void unzip_from_executable(wchar_t *executable_path, wchar_t *destination_dir);
size_t read_uint32_le(unsigned char *b);
void unzip(wchar_t *zip_path, wchar_t *destination_dir);
-bool spawn_with_redirect(FILE *redirect, unsigned char *output_buf, size_t output_size, const wchar_t *argv[]);
void install_python(wchar_t *python_installer_dir);
void scriptsetup(wchar_t *destination_dir);
-void pause();
+bool spawn_with_redirect(FILE *redirect, unsigned char *output_buf, size_t output_size, const wchar_t *argv[]);
#define fail_unless(x, s) if (!(x)) { fail(s); }
void fail(char *s);
void warn(char *s);
+void pause();
+#define PYTHON_INSTALLER_FILESPEC L"python*.msi"
+// defines PKGNAME_AND_VERSION, written by setup.py
#include "_version.h"
if (argc >= 2 && wcscmp(argv[1], L"--help") == 0) {
printf("installer <destination_dir>\n");
+ return 1;
wchar_t *destination_dir = (argc >= 2) ? argv[1] : get_default_destination_dir();
+ size_t len = wcslen(destination_dir);
+ // FIXME: strip trailing slash rather than rejecting it
+ fail_unless(len > 0 && destination_dir[len-1] != '\\' && len < MAX_PATH-1, "Invalid destination directory.");
void empty_directory(wchar_t *destination_dir) {
-#if 0
- // Delete contents of destination_dir if it already exists.
- struct _stat buf;
- if (_wstat(destination_dir, &buf) == 0) {
- wchar_t destination_dir_dblnul[MAX_PATH+1];
- size_t len = wcslen(destination_dir);
- fail_unless(len < MAX_PATH, "Destination path is too long.");
- wcscpy(destination_dir_dblnul, destination_dir);
- destination_dir_dblnul[len+1] = L'\0';
- SHFILEOPSTRUCTW shell_file_op = {
- destination_dir_dblnul,
- };
- int res = SHFileOperationW(&shell_file_op);
- fail_unless(res == 0, "Could not delete existing contents of destination directory.");
- }
// Create an empty directory at destination_dir.
errno = 0;
int res = _wmkdir(destination_dir);
+void install_python(wchar_t *python_installer_dir) {
+ printf("Checking for " REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION_PREFIX "..\n");
+ unsigned char output_buf[1024];
+ const wchar_t *argv[] = { L"python", L"-V", NULL };
+ bool res = spawn_with_redirect(stderr, output_buf, sizeof(output_buf), &argv[0]);
+ if (res) {
+ printf("Found %s", (char *) output_buf);
+ if (strncmp((char *) output_buf, REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION_PREFIX, strlen(REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION_PREFIX)) == 0) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ printf("but we need a newer version.\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf("No Python found.\n");
+ }
+ wchar_t installer_pattern[MAX_PATH];
+ int n = _snwprintf(installer_pattern, MAX_PATH, L"%ls\\%ls", python_installer_dir, PYTHON_INSTALLER_FILESPEC);
+ fail_unless(n >= 0 && n < MAX_PATH, "Could not construct wildcard path to Python installer.");
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data;
+ HANDLE search_handle = FindFirstFileW(installer_pattern, &find_data);
+ fail_unless(search_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "Could not find the Python installer.")
+ wchar_t installer_path[MAX_PATH];
+ n = _snwprintf(installer_path, MAX_PATH, L"%ls\\%ls", python_installer_dir, find_data.cFileName);
+ fail_unless(n >= 0 && n < MAX_PATH, "Could not construct path to Python installer.");
+ printf("%ls\n", installer_path);
+ wchar_t installer_path_quoted[2+MAX_PATH];
+ n = _snwprintf(installer_path_quoted, 2+MAX_PATH, L"\"%ls\"", installer_path);
+ fail_unless(n >= 0 && n < 2+MAX_PATH, "Could not construct quoted path to Python installer.");
+ printf("%ls\n", installer_path_quoted);
+ // <https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.5/msi/>
+ // XXX I'm not sure whether or not we want "/passive". These options
+ // may silently remove a previous Python installation that was not
+ // detected by the check above, and we'd like that to prompt.
