The caller must perform no more overwrites until the Deferred has fired."""
if noisy: self.log(".read(%r, %r), current_size = %r" % (offset, length, self.current_size), level=NOISY)
+ # Note that the overwrite method is synchronous. When a write request is processed
+ # (e.g. a writeChunk request on the async queue of GeneralSFTPFile), overwrite will
+ # be called and will update self.current_size if necessary before returning. Therefore,
+ # self.current_size will be up-to-date for a subsequent call to this read method, and
+ # so it is correct to do the check for a read past the end-of-file here.
if offset >= self.current_size:
def _eof(): raise EOFError("read past end of file")
return defer.execute(_eof)
self.handler.openFile("small", sftp.FXF_READ | sftp.FXF_WRITE, {}))
def _read_write(rwf):
d2 = rwf.writeChunk(8, "0123")
+ # test immediate read starting after the old end-of-file
+ d2.addCallback(lambda ign: rwf.readChunk(11, 1))
+ d2.addCallback(lambda data: self.failUnlessReallyEqual(data, "3"))
d2.addCallback(lambda ign: rwf.readChunk(0, 100))
d2.addCallback(lambda data: self.failUnlessReallyEqual(data, "012345670123"))
d2.addCallback(lambda ign: rwf.close())