= Overview ==
One convenient way to install Tahoe-LAFS is with debian packages.
+This document attempts to explain how to complete a desert island build for
+people in a hurry. It also attempts to explain more about our Debian packaging
+for those willing to read beyond the simple pragmatic packaging exercises.
== TL;DR supporting package building instructions ==
-There are only two supporting packages that are currently not available from
-the debian apt repositories in Debian Lenny: python-foolscap python-zfec
+There are only four supporting packages that are currently not available from
+the debian apt repositories in Debian Lenny:
+ python-foolscap python-zfec argparse zbase32
First, we'll install some common packages for development:
- apt-get install -y build-essential debhelper cdbs python-central \
+ sudo apt-get install -y build-essential debhelper cdbs python-central \
python-setuptools python python-dev python-twisted-core \
fakeroot darcs python-twisted python-nevow \
- python-simplejson python-pycryptopp devscripts
+ python-simplejson python-pycryptopp devscripts \
+ apt-file
+ sudo apt-file update
To create packages for Lenny, we'll also install stdeb:
- apt-get install python-all-dev
- http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/stdeb/stdeb-$STDEB_VERSION.tar.gz
+ sudo apt-get install python-all-dev
+ wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/stdeb/stdeb-$STDEB_VERSION.tar.gz
tar xzf stdeb-$STDEB_VERSION.tar.gz
python setup.py --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb
We also need to install argparse and zbase32:
- easy_install argparse
- easy_install zbase32
+ sudo easy_install argparse # argparse won't install with stdeb (!) :-(
+ sudo easy_install zbase32 # XXX TODO: package with stdeb
Finally, we'll fetch, unpack, build and install foolscap:
sudo dpkg -i ../allmydata-tahoe_1.6.1-r4262_all.deb
You should now have a functional desert island build of Tahoe with all of the
-supported libraries as .deb packages.
+supported libraries as .deb packages. You'll need to edit the Debian specific
+/etc/defaults/allmydata-tahoe file to get Tahoe started. Data is by default
+stored in /var/lib/tahoelafsd/ and Tahoe runs as the 'tahoelafsd' user.
== Building Debian Packages ==