.PHONY: coverage-output get-old-coverage-coverage coverage-delta-output
- @echo
- @echo
- @echo "ERROR: Not all of Tahoe's dependencies are in place. Please see docs/quickstart.rst for help on installing dependencies."
- @echo
- @echo
- exit 1
- $(PYTHON) setup.py -q check_auto_deps || $(MAKE) signal-error-deps
- $(MAKE) check-auto-deps
- touch .checked-deps
# you can use 'make test TEST=allmydata.test.test_introducer' to run just
# test_introducer. TEST=allmydata.test.test_client.Basic.test_permute works
# too.
check: test
-fuse-test: .built .checked-deps
+fuse-test: .built
$(RUNPP) -d contrib/fuse -p -c runtests.py
test-coverage: build src/allmydata/_version.py
diff allfiles.tmp.old allfiles.tmp.new
- rm -rf build _trial_temp _test_memory .checked-deps .built
+ rm -rf build _trial_temp _test_memory .built
rm -f `find src *.egg -name '*.so' -or -name '*.pyc'`
rm -rf src/allmydata_tahoe.egg-info
rm -rf support dist