+ const wchar_t *python_installer_argv[] = {
+ L"msiexec", L"/i", installer_path_quoted,
+ L"/passive", L"/norestart", L"ALLUSERS=1", L"ADDLOCAL=Extensions", NULL
+ };
+ errno = 0;
+ intptr_t exit_code = _wspawnvp(P_WAIT, python_installer_argv[0], python_installer_argv);
+ int saved_errno = errno;
+ _wunlink(installer_path); // ignore errors
+ fail_unless(saved_errno == 0, "Could not execute Python installer.");
+ fail_unless(exit_code == 0, "Python installer failed.");
+void scriptsetup(wchar_t *destination_dir) {
+ // 12 = length of --addpath=""
+ wchar_t addpath_option_quoted[12+MAX_PATH];
+ int n = _snwprintf(addpath_option_quoted, 12+MAX_PATH, L"--addpath=\"%ls\\%ls\\bin\"", destination_dir, PKGNAME_AND_VERSION);
+ fail_unless(n >= 0 && n < 12+MAX_PATH, "Could not construct path for bin directory.");
+ unsigned char output_buf[10240];
+ const wchar_t *scriptsetup_argv[] = {
+ L"python", L"setup.py", L"scriptsetup",
+ L"--allusers", addpath_option_quoted,
+ };
+ bool res = spawn_with_redirect(stdout, output_buf, sizeof(output_buf), &scriptsetup_argv[0]);
+ puts((char *) output_buf);
+ fail_unless(res, "Could not set up Python to run the 'tahoe' command.");
bool spawn_with_redirect(FILE *redirect, unsigned char *output_buf, size_t output_size, const wchar_t *argv[]) {
bool result = false;
fail_unless(output_size > 0, "Invalid output_size.");
return (exit_code == 0);
-void install_python(wchar_t *python_installer_dir) {
- printf("Checking for " REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION_PREFIX "..\n");
- unsigned char output_buf[1024];
- const wchar_t *argv[] = { L"python", L"-V", NULL };
- bool res = spawn_with_redirect(stderr, output_buf, sizeof(output_buf), &argv[0]);
- if (res) {
- printf("Found %s", (char *) output_buf);
- if (strncmp((char *) output_buf, REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION_PREFIX, strlen(REQUIRED_PYTHON_VERSION_PREFIX)) == 0) {
- return;
- } else {
- printf("but we need a newer version.\n");
- }
- } else {
- printf("No Python found.\n");
- }
- wchar_t installer_wildcard[] = L"\\python*.msi";
- if (python_installer_dir[wcslen(python_installer_dir)-1] == '\\') {
- wcscpy(installer_wildcard, L"*.msi");
- }
- wchar_t installer_pattern[MAX_PATH];
- fail_unless(wcslen(python_installer_dir) < MAX_PATH - wcslen(installer_wildcard),
- "Could not construct pattern for Python installer.")
- wcscpy(installer_pattern, python_installer_dir);
- wcscat(installer_pattern, installer_wildcard);
- WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data;
- HANDLE search_handle = FindFirstFileW(installer_pattern, &find_data);
- fail_unless(search_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,
- "Could not find the Python installer.")
- fail_unless(wcslen(python_installer_dir) < MAX_PATH - wcslen(find_data.cFileName),
- "Could not construct path to Python installer.")
- wchar_t installer_path[MAX_PATH];
- wcscpy(installer_path, python_installer_dir);
- wcscat(installer_path, find_data.cFileName);
- // <https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.5/msi/>
- // "/qb!" works, but it may silently remove a previous Python installation
- // that was not detected by the check above, and we want that to prompt.
- const wchar_t *python_installer_argv[] = {
- L"msiexec", L"/i", installer_path,
- // L"/qb!",
- };
- errno = 0;
- intptr_t exit_code = _wspawnvp(P_WAIT, python_installer_argv[0], python_installer_argv);
- fail_unless(errno == 0, "Could not execute Python installer.");
- fail_unless(exit_code == 0, "Python installer failed.");
-void scriptsetup(wchar_t *destination_dir) {
- wchar_t bin_dir[MAX_PATH];
- int n = wsnprintf(bin_dir, L"%ls\\%ls\\bin", destination_dir, PKGNAME_AND_VERSION);
- fail_unless(n >= 0 && n < MAX_PATH, "Could not construct path for bin directory.");
- unsigned char output_buf[10240];
- const wchar_t *scriptsetup_argv[] = {
- L"python", L"setup.py", L"scriptsetup",
- L"--allusers", L"--addpaths", bin_dir,
- };
- bool res = spawn_with_redirect(stdout, output_buf, sizeof(output_buf), &scriptsetup_argv[0]);
- puts((char *) output_buf);
- fail_unless(res, "Could not set up Python to run the 'tahoe' command.");
void fail(char *s) {
// TODO: show dialog box
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
- pause()
+ pause();
void pause() {
- printf("Press any key to finish.");
- char buf[2];
- fgets(buf, 1, stdin);
+ printf("Press any key to finish.\n");
+ _getch();
\ No newline at end of file