-class GoogleStorageBackend(ShouldFailMixin, unittest.TestCase):
+class GoogleStorageAuthenticationClient(unittest.TestCase):
- Tests for the Google Storage API backend.
+ Tests for the Google Storage API authentication.
All code references in docstrings/comments are to classes/functions in
unless noted otherwise.
- def test_authentication_credentials(self):
+ def test_credentials(self):
AuthenticationClient.get_authorization_header() initializes a
SignedJwtAssertionCredentials with the correct parameters.
self.assertEqual(auth._credentials.service_account_name, "u@example.com")
self.assertEqual(auth._credentials.private_key, "xxx123".encode("base64").strip())
- def test_authentication_initial(self):
+ def test_initial(self):
When AuthenticationClient() is created, it refreshes its access token.
self.assertEqual(auth._credentials.refresh.call_count, 1)
- def test_authentication_expired(self):
+ def test_expired(self):
AuthenticationClient.get_authorization_header() refreshes its
credentials if the access token has expired.
self.assertEqual(auth._credentials.refresh.call_count, 2)
- def test_authentication_no_refresh(self):
+ def test_no_refresh(self):
AuthenticationClient.get_authorization_header() does not refresh its
credentials if the access token has not expired.
self.assertEqual(auth._credentials.refresh.call_count, 1)
- def test_authentication_header(self):
+ def test_header(self):
AuthenticationClient.get_authorization_header() returns a value to be
used for the Authorization header.
self.assertEqual(result, ["Bearer xxx"])
- def test_authentication_one_refresh(self):
+ def test_one_refresh(self):
AuthenticationClient._refresh_if_necessary() only runs one refresh
request at a time.
self.assertEqual(len(results), 0)
- def test_authentication_refresh_call(self):
+ def test_refresh_call(self):
AuthenticationClient._refresh_if_necessary() runs the
authentication refresh in a thread, since it blocks, with a
return auth.get_authorization_header().addCallback(gotResult)
+class GoogleStorageBackend(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Tests for the Google Storage API container.
+ All code references in docstrings/comments are to classes/functions in
+ allmydata.storage.backends.cloud.googlestorage.googlestorage_container
+ unless noted otherwise.
+ """
+ class Response(object):
+ def __init__(self, code, headers):
+ self.code = code
+ self.headers = headers
+ def setUp(self):
+ class FakeAuthenticationClient(object):
+ def get_authorization_header(self):
+ return "Bearer thetoken"
+ self.auth = FakeAuthenticationClient()
+ self.container = googlestorage_container.GoogleStorageContainer(
+ self.auth, "123", "thebucket")
+ def mock_http_request(self):
+ """
+ Override the container's _http_request with a mock whose result is a
+ Deferred which can be fired by the caller.
+ """
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ self.container._http_request = mock.create_autospec(
+ self._container._http_request, return_value=d)
+ return d
+ def test_create(self):
+ """
+ GoogleStorageContainer.create() sends the appropriate HTTP command to
+ create the bucket, and parses the response to match the expected
+ result documented in the IContainer interface.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ test_create.todo = "may not be necessary"
+ def test_delete(self):
+ """
+ GoogleStorageContainer.delete() sends the appropriate HTTP command to
+ delete the bucket, and parses the response to match the expected
+ result documented in the IContainer interface.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ test_delete.todo = "may not be necessary"
+ def test_list_objects(self):
+ """
+ GoogleStorageContainer.list_objects() sends the appropriate HTTP
+ command to list the objects in the bucket, and parses the response to
+ match the expected result documented in the IContainer interface.
+ """
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+<ListBucketResult xmlns='http://doc.storage.googleapis.com/2010-04-03'>
+ <Name>thebucket</Name>
+ <Prefix>xxx xxx</Prefix>
+ <Marker>themark</Marker>
+ <IsTruncated>false</IsTruncated>
+ <Contents>
+ <Key>xxx xxx1</Key>
+ <Generation>1234</Generation>
+ <MetaGeneration>1</MetaGeneration>
+ <LastModified>2013-01-27T01:23:45.678Z</LastModified>
+ <ETag>"abc"</ETag>
+ <Size>123</Size>
+ <StorageClass>STANDARD</StorageClass>
+ <Owner>
+ <ID>something</ID>
+ <DisplayName></DisplayName>
+ </Owner>
+ </Contents>
+ <Contents>
+ <Key>xxx xxx2</Key>
+ <Generation>1234<Generation>
+ <MetaGeneration>1</MetaGeneration>
+ <LastModified>2013-01-28T01:23:45.678Z</LastModified>
+ <ETag>"def"</ETag>
+ <Size>456</Size>
+ <StorageClass>NOTSTANDARD</StorageClass>
+ <Owner>
+ <ID>something</ID>
+ <DisplayName></DisplayName>
+ </Owner>
+ </Contents>
+ <CommonPrefixes>
+ <Prefix>xxx</Prefix>
+ </CommonPrefixes>
+ <CommonPrefixes>
+ <Prefix>xxx xxx</Prefix>
+ </CommonPrefixes>
+ <XXX />
+ <RandomGarbage />
+ http_response = self.mock_successful_http_request()
+ done = []
+ self.container.list_objects(prefix='xxx xxx').addCallback(done.append)
+ self.assertFalse(done)
+ self.container._http_request.assert_called_once_with(
+ "list objects", "GET",
+ "https://storage.googleapis.com/thebucket/?prefix=xxx%20xxx",
+ {"Authorization": ["Bearer thetoken"],
+ "x-goog-api-version": ["2"],
+ },
+ body=None,
+ need_response_body=True)
+ http_response.callback((self.Response(200), LIST_RESPONSE))
+ listing = done[0]
+ self.assertEqual(listing.name, "thebucket")
+ self.assertEqual(listing.prefix, "xxx xxx")
+ self.assertEqual(listing.marker, "themark")
+ self.assertEqual(listing.max_keys, None)
+ self.assertEqual(listing.is_truncated, "false")
+ self.assertEqual(listing.common_prefixes, ["xxx", "xxx xxx"])
+ item1, item2 = listing.contents
+ self.assertEqual(item1.key, "xxx xxx1")
+ self.assertEqual(item1.modification_date, "2013-01-27T01:23:45.678Z")
+ self.assertEqual(item1.etag, '"abc"')
+ self.assertEqual(item1.size, '123')
+ self.assertEqual(item1.storage_class, 'STANDARD')
+ self.assertEqual(item1.owner, None) # meh, who cares
+ self.assertEqual(item2.key, "xxx xxx2")
+ self.assertEqual(item2.modification_date, "2013-01-28T01:23:45.678Z")
+ self.assertEqual(item2.etag, '"def"')
+ self.assertEqual(item2.size, '456')
+ self.assertEqual(item2.storage_class, 'NOTSTANDARD')
+ self.assertEqual(item2.owner, None) # meh, who cares
+ def test_put_object(self):
+ """
+ GoogleStorageContainer.put_object() sends the appropriate HTTP command
+ to upload an object to the bucket, and parses the response to match
+ the expected result documented in the IContainer interface.
+ """
+ http_response = self.mock_successful_http_request()
+ done = []
+ self.container.put_object("theobj", "the body").addCallback(done.append)
+ self.assertFalse(done)
+ self.container._http_request.assert_called_once_with(
+ "PUT object", "PUT",
+ "https://storage.googleapis.com/thebucket/theobj",
+ {"Authorization": ["Bearer thetoken"],
+ "x-goog-api-version": ["2"],
+ "Content-Type": ["application/octet-stream"],
+ },
+ body="the body",
+ need_response_body=False)
+ http_response.callback((self.Response(200), None))
+ self.assertTrue(done)
+ def test_put_object_additional(self):
+ """
+ GoogleStorageContainer.put_object() sends the appropriate HTTP command
+ to upload an object to the bucket with custom content type and
+ metadata, and parses the response to match the expected result
+ documented in the IContainer interface.
+ """
+ http_response = self.mock_successful_http_request()
+ done = []
+ self.container.put_object("theobj", "the body",
+ "text/plain",
+ {"key": "value"}).addCallback(done.append)
+ self.assertFalse(done)
+ self.container._http_request.assert_called_once_with(
+ "PUT object", "PUT",
+ "https://storage.googleapis.com/thebucket/theobj",
+ {"Authorization": ["Bearer thetoken"],
+ "x-goog-api-version": ["2"],
+ "Content-Type": ["text/plain"],
+ "x-goog-meta-key": ["value"], # the metadata
+ },
+ body="the body",
+ need_response_body=False)
+ http_response.callback((self.Response(200), None))
+ self.assertTrue(done)
+ def test_get_object(self):
+ """
+ GoogleStorageContainer.get_object() sends the appropriate HTTP command
+ to get an object from the bucket, and parses the response to match the
+ expected result documented in the IContainer interface.
+ """
+ http_response = self.mock_successful_http_request()
+ done = []
+ self.container.get_object("theobj").addCallback(done.append)
+ self.assertFalse(done)
+ self.container._http_request.assert_called_once_with(
+ "GET object", "GET",
+ "https://storage.googleapis.com/thebucket/theobj",
+ {"Authorization": ["Bearer thetoken"],
+ "x-goog-api-version": ["2"],
+ },
+ body=None,
+ need_response_body=True)
+ http_response.callback((self.Response(200), "the body"))
+ self.assertEqual(done, ["the body"])
+ def test_delete_object(self):
+ """
+ GoogleStorageContainer.delete_object() sends the appropriate HTTP
+ command to delete an object from the bucket, and parses the response
+ to match the expected result documented in the IContainer interface.
+ """
+ http_response = self.mock_successful_http_request()
+ done = []
+ self.container.delete_object("theobj").addCallback(done.append)
+ self.assertFalse(done)
+ self.container._http_request.assert_called_once_with(
+ "DELETE object", "DELETE",
+ "https://storage.googleapis.com/thebucket/theobj",
+ {"Authorization": ["Bearer thetoken"],
+ "x-goog-api-version": ["2"],
+ },
+ body=None,
+ need_response_body=False)
+ http_response.callback((self.Response(200), None))
+ self.assertTrue(done)
+ def test_auth_failed(self):
+ """
+ If an HTTP response code is UNAUTHORIZED, the authentication client
+ will be told to invalidate its credentials before retrying.
+ """
+ def test_head_object(self):
+ """
+ GoogleStorageContainer.head_object() sends the appropriate HTTP
+ command to get an object's metadata from the bucket, and parses the
+ response to match the expected result documented in the IContainer
+ interface.
+ """
class ServerMixin:
def allocate(self, account, storage_index, sharenums, size, canary=None):
# These secrets are not used, but clients still provide them.