--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# this is a smoke-test using "./bin/tahoe" to:
+# 1. create an introducer
+# 2. create 5 storage nodes
+# 3. create 2 client nodes (alice, bob)
+# 4. Alice creates a magic-folder ("magik:")
+# 5. Alice invites Bob
+# 6. Bob joins
+# After that, some basic tests are performed; see the "if True:"
+# blocks to turn some on or off. Could benefit from some cleanups
+# etc. but this seems useful out of the gate for quick testing.
+# TO RUN:
+# from top-level of your checkout (we use "./bin/tahoe"):
+# python src/allmydata/test/check_magicfolder_smoke.py
+# This will create "./smoke_magicfolder" (which is disposable) and
+# contains all the Tahoe basedirs for the introducer, storage nodes,
+# clients, and the clients' magic-folders. NOTE that if these
+# directories already exist they will NOT be re-created. So kill the
+# grid and then "rm -rf smoke_magicfolder" if you want to re-run the
+# tests cleanly.
+# Run the script with a single arg, "kill" to run "tahoe stop" on all
+# the nodes.
+# This will have "tahoe start" -ed all the nodes, so you can continue
+# to play around after the script exits.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import time
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+from os.path import join, abspath, curdir, exists
+from os import mkdir, listdir, unlink
+tahoe_base = abspath(curdir)
+data_base = join(tahoe_base, 'smoke_magicfolder')
+tahoe_bin = join(tahoe_base, 'bin', 'tahoe')
+if not exists(data_base):
+ print("Creating", data_base)
+ mkdir(data_base)
+if not exists(tahoe_bin):
+ raise RuntimeError("Can't find 'tahoe' binary at '{}'".format(tahoe_bin))
+if 'kill' in sys.argv:
+ print("Killing the grid")
+ for d in listdir(data_base):
+ print("killing", d)
+ subprocess.call(
+ [
+ tahoe_bin, 'stop', join(data_base, d),
+ ]
+ )
+ sys.exit(0)
+if not exists(join(data_base, 'introducer')):
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ tahoe_bin, 'create-introducer', join(data_base, 'introducer'),
+ ]
+ )
+with open(join(data_base, 'introducer', 'tahoe.cfg'), 'w') as f:
+ f.write('''
+nickname = introducer0
+web.port = 4560
+ [
+ tahoe_bin, 'start', join(data_base, 'introducer'),
+ ]
+furl_fname = join(data_base, 'introducer', 'private', 'introducer.furl')
+while not exists(furl_fname):
+ time.sleep(1)
+furl = open(furl_fname, 'r').read()
+print("FURL", furl)
+for x in range(5):
+ data_dir = join(data_base, 'node%d' % x)
+ if not exists(data_dir):
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ tahoe_bin, 'create-node',
+ '--nickname', 'node{}'.format(x),
+ '--introducer', furl,
+ data_dir,
+ ]
+ )
+ with open(join(data_dir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'w') as f:
+ f.write('''
+nickname = node{node_id}
+web.port =
+web.static = public_html
+tub.location = localhost:{tub_port}
+# Which services should this client connect to?
+introducer.furl = {furl}
+shares.needed = 2
+shares.happy = 3
+shares.total = 4
+'''.format(node_id=x, furl=furl, tub_port=(9900 + x)))
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ tahoe_bin, 'start', data_dir,
+ ]
+ )
+# alice and bob clients
+do_invites = False
+node_id = 0
+for name in ['alice', 'bob']:
+ data_dir = join(data_base, name)
+ magic_dir = join(data_base, '{}-magic'.format(name))
+ mkdir(magic_dir)
+ if not exists(data_dir):
+ do_invites = True
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ tahoe_bin, 'create-node',
+ '--no-storage',
+ '--nickname', name,
+ '--introducer', furl,
+ data_dir,
+ ]
+ )
+ with open(join(data_dir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'w') as f:
+ f.write('''
+nickname = {name}
+web.port = tcp:998{node_id}:interface=localhost
+web.static = public_html
+# Which services should this client connect to?
+introducer.furl = {furl}
+shares.needed = 2
+shares.happy = 3
+shares.total = 4
+'''.format(name=name, node_id=node_id, furl=furl, magic_dir=magic_dir))
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ tahoe_bin, 'start', data_dir,
+ ]
+ )
+ node_id += 1
+# okay, now we have alice + bob (alice, bob)
+# now we have alice create a magic-folder, and invite bob to it
+if do_invites:
+ data_dir = join(data_base, 'alice')
+ # alice creates her folder, invites bob
+ print("Alice creates a magic-folder")
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ tahoe_bin, 'magic-folder', 'create', '--basedir', data_dir, 'magik:', 'alice',
+ join(data_base, 'alice-magic'),
+ ]
+ )
+ print("Alice invites Bob")
+ invite = subprocess.check_output(
+ [
+ tahoe_bin, 'magic-folder', 'invite', '--basedir', data_dir, 'magik:', 'bob',
+ ]
+ )
+ print(" invite:", invite)
+ # now we let "bob"/bob join
+ print("Bob joins Alice's magic folder")
+ data_dir = join(data_base, 'bob')
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ tahoe_bin, 'magic-folder', 'join', '--basedir', data_dir, invite,
+ join(data_base, 'bob-magic'),
+ ]
+ )
+ print("Bob has joined.")
