except TypeError, e:
assert "First argument was not a sequence" in str(e), e
- raise "Should have gotten TypeError for wrong type of second argument."
+ self.fail("Should have gotten TypeError for wrong type of second argument.")
decer.decode(["a", "b", ], ["c", "d",])
except zfec.Error, e:
assert "Precondition violation: second argument is required to contain int" in str(e), e
- raise "Should have gotten zfec.Error for wrong type of second argument."
+ self.fail("Should have gotten zfec.Error for wrong type of second argument.")
decer.decode(["a", "b", ], 98) # not a sequence at all
except TypeError, e:
assert "Second argument was not a sequence" in str(e), e
- raise "Should have gotten TypeError for wrong type of second argument."
+ self.fail("Should have gotten TypeError for wrong type of second argument.")
class EasyFecTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_small(self):
except TypeError, e:
assert "First argument was not a sequence" in str(e), e
- raise "Should have gotten TypeError for wrong type of second argument."
+ self.fail("Should have gotten TypeError for wrong type of second argument.")
decer.decode("ab", ["c", "d",], 0)
except zfec.Error, e:
assert "Precondition violation: second argument is required to contain int" in str(e), e
- raise "Should have gotten zfec.Error for wrong type of second argument."
+ self.fail("Should have gotten zfec.Error for wrong type of second argument.")
decer.decode("ab", 98, 0) # not a sequence at all
except TypeError, e:
assert "Second argument was not a sequence" in str(e), e
- raise "Should have gotten TypeError for wrong type of second argument."
+ self.fail("Should have gotten TypeError for wrong type of second argument.")
class FileFec(unittest.TestCase):
def test_filefec_header(self):