platform_aliases = [('i686','x86'), ('i386','x86'), ('i86pc','x86'), ('win32','windows-x86'),
('win-amd64','windows-x86_64'), ('amd64','x86_64')]
min_supported_python = {'windows-x86': '2.7', 'windows-x86_64': '2.7'}
+pkg_name_continuations = ('modules')
FILENAME_RE = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z_0-9\.]*)-([0-9\.a-vx-z_]*)(-py[0-9\.]*)?(-.*)?')
FILENAME_RE2 = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z_0-9\.]*)-([0-9\.a-vx-z_]*)(win32|win-amd64)?(-py[0-9\.]*)?')
platform_dependent_pkgs = set()
python_versions = set()
-depdir = '.'
+depdirs = ['.', '../tahoe-dep-sdists']
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- depdir = sys.argv[1]
+ depdirs = sys.argv[1 :]
-filenames = os.listdir(depdir)
+filenames = set()
+for depdir in depdirs:
+ filenames = filenames.union(os.listdir(depdir))
def add(d, k, v):
if k in d:
m = FILENAME_RE.match(fname[:-len(ext)])
pkg =
- pythonver = ( or '-py')[3:]
- platform = ( or '-')[1:]
+ pkg2 =
+ if pkg2 in pkg_name_continuations:
+ pkg += '-' + pkg2
+ else:
+ pythonver = ( or '-py')[3:]
+ platform = ( or '-')[1:]
except (IndexError, AttributeError, TypeError):
- if not pythonver:
+ if not pkg2 in pkg_name_continuations and not pythonver:
m = FILENAME_RE2.match(fname[:-len(ext)])
platform_independent_pkgs = pkgs - platform_dependent_pkgs
-width = 100 / (len(platform_independent_pkgs) + 1)
+width = 100 / (len(platform_dependent_pkgs) + 1)
+def file_list(all_files, pkg):
+ files = sorted([(pkg_resources.parse_version(n), n) for (p, n) in all_files if pkg == p])
+ return '<br> '.join(['<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (f, f) for (v, f) in files])
greybgstyle = '; background-color: #E0E0E0'
nobgstyle = ''
print ' <tr>'
print ' <th style="background-color: #FFFFD0" width="%d%%"> Platform </th>' % (width,)
for pkg in sorted(platform_dependent_pkgs):
- print ' <th style="background-color:#FFE8FF;" width="%d%%"> %s </th>' % (width, pkg)
+ print ' <th style="background-color: #FFE8FF;" width="%d%%"> %s </th>' % (width, pkg)
print ' </tr>'
first = True
print ' <tr>'
print ' <td style="%s"> %s </td>' % (style1, annotated_platform)
for pkg in sorted(platform_dependent_pkgs):
- files = [n for (p, n) in row_files if pkg == p]
- bestfile = files and max([(pkg_resources.parse_version(x), x) for x in files])[1] or None
if pkg == 'pywin32' and not platform.startswith('windows'):
print ' <td style="border: 0; text-align: center; %s"> n/a </td>' % (style2,)
- print ' <td style="%s"> %s</td>' % (style2,
- bestfile and '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (bestfile, bestfile) or '')
+ print ' <td style="%s"> %s</td>' % (style2, file_list(row_files, pkg))
print ' </tr>'
first = False
for pkg in sorted(platform_independent_pkgs):
print ' <tr>'
print ' <th style="%s"> %s </th>' % (style1, pkg)
- files = [n for (p, n) in m if pkg == p]
- print ' <td style="%s"> %s</td>' % (style2, '<br> '.join(['<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (f, f) for f in files]))
+ print ' <td style="%s"> %s</td>' % (style2, file_list(m, pkg))
print ' </tr>'
print '</table>'