+ print("Restarting alice + bob clients")
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ tahoe_bin, 'restart', '--basedir', join(data_base, 'alice'),
+ ]
+ )
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ tahoe_bin, 'restart', '--basedir', join(data_base, 'bob'),
+ ]
+ )
+if True:
+ for name in ['alice', 'bob']:
+ with open(join(data_base, name, 'private', 'magic_folder_dircap'), 'r') as f:
+ print("dircap {}: {}".format(name, f.read().strip()))
+# give storage nodes a chance to connect properly? I'm not entirely
+# sure what's up here, but I get "UnrecoverableFileError" on the
+# first_file upload from Alice "very often" otherwise
+print("waiting 3 seconds")
+if True:
+ # alice writes a file; bob should get it
+ alice_foo = join(data_base, 'alice-magic', 'first_file')
+ bob_foo = join(data_base, 'bob-magic', 'first_file')
+ with open(alice_foo, 'w') as f:
+ f.write("line one\n")
+ print("Waiting for:", bob_foo)
+ while True:
+ if exists(bob_foo):
+ print(" found", bob_foo)
+ with open(bob_foo, 'r') as f:
+ if f.read() == "line one\n":
+ break
+ print(" file contents still mismatched")
+ time.sleep(1)
+if True:
+ # bob writes a file; alice should get it
+ alice_bar = join(data_base, 'alice-magic', 'second_file')
+ bob_bar = join(data_base, 'bob-magic', 'second_file')
+ with open(bob_bar, 'w') as f:
+ f.write("line one\n")
+ print("Waiting for:", alice_bar)
+ while True:
+ if exists(bob_bar):
+ print(" found", bob_bar)
+ with open(bob_bar, 'r') as f:
+ if f.read() == "line one\n":
+ break
+ print(" file contents still mismatched")
+ time.sleep(1)
+if True:
+ # alice deletes 'first_file'
+ alice_foo = join(data_base, 'alice-magic', 'first_file')
+ bob_foo = join(data_base, 'bob-magic', 'first_file')
+ unlink(alice_foo)
+ print("Waiting for '%s' to disappear" % (bob_foo,))
+ while True:
+ if not exists(bob_foo):
+ print(" disappeared", bob_foo)
+ break
+ time.sleep(1)
+ # XXX this doesn't work; shouldn't a .tmp file appear on bob's side?
+ bob_tmp = bob_foo + '.tmp'
+ print("Waiting for '%s' to appear" % (bob_tmp,))
+ while True:
+ if exists(bob_tmp):
+ print(" appeared", bob_tmp)
+ break
+ time.sleep(1)
+if True:
+ # bob writes new content to 'second_file'; alice should get it
+ # get it.
+ alice_foo = join(data_base, 'alice-magic', 'second_file')
+ bob_foo = join(data_base, 'bob-magic', 'second_file')
+ gold_content = "line one\nsecond line\n"
+ with open(bob_foo, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(gold_content)
+ print("Waiting for:", alice_foo)
+ while True:
+ if exists(alice_foo):
+ print(" found", alice_foo)
+ with open(alice_foo, 'r') as f:
+ content = f.read()
+ if content == gold_content:
+ break
+ print(" file contents still mismatched:\n")
+ print(content)
+ time.sleep(1)
+if True:
+ # bob creates a sub-directory and adds a file to it
+ alice_dir = join(data_base, 'alice-magic', 'subdir')
+ bob_dir = join(data_base, 'alice-magic', 'subdir')
+ gold_content = 'a file in a subdirectory\n'
+ mkdir(bob_dir)
+ with open(join(bob_dir, 'subfile'), 'w') as f:
+ f.write(gold_content)
+ print("Waiting for Bob's subdir '%s' to appear" % (bob_dir,))
+ while True:
+ if exists(bob_dir):
+ print(" found subdir")
+ if exists(join(bob_dir, 'subfile')):
+ print(" found file")
+ with open(join(bob_dir, 'subfile'), 'r') as f:
+ if f.read() == gold_content:
+ print(" contents match")
+ break
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+if True:
+ # bob deletes the whole subdir
+ alice_dir = join(data_base, 'alice-magic', 'subdir')
+ bob_dir = join(data_base, 'alice-magic', 'subdir')
+ shutil.rmtree(bob_dir)
+ print("Waiting for Alice's subdir '%s' to disappear" % (alice_dir,))
+ while True:
+ if not exists(alice_dir):
+ print(" it's gone")
+ break
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+# XXX restore the file not working (but, unit-tests work; what's wrong with them?)
+# NOTE: only not-works if it's alice restoring the file!
+if True:
+ # restore 'first_file' but with different contents
+ print("re-writing 'first_file'")
+ assert not exists(join(data_base, 'bob-magic', 'first_file'))
+ assert not exists(join(data_base, 'alice-magic', 'first_file'))
+ alice_foo = join(data_base, 'alice-magic', 'first_file')
+ bob_foo = join(data_base, 'bob-magic', 'first_file')
+ if True:
+ # if we don't swap around, it works fine
+ alice_foo, bob_foo = bob_foo, alice_foo
+ gold_content = "see it again for the first time\n"
+ with open(bob_foo, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(gold_content)
+ print("Waiting for:", alice_foo)
+ while True:
+ if exists(alice_foo):
+ print(" found", alice_foo)
+ with open(alice_foo, 'r') as f:
+ content = f.read()
+ if content == gold_content:
+ break
+ print(" file contents still mismatched: %d bytes:\n" % (len(content),))
+ print(content)
+ else:
+ print(" {} not there yet".format(alice_foo))
+ time.sleep(1)
+# XXX test .backup (delete a file)
+# port david's clock.advance stuff
+# fix clock.advance()
+# subdirectory
+# file deletes
+# conflicts