List objects in this container with the given prefix.
url = self._make_container_url(self.URI)
- url += "?comp=list&restype=container&prefix=" + urllib.quote(prefix, safe='')
+ url += "?comp=list&restype=container"
+ if prefix:
+ url += "&prefix=" + urllib.quote(prefix, safe='')
d = self._authorized_http_request("MS Azure list objects", 'GET',
url, {},
container_name = config.get_config("storage", "msazure.container_name")
account_key = config.get_private_config("msazure_account_key")
return MSAzureStorageContainer(account_name, account_key, container_name)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
+ from twisted.python import log
+ import sys
+ msc = MSAzureStorageContainer(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def testtransactions():
+ yield msc.put_object("key", "the value")
+ print "Uploaded key:'the value'"
+ print
+ print "Get contents:"
+ result = yield msc.list_objects()
+ print [item.key for item in result.contents]
+ print "Get key, value is:"
+ print (yield msc.get_object("key"))
+ print
+ print "Delete item:"
+ yield msc.delete_object("key")
+ print
+ print "Get contents:"
+ result = yield msc.list_objects()
+ print [item.key for item in result.contents]
+ reactor.stop()
+ testtransactions().addErrback(log.err)
self.container._time = lambda: 123 = "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:02:03 GMT"
+ def test_list_objects_no_prefix(self):
+ """
+ MSAzureStorageContainer.list_objects() with no prefix omits it from
+ the query.
+ """
+ self.mock_http_request()
+ self.container.list_objects()
+ self.container._http_request.assert_called_once_with(
+ "MS Azure list objects", "GET",
+ "",
+ {"Authorization": [self.authorization],
+ "x-ms-version": ["2012-02-12"],
+ "x-ms-date": [],
+ },
+ body=None,
+ need_response_body=True)
def test_list_objects(self):
MSAzureStorageContainer.list_objects() sends the appropriate HTTP