{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module JoinList where
import Data.Monoid
import Sized
+import Scrabble
+import Buffer
+import Editor
data JoinList m a = Empty
| Single m a
Append ((tag l) `mappend` (tag rt)) l rt
where leftSize = getSize . size . tag $ l
+-- exercise 3 (Scrabble.hs)
+scoreLine :: String -> JoinList Score String
+scoreLine l = let scores = map scoreString . words $ l
+ scoresAndWords = zip scores (words l)
+ in
+ foldr (+++) Empty $ map (\(s, w) -> Single s w) scoresAndWords
+-- exercise 4
+-- instance (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (a,b) where
+-- mempty = (mempty, mempty)
+-- (a,b) `mappend` (c,d) = ((a `mappend` c), (b `mappend` d))
+instance Buffer (JoinList (Score, Size) String) where
+ toString (Empty) = ""
+ toString (Single _ s) = s
+ toString (Append _ l r) = toString l ++ toString r
+ fromString s = Single (scoreString s, (Size (length s))) s
+ line n b = indexJ n b
+ replaceLine n l b = let pre = takeJ (n - 1) b
+ post = dropJ n b
+ (Append m1 _ _) = scoreLine l
+ in
+ pre +++ (Single (m1, Size (length l)) l) +++ post
+ numLines = \x -> case x of
+ Empty -> 0
+ Single _ _ -> 1
+ Append _ l r -> numLines l + numLines r
+ value = \x -> case x of
+ Empty -> 0
+ Single (_, m2) _ -> getSize . size $ m2
+ Append (_, m2) _ _ -> getSize . size $ m2
+main = runEditor editor $ Single (Score 244,Size 177) "This buffer is for notes you don't want to save, and for evaluation of steam valve coefficients. To load a different file, type the character L followed by the name of the file."
+-- [ "This buffer is for notes you don't want to save, and for"
+-- , "evaluation of steam valve coefficients."
+-- , "To load a different file, type the character L followed"
+-- , "by the name of the file."
+-- ]
+-- "This buffer is for notes you don't want to save, and for evaluation of steam valve -- coefficients. To load a different file, type the character L followed by the name of the file."