class ContainerRetryMixin:
I provide a helper method for performing an operation on a cloud container that will retry up to
- len(BACKOFF_SECONDS_FOR_5XX) times (not including the initial try). If the initial try fails, a
+ len(BACKOFF_SECONDS_FOR_RETRY) times (not including the initial try). If the initial try fails, a
single incident will be triggered after the operation has succeeded or failed.
+ Subclasses should define:
+ ServiceError:
+ The error class to trap (CloudServiceError or similar).
+ and can override:
+ _react_to_error(self, response_code):
+ Returns True if the error should be retried. May perform side effects before the retry.
+ def _react_to_error(self, response_code):
+ # The default policy is to retry on 5xx errors.
+ return response_code >= 500 and response_code < 600
def _do_request(self, description, operation, *args, **kwargs):
d = defer.maybeDeferred(operation, *args, **kwargs)
def _retry(f):
if first_err_and_tb is None:
first_err_and_tb = (err, tb)
- if trynum > len(BACKOFF_SECONDS_FOR_5XX):
# If we run out of tries, raise the error we got on the first try (which *may* have
# a more useful traceback).
(first_err, first_tb) = first_err_and_tb
raise first_err.__class__, first_err, first_tb
fargs = f.value.args
- if len(fargs) > 0 and int(fargs[0]) >= 500 and int(fargs[0]) < 600:
- # Retry on 5xx errors.
- d = task.deferLater(reactor, BACKOFF_SECONDS_FOR_5XX[trynum-1], operation, *args, **kwargs)
- d.addErrback(self._handle_error, trynum+1, first_err_and_tb, description, operation, *args, **kwargs)
- return d
- # If we get an error response other than a 5xx, raise that error even if it was on a retry.
+ if len(fargs) > 0:
+ retry = self._react_to_error(int(fargs[0]))
+ if retry:
+ d = task.deferLater(reactor, BACKOFF_SECONDS_BEFORE_RETRY[trynum-1], operation, *args, **kwargs)
+ d.addErrback(self._handle_error, trynum+1, first_err_and_tb, description, operation, *args, **kwargs)
+ return d
+ # If we get an error response for which _react_to_error says we should not retry,
+ # raise that error even if the request was itself a retry.
raise err.__class__, err, tb
return getattr(LogEvent, 'LEVELMAP', {}).get(level, str(level))
def _test_cloud_retry(self, name, failure_count, levels):
- self.patch(cloud_common, 'BACKOFF_SECONDS_FOR_5XX', (0, 0.1, 0.2))
+ self.patch(cloud_common, 'BACKOFF_SECONDS_BEFORE_RETRY', (0, 0.1, 0.2))
t = {'count': 0}
old_put_object = MockContainer._put_object