Name to place incoming directory: "))
- uriarg = annotate.Argument("uri",
- annotate.String("URI of Shared Directory"))
- meth = annotate.Method(arguments=[namearg, uriarg],
- label="Add Shared Directory")
- return annotate.MethodBinding("mount", meth,
- action="Mount Shared Directory")
- def mount(self, name, uri):
- d = self._dirnode.set_uri(name, uri)
- #d.addCallback(lambda done:
- return d
def child__delete(self, ctx):
# perform the delete, then redirect back to the directory page
args = inevow.IRequest(ctx).args