#!/usr/bin/env python
-# We put a fake "pycryptopp-0.5.24.egg" package and a fake
-# "pycryptopp-9.9.99.tar.gz" into a directory, but the latter is
-# booby-trapped so it will raise an exception when you try to build
-# it.
+import StringIO, glob, os, platform, shutil, subprocess, sys, tarfile, zipfile
+import pkg_resources
-# Then we run "python setup.py test -s
-# buildtest.test_with_fake_dist", which imports pycryptopp
-# and passes if pycryptopp.__version__ == '0.5.24'.
+def test():
+ # We put a fake "pycryptopp-0.5.24.egg" package and a fake
+ # "pycryptopp-9.9.99.tar.gz" into a directory, but the latter is
+ # booby-trapped so it will raise an exception when you try to build
+ # it.
-# (If building succeeded -- meaning that you didn't try to build the
-# booby-trapped 9.9.99 -- but pycryptopp.__version__ != '0.5.24' then
-# that means a different version of pycryptopp was already installed
-# so neither of the two fake pycryptopp packages were needed. In that
-# case this test should be treated as a "skip" -- the functionality
-# under test can't be exercised on the current system.)
+ # Then we run "python setup.py test -s
+ # buildtest.test_with_fake_dist", which imports pycryptopp
+ # and passes if pycryptopp.__version__ == '0.5.24'.
-# The goal is to turn red if the build system tries to build the
-# source dist when it could have used the binary dist.
+ # (If building succeeded -- meaning that you didn't try to build the
+ # booby-trapped 9.9.99 -- but pycryptopp.__version__ != '0.5.24' then
+ # that means a different version of pycryptopp was already installed
+ # so neither of the two fake pycryptopp packages were needed. In that
+ # case this test should be treated as a "skip" -- the functionality
+ # under test can't be exercised on the current system.)
-# (Note that for this test to make sense, tahoe-lafs needs to be
-# asking for a version of pycryptopp which can be satisfied by either
-# 0.5.24 or 0.5.25. At the time of this writing it requires >= 0.5.20
-# on x86 and >= 0.5.14 on other architectures.)
+ # The goal is to turn red if the build system tries to build the
+ # source dist when it could have used the binary dist.
-import StringIO, glob, os, platform, shutil, subprocess, sys, tarfile, zipfile
-import pkg_resources
+ # (Note that for this test to make sense, tahoe-lafs needs to be
+ # asking for a version of pycryptopp which can be satisfied by either
+ # 0.5.24 or 0.5.25. At the time of this writing it requires >= 0.5.20
+ # on x86 and >= 0.5.14 on other architectures.)
+ fake_distdir = 'tahoe-deps'
+ fake_distname = "pycryptopp"
+ fake_sdistversion = "9.9.99"
+ fake_bdistversion = "0.5.24"
+ sdist_setup = "raise Exception('Aha I caught you trying to build me. I am a fake pycryptopp 9.9.99 sdist and you should be satisfied with a bdist.')"
+ testsuite = "buildtest.test_build_with_fake_dist"
-fake_distdir = 'tahoe-deps'
-fake_distname = "pycryptopp"
-fake_sdistversion = "9.9.99"
-fake_bdistversion = "0.5.24"
-sdist_setup = "raise Exception('Aha I caught you trying to build me. I am a fake pycryptopp 9.9.99 sdist and you should be satisfied with a bdist.')"
+ dist_dirname = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), fake_distdir)
-testsuite = "buildtest.test_build_with_fake_dist"
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dist_dirname)
+ except OSError:
+ # probably already exists
+ pass
-dist_dirname = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), fake_distdir)
+ bdist_egg_name = os.path.join(dist_dirname, '%s-%s-py%s.%s-%s.egg' % (fake_distname, fake_bdistversion, platform.python_version_tuple()[0], platform.python_version_tuple()[1], pkg_resources.get_supported_platform()))
+ try:
+ bdist_egg = zipfile.ZipFile(bdist_egg_name, 'w')
+ bdist_egg.writestr('pycryptopp/__init__.py', '__version__ = "%s"\n' % (fake_bdistversion,))
+ bdist_egg.close()
- os.makedirs(dist_dirname)
-except OSError:
- # probably already exists
- pass
+ sdist_name = os.path.join(dist_dirname, '%s-%s.tar' % (fake_distname, fake_sdistversion))
+ sdist = tarfile.open(sdist_name, 'w:gz')
+ sdist.errorlevel =2
+ tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo('setup.py')
+ tarinfo.errorlevel =2
+ tarinfo.size = len(sdist_setup)
+ sdist.addfile(tarinfo, StringIO.StringIO(sdist_setup))
+ sdist.close()
-bdist_egg_name = os.path.join(dist_dirname, '%s-%s-py%s.%s-%s.egg' % (fake_distname, fake_bdistversion, platform.python_version_tuple()[0], platform.python_version_tuple()[1], pkg_resources.get_supported_platform()))
- bdist_egg = zipfile.ZipFile(bdist_egg_name, 'w')
- bdist_egg.writestr('pycryptopp/__init__.py', '__version__ = "%s"\n' % (fake_bdistversion,))
- bdist_egg.close()
+ sys.exit(subprocess.call([sys.executable, "setup.py", "-v", "test", "-s", testsuite], env=os.environ))
+ finally:
+ os.remove(bdist_egg_name)
+ os.remove(sdist_name)
+ cleanup()
- sdist_name = os.path.join(dist_dirname, '%s-%s.tar' % (fake_distname, fake_sdistversion))
- sdist = tarfile.open(sdist_name, 'w:gz')
- sdist.errorlevel =2
- tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo('setup.py')
- tarinfo.errorlevel =2
- tarinfo.size = len(sdist_setup)
- sdist.addfile(tarinfo, StringIO.StringIO(sdist_setup))
- sdist.close()
+def cleanup():
+ for path, subdnames, fnames in os.walk('.'):
+ for fdname in subdnames + fnames:
+ if fdname.startswith('pycryptopp-0.5.24'):
+ shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path, fdname))
- setuppy="setup.py"
- os.environ['PATH']=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'src')+os.pathsep+os.environ['PATH']
- eggs = [os.path.realpath(p) for p in glob.glob(os.path.join('..', '*.egg')) if not 'pycryptopp' in p]
- os.environ['PYTHONPATH']=os.pathsep+os.pathsep.join(eggs)+os.pathsep+os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH','')
- sys.exit(subprocess.call([sys.executable, setuppy, "-v", "test", "-s", testsuite], env=os.environ))
- os.remove(bdist_egg_name)
- os.remove(sdist_name)
- shutil.rmtree('support')
- [shutil.rmtree(p) for p in glob.glob('pycryptopp*.egg')]
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test()