def cross_check(pkg_resources_vers_and_locs, imported_vers_and_locs_list):
"""This function returns a list of errors due to any failed cross-checks."""
+ from _auto_deps import not_import_versionable_packages, ignorable_packages
errors = []
not_pkg_resourceable = set(['python', 'platform', __appname__.lower()])
- not_import_versionable = set(['zope.interface', 'mock', 'pyasn1', 'python-gflags'])
- ignorable = set(['argparse', 'pyutil', 'zbase32', 'distribute', 'twisted-web', 'twisted-core', 'twisted-conch', 'six'])
+ not_import_versionable = set(not_import_versionable_packages)
+ ignorable = set(ignorable_packages)
for name, (imp_ver, imp_loc, imp_comment) in imported_vers_and_locs_list:
name = name.lower()
('python-gflags', 'gflags'),
+# Packages we cannot find a version number for by importing.
+not_import_versionable_packages = ('zope.interface', 'mock', 'pyasn1', 'python-gflags')
+# Packages that pkg_resources might report, but we don't care about checking their version.
+ignorable_packages = ('argparse', 'pyutil', 'zbase32', 'distribute', 'twisted-web', 'twisted-core', 'twisted-conch', 'six')
def require_more():
import